Trident 1630, followed by a Metsec example with trams and other buses behind on the left.
All three major Hong Kong operators are represented in this shot, though the Citybus vehicle is in disguise, sporting an advert for United Airlines. Mind you with the majority of its fleet being Alexander R series bodied Olympians, the disguise is a bit thin. KMB is represented by the Metsec Trident and New World First by the ALX500 Dennis.
The first of a few night shots showing the excitement of Hong Kong Island's streets thronged with buses speeding through in the dark. New World Tridents are seen arriving and departing at Causeway Bay stops.
Trident 1423 (JD9337) at night on route 19.
Trident 1625 (JX5451) with Citybus Olympian 907 alongside.