M/T Norvik - Norwegian Merchant Fleet 1939-1945 (original) (raw)

M/T Norvik Panamanian flag

Updated Aug. 10-2010

To Norvik on the "Ships starting with N" page.

Received from (and painted by) Jan Goedhart, Holland.

Manager: Johan Rasmussen & Co., Sandefjord
Tonnage: 9555 gt

Built in 1938 by Deutsche Werft AG, Betrieb Finkenwärder, Hamburg. Owned by Tanker Corp., Panama, a subsidiary of Viking Tanker Co. Ltd., London, associated with Johan Rasmussen & Co.

� Voyage Record
From Dec.-1940 to Jan.-1943: �

(Received from Don Kindell - His source: The late Arnold Hague's database).

Follow the convoy links provided for more information on each.

Errors may exist, and as can be seen, there are several gaps in her voyages. Unfortunately, since this was a Panamanian ship (and not included in Nortraship's register), records from the National Archives of Norway are not available for comparison with A. Hague's entries and, therefore, accuracy cannot be confirmed.

Departure From To Arrival Convoy Remarks
1940 Dec. 22 Freetown Liverpool Jan. 13-1941 SL 60 Convoy available at SL 60 (external link)
1941 Febr. 26 Milford Haven OB 291 For Philadelphia. Dispersed March 3. Convoy available at OB 291 (external link)
Sept. 10 Halifax HX 149
Sept. 24 From HX 149 Swansea Sept. 26 BB 80 Convoy available at BB convoys (external link)
Oct. 7 Milford Haven ON 24 For Curacao. Dispersed 58N 28W, Oct. 15. Convoy will be added. See ships in ON convoys
See also HX 159 and narrative below.
Nov. 25 Belfast Lough Swansea Nov. 26 BB 104 Convoy available at BB convoys(external link)
Dec. 6 Milford Haven ON 44 For Curacao. Dispersed Dec. 15.Convoy will be added. See ships in ON convoys
1942 Jan. 26 Halifax Liverpool* Febr. 7 HX 172 *Should probably be Belfast Lough
Febr. 9 Belfast Lough Swansea Febr. 11 BB 135 Convoy available at BB convoys(external link)
Febr. 26 Liverpool ON 71 For Aruba. Dispersed March 8.Convoy will be added. See ships in ON convoys
May 3 Halifax Liverpool May 15 HX 188
May 22 Liverpool Halifax* June 5 ON 97 For Houston.Convoy will be added. See link above.
*Convoy ON 97 did arrive Halifax on June 5, but I'm not sure that Norvik would have stopped there(?)
June 13 Hampton Roads Key West June 18 KS 510 Convoy available at KS convoys (external link)
June 30 Key West Hampton Roads July 4 KN 115 Convoy available at KN convoys (external link)
There's a ship listed as the Norwegian Narvik in Convoy BX 28B, which originated in Boston on July 10-1942 and arrived Halifax July 12 (external link) - this should probably be Norvik (Narvik had not been delivered yet).
July 12 Halifax Liverpool* July 23 HX 198 *Should probably be Loch Ewe
July 23 Loch Ewe Scapa Flow July 24 WN 313 Convoy available at WN convoys (external link)
July 25 Liverpool(?) ON 116 For Trinidad. Dispersed off Boston, Aug. 12. Convoy will be added. See ships in ON convoys
If Norvik joined Convoy HA 4 at its point of origin, namely Halifax, it would mean she had stopped there from ON 116(?)
Aug. 19 Halifax Trinidad* Aug. 28 HA 4 For Trinidad. *Should probably be Curacao. Convoy available at HA convoys (external link)
Aug. 29 Curacao Trinidad Aug. 31 WAT 16 Curacao to Trinidad. Convoy available at WAT convoys (external link)
Oct. 9 Freetown Takoradi Oct. 14 ST 38 Convoy available at ST convoys (external link)
Dec. 6 Freetown Trinidad Dec. 19 FTT 4 Convoy available at FTT 4 (external link)
Dec. 28 Trinidad TM 1 Sunk - See "Final Fate below. See also TMF 1 (external link)

For information on voyages made in between those mentioned here, please see Hague's Voyage Record above. Follow the convoy links provided for further details; several Norwegian ships took part.

Norvik is listed in Convoy SL 60 from Freetown in Dec.-1940, bound for Swansea Bay with crude oil. This convoy left Freetown on Dec. 22 and arrived Liverpool Jan. 13-1941. She's also listed, with destination Philadelphia, in Convoy OB 291, which originated in Liverpool on Febr. 27-1941 and dispersed March 3. This convoy also had some Norwegian ships, namely Caledonia, Grena, Hardanger, Hilda Knudsen, Laurits Swenson, Skaraas and Storaas. Follow the links provided in the Voyage Record for more information on these convoys.

