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[Luke is just walking around, seeming to know this place inside and out, despite only recently showing up here. Thanks to his childhood memories, he believes that he's been living here all his life.][Older royalbitchfit, for those that didn't know. He has no memories from the old dressing room.] 223 commentsSpeakLinkFlag 26th-Aug-2008 07:33 pm (UTC) [Well here's quite a sight! Guy wasn't sure he'd ever see Luke over five feet again.] Luke--! You're... well I heard you were back but... You're... alright..! ReplyThreadLink 26th-Aug-2008 07:45 pm (UTC) [Luke turns his head to the voice and hurries to where Guy is, cheerily clinging around his neck once he reaches him] Hey there [Kisses him] Why wouldn't I be alright? ReplyParentThreadLink 26th-Aug-2008 07:48 pm (UTC) [Wraps his arms around him warily but gradually... this would be the first time he's gotten to touch him since before Luke died...] ...I... I don't know... I heard you were sick... but... I guess that was a long time ago for you... [Holds him a more tightly, still a little overwhelmed by this feeling.] ReplyParentThreadExpandLink 26th-Aug-2008 07:43 pm (UTC) 26th-Aug-2008 07:45 pm (UTC) 26th-Aug-2008 07:47 pm (UTC) 26th-Aug-2008 08:02 pm (UTC) I didn't know you made it a hobby to wander about aimlessly. ReplyThreadLink 26th-Aug-2008 08:17 pm (UTC) If you would just stay put in one place, I wouldn't have to wander around looking for you. ReplyParentThreadLink 26th-Aug-2008 08:25 pm (UTC) 26th-Aug-2008 08:25 pm (UTC) ...so why were you searching for me? [He is somewhat curious and pleased by this.] I would have though you would be looking for Guy. ReplyParentThreadExpandLink 27th-Aug-2008 04:35 am (UTC) ? [spots him and comes up behind him to tap him on a shoulder >3] ReplyThreadLink 27th-Aug-2008 04:57 pm (UTC) 27th-Aug-2008 05:02 pm (UTC) 27th-Aug-2008 05:19 am (UTC) 27th-Aug-2008 04:55 pm (UTC) |
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