Ulster-Scots Glossary: Letter C (original) (raw)

Letter C

Source English / Ulster-Scots Glossary: A Core Vocabulary Wordlist with Verb Tables
Author Philip Robinson (compiled and edited by)
Publisher Ullans Press
Edition First Edition
Date 2013
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call v caa, cat; (summon or name) cry; (c~ names) miscaa

came v pt cum

can v can, (be) fit tae; v pt cud

can't v cannae

cap n kep; (cloth) duncher; (peaked) skoopie kep

car n car, mottor-car

card n caird

care v (for) luk eftèr; (about) care; (take c~) tak tent, tak heed; (doesn't c~) disnae fash (himsel); no bothered (aboot)

carry v cairry; (heavy) hump

cart n cairt

case (in c~) adv fur fear; (in any c~) oniehoo

cat n ket, brimmie, pooshie

catch v ketch, catch; v pt ketched, catched; (rabbits at night) lamp; (trout by tickling) ginnle; n (door) snib

cattle n kye, beece

caught v pt catched; (c~ out) had

cause n cause, (loc.) caase

centre n middle, hairt; (town c~) hairt o tha toon, doon tha toon

certain adj certes, sure

certainly adv fur certes, fur sure; (hist.) atweel

chair n chair, sait

chance n chance, (loc.) chaunce

change v shift; (weather) cum in; (one's mind) rue

chest n (body) breesht, kist; (container) kist

chimney n lum, chimley

child n wean, chile, pappin, grouselin; (boy) weefla; (girl) weelass; (lively) flin

children n pl childèr, weans

choose v chuse

choosey adj parteeklar

Christmas n Chrissmas; (occas.) Chrissymas; (hist.)(lit.) Yule, Yuletide, Yuletim

church n, adj kirk; (Presbyterian) meetin-hoose; (Roman Catholic) chapel; (Episcopal) church

cinema n pictèr-hoose

circle n circle, ring, roon

city n cïtie

class n cless; (level at school) buik

clean adj clain; v dae oot, redd oot

cleaning n reddin oot

clear adj apen, clear; v (one's head or liquid) shire

clear out v redd oot

climb v clim, (tree) speel

clock n clock; (wall) wag-at-tha waa

close v shut; (eyes) bab

cloth n (dish, floor, etc.) cloot; (material) claith

clothe v cleed; v pt cled

clothes n claes; (rough, wearing) palyins; (casual) dishables; (poor) duds; (garments) dollies; (cheap and flashy) fal-de-lals; (tattered) joggins

clothing n claes; (stitch of) dud

cloud n clood

coarse adj coorse, ruch

coast n shore

coat n coat, (loc.) cóat; (light, of paint) sleek; (woman's, loose) jeeger

cold adj coul, stairvin; (wind) nirlin; (in nature) coulrife

collect v gether

college n college

colour n colour

comb n kame

come v cum; (unexpectedly) land; v pt cum

common adj plain

compare v tak, luk at

compared to conj besides, agin, compared wi

complete adj (absolute) fair, parfait; (whole) hale, ins an oots, frae en tae yin

connect v connect, join up

considerable adj some, brave; (c~ number) brave wheen

consist v (be) made up (o)

contain v houl (bak)

contented adj (be) contentit

continue v cairry on, conteenye

control v hannle

cook v cook

cool adj (of a person) distant; v cool (it) doon

copy n copie; v mak a copie

cord n coard

corn n coarn

corner n (in a road) ben, loop; n pl neuks an crannies v corner; 'corner' (a person) (local) yock

correct adj richt

cost n coast

could v cud

couldn't v cudnae

council n cooncil

count v coont

country n kintrie

couple n (pair) kipple, twa, twasome; n pl (roof trusses) kipples adj (few) twarthie

course adj coorse

cow n coo, chaytie, baste

cows n coos, kye

cream n craim

cross adj crabbit; n cross

crow n craa, craw; (hooded) corbie, hoodie; (c~ stepped gable) corbie steps, craa-step't gaivel

crowd n thrang, crood; v crood, thrang

crown n croon

cry v greet; (howl) foof, bilyor

cunning adj fly, sleekit

cup n kip; (hist.) bicker

cut n, v cut

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