Convoy HX 127 - (original) (raw)

CONVOY HX 127 Cruising Order & Advance Sailing Telegram

(Will be updated - please compare with A. Hague's listing for this convoy at ships in all HX convoys. See also HX escorts).

Convoy HX 127 Cruising Order Departed Halifax on May 16-1941 and arrived Liverpool on June 2 (Arnold Hague says 56 ships).
Transcribed from A 1 from received from Roger Griffiths (his source: Public Records Office, Kew). Further details have been added with the help of: "The Allied Convoy System" Arnold Hague "Axis Submarine Successes of World War Two", Jürgen Rohwer "The World's Merchant Fleets 1939", R. W. Jordan. "Lloyd's War Losses", Vol I. Br=British, Am=American, Norw=Norwegian, Du=Dutch s=sunk, † = dead MOWT = Ministry of War Transport Crossed out ships did not sail - underlined ships returned to port.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
11 Barrdale wheat - trucks Loch Ewe (Br) 21 Standella gasoline Loch Ewe (Br) 31 Tilsington Court cereal - trucks U.K. (Br) 41 Acavus gas oil Loch Ewe (Br) 51 F. J. Wolfe Adm. fuel Clyde(Br) 61 Aircrest grain Loch Ewe (Br) 71 Regent Lion gasoline Clyde (Br) 81 Trelissick wheat Manchester (Br) 91 Comanchee lube oil Mersey (Br) 101 Lord Byron wheat Barry Roads (Br) 111 British Pride benzine Swansea (Br) 121Temple Yard grain Belfast (Br)
12 Winona County wheat Loch Ewe (Am/MOWT 1941) 22 Ondina lube oil Loch Ewe (Du) 32 Laurelwood Adm. fuel Loch Ewe (Br) 42 Coimbra lube oil Loch Ewe (Br) 52 Petter diesel oil Clyde (Norw) 62Leiv Eiriksson Adm. fuel Clyde (Norw) 72 Mosli fuel oil Clyde (Norw) 82 Wellington Court wheat Liverpool (Br) 92 Brasil gasoline Liverpool (Norw) 102 British Integrity gasoline U.K. (Br) 112Rotterdam gasoline Barry Roads (Du) 122 Harperley sugar Belfast (Br)
13 Harmonic wheat Loch Ewe (Br) 23Braganza scrap iron Loch Ewe (Norw) 33 Empire Flamingo steel - scrap Grangemouth (Br) 43 Leiesten lube oil Loch Ewe (Norw) 53 Empire Shearwater steel - general Glasgow (Br) 63 Boreas steel Clyde (Norw) 73 Ganymedes sugar Clyde (Du) 83 Kheti sugar Liverpool (Br) 93 Stigstad lube oil Liverpool (Norw) 103 Dramatist general Liverpool (Br) 113 Spind lumber Sharpness (Norw) 123 Skiensfjord general Barry Roads (Norw)
14 Nurtureton wheat Loch Ewe (Br) 24 Empire Hartebeeste pig iron Hull (Br) 34 Elmdale flour Loch Ewe (Br) 44Gravelines lumber London s - 11† (Br) 54Stad Vlaardingen pig iron Glasgow (Du) 64 Empire Seal general Glasgow (Br) 74 Dalcroy flour Glasgow (Br) 84 Inverness grain Liverpool (Br) 94 Ittersum grain Liverpool (Du) 104 Teddington grain U.K. (Br) 114 Trefusis wheat U.K. (Br) 124 Norefjord grain U.K. (Norw)
15 25 35 Seapool grain Loch Ewe (Br) 45 55 65 Empire Hawksbill steel scrap Clyde (Br) 75 85 Cristales general Liverpool (Br) 95 105 115 125
See Advance Sailing Telegram below for the names of other ships that cancelled from this convoy.
Bermuda section (BHX 127) Cruising Order joined at 18:00 on May 19
Escorted by HMS Chitral. Commodore for Bermuda section was in Sepia.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
B 11 Sepia Adm. fuel Scapa (Br) B 21 Laristan Adm. fuel Loch Ewe (Br) B 31 Adula benzine Loch Ewe (Br) B 41 Athelqueen molasses Liverpool (Br) B 51 Solfonn fuel oil Scapa (Norw) B 61 Carelia aviation spirits Manchester (Br) B 71 Chr. Th. Boe fuel oil Manchester (Norw) B 81 Ranja diesel oil Manchester (Norw) B 91 Vardefjell fuel oil Manchester (Norw)
B 12 B 22 B 32 British Commodore fuel oil Scapa (Br) B 42 B 52 President de Vogue Adm. fuel Clyde (Norw) B 62 B 72 B 82 B 92
Advance Sailing Telegram Transcribed from several documents received from Tony Cooper - His source: Public Records Office, Kew.
Ship Nationality Cargo Destination Remarks
Halifax section
Harperley British sugar - rum Belfast From HX 126 Listed in HX 128
Dramatist " steel - cotton - 2 Lockheeds - 1 MB Liverpool
British Pride " Tanker W Manchester
Danae II French / MOWT 1940 lumber London To HX 128 - did not sail To HX 129 - did not sail Listed in HX 130
Petter Norwegian Tanker B Clyde
Seapool British grain Hull
Barrdale " wheat - trucks Tyne
Comanchee " Tanker B River Mersey
Dalcroy " flour Glasgow
Empire Flamingo " steel - scrap iron Grangemouth
Empire Seal " general - depth charges - tanks(?) - special Glasgow
Oltenia II Romanian /MOWT 1940 Tanker B Swansea Listed in HX 128
Ondina Dutch Tanker B Hull
Stigstad Norwegian Tanker B River Mersey
Coimbra British Tanker B London (Purfleet)
Empire Hartebeeste " pig iron - steel Hull
Harmonic " grain Leith
Kheti " sugar Greenock
Rajahstan " wheat Hull Listed in SC 32
Temple Yard " grain - 4 Douglas bombers Liverpool Straggled - See Notes
Wellington Court " wheat - 4 bombers Liverpool
Elmdale " flour London
Empire Hawksbill " steel - scrap Immingham
Empire Storm " grain - flour London Listed in HX 128 - sunk
Ganymedes Dutch sugar Hull
Inverness British grain Manchester
James Hawson Norwegian Tanker W Avonmouth To HX 128 - did not sail To HX 129 - did not sail To HX 130 - did not sail Joined HX 131 - returned Sailed in HX 132
Nurtureton British grain London To HX 128 - did not sail Listed in SC 32
Spind Norwegian lumber Sharpness Returned to Halifax/repairs d.g. To HX 129 - did not sail Listed in HX 130
Leiv Eiriksson " Adm. tanker B Clyde From HX 125 Returned to Halifax/repairs steering gear Listed in HX 128
Trelissick British wheat London From HX 126
Boreas Norwegian steel Newport
Stad Vlaardingen Dutch pig iron - shells - explosives Glasgow From HX 123 Straggled - See Notes
Empire Impala British grain Hull From HX 126 Listed in HX 129
Lord Byron " grain Barry Docks From HX 126
Braganza Norwegian scrap iron Grangemouth From HX 126 To HX 128 - did not sail Listed in HX 129
Skiensfjord " general - 5 Hurricanes - ammunition Avonmouth From HX 126
Western Ocean American / MOWT 4/1941 steel - scrap iron Clyde (Renamed Empire Opossum) From HX 126 Listed in SC 32
F. J. Wolfe British Adm. tanker B Clyde From HX 126
Torborg Norwegian Tanker B Ardrossan From HX 126 Listed in HX 128
Acavus British Tanker B London (Purfleet) From HX 126
Mosli Norwegian Adm. tanker B Reykjavik From HX 126
Standella British Tanker W London From HX 126
Regent Lion " Tanker W Clyde From HX 126
Brasil Norwegian Tanker W Avonmouth
Empire Shearwater British pig iron - bombs & shells - special Glasgow
Ittersum Dutch grain London
Aircrest British grain London Commodore Vessel
Laurelwood " Adm. tanker B Scapa
Maplewood " grain Manchester Listed in SC 32
Tilsington Court " cereals - trucks - special London Vice Commodore
Leiesten Norwegian Tanker B London (Purfleet) From HX 125
Gravelines French / MOWT 1940 lumber London Sunk - See Notes
Cristales British general - refrig. - 4(?) Hurricanes Newcastle
British Integrity " Tanker W Manchester
Teddington " grain Glasgow
Rotterdam Dutch Tanker W Avonmouth From HX 125 Straggled - See Notes
Trefusis British wheat Hull Returned to Halifax - See Notes To HX 132 - did not sail Listed in HX 133
Norefjord Norwegian grain Hull From HX 126?
Winona County American / MOWT 1941 wheat Newcastle (Renamed Empire Whale) From HX 126
Joining from Bermuda - Sailed May 14
Adula British Tanker W London (Shellhaven)
Athelqueen " molasses Bromborough
Carelia " Tanker W Manchester
Chr. Th. Boe Norwegian Tanker B Manchester
British Commodore British Adm. tanker B Scapa
Dorcasia " Tanker W Swansea Listed in HX 128
Laristan " Adm. tanker B Loch Ewe
President de Vogue Norwegian Adm. tanker B Scapa
Ranja " Tanker B Manchester
Scottish Heather British Adm. tanker B Scapa Listed in HX 130
Solfonn Norwegian Adm. tanker B Clyde
Vardefjell " Tanker B Manchester
Sepia British Adm. tanker B Londonderry

