Convoy HX 316 - (original) (raw)

CONVOY HX 316 Departed New York City on Oct. 25-1944 and arrived Liverpool on Nov. 10.
Arnold Hague's "The Allied Convoy System" gives 39 ships in this convoy.

Transcribed from several documents received from Roger Griffiths - His source: Public Records Office, Kew. The ships are listed in the order in which they appear on the various documents. A 1 form is not available to me and, therefore, I don't know the station numbers of these ships. For info, some of the ships in this convoy can also be found in the westbound Convoy ON 270 on Dec. 3. MOWT = Ministry of War Transport
Ship Nationality Cargo Destination Remarks
Jasper F. Cropsey American (U.S.) general Belfast f. o. From HX 315
Erodona British Tanker W illegible From HX 315
San Veronico " Tanker W London? From HX 315
Rapana " Tanker B Clyde From HX 315
Jerry S. Foley American general Liverpool
Sieur de la Salle " general Hull
Nathan Clifford " general Solent f. o. From HX 315
Mahlon Pitney " general Belfast f. o.
Steel Traveler " general Belfast f. o.
William Paca " general Belfast f. o.
John Mitchell " general Belfast f. o.
Eugene T. Chamberlain " general Belfast f. o.
Michael Anagnos(?) Greek general Solent f. o.
Brimanger Norwegian general Liverpool Vice Commodore
Abraham Lincoln " general Hull Commodore Vessel
Montevideo " general Liverpool Sailed in HX 317
Maaskerk Dutch general Greenock
Desirade French / MOWT 1940 general Avonmouth
Ville de Majunga French general London Put back to St. John's To SC 160 - did not sail Listed in SC 161
Samlea British general Methil f. o.
Arthur St. Clair American general Hull
Charles A. McCue " general Solent f. o.
Samhope British general Methil f. o.
Milan B. Stefanik American general - gasoline in cans Oban Sailed in HX 317
Nuculana British Tanker W Manchester
Drupa " Tanker W Milford Haven f. o. Listed in HX 320
Port Adelaide " refrig. - general Mersey f. o. Sailed in HX 317
Tongariro " refrig. - general London
City of Agra " flour Glasgow
Erinna Dutch Tanker B Stanlow
Stad Vlaardingen " sugar London Sailed in HX 317
G. C. Brøvig Norwegian Tanker B Clyde From HX 315
Skaraas " Tanker B Mersey / Bowling From HX 315
Vivi " Tanker W Belfast / Heysham
Lucien B. Maxwell American general Solent f. o.
Aldebaran French general Solent f. o.
Oscar Chapell American general Belfast f. o. From HX 315
Joining from Halifax - Sailed Oct. 28 (26? 27?)
Asbjørn Danish / Canadian Gov. 1940 grain - general - explosives Liverpool
Empire MacCallum British grain Mersey
Henry Villard American general Southampton / Solent f. o.
Manchester Division British general - mail Manchester
Tactician " general Cardiff From HX 315
Joining from Sydney - Sailed Oct. 29
Rosedale Park British general - explosives Manchester
Delilian " general - mail Glasgow
Dorelian " none given Avonmouth

Additionally, the Rescue Vessel Dewsbury was with this convoy. She was on her 17th voyage as such, having started this voyage from Clyde with the westbound Convoy ON 258 on Oct. 7-1944, to Halifax Oct. 22 - returning with HX 316 from Halifax on Oct. 27, to Clyde Nov. 9 ("Convoy Rescue Ships", Arnold Hague).

Commodore, Rear Admiral O. H. Dawson was in the Norwegian Abraham Lincoln, Vice Commodore was A. G. Maundrell, R.I.N. in the Norwegian Brimanger. Commodore's notes are not available.

Related external link:
Liberty Ships - Just about all the ships listed as American in the table above were Liberty ships. This website lists them alphabetically.

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Aa–Al An–Ar As–Av Ba Be Bi–Bl Bo Br–Bu C D
E F G Ha He Hi–Hy I J K
L M N O PQ R Sa–Sc Se–Sj Sk–Sn So
Sp–St Su–Sø Ta–Te Th–Ti To Tr–Tø U V W Ø