Suhailite Mineral Data (original) (raw)
General Suhailite Information
Molecular Weight = 445.65 gm
Potassium 3.07 % K 3.70 % K2O
Sodium 0.36 % Na 0.49 % Na2O
Calcium 0.36 % Ca 0.50 % CaO
Magnesium 3.87 % Mg 6.42 % MgO
Titanium 2.36 % Ti 3.94 % TiO2
Manganese 0.12 % Mn 0.16 % MnO
Aluminum 10.60 % Al 20.02 % Al2O3
Iron 16.67 % Fe 21.44 % FeO
Silicon 16.83 % Si 36.00 % SiO2
Hydrogen 0.50 % H - % Calc as (NH4)2O
Hydrogen 0.45 % H 4.04 % H2O
Nitrogen 1.73 % N 3.21 % (NH4)2O
Oxygen 43.08 % O
______ ______
100.00 % 99.93 % = TOTAL OXIDE
Found in polymetamorphic pelitic gneisses and transitional schists-gneisses from the uppermost tectonic unit of the Alpuj�rride Complex. Ammonium-bearing trioctahedral mica, Mica gr oup.
Approved IMA 2007 (Dana # Added)
Fuengirola, M�laga Province (Betic Cordillera), Spain. Link to Location Data.
Not stated in paper.
Suhailite Image
Suhailite Comments: PPL thin-section showing unoriented grains of graphite-rich golden suhailite. Suh - suhalite, Ann - annite, Sil - sillimanite. (AmMin v94:211). Location: Betic Cordillera gneisses (Spain).Scale: See Image. © American Mineralogist |
Suhailite Crystallography
a:b:c =0.5757:1:1.1318
a = 5.296, b = 9.199, c = 10.412, Z = 2; beta = 99.991° V = 499.56 Den(Calc)= 2.96
Monoclinic - PrismaticH-M Symbol (2/m) Space Group: C 2/m?
By Intensity(I/Io): 10.44(1)(001 ), 3.485(0.3)(003 ), 2.644(0.11)(130 ),2.088(0.08)(005 ), 2.613(0.08)(004 ), 1.533(0.06)(060 ), 5.22(0.05)(002 ), 4.54(0.04)(110 ), 4.6(0.04)(020 ),
Physical Properties of Suhailite
{001} Perfect
Golden yellow.
Granular - Generally occurs as anhedral to subhedral crystals in matrix.
Platy - Sheet forms (e.g. micas).
2.5 - Finger Nail
Vitreous (Glassy)
Optical Properties of Suhailite
CI calc= -0.043 (Good) - where the CI = (1-KPDcalc/KC)
KPDcalc= 0.2171,KC= 0.2083
Ncalc = 1.62
Biaxial (-), a=1.624, b=1.652, g=1.652, bire=0.0280, 2V(Calc)=0, 2V(Meas)=0-4. Dispersion dispersion not observed.
Calculated Properties of Suhailite
Bulk Density (Electron Density)=2.93 gm/cc
note: Specific Gravity of Suhailite =2.96 gm/cc.
Fermion Index = 0.03
Boson Index = 0.97
PESuhailite = 6.72 barns/electron
U=PESuhailite x relectron= 19.70 barns/cc.
GRapi = 43.84 (Gamma Ray American Petroleum Institute Units)
Concentration of Suhailite per GRapi unit = 2.28 (%)
Estimated Radioactivity from Suhailite - barely detectable
Suhailite Classification
71.02.02b.18 (71)Phyllosilicate Sheets of Six-Membered Rings
(71.02)with 2:1 Layers
(71.02.02b)Mica Group (Biotite subgroup)
71.02.02b.01 Phlogopite KMg3(Si3Al)O10(F,OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
71.02.02b.01a Tetraferriphlogopite! KMg3FeSi3O10(OH)2 2/m
71.02.02b.01b Shirozulite! KMn3(AlSi3)O10(OH,F)2 C 2/m 2/m
71.02.02b.01c Fluorophlogopite! KMg3(AlSi3)O10F2 C 2/m 2/m
71.02.02b.02 Biotite* K(Mg,Fe)3[AlSi3O10(OH,F)2 C 2/m 2/m
71.02.02b.03 Annite KFe3AlSi3O10(OH,F)2 C 2/m 2/m
71.02.02b.03a Fluorannite! KFe3AlSi3O10F2 C 2/m 2/m
71.02.02b.04 Tetraferriannite K(Fe,Mg)3(Fe,Al)Si3O10(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
71.02.02b.05 Siderophyllite KFe2Al(Al2Si2)O10(F,OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
71.02.02b.05a Eastonite! KMg2Al[Al2Si2O10](OH)2 2/m
71.02.02b.06 Hendricksite K(Zn,Mg,Mn)3Si3AlO10(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
