AUOS (original) (raw)

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AUOS model exhibited at Ukraine Pavilion, Hannover Expo 2000.
Credit: © Mark Wade

Ukrainian spacecraft bus. Standardized bus for low earth orbit scientific studies and testing of new systems and components of satellite under space flight conditions. Satellite bus built by Yuzhnoe, Ukraine.

AKA: Koronas;Oreol-3. Status: Operational 1976. First Launch: 1976-06-19. Last Launch: 2009-01-30. Number: 14 . Gross mass: 1,100 kg (2,400 lb).

Primarily used on international Interkosmos and Aureole flights.

By the early 1970s' study of the interrelationship between the sun and the earth's magnetosphere, atmosphere, and surface were seen as the leading contemporary scientific issues. The existing Yuzhnoye DS-U bus, used for Soviet earth-orbit scientific missions, was of too small a size and limited a lifespan to be used for the planned new missions. Analysis by the Yuzhnoye Design Office in 1971 showed that the anticipated spacecraft missions could be divided into three groups. All the missions could be undertaken by a single multi-purpose spacecraft with common data acquisition, storage, and transmission avionics. This Automated Universal Orbital Station (AUOS) concept was based on the success of Yuzhnoye's DS-U. The AUOS bus could accommodate 400 to 600 kg of scientific payload and provide it with a daily average power of 50 W. Attitude control accuracy, number of commands, and data link characteristics were improved over the DS-U.

Authorization to proceed with development was issued by the Soviet Council of Ministers in 1972. V F Utkin at KB Yuzhnoye led the design team and the spacecraft were built at the Southern Machinery Factory. All specifications, development, and quality assurance for the project were handled by the military. The initial series of AUOS spacecraft were launched from 1976-1981 from Plesetsk by the Kosmos 11K65M booster. Thereafter the more capable Tsyklon 3 was used from the same cosmodrome, allowing higher scientific payload masses and higher orbits. Two main AUOS variants were developed:


Taifun-2 Ukrainian military target satellite. In 1969 KB Yuzhnoye introduced targets for exercise and test of PVO air defense and space tracking systems. Radar calibration satellite built by Yuzhnoye, Russia. Launched 1976 - 1995. Used AUOS-3 bus.

Family: Astronomy, Technology, Technology satellite. Country: Ukraine. Spacecraft: AUOS. Launch Vehicles: R-14, Kosmos 3, Tsiklon, Kosmos 11K65M, Tsiklon-3. Projects: Intercosmos. Launch Sites: Plesetsk, Plesetsk LC132/2, Plesetsk LC132/1, Plesetsk LC32/2, Plesetsk LC32/1, Plesetsk LC32. Agency: Yuzhnoye. Bibliography: 102, 116, 2, 296, 445, 4477, 474, 6.

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AUOS-S-M-KI AUOS-S-M-KICredit: Yuzhnoye

AUOS AUOSAUOS-ZCredit: Ukrainian Space Agency

AUOS-Z-AP-IK AUOS-Z-AP-IKCredit: Yuzhnoye

Sich SichCredit: Ukrainian Space Agency

Coronas-F Coronas-FCredit: NPO PM

AUOS-Z-AV-IK AUOS-Z-AV-IKCredit: Yuzhnoye

Sich SichCredit: Ukrainian Space Agency

AUOS-Z-I-E AUOS-Z-I-ECredit: Yuzhnoye

Sich-1 Sich-1Credit: Ukrainian Space Agency

AUOS-Z-I-IK AUOS-Z-I-IKCredit: Yuzhnoye

AUOS-Z-M-A-IK AUOS-Z-M-A-IKCredit: Yuzhnoye

AUOS-Z-M-IK AUOS-Z-M-IKCredit: Yuzhnoye

AUOSZ-R-E-IK AUOSZ-R-E-IKCredit: Yuzhnoye

AUOS-Z-R-O AUOS-Z-R-OCredit: Yuzhnoye

AUOS-Z-R-P-IK AUOS-Z-R-P-IKCredit: Yuzhnoye

AUOS-Z-T-IK AUOS-Z-T-IKCredit: Yuzhnoye

Oreol-3 Oreol-3Spacecraft using AUOS bus are similarCredit: NASA

Cosmos 1809 Cosmos 1809Credit: Manufacturer Image

Intercosmos 15 Intercosmos 15Credit: Manufacturer Image

Intercosmos 17 Intercosmos 17Credit: Manufacturer Image

Intercosmos 18 Intercosmos 18Credit: Manufacturer Image

Intercosmos 19 Intercosmos 19Credit: Manufacturer Image

Intercosmos 20 Intercosmos 20Credit: Manufacturer Image

Intercosmos 24 Intercosmos 24Credit: Manufacturer Image

Intercosmos 25 Intercosmos 25Credit: Manufacturer Image

Oval OvalCredit: Manufacturer Image

Koronas-F Koronas-FCredit: Manufacturer Image

Intercosmos 26 Intercosmos 26Credit: Manufacturer Image

Oreol-3 Oreol-3Credit: Ukrainian Space Agency

Oreol-3 Oreol-3Credit: Ukrainian Space Agency

Koronas-Foton Koronas-FotonCredit: Manufacturer Image

Oreol 3 Oreol 3Credit: Manufacturer Image

Taifun-3 ? Taifun-3 ?Credit: Manufacturer Image

1971 October 1 - .

1972 June 26 - .

1976 April 28 - . 13:30 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: Plesetsk LC132/1. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M.

