Durham Mining Museum - Colliery Disaster (original) (raw)
Date: | 30th May 1862 |
Colliery: | Old Bradley |
Company: | G. B. Thorneycroft and Co. |
Cause: | Irruption of water |
Lives Lost: | 7 |
Category: |
Cound, Frederick, aged 15 | |
Deakin, Charles, aged 22, Miner | |
Dunning, Isaac, aged 12, son of Thomas | |
Dunning, Thomas, aged 48, Deputy, father of Isaac, left wife and three children alive | |
Schofield, William, aged 15 | |
Speed, Samuel, aged 20, Miner | |
Wilkes, Joseph, aged 38, Miner, married wuth four children | |
All names found | |
Youngest: 12 years old ; Oldest: 48 ; Average: 24 | |
Those names marked with , have a web page providing individual details of the accident, the page may also include a photograph of the deceased. Click on the symbol next to the name to see the web page. |
07 Jun 1862 | Accidents, Inquests, etc., Fatal Colliery Accident (The Penny Illustrated Paper) |
07 Jun 1862 | Fearful Pit Accident At Bilston, Seven Lives Lost (Newcastle Guardian and Tyne Mercury) |
14 Jun 1862 | Accidents, Inquests, etc., The Fatal Colliery Inundation near Bilston (The Penny Illustrated Paper) |