Commodore was in Aircrest, Vice Commodore was the captain of Tilsington Court.
Commodore to Barry was in Lord Byron.

The convoy had 46 ships upon departure from Halifax, joined by 11 from Bermuda for a total of 57.

Average speed: 8.01 knots.

Trefusis returned to Halifax at 20:00 on May 19, 43 27N 50 00W (condenser defects).

Gravelines, on a voyage from St. John, N.B. for London with 1101 standards of timber, fell out in fog on the night of May 27/28 and was torpedoed by U-147 on May 31-1941. She had a crew of 34 and 2 gunners - 11 died. "Back broken. Afterpart sunk by gunfire. Forepart in tow and arrived Clyde June 3. Forepart beached Kames Bay. C.T.L. Cargo completely discharged by November 1941. In Rothesay Bay Jan. 5, 1942 for breaking up". ("Lloyd's War Losses", Vol I).

Rotterdam also lagged astern on the night of May 27/28, as did Stad Vlaardingen and Temple Yard.

The Commodore's report is handwritten, and the names of escort vessels are difficult to decipher, but it looks like they were:
HMS Ramillies (S.O.), Larkspur, Begonia, Restigouche, Ottawa, Salisbury, Philante, Agazzis, Hambledon, Sutlej, Farndale, Stork, Skate, and St. Kenan. Also, the Commodore mentions a vessel that looks like Eskimo in his notes.

More details on all the Norwegian ships named in this table can be found in the alphabetical ship lists of this website.

Related external links:
The attack on Gravelines

Empire Ships - More information on the Empire ships sailing in this convoy.

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Aa–Al An–Ar As–Av Ba Be Bi–Bl Bo Br–Bu C D
E F G Ha He Hi–Hy I J K
L M N O PQ R Sa–Sc Se–Sj Sk–Sn So
Sp–St Su–Sø Ta–Te Th–Ti To Tr–Tø U V W Ø