Allendeite Mineral Data (original) (raw)
General Allendeite Information
Molecular Weight = 648.47 gm
Calcium 1.92 % Ca 2.68 % CaO
Yttrium 0.55 % Y 0.70 % Y2O3
Hafnium 1.10 % Hf 1.30 % HfO2
Zirconium 41.50 % Zr 56.06 % ZrO2
Scandium 20.87 % Sc 32.01 % Sc2O3
Titanium 3.25 % Ti 5.42 % TiO2
Aluminum 0.37 % Al 0.71 % Al2O3
Vanadium 0.24 % V 0.35 % V2O3
Iron 0.60 % Fe 0.78 % FeO
Oxygen 29.61 % O
______ ______
100.00 % 99.99 % = TOTAL OXIDE
The mineral occurs in a partially altered refractory inclusion in section USNM 7554. Probable pre-solar refractory mineral. New structure type.
Approved IMA 2007 (Dana # Added)
Allende meteorite, Pueblito de Allende, Chihuahua, Mexico. Link to Location Data.
Named for the locality.
Allendeite Image
Allendeite Hexamolybdenum Comments: BSE image of the refractory inclusion in the Allendeite meteorite containing allendeite (BSE bright phase) and hexamolybdenum (BSE bright phase). Location: Allende meteorite, Pueblito de Allende, Chihuahua, Mexico..Scale: See Image. © Lunar and Planetary Science Instutute |
Allendeite Crystallography
a:c = 1:0.92805
a = 9.396, c = 8.72, Z = 3; V = 666.70 Den(Calc)= 4.85
Trigonal - RhombohedralH-M Symbol ( 3) Space Group: R 3
By Intensity(I/Io): 2.9(1), 4.698(0.5), 1.152(0.4),1.45(0.4), 1.776(0.32), 1.779(0.27), 1.515(0.19), 2.513(0.18),
Physical Properties of Allendeite
Inclusions - Generally found as inclusions in other minerals.
Microscopic Crystals - Crystals visible only with microscopes.
Optical Properties of Allendeite
NCalc= 2.14 - from Gladstone-Dale relationship (KC = 0.234) where Ncalc=Dcalc*KC+1
Calculated Properties of Allendeite
Bulk Density (Electron Density)=4.51 gm/cc
note: Specific Gravity of Allendeite =4.85 gm/cc.
Fermion Index = 0.05
Boson Index = 0.95
PEAllendeite = 73.83 barns/electron
U=PEAllendeite x rElectron Density= 332.65 barns/cc.
GRapi = 0 (Gamma Ray American Petroleum Institute Units)
Allendeite is Not Radioactive
Allendeite Classification (07)Multiple Oxides
(07.11)as titano-oxides with [4] and [6] substitutions
(07.11.11)Dana Group Mongshanite* (Mg,Cr,Fe)2(Ti,Zr)5O12 Unk Hex Allendeite! Sc4Zr3O12 R 3 3
04.XX.00 04 - OXIDES (Hydroxides, V[5,6] vanadates, arsenites, antimonites, bismuthites, sulfites, selenites, tellurites, iodate
04.X - Unclassified Strunz OXIDES (Hydroxides, V[5,6] vanadates, arsenites, antimonites, bismuthites, sulfites, selenites, telluri
04.XX -Unknown
04.XX.00 Ashanite? (Nb,Ta,U,Fe,Mn)4O8 Pcan 2/m 2/m 2/m
04.XX.00 [Methane hydrate-I](../data/Methane hydrate-I.shtml)! 46(H2O)•2(S)•6(L) P m3n 4/m 3 2/m
04.XX.00 Clinobirnessite* Na4Mn14O27•9(H2O) Mono
04.XX.00 Chubutite* Pb7O6Cl2 Unk Ortho
04.XX.00 Kleberite* FeTi6O13•4(H2O)(?) P 63mcm ? 6mm
04.XX.00 Hongquiite* TiO F m3m 4/m 3 2/m
04.XX.00 Psilomelane? (Ba,H2O)2Mn5O10 A2/m 2/m
04.XX.00 Struverite? (Ti,Ta,Fe)O2 P 4/mnm 4/m 2/m 2/m
04.XX.00 Ungursaite* NaCa5(Ta,Nb)24O65(OH) P 63/m,P 63 Hex
04.XX.00 Uhligite? Ca3(Ti,Al,Zr)9O20 Unk Cubic
04.XX.00 Scheteligite? (Ca,Y,Sb,Mn)2(Ti,Ta,Nb,W)2O6(O,OH) Unk Ortho
04.XX.00 Allendeite! Sc4Zr3O12 R 3 3
04.XX.00 IMA2000-016! (Ti,Fe,Mg,Mn)1-xTi2O5 Pban 2/m 2/m 2/m
04.XX.00 [Methane hydrate-II](../data/Methane hydrate-II.shtml)! 136(H2O)•16(S)•8(L) F d3m 4/m 3 2/m
04.XX.00 IMA2000-026! (Mn,Li)4(Ta,Sn)4(Ta,Nb)8O32 C 2/c 2/m
04.XX.00 [Methane hydrate-H](../data/Methane hydrate-H.shtml)! 34(H2O)•3(S)•2(M)•1(L) P 6/mmm 6/m 2/m 2/m
Other Allendeite Information
NAME( Lunar and Planetary Science Conference March 2000) PHYS. PROP.(Lunar and Planetary Science Conference March 2000)
Links to other databases for Allendeite :
1 - Am. Min. Crystal Structure Database
2 - Athena
3 - GeoScienceWorld
4 - Google Images
5 - Google Scholar
6 - MinDAT
7 - Mineralienatlas (Deutsch)
8 - Online Mineral Museum
9 - QUT Mineral Atlas
10 - Ruff.Info
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Print or Cut-and-Paste your Allendeite Specimen Label here :
Dana No: Strunz No: 04.XX.00