kusuma dewi | Universitas Darussalam Gontor (original) (raw)
Conference Presentations by kusuma dewi
Tulisan ini berusaha membahas mengenai wacana dualisme dalam pendidikan. Pada pemahaman dualisme ... more Tulisan ini berusaha membahas mengenai wacana dualisme dalam pendidikan. Pada pemahaman dualisme pasti dikaitkan dengan dikotomi yang diartikan sebagai pemisahan antara pendidikan umum dari pendidikan agama. Akan tetapi pada prinsip ada yang membedakannya, jika dikotomi itu berkaitan dengan isi atau konten materi, sedangkan dualisme lebih ditujukan pada sistem pengelolaannya. Dikotomi selalu melahirkan pandangan pembedaaan di satu sisi dan penyamaaan di sisi yang lain. Dengan demikian penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis dan kritik, untuk mengkaji problem di dalam dualism. Pandangan dikotomis pada hakikatnya mengabaikan esensi atau nilai sprit pendidikan. Jika dimaknai pada tataran permukaan dengan jelas merusak nilai spirit dari pendidikan Islam. Dualisme dan dikotomi bukan hanya pada tataran pemilahan, namun telah masuk pada wilayah pemisahan yang dalam operasionalnya memisahkan mata pelajaran umum dari mata pelajaran agama, sekolah umum dan madrasah yang pengelolaannya berjalan terpisah-pisah. Problematika tersebut muncul disebakan kurangnnya nilai-nilai keagamaan segi pengajaran baik dari metode ataupun kurikulum. Hal tersebut berdampak kepada Ilmu pengetahuan, menjadi sempit karena pengotak-kotakan ilmu umum dan agama. Sebagai solusi Integrasi ilmu pengetahuan berbasis Islam perlu dilakukan, yaitu menggunakan pandangan Islam yang syarat akan makna nilai-nilai keislaman, yang telah banyak dikaji oleh cendekiawan muslim.
This paper attempts to discuss discourse regarding secularism. Secularism is an ideology that is ... more This paper attempts to discuss discourse regarding secularism. Secularism is an ideology that is as a process of separation between religion and the world. The existence of these ideologies, can enliminate (nihilism) trancenden value in the concept of God in human life. If investigated more deeply, the history of secularism emerges can cause some problems to influence confusion in human life. This can be seen from the social, economic and political fields. First in social life raises a social theory that deals with social life namely Marxism, a theory that teaches about human consciousness how to socialize that affects a very realistic economic attitude. Second in the economic field so that in the process raises capitalism which is one of the manifestations of secularization in the economy.
Papers by kusuma dewi
Journal of Comparative Study of Religions, 2021
This paper aĴ empts to discuss the discourse related to secularism. Secularism is an ideology tha... more This paper aĴ empts to discuss the discourse related to secularism. Secularism is an ideology that is understood as a process of separation between religion and the world. The existence of this ideology can eliminate (nihilism) the traditional value of the concept of God in human life. When examined more deeply, history appears that secularism can cause several problems that aff ect the confusion in human life. This can be seen from the social, economic and political fi elds. First, in social life, it gives rise to a social theory related to social life, namely Marxism, a theory that teaches human awareness how to socialize which aff ects a very materialist economic aĴ itude. The second is in the economic fi eld, so that in the process it gives rise to capitalism, which is one of the incarnations of secularization in the economy. Third, in politics there is a separation between religion and state. From this impact aff ects human life. The role of Western thinkers has also infl uenced the emergence of secularism in human life. With the development of secularism in people's lives, it also aff ects religious aĴ itudes in life. In this study, secularism greatly aff ects people's life, especially in modern times like today. So that we need a theory based on Islam to criticize this problem. The role of Western thinkers has also infl uenced the emergence of secularism in human life. With the development of secularism in people's lives, it also aff ects religious aĴ itudes in life. In this study, secularism greatly aff ects people's life, especially in modern times like today. So that we need a theory based on Islam to criticize this problem. The role of Western thinkers has also infl uenced the emergence of secularism in human life. With the development of secularism in people's lives, it also aff ects religious aĴ itudes
