Convoy SC 140 - (original) (raw)

CONVOY SC 140 Advance Sailing Telegram and Cruising Order (Will be updated - please compare with A. Hague's listing for this convoy at ships in all SC convoys. See also SC escorts).

Departed Halifax on Aug. 21-1943 and arrived Liverpool on Sept. 5.
(Arnold Hague gives 73 ships).

Advance Sailing Telegram Transcribed from several documents received from Tony Cooper, England (his source: Public Records Office, Kew). (See also westbound convoys ONS 11 and ON 202 / ONS 18). Crossed out ships did not sail, underlined returned to port. MOWT = Ministry of War Transport.
Ship Nationality Cargo Destination Remarks
Norvarg Norwegian general Liverpool Ex. Empire Elk See this page
Bangkok II Danish / MOWT 1942 general Liverpool
Rena Norwegian steel - pulp Manchester From SC 139
Sainte Maxime French sugar- general Clyde f. o. From SC 139 Returned to port (Sydney, C.B.) Listed in SSC 141 (Sydney section of SC 141)
Csikos Panamanian grain Tyne From SC 139
Empire Macalpine British (M.A.C.) grain Liverpool
Acasta Norwegian Tanker B Invergordon
El Ciervo British Tanker B Scapa
Kirsten Mærsk Danish / MOWT 1940 lumber London From SC 139
Cetus Norwegian pulp Grimsby
Belgian Trader Belgian steel - lumber London
Imperial Transport British Tanker B Clyde From SC 139
Bayou Chico American general Liverpool
American Press " general Hull
Eemland Dutch general Hull From HX 251
Blenheim American general Liverpool
Robin Gray " general London
Parkhaven Dutch steel - lumber Belfast Dock
Illinoian American general Swansea From SC 139
Baron Stranraer British sugar Clyde
Empire Pibroch " refrig. - general Liverpool From HX 251
Hiram Norwegian general Loch Ewe for Iceland
Nashaba American general Liverpool
West Honaker " general Avonmouth
Hollywood " general Swansea
Armathia Greek steel - lumber Swansea
Christine Marie British grain - general London
Bonita Panamanian general London
Isobel " pulp London
Inger Toft Danish / MOWT 1940 lumber Grimsby Put back to Sydney, C.B. Listed in SSC 141
Antietam American Tanker B Clyde / Scapa
Astrid Norwegian lumber West Hartlepool
Beaconoil Panamanian Tanker B Clyde
Boston City British general Bristol
Belgian Seaman Belgian steel - lumber Hull
Domby British steel - lumber Immingham
Empire Magpie " general London
Gylfe Norwegian Tanker B Grangemouth
Gulf of Mexico American Tanker B Avonmouth
Innesmoor British steel - lumber Hull / Immingham
Losada " tin - nitrate - cotton - hemp Liverpool
Lobos " tin - cotton - hemp - silk Liverpool
Manchester Spinner " general - grain - steel Manchester
Odysseus Greek grain - trucks Hull Listed in SC 141
Prins Willem van Oranje Dutch general Greenock
Sheaf Holme British steel - lumber Leith Dock
Southgate " grain Belfast Dock
Tamaha " Tanker B London (Isle of Grain)
Thistleford " steel - lumber Liverpool Listed in SC 141
William Penn American Tanker W Stanlow Listed in SC 141
Winston Salem " general Mersey f. o. Listed in SC 141
Westmoor British grain - flour Hull
Chester O. Swain American Tanker B Clyde / London (Thameshaven) From HX 253
Alabaman " general - gasoline Swansea From HX 253
Joining from Sydney C.B. (SSC 140) (sailed Aug. 22)
Umberleigh British steel - newsprint Glasgow From SSC 139
Olga E. Embiricou Greek steel - lumber Barry Dock
Themisto Dutch steel - lumber Hull
Oakworth British steel - lumber Glasgow
Cantal French / MOWT 1941 flour Bristol
Tilsington Court British grain - trucks Hull
