Index to Anti-masonry (original) (raw)

The history of anti-masonry is almost as old as that of Freemasonry itself. Anti-masonic thought can be grouped into two broad catagories: accusations of anti-Christian or satanic objectives, and accusations of political and social manipulation. Anti-masonic thought today generally turns to the many conspiracy theories currently popular in the media. Historically, Freemasonry has ignored such attacks. The following articles contain the facts.

"Public information campaigns that confront myths with facts, or warn people that a given claim is false, necessarily reiterate the information they want to discredit. This strategy is successful as long as people remember what is true and what is false. Unfortunately, memory for these details fades quickly. When the false claims are encountered again on a later occasion, all that is left may be the vague feeling that 'I heard something like this before.' This sense of familiarity, in turn, will foster the acceptance of statements as true. Once a statement is accepted as true, people are likely to attribute it to a credible source — which, ironically, may often be the source that attempted to discredit it — lending the statement additional credibility when conveyed to others." - University of Michigan, Norbert Schwarz et al. "Metacognitive Experiences and the Intricacies of Setting People Straight" (Advances in Experimental Social Psychology. Volume 39, 2007, pp 127-161)

Anti-masonic claims refuted

[[Baphomet]](./baphomet.html#levi) Éliphas Lévi’s Baphomet Abyssus Errorum alt.illuminati FAQ Anti-masonry FAQ Anti-Masonic Society Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand Bibliography BC Catholic bears false witness BC Catholic apologizes BC Catholic publishes retraction Big Book of Conspiracies refuted Abel Claren de la Rive Conspiracy Theory defined Contemporary Masoniphobia Devil Worship in France (1896)The "devil sign" Dispensational Fundamentalism Edith Starr Miller Exposés; an incomplete list Falsifiers of the Talmud The first anti-masonic attack Freemasonry and the occult Freemasonry is not a religion An Hudibrastick Poem Fundamentalism and Freemasonry Gormogons Hamas and Freemasonry Hitler and Freemasonry Illuminati Order of Bavaria Jah-Bul-On Lie of luciferianism The masonic curse? Masonic Zionism The Morgan Affair Myth of the Baphomet Mythology of the Secret Societies Nesta H. Webster Nesta H. Webster’s Secret Societies New England & the Bavarian Illuminati None Dare Call It Conspiracy refuted _Occult Theocrasy_Introduction _Occult Theocrasy_debunked Papal encyclicals Parodies of Freemasonry Pawns in the Game, by William G. Carr Pentagrams and Freemasonry Albert Pike and the Ku Klux Klan Albert Pike and Giusseppe Mazzini Protocols of the Elders of Zion: fraud Responding to the critics John Robison and the Abbé Barruel Serbian postage stamps, 1942 Street plans of Washington DC Léo Taxil: publicly confessed fraud Léo Taxil: his full confession Report of Léo Taxil’s confession Rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem Riding the goat The Struggle Over Freemasonry Texe Marrs, anti-mason Venus and the Pentagram