In Sept.-1941 she was in Convoy HX 149 from Halifax to the U.K., along with the Norwegian Aristophanes, Brasil, Daghild, Thorsholm, Innerøy, Thorshov, Somerville, Glittre, Lise, Harpefjell, Brant County, Kollbjørg and others. The following month she's listed as bound for Curacao in the westbound North Atlantic Convoy ON 24*, which originated in Liverpool on Oct. 8 and dispersed on the 15th, and included the Norwegian Abraham Lincoln, Aristophanes, Brasil, Glittre, Grey County, Herbrand, Idefjord, Innerøy, Petter, Solfonn, Thorshavet, Thorshov and Topdalsfjord. Norvik's arrival Curacao is not known. In Nov.-1941, we find her named among the ships in Convoy HX 159, but please note that I can't be 100% sure this listing is correct. A. Hague has not included her in this convoy, but on the other hand it does match up with the fact that he has listed her in a BB convoy from Belfast Lough to Swansea around the time HX 159 arrived the U.K., so it's possibly she had stopped at Belfast Lough on her way from Halifax. With Anna Knudsen, Belinda, Garonne, Montevideo and Toledo, she later joined the westbound Convoy ON 44*, which started out in Liverpool on Dec. 7 and dispersed Dec. 15. Montbretia and Rose are named among the escorts (see ON convoy escorts). Her destination is again given as Curacao, but again, her arrival there is not known.

In Jan.-1942 she can be found in Convoy HX 172 from Halifax, later joining Convoy ON 71*, departing Liverpool on Febr. 26, dispersed March 8. Athos, Fagerfjell, Fjordaas, Gallia, Garonne, Høegh Giant, John Bakke, Malmanger, Skaraas, Solfonn and Velma are also listed. This time Norvik's destination is given as Aruba. She headed back to the U.K. again early in May in Convoy HX 188, subsequently joining the westbound Convoy ON 97*, along with B.P. Newton, Brant County, Brimanger, Cetus, Gallia, Norfjell and Nortind. ON 97 left Liverpool on May 22 and arrived Halifax June 5; Norvik, however, was bound for Houston on that occasion. In July that year A. Hague has included her in Convoy HX 198 from Halifax, and with Bollsta, Bur, Cetus, Ledaal, Snar and Vanja, she now joined the westbound Convoy ON 116*, departing Liverpool on July 25, dispersed on Aug. 12; Norvik's destination was Trinidad where she, according to A. Hague, arrived (via Curacao) on Aug. 31.

* The ON convoys will be added to individual pages in my Convoys section in due course, along with further details on each. In the meantime, the ships sailing in them (and escorts) are named in the section listing ships in all ON convoys.

For more details on the Norwegian ships mentioned here, please see the alphabet index below, or go to the Master Ship Index.

Norvik was torpedoed on Jan. 9-1943 by U-522* (Schneider), and sunk 28 08N 28 20W, 2 died, 43 survived; crew list is not available.

At the time, she was in Convoy TM 1, which had left Trinidad on Dec. 28 and had Gibraltar as its final destination, but only 2 ships made it that far on Jan. 14. For more information, please follow the link to Convoy TM 1 - see also my accounts for M/T Minister Wedel, M/T Albert L. Ellsworth and M/T Vanja, as well as the 2nd external link below.

* "Nortraships flåte" gives U-575 (Heydemann) as the attacker of Minister Wedel and Norvik. J. Rohwer says: "U-522 reported three hits, which were also observed by U-575. It is probable that two hit Minister Wedel, which started to burn fiercely, and the other the Norvik. HMS Havelock unsuccessfully tried to sink both ships by gunfire. The two vessels were sunk the next day by torpedoes from U-522" - (same position). He also gives the tonnage 10 034 gt for Norvik, as does "Lloyd's War Losses, Vol. I" and Charles Hocking, who adds she was on a voyage Trinidad-Gibraltar with 13000 tons of fuel oil. He gives the position as about 500 miles west of Teneriffe.

Related external links:
Stavern Memorial commemoration - Pumpman Jan Jens Johansen is commemorated.

TM-1, 3-12 Jan 1943U-522 | Herbert Schneider

Ships in Convoy TM 1

Back to Norvik on the "Ships starting with N" page.

The text on this page was compiled with the help of: Misc. sources, including J. W. Jordan's "The World's Merchant Fleets 1939" and those mentioned within my text above (ref. My sources).

Aa–Al An–Ar As–Av Ba Be Bi–Bl Bo Br–Bu C D
E F G Ha He Hi–Hy I J K
L M N O PQ R Sa–Sc Se–Sj Sk–Sn So
Sp–St Su–Sø Ta–Te Th–Ti To Tr–Tø U V W Ø