Barrington Court " steel - lumber Cardiff
Ashmun J. Clough " steel - lumber Hull (See also this forum posting)
Josiah P. Cressey " steel - lumber Garston
Tully Crosby " steel - lumber Belfast Dock / Garston
Calvin Coggin " steel - lumber Dundee
Iron Baron Norwegian steel - lumber Tyne
Amstel Dutch lumber London
Dinara Yugoslavian steel - pulp London
Empire Tristram Britsih grain - trucks Newcastle Listed in HX 253
Fort Souris " grain - trucks Manchester Listed in HX 253
Kafiristan " flour - aluminium London Listed in HX 253
Tweedsmuir Park " general Liverpool Listed in HX 253
Coulmore " steel - lumber London Listed in SSC 141
Empire Cameron " steel - lumber Tyne Dock
Essex Lance " grain - flour - trucks Avonmouth
Langleetarn " grain - trucks Avonmouth
Radport " grain - trucks Manchester Listed in SSC 141
Stamos Greek grain - trucks Avonmouth
Thraki " grain - trucks Liverpool
Norton British grain - trucks - flour Hull
Richard Bearse " lumber Garston Listed in SSC 141 (See also forum posting above)
Joining from N.F. (WSC 140) (sailed Aug. 22)
Hartlepool British steel - lumber Glasgow From SSC 139
Exford American steel Cardiff From SC 139
Kelbergen Dutch wood pulp Ellesmere Port
Boreas Norwegian zinc concentrates Swansea
King Neptune British pit props West Hartlepool From WSC 139
Convoy SC 140 Cruising Order
Form received from Ted Agar, England - His source: A diary. Halifax ships only are shown here (cancelled ships are not included). I find it strange that the 5th and 6th rows are empty, while there's one single ship listed in the 7th row. Of course, some of the Sydney and/or Newfoundland ships may have taken up the empty stations when they joined. (Also, this is the first time I've ever seen a convoy with as many as 16 columns).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
11 Belgian Trader 21 Baron Stranraer 31 Southgate 41 Empire Magpie 51 61 Westmoor 71 Prins Willem van Oranje 81 Innesmoor 91 Sheaf Holme 101 Manchester Spinner 111 Losada 121 Empire Pibroch 131 Lobos 141 Belgian Seaman 151 Boston City 161 Hollywood
12 Inger Toft 22 Christine Marie 32 Eemland 42 Bonita 52 Imperial Transport 62 Acasta 72 El Ciervo 82 92 Gulf of Mexico 102 Chester O. Swain 112 Gylfe 122 Bayou Chico 132 Blenheim 142 Alabaman 152 Robin Gray 162 Armathia
13 Ingertre * (Norw) 23 Hiram 33 Isobel 43 Csikos 53 Tamaha 63 Beaconoil 73 Sainte Maxime 83 Empire Macalpine 93 West Honaker 103 Antietam 113 American Press 123 133 Illinoian 143 Nashaba 153 Astrid 163 Parkhaven
14 24 34 44 54 Kirsten Mærsk 64 Cetus 74 Norvarg 84 94 Bangkok II 104 Rena 114 124 134 144 154 164
15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125 135 145 155 165
16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96 106 116 126 136 146 156 166
17 27 37 47 57 Domby 67 77 87 97 107 117 127 137 147 157 167
* Ingertre may have gone out for other reasons than to join this convoy - she's not included in the Advance Sailing Telegram. She is, however, listed in the next convoy, SC 141.

Commodore was in Sheaf Holme, Vice Commodore in Empire Magpie.

(All the Norwegian ships mentioned in this convoy are discussed on this website - see alphabet index below).

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To the next SC convoy in my list SC 141

Aa–Al An–Ar As–Av Ba Be Bi–Bl Bo Br–Bu C D
E F G Ha He Hi–Hy I J K
L M N O PQ R Sa–Sc Se–Sj Sk–Sn So
Sp–St Su–Sø Ta–Te Th–Ti To Tr–Tø U V W Ø