1976 June 19 - . 16:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: Plesetsk LC132/1. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M.

1976 December 17 - . 12:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: Plesetsk LC132/2. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M.

1977 March 29 - . 23:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: Plesetsk LC132/2. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M.

1977 April 27 - . 03:30 GMT - . Launch Site: Kapustin Yar. Launch Complex: Kapustin Yar LC107/1. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M.

1977 May 30 - . 22:30 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: Plesetsk LC132/1. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M.

1977 September 24 - . 16:30 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: Plesetsk LC132/1. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M.

1977 December 8 - . 11:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: Plesetsk LC132/2. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M.

1978 October 24 - . 19:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: Plesetsk LC132/1. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M.

1978 December 22 - . 22:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Kapustin Yar. Launch Complex: Kapustin Yar LC107/1. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M.

1979 February 27 - . 17:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: Plesetsk LC132/2. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M.

1979 July 6 - . 08:20 GMT - . Launch Site: Kapustin Yar. Launch Complex: Kapustin Yar LC107/1. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M.

1979 November 1 - . 08:05 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: Plesetsk LC132/2. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M.

1980 June 6 - . 11:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: Plesetsk LC132/1. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M.

1980 July 31 - . 10:20 GMT - . Launch Site: Kapustin Yar. Launch Complex: Kapustin Yar LC107/1. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M.

1981 February 6 - . 08:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: Plesetsk LC132/1. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M.

1981 September 21 - . 13:10 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: Plesetsk LC32/1. LV Family: R-36. Launch Vehicle: Tsiklon-3.

1981 September 28 - . 21:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: Plesetsk LC132/2. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M.

1982 January 29 - . 11:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: Plesetsk LC132/1. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M.

1982 March 4 - . Launch Site: Kapustin Yar. Launch Complex: Kapustin Yar LC107/1. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M. FAILURE: Launch vehicle failed to orbit - unknown cause.. Failed Stage: U.

1982 April 21 - . 01:40 GMT - . Launch Site: Kapustin Yar. Launch Complex: Kapustin Yar LC107/1. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M.

1982 July 29 - . 19:40 GMT - . Launch Site: Kapustin Yar. Launch Complex: Kapustin Yar LC107/1. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M.

1983 January 25 - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: Plesetsk LC132/2. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M. FAILURE: Launch vehicle failed to orbit - unknown cause.. Failed Stage: U.

1983 April 19 - . 12:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: Plesetsk LC132/2. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M.

1983 May 26 - . 05:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Kapustin Yar. Launch Complex: Kapustin Yar LC107/1. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M.

1983 August 31 - . 06:30 GMT - . Launch Site: Kapustin Yar. Launch Complex: Kapustin Yar LC107/1. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M.

1983 September 30 - . 11:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: Plesetsk LC132/1. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M.

1984 September 27 - . 09:30 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: Plesetsk LC132/2. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M.

1985 June 19 - . 11:30 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: Plesetsk LC132/2. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M.

1985 October 2 - . 06:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Kapustin Yar. Launch Complex: Kapustin Yar LC107/1. Launch Pad: LC107/pad?. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M.

1986 September 3 - . 09:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: Plesetsk LC132/1. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M.

1986 December 18 - . 08:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: Plesetsk LC32. Launch Pad: LC32/2. LV Family: R-36. Launch Vehicle: Tsiklon-3.

1987 January 22 - . 07:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Kapustin Yar. Launch Complex: Kapustin Yar LC107/1. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M.

1988 July 28 - . 11:20 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: Plesetsk LC132/1. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M.

1989 February 14 - . 17:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: Plesetsk LC132/2. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M.

1989 September 28 - . 00:04 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: Plesetsk LC32/2. LV Family: R-36. Launch Vehicle: Tsiklon-3.

1990 February 6 - . 16:30 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: Plesetsk LC132/2. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M.

1990 April 25 - . 13:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: Plesetsk LC132/2. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M.

1990 November 28 - . 16:33 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: Plesetsk LC32. Launch Pad: LC32/2. LV Family: R-36. Launch Vehicle: Tsiklon-3.

1991 June 25 - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: Plesetsk LC132/1. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M. FAILURE: Second stage malfunction - no stable orbit.. Failed Stage: 2.

1991 December 18 - . 03:54 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: Plesetsk LC32/2. LV Family: R-36. Launch Vehicle: Tsiklon-3.

1994 March 2 - . 03:25 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. LV Family: R-36. Launch Vehicle: Tsiklon-3.

1995 March 2 - . 13:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: Plesetsk LC132/1. LV Family: R-14. Launch Vehicle: Kosmos 11K65M.

2001 July 31 - . 08:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: Plesetsk LC32/2. LV Family: R-36. Launch Vehicle: Tsiklon-3.

2009 January 30 - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: Plesetsk LC32/2. LV Family: R-36. Launch Vehicle: Tsiklon-3.

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