Hubeite Mineral Data (original) (raw)

General Hubeite Information

Help on Chemical  Formula: Chemical Formula:


Help on Composition: Composition:

Molecular Weight = 544.27 gm

Calcium 15.61 % Ca 21.84 % CaO

Manganese 8.78 % Mn 11.34 % MnO

Aluminum 0.20 % Al 0.37 % Al2O3

Iron 9.75 % Fe 13.94 % Fe2O3

Silicon 20.64 % Si 44.16 % SiO2

Hydrogen 0.93 % H 8.28 % H2O

Oxygen 44.09 % O

______ ______

100.00 % 99.93 % = TOTAL OXIDE

Help on Empirical Formula: Empirical Formula:


Help on Environment: Environment:

Mildly oxidizing conditions in a calc-manganese silicate skarn. 4-membered silicate rings; structure

Help on IMA Status: IMA Status:

Approved IMA 2002 (Dana # Added)

Help on Locality: Locality:

Dayan mine near Huangshi, Hubei Province, China. Link to Location Data.

Help on Name Origin: Name Origin:

Named after the locality.

Help on Synonym: Synonym:


Hubeite Image

Click Here for Larger Hubeite Image in a New Browser Window Images:

Click Here for Larger Hubeite Image Hubeite Inesite Comments: Brown hubeite aggregates accompanied by prismatic pinkish inesite crystals. Location: Fengjiashan Mine, Daye, Hubei China.Scale: 5.3 x 3.7 x 1.1 cm. © Fabre Minerals

Click Here for Larger Hubeite Image in a New Browser Window Images:

Click Here for Larger Hubeite Image Hubeite Inesite Comments: Translucent, deep root beer brown, platy hueite crystals in fan-like groups to 1mm with delicate pink laths of inesite. Location: Fengjiashan Mine, Daye Co., Huangshi Prefecture, Hubei Province, China.Scale: Picture Size 5 mm. © Tom Loomis / Dakota Matrix

Hubeite Crystallography

Help on Axial Ratios: Axial Ratios:

a:b:c =0.7178:1:0.4729

Help on Cell Dimensions: Cell Dimensions:

a = 9.96, b = 13.875, c = 6.562, Z = 2; alpha = 133.19°, beta = 101.5°, gamma = 66.27° V = 593.11 Den(Calc)= 3.05

Help on Crystal System: Crystal System:

Triclinic - PinacoidalH-M Symbol ( 1) Space Group: P1

Help on X Ray Diffraction: X Ray Diffraction:

By Intensity(I/Io): 9.072(1)(100), 8.238(0.9)(110), 3.095(0.7)(142),3.126(0.7)(320), 2.781(0.6)(220), 1.627(0.3)(154,173),

Help on Forms: Forms:

Dbl Clk - Start-Stop Rotation
RMB - Cycle Display Modes
Drag1 - Manipulate Crystal
Drag2 - Resize
S - Stereo
I - Indicies
- Start-Stop Rotation
F - Fit to Screen
M - Menu
Help on Above

| | Forms:( 3 5 2) ( 0 1 1) ( 1 0 1) ( 1 0 0) ( 0 0 1) Warning: this large pop-up is very compute intensive and may not work well with some computers. | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

Physical Properties of Hubeite

Help on Cleavage: Cleavage:

{001} Good

Help on Color: Color:

Dark brown, Light brown.

Help on Density: Density:


Help on Diaphaneity: Diaphaneity:


Help on Fracture: Fracture:

Brittle - Conchoidal - Very brittle fracture producing small, conchoidal fragments.

Help on Habit: Habit:

Aggregates - Made of numerous individual crystals or clusters.

Help on Habit: Habit:

Radial - Crystals radiate from a center without producing stellar forms (e.g. stibnite)

Help on Habit: Habit:

Rosette - Bundled tabular aggregates resembling rose flower petals.

Help on Hardness: Hardness:

5.5 - Knife Blade

Help on Luster: Luster:

Vitreous (Glassy)

Help on Streak: Streak:

pale orange brown

Optical Properties of Hubeite

Help on Gladstone-Dale: Gladstone-Dale:

CI meas= 0.035 (Excellent) - where the CI = (1-KPDmeas/KC)
CI calc= 0.032 (Excellent) - where the CI = (1-KPDcalc/KC)
KPDcalc= 0.2255,KPDmeas= 0.2247,KC= 0.2329
Ncalc = 1.7

Help on Optical Data: Optical Data:

Biaxial (-), a=1.667, b=1.679, g=1.69, bire=0.0230

Calculated Properties of Hubeite

Help on Electron Density: Electron Density:

Bulk Density (Electron Density)=2.99 gm/cc
note: Specific Gravity of Hubeite =3.01 gm/cc.

Help on Fermion Index: Fermion Index:

Fermion Index = 0.01
Boson Index = 0.99

Help on Photoelectric: Photoelectric:

PEHubeite = 7.79 barns/electron
U=PEHubeite x rElectron Density= 23.30 barns/cc.

Help on Radioactivity: Radioactivity:

GRapi = 0 (Gamma Ray American Petroleum Institute Units)
Hubeite is Not Radioactive

Hubeite Classification

Help on  Dana Class: Dana Class: (57)Sorosilicate Insular Si3O10 and Larger Noncyclic Groups

(57.02)with [Si4O13] groups

(57.02.03)Akatoreite Group Akatoreite (Mn,Fe)9Al2Si8O24(OH)8 P1 1 Hubeite! Ca2MnFeSi4O12(OH)(H2O)2 P1 1 Cassagnaite! (Ca,Mn)4(Fe,Mn,Al)4(OH)4(V,Mg,Al)2(O,OH)4(Si3O10)(SiO4)2 C mcm 2/m 2/m 2/m

Help on  Strunz Class: Strunz Class:

09.BJ.60 09 - SILICATES (Germanates)

09.B - Sorosilicates

09.BJ -Sorosilicates with Si3O10, Si4O11, etc

09.BJ.60 Hubeite! Ca2MnFeSi4O12(OH)(H2O)2 P1 1

Other Hubeite Information

Help on References: References:

NAME( MinRec, Vol 33, p 465) PHYS. PROP.(MinRec, Vol 33, p 465) OPTIC PROP.(MinRec, Vol 33, p 465)

Help on See Also: See Also:

Links to other databases for Hubeite :
1 - Am. Min. Crystal Structure Database
2 - Athena
3 - GeoScienceWorld
4 - Google Images
5 - Google Scholar
6 - MinDAT
7 - Mineralienatlas (Deutsch)
8 - Online Mineral Museum
9 - QUT Mineral Atlas
10 - Ruff.Info

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A Bijoux Google Search for Hubeite
Adam's Minerals Google Search for Hubeite
Cape Minerals Google Search for Hubeite
Dakota Matrix Minerals Google Search for Hubeite
Excalibur Mineral Corp. Google Search for Hubeite
Exceptional Minerals Google Search for Hubeite
John Betts Fine Minerals Search for Hubeite
McDougall Minerals Google Search for Hubeite
Mineral News Website Link
Rock and Mineral Shows Google Search for Hubeite
Weinrich Minerals, Inc. Google Search for Hubeite

Ask about Hubeite here :
Ask-A-Mineralogist from the Mineralogical Society of America's Discussion Groups
Original Rockhounds Discussion Group
Rockhounds Discussion Group on Yahoo Groups
Mineral Discussion Forum from Fabre Minerals - also available in Espa�ol

Print or Cut-and-Paste your Hubeite Specimen Label here :


Dana No: Strunz No: 09.BJ.60
