CurtainUp the Online Theater Magazines' Letters from Readers (original) (raw)






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Letters to CurtainUp

I'm a psycho-therapist. Maybe I'm in the wrong profession when a ticket to see Hughie cost almost 3x what I earn per hour. -- anonymous


How in the world did Mario Cantone involve himself with A Room of Its Own which didn't deserve a stage of its own. The writer had no reason to wish he could go back to that place where neither parent was any sort of role model for decent behavior. As if Italian-Americanss didn't have enough to deal with from all the associations with the Mafia. — David and Cynthia Rios

Forrest Whitaker is a good movie actor, and not bad on stage-- but, not good enough to pay well over $100 for less than an hour for less than enthralling O'Neill.

A stand-up ovation is due Kecia Lewis for not just stepping in when Tonya Pinkins stepped out of the Mother Courage role, but doing so with critics in the house after just a few performances. I'm sure she' won't need scripts as the run continues, not that it's likely to extend since it's not CSC's best ever production. As for the Pinkins walkout-- she's entitled to her opinions, and some may be justified, but her timing was unprofessional.— anonymous, Brooklyn.

The review of Dada Woof, etc. made my husband and me eager to see something more original at Lincoln Center's Mitzi Newhouse. More so than ever with a hit musical once again making the main stage just about closed except for that show. We come in from considerable distance and expect top quality theater at both their theaters. — Lisa and Ted from Connecticut.

Your critic's review sent me to New York Theatre Workshop to see Lazarus. What a waste of time. Incomprehensible, unenjoyable in terms of acting, directing, story and music. Since it was extensively praised, a perfect case of the Emperor's clothes. I didn't like this director's barefoot/bare stage View from the Bridge either-- but it was brilliant compared to this.— Jack Elling.

I've been a curtainup reader since its beginning and while I don't always agree with all your reviews, they are always fair and with few exceptions, manage to come up with a few kind words.. . even for what I consider the most unnecessary show of the season, Night Is a Room. As far as i'm concerned you didn't need to be so careful about not spoiling anything. Over the seasons you also can take credit for getting me to become a Public Theater and Signature Theater subscriber. And to finish the year-- I would have missed that terrific dance show at the Joyce Theater if you hadn't posted a review.— Victor Murray, Bronx, NY

Here's hoping that you'll keep updating that page where you write about movies and TV shows. I'm a "binger" and thanks to your latest, a "semi-binger" of A Place to Call Home. And even though I only get to New York occasionally, it's nice to stay abreast of what's happening. — Marcilee Greenstein, Poughkeepsie

Suggestion: My biggest problem as a CU reader is whether to read a review before I go or after. As a rule I like to go in "cold" but with Marjorie Prime, I wish I'd read the review first as I missed what was happening. Maybe you should put one of those yellow boxes you occasionally use to avoid spoiling surprises and mark it READ THIS AFTER YOU SEE and in that detail the whole plot???— Carla Moss

I appreciate you praising the Ivo Van Hove production of A View From the Bridge. But for me this is the Emperor's Clothes show of the year. Pretentious. . . pretentious and more pretentious — Donna Argos, Brooklyn

Okay so Al Pacino and Bruce Willis need tele-prompting, but what really shocked me is that the British import King Charles II had an actor (the prime minister) who projected so poorly that I couldn't hear what he said-- and this was in a pretty decent seat, front balcony. Maybe I'll catch up with the missed dialogue if they do one of those movie broadcasts of it. And speaking of that play-- the Queen looked pretty good in her end of year speech so this is likely to be a fantasy for some time to come. — Anne Jasperfield

Did Lazarus turn me into an Ivo Van Hove fan? Acctually, since it was my first meet-up with this much talked about director, and this doesn't seem to have any of the hallmarks attributed to him, I'll hold off judging. However, I will own up to this: I spent most of my time watching this David Bowie musical--play with music-- whatever. . . totally at sea. Should it really be necessary to have read the book that it was based on or being a Bowie fan to appreciate this piece. Shouldn't a show stand on its own?


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