D/S Nandi - Norwegian Merchant Fleet 1939-1945 (original) (raw)

D/S Nandi Updated July 11-2010

To Nandi on the "Ships starting with N" page.

Owner: Scott-Hansens Rederi A/S
Manager: Øyvind Scott-Hansen, Oslo until 1940
Tonnage: 1999 gt, 1168 net

Built by Arsenal de la Marine, Lorient, France in 1920. Previous names: Député Josselin de Rohan until 1936, Alga 1937, Alba until 1937. According to a posting to this Forum thread (go to George Robinson's response), she was sold by Scott-Hansen in 1940 to A/S Thv. Halvorsen, Bergen.

Some crew members mentioned in the above Forum thread:
Karsten Anker Thon from Dec.-1943 until Aug.-1944 - here's a forum posting from his son.
Les Pollard (Galley Boy) - previously of Hada County, later Nortind - see also this forum posting.
There's also a posting from the son of Scott-Hansen, which mentions she went aground off Nova Scotia in 1938 or 1939. He adds: "Apparently for insurance reasons, no payment was made until one year after grounding, but my father said it came off the rocks just before one year was over. The ship was then sold (and repaired) before the war hit Norway. The name Nandi was a composite of Nanne Dickson, who was my father's aunt and who financed the purchase of the ship".

Her voyages are listed on these original images from the Norwegian National Archives:
Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | Page 5 | Page 6 | Page 7 | Page 8 | Page 9 | Page 10

Please compare the above voyages with Arnold Hague's Voyage Record below.

Partial Voyage Record
From Nov.-1941 to Apr.-1944(?):

(Received from Don Kindell - His source: The late Arnold Hague's database).

Follow the convoy links provided for more information on each.

Errors may exist, and this record is incomplete.

Departure From To Arrival Convoy Remarks
1941 Nov. 2 Reykjavik ON 31 Joined from Iceland Nov. 4. Dispersed Nov. 15. Page 1 gives arrival Sydney, C.B., Nov. 18 (also, missing voyages).
1942 Jan. 17 Halifax Liverpool* Febr. 4* SC 65 See also narrative below
*Convoy SC 65 did arrive Liverpool on Febr. 4, but it looks like Nandi stopped at Oban.
Febr. 2 Oban Methil Febr. 5 WN 240 Convoy available at WN convoys (external link) Missing 1942 voyages: Page 1, Page 2 & Page 3
1943 Jan. 20 Methil Loch Ewe Jan. 22 EN 187 Convoy available at EN convoys (external link)
Jan. 25 Loch Ewe Reykjavik Jan. 30 UR 60 Convoy available at UR convoys (external link)
Febr. 9 Reykjavik Reykjavik Febr. 10 RU 61 Returned. Convoy available at RU convoys (external link)
Febr. 18 Reykjavik Loch Ewe Febr. 23 RU 62 Convoy available at link above
Febr. 24 Loch Ewe Methil Febr. 26 WN 398 Convoy available at WN convoys (external link) Missing movements, Page 3
March 16 Methil Loch Ewe March 18 EN 205 Convoy available at EN convoys (external link)
March 24 Loch Ewe Reykjavik March 28 UR 68 Convoy available at UR convoys (external link)
Apr. 7 Reykjavik Loch Ewe Apr. 10 RU 69 Convoy available at RU convoys (external link) Missing voyages, Page 3
May 1 Loch Ewe Reykjavik May 6 UR 73 Convoy available at UR convoys (external link) Missing movements, Page 3.
June 1 Reykjavik Liverpool June 7 RU 76 Missing movements: Page 3 & Page 4
Sept. 3 Methil Oban(?) Sept. 5 EN 276 Convoy available at EN convoys (external link) Subsequent 1943 voyages: Page 4.
1944 *?Apr. 22 Augusta Taranto Escorted Earlier 1944 voyages: Page 4 & Page 5

*This entry does not fit in with Nandi's voyages for this period, as can be seen when going to Page 5 of the archive documents.

According to this thread on my Ship Forum, Nandi ran aground in thick fog early in the morning of Aug. 5-1940, south of Höganäs, when on a voyage Germany-Horten with a cargo of approx. 3000 tons of coaldust. Salvaged by Rödabolaget, aided by Switzer (see this posting).

Nandi was under German control, but was recaptured at Svalbard on Aug. 5-1941 and sent to Reykjavik, Aug. 26. My page about D/S Dagny I has the details.

She's listed in the westbound North Atlantic Convoy ON 31 in Nov.-1941, joining from Iceland on Nov. 4 - From Page 1, we learn that she arrived Sydney, C.B. on Nov. 18, proceeding to St. John, N.B. that same day, remaining there for several weeks, before heading to Halifax on Jan. 7-1942, joining the slow Convoy SC 65 from there on Jan. 17. She had a cargo of pulp wood for Grimsby, where she arrived, via various other ports, on Febr. 9 (she had been cancelled from the previous convoy, SC 64, which sailed from Sydney, C.B. on Jan. 9).

The rest of her 1942 voyages are shown on Page 1, Page 2 and Page 3, the latter document also showing some of her 1943 movements - convoy info for some of them can be found in the Voyage Record above.

Skipping now to June-1943, when we find her in Convoy RU 76 from Reykjavik to the U.K., together with Erica, Heien and Lyra. She arrived Liverpool on June 7, subsequently remaining there for a long time (Page 3 gives departure as Aug. 14, when she proceeded to London). It'll be noticed, on the various archive documents, that she made several voyages to and from Iceland.

As will be seen when going to Page 9, she got to go home to Norway in Nov.-1945, making another voyage home shortly before Christmas that year, and again at the beginning of 1946. See also Page 10.

Taken from George Robinson's response in this Forum thread.

1951 Royal, A.I. Thommesen, Arendal
1957 Lulu, Panama flag
1959 Malaya, Panama flag
Sank 6/10/1959 pos. 23.14N 117.31E after cargo of scrap shifted, Hong Kong for Kobe.

Back to Nandi on the "Ships starting with N" page.

The text on this page was compiled with the help of: "Nortraships flåte", J. R. Hegland, "The World's Merchant Fleets 1939", R. W. Jordan, and misc.

Aa–Al An–Ar As–Av Ba Be Bi–Bl Bo Br–Bu C D
E F G Ha He Hi–Hy I J K
L M N O PQ R Sa–Sc Se–Sj Sk–Sn So
Sp–St Su–Sø Ta–Te Th–Ti To Tr–Tø U V W Ø