Convoy HX 84 - (original) (raw)

CONVOY HX 84 (Will be updated - please compare with A. Hague's listing for this convoy at ships in all HX convoys. See also HX escorts).

See also San Demetrio's Report

Convoy HX 84 Cruising Order Departed Halifax on Oct. 28-1940, dispersed Nov. 5 (Arnold Hague agrees with 38 ships).
Received, with thanks, from Roger Griffiths (his source: Public Records Office, Kew). Further details have been added with the help of: "The Allied Convoy System", Arnold Hague"The World's Merchant Fleets 1939". R. W. Jordan. Br=British, Norw=Norwegian, Sw=Swedish, Bel=Belgian, Pol=Polish, Fr=French, Gr=Greek s=sunk, †= dead, surv=survivors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
11 Erodona benzine London (Br) 21 Andalusian general Oban (Br) 31 Hjalmar Wessel lumber Gt. Yarmouth (Norw) 41 Rangitiki refrig. - wood Barry Roads (Br) 51 Cornish City steel - general Liverpool (Br) 61 Empire Penguin steel - general Glasgow (Br) 71 Trewellard steel - general ev. Liverpool s - 1625 surv (Br) 81 Morska Wola general Manchester (Pol) 91 James J. Maguire gas - kerosene Avonmouth (Br)
12 Emile Francqui general London (Bel) 22 Persier steel Hull (Bel) 32 Cetus pit props Hull (Norw) 42 Stureholm steel & scrap iron Oban (Sw) 52 Vingaland steel - general Glasgow (Sw) 62 Delphinula gasoline Manchester (Br) 72 Sovaclub. oil Mersey (Br) 82 San Demetrio* gasoline Avonmouth (Br) 92 Maidan general - trucks & MT Liverpool s - 910 surv (Br)
13Danae II Oban (Fr/Br 1940) 23 Fresno City maize Oban s - 1 † (Br) 33 Castilian Hull (Br) 43 Briarwood Oban (Br) 53 Athelempress Clyde (Br) 63 Kenbane Head general Belfast s - 2322 surv (Br) 73 Beaverford general Liverpool s - 770 surv (Br) 83 Cordelia** Clyde (Br) 93 Atheltemplar Clyde(Br)
14 24 Lancaster Castle Tyne (Br) 34 Dan-y-Bryn Oban (Br) 44 Trefusis Oban (Br) 54 Puck Barrow (Pol) 64 Saint Gobain Liverpool(Sw/ Fr operators) 74 Anna Bulgari Ellesmere (Gr) 84 Varøy Milford Haven (Norw) 94
15 25 Delhi Oban(Sw) 35Oilreliance Oban (Br) 45 Pacific Enterprise Liverpool (Br) 55 65 75 Solfonn Clyde (Norw) 85 95
* San Demetrio was shelled, abandoned by crew, but later reboarded - read her amazing story on Page 2. ** Cordelia is also listed in HX 89 on Nov. 17.

Commodore H. B. Maltby was in Cornish City, Vice Commodore J. Barrett was in Rangitiki.

The convoy was attacked by Admiral Scheer (Krancke) on Nov. 5. Please see the external links below for further details on what happened.

Morska Wola was unable to maintain convoy speed.

Commodore's comments on station keeping and W/T signalling:
Station keeping "very good". W/T signalling "above average".
Wireless report: "Satisfactory except for Greek Anna Bulgari (spelt Hannah Bulgaris on the form) which was constantly warned because of oscillations from her receiver. Finally told to cease W/T watch".

Escort from Halifax: Canadian destroyers Columbia and St. Francis.
Ocean Escort: HMS Jervis Bay from Halifax until 17:10 Nov. 5 (sunk - ref. links below for more info).
Local Escort: HMS Hesperus and 3 corvettes.

Continue to San Demetrio's Report

More details on all the Norwegian ships named in this table can be found in the alphabetical ship lists of this website.

Related external links:
HMS Jervis Bay - Covers the sinking of this vessel, and includes a casualty list, as well as a report from Stureholm, which rescued Jervis Bay's survivors. (Stureholm was herself sunk with all hands not long afterwards while in Convoy HX 92)
More on Admiral Scheer - on the Jervis Bay website.
Ships in Convoy HX 84 - 37 ships are listed in 9 columns (some of the names are spelt incorrectly).

Caithness Archives, HX 84 - Again, note that most of the names are spelt incorrectly - also, this site claims that Vingaland was sunk in Admiral Scheer's attack, but this ship was sunk by German aircraft on Nov. 8. Casualty list for Jervis Bay

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Aa–Al An–Ar As–Av Ba Be Bi–Bl Bo Br–Bu C D
E F G Ha He Hi–Hy I J K
L M N O PQ R Sa–Sc Se–Sj Sk–Sn So
Sp–St Su–Sø Ta–Te Th–Ti To Tr–Tø U V W Ø