Convoy HX 274 - (original) (raw)

CONVOY HX 274 Departed New York on Jan. 6-1944 and arrived Liverpool on the 21st.
Arnold Hague's "The Allied Convoy System" gives 38 ships in this convoy.

Transcribed from several documents received from Roger Griffiths - His source: Public Records Office, Kew. The ships are listed in the order in which they appear on the various documents. Crossed out ships did not sail, underlined ships returned to port. A 1 form is not available and, therefore, the station numbers are not known. For info, some of the ships in this convoy are also listed in the westbound Convoy ON 212. See also Convoy ON 224. Additionally, a few later joined JW 57 to Murmansk on Febr. 20, returning with RA 58 - see this external site.
Ship Nationality Cargo Destination Remarks
Eliza Jane Nicholson American Tanker B Clyde Listed in HX 277 (Jan. 28)
Henry L. Ellsworth " Admiralty tanker B Milford Haven / Devonport
William Moultrie " general Clyde f. o. Sailed in HX 275 (later in Convoy JW 58 to Murmansk, returned with RA 59)
John Langdon " general Clyde f. o.
Marie M. Meloney " general Clyde f. o. Sailed in HX 275
Robert J. Collier " general Clyde f. o.
John Stevenson " general Clyde f. o. Sailed in HX 275
Joshua W. Alexander " general Clyde f. o. Put back to Halifax To HX 275 - did not sail Sailed in HX 276
Henry B. Brown " general Clyde f. o. Sailed in HX 275
George W. Childs " general Clyde f. o. Sailed in HX 275
Josiah Nelson Cushing " general Barry Roads f. o. Sailed in HX 275
Robert Newell " general Barry Roads f. o. Sailed in HX 275
Joseph Stanton " general Milford Haven / Southampton
Hoke Smith " general Immingham
Katrina Luckenbach " general Cardiff From HX 273
Enoch Train " general Milford Haven / Plymouth
Alexander Ramsey " general Liverpool
John Catron " general Newport
John Sedwick " general Manchester
John Hay " general Liverpool
Mexican " general Glasgow
Jedediah S. Smith " general Liverpool Sailed in HX 275
Joshua B. Lippincott " general London Sailed in HX 275
Mercy Warren " general Clyde / London From HX 273
Webb Miller " general Glasgow
Henry Austin " general London
James Rumsey " general Liverpool Sailed in HX 275
John E. Ward " general Hull From HX 273 Sailed in HX 275
Charles D. Poston " general Glasgow Sailed in HX 275
Wilson P. Hunt " general Liverpool Sailed in HX 275
Fridtjof Nansen Norwegian general Mersey f. o. Sailed in HX 275 Ex. Am. Francis Nash see this page
Charles A. Dana American general Barry Roads f. o. Sailed in HX 275
Charles Willson Peale " general Mersey f. o. Sailed in HX 275
Robert Battey " general Mersey f. o. Sailed in HX 275
Edwin L. Godkin " general Mersey f. o. Sailed in HX 275
Dageid Norwegian Tanker B Stanlow From HX 273 Collided with Erinna Jan. 11- see Dageid Put back to St. John's
Fjordaas " Tanker B Swansea To HX 275 - put back (listed in HX 278, Febr. 5)
South America " Tanker W Clyde Listed in SC 152
Kaipaki British refrig. - general Avonmouth Vice Commodore
City of Glasgow " general Liverpool
Port Halifax " refrig. - general Glasgow
Taranaki " refrig. - general Liverpool From HX 273 Commodore Vessel
Daghestan " grain Liverpool
Daphnella " Tanker W Clyde f. o. Sailed in HX 275
Schuylkill " Tanker B Dingle / Heysham
Hopemount " Admiralty tanker B Clyde From HX 273 Listed in HX 277 (Jan. 28)
Erinna Dutch Tanker B Dingle From HX 273 Collided with Dageid - see also Notes (& SC 155) Put back to St. John's
Hawaiian American general Milford Haven / Falmouth
George S. Wasson " general Mersey Put back to Halifax Sailed in HX 275
Joining from Halifax - Sailed Jan. 8
Pacific Enterprise British grain - general - refrig. Liverpool From HX 273
John N. Robins American grain - general London
Cairnvalona British general London
Peter Cartwright American general - mail Avonmouth
Empire MacRae British grain Liverpool
Tetela " general - refrig. - mail Cardiff
Cavina " general - refrig. Liverpool
Empire MacColl " Admiralty tanker B Clyde
Alabaman American general Milford Haven / Southampton
Alcoa Cutter " general Avonmouth
Charles Sumner " general London
Idefjord Norwegian general Glasgow
James Harrod American general - mail Avonmouth
Memphis City " general Cardiff
Riverdale Park British general London
Stephen C. Foster American general Swansea
And Rescue Vessel Perth - see Notes.

Commodore, Captain A. M. Hekking (Royal Netherlands Navy) was in Taranaki, Vice Commodore in Kaipaki.

Arnold Hague's "Convoy Rescue Ships 1940-1945" also lists the Rescue Vessel Perth as joining from Halifax. She was on her 23rd voyage, having started this voyage from Clyde on Dec. 16.-1943 with the westbound Convoy ON 216, to Halifax Jan. 1-1944, then returning with Convoy HX 274 from Halifax on Jan. 8, to Clyde Jan. 21. She picked up 8 Chinese crew from the burning Erinna, + 1 man from a raft? following the collision with the Norwegian Dageid.

Commodore's notes are not available, escorts unknown.

All the Norwegian ships mentioned in this convoy are discussed on this website - use the alphabet index below to find them.

Related external links:
Liberty Ships - The vast majority of the ships listed as American in the table above were Liberty Ships. This website lists them alphabetically.
Empire Ships listed in alphabetical order. The site also has a section listing the Liberty ships.

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Aa–Al An–Ar As–Av Ba Be Bi–Bl Bo Br–Bu C D
E F G Ha He Hi–Hy I J K
L M N O PQ R Sa–Sc Se–Sj Sk–Sn So
Sp–St Su–Sø Ta–Te Th–Ti To Tr–Tø U V W Ø