71.02.02b.07 Lepidolite K(Li,Al)3(Si,Al)4O10(F,OH)2 C 2/m,Cm Mono
71.02.02b.08 Polylithionite KLi2AlSi4O10(F,OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
71.02.02b.08a Trilithionite! KLi1.5Al1.5AlSi3O10F2 C 2/m 2/m
71.02.02b.08b Sokolovaite! CsLi2AlSi4O10F2 C 2/m, C 2 or Cm Mono
71.02.02b.09 Tainiolite KLiMg2Si4O10F2 C 2/m 2/m
71.02.02b.10 Zinnwaldite KLiFeAl(AlSi3)O10(F,OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
71.02.02b.11 Norrishite K(Mn2Li)Si4O10(O)2 C 2/m 2/m
71.02.02b.12 Masutomilite K(Li,Al,Mn)3[(Si,Al)4O10](F,OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
71.02.02b.13 Aspidolite NaMg3AlSi3O10(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
71.02.02b.14 Wonesite (Na,K).5(Mg,Fe,Al)3(Si,Al)4O10(OH,F)2 C 2/m 2/m
71.02.02b.15 Preiswerkite NaMg2Al3Si2O10(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
71.02.02b.16 Ephesite NaLiAl2(Al2Si2)O10(OH)2 C 2/c 2/m
71.02.02b.18 Suhailite! (NH4)Fe3(Si3Al)O10(OH)2 C 2/m? 2/m
09.EC.20 09 - SILICATES (Germanates)
09.E - Phyllosilicates
09.EC -Phyllosilicates with mica sheets, composed of tetrahedral and octahedral nets
09.EC.20 Annite KFe3AlSi3O10(OH,F)2 C 2/m 2/m
09.EC.20 Biotite* K(Mg,Fe)3[AlSi3O10(OH,F)2 C 2/m 2/m
09.EC.20 Hendricksite K(Zn,Mg,Mn)3Si3AlO10(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
09.EC.20 Ephesite NaLiAl2(Al2Si2)O10(OH)2 C 2/c 2/m
09.EC.20 Aspidolite NaMg3AlSi3O10(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
09.EC.20 Lepidolite K(Li,Al)3(Si,Al)4O10(F,OH)2 C 2/m,Cm Mono
09.EC.20 Preiswerkite NaMg2Al3Si2O10(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
09.EC.20 Masutomilite K(Li,Al,Mn)3[(Si,Al)4O10](F,OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
09.EC.20 Wonesite (Na,K).5(Mg,Fe,Al)3(Si,Al)4O10(OH,F)2 C 2/m 2/m
09.EC.20 Polylithionite KLi2AlSi4O10(F,OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
09.EC.20 Phlogopite KMg3(Si3Al)O10(F,OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
09.EC.20 Norrishite K(Mn2Li)Si4O10(O)2 C 2/m 2/m
09.EC.20 Siderophyllite KFe2Al(Al2Si2)O10(F,OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
09.EC.20 Fluorannite! KFe3AlSi3O10F2 C 2/m 2/m
09.EC.20 Shirokshinite! K(NaMg2)Si4O10F2 C 2/m 2/m
09.EC.20 Zinnwaldite KLiFeAl(AlSi3)O10(F,OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
09.EC.20 Eastonite! KMg2Al[Al2Si2O10](OH)2 2/m
09.EC.20 Tetraferriannite K(Fe,Mg)3(Fe,Al)Si3O10(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
09.EC.20 Tetraferriphlogopite! KMg3FeSi3O10(OH)2 2/m
09.EC.20 Trilithionite! KLi1.5Al1.5AlSi3O10F2 C 2/m 2/m
09.EC.20 Sokolovaite! CsLi2AlSi4O10F2 C 2/m, C 2 or Cm Mono
09.EC.20 Shirozulite! KMn3(AlSi3)O10(OH,F)2 C 2/m 2/m
09.EC.20 Suhailite! (NH4)Fe3(Si3Al)O10(OH)2 C 2/m? 2/m
09.EC.20 Fluorophlogopite! KMg3(AlSi3)O10F2 C 2/m 2/m
Other Suhailite Information
NAME( AmMin, v94:210) PHYS. PROP.(AmMin, v94:210) OPTIC PROP.(AmMin, v94:210)
Links to other databases for Suhailite :
1 - Am. Min. Crystal Structure Database
2 - Athena
3 - GeoScienceWorld
4 - Google Images
5 - Google Scholar
6 - MinDAT
7 - Mineralienatlas (Deutsch)
8 - Online Mineral Museum
9 - QUT Mineral Atlas
10 - Ruff.Info
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Dana No: 71.02.02b.18 Strunz No: 09.EC.20