Pada goresan tinta emas sejarah mencatat bahwa Islam pernah merasakan masa kejayaannya, khususnya... more Pada goresan tinta emas sejarah mencatat bahwa Islam pernah merasakan masa kejayaannya, khususnya dalam keunggulan aspek epistemologinya. Konsep ilm mengajarkan umat Islam untuk memahami tentang suatu realitas secara utuh. Hal ini telah dilakukan oleh sarjana dan intelektual Muslim klasik, seperti al-Farabi, al-Ghazali, dan sarjana klasik lainnya. Akan tetapi, sarjana Muslim kontemporer tampak mengesampingkan peranan epistemologi ini. Fenomena ini merupakan dampak dari adanya epistemologi yang dominan dan universal, yaitu epistemologi Barat. Epistemologi Barat telah menjadi hegemoni baru di dalam peradaban dunia, termasuk
Para ahli sejarah bersepakat bahwasannya Eropa Barat telah mengalami Sekularisme sejak 250 tahun ... more Para ahli sejarah bersepakat bahwasannya Eropa Barat telah mengalami Sekularisme sejak 250 tahun terakhir, 1 seperti halnya yang telah dipaparkan oleh beberaa theolog Kristen. Adapun teolog tersebut ialah Jesuit Prancis, 2 seperti halnya juga teolog Pierre Thielharad de Chardin, 3 yang diikuti juga oleh beberapa theoog yang lainnya seperti Diertich Bonhoeffer 4 dari Jerman dan Paul Tillich 5 dari amerika, mereka megamati bahwa pemikiran-pemikiran yang terjadi pada masa ini sangat mempengaruhi pemikiran Kristen, sehingga mereka mulai menerima kenyataan yang diakibatakan adanya krisis agama dan theologi yang timbul sebagai akibat sekularisasi 6 Maka dari itu muncullah suatu ideologi baru yang sangat mempengaruhi kehidupan manusia terutama dalam bidang sosiologi, politik dan sekonomi. Disebabkan inilah adanya pertentangan pemikiran untuk mempertahankan dari pengekaangan, diakibatkan peristiwa tersebut Eropa mengalami kemunduran dan berada dalam kegelapan yang disebut " The Dark Middle Age" (Abad Pertengahan
There is no doubt that capitalism is one of the dominant economic systems today, has been transfo... more There is no doubt that capitalism is one of the dominant economic systems today, has been transformed into a new ideology. If the beginning only revolved around free markets, unlimited private ownership, then now it is more of a new culture, lifestyle and even civilization. That dictates all aspects of human life. As a civilization, Capitalism has faced resistance from Islam. Islam, which is usually seen as only a religion, is actually more than just a religion, but includes the basic elements of a civilization. If Capitalism builds a civilization with its distinctive points regarding the theory of socioeconomic growth, then Islam does not see it as a basic foundation. Today in Islam, the life of the world is always closely related to the concept of the afterlife. Meanwhile, capitalism separates morality from theology. Furthermore, Islam does not deny the need for rationality to solve the problems of world life, but the rational concept in Islam is not only limited to mathematical logic, it also involves a spiritual dimension. By using the descriptive analytical method, this study produces several important conclusions, namely: First, to overcome scientific problems that have been penetrated by secular Western civilization, Second, the development of the ideology of Capitalism has changed the human perspective in thinking resulting in a lack of moral values and secular ideology. Third, the existence of Al-Faruqi's thought which is based on Tawheed which contributes to a solution to the lack of scientific values which also affects the people's mindset. So from the research results it can be concluded that if a science is successful it will destroy all aspects of life both in terms of ideology or morals.
kusuma dewi Nur aini, 2019
Wacana feminism belakangan ini menjadi salah satu kajian yang menarik dan menjadi fenomena tersen... more Wacana feminism belakangan ini menjadi salah satu kajian yang
menarik dan menjadi fenomena tersendiri di kalangan umat Islam. Gelombang globalisasi agaknya sangat berpengaruh bagi masuknya wacana feminism di kalangan umat Islam. Gagasan “demokrasi” dan “emansipasi” Barat yang masuk ke dunia Islam “memaksa” umat Islam untuk menelaah kembali tentang posisi perempuan yang telah termarginalkan selama berabad-abad. Konsep “feminisme” yang marak di Barat pada abad ke-19 dan 20 menjadi model bagi pembebasan perempuan di banyak Negara berpenduduk muslim. Bermula dari para intelektual Mesir yang belajar ke Eropa, wacana feminisme yang marak di Eropa “diadopsi” oleh mereka setelah pulang dari Eropa untuk kemudian dikembangkan denga apa yang dikenal dengan istilah “Tahrir al-Mar’ah” (pembebasan perempuan). Gerakan “Tahrir al-Mar’ah” ini cepat berkembang manakala masyarakat semakin menyadari ketertindasan, terutama yang dialami oleh perempuan, yang diakibatkan oleh kolonialisme dan modernisme.
Drafts by kusuma dewi
This paper aĴ empts to discuss the discourse related to secularism. Secularism is an ideology tha... more This paper aĴ empts to discuss the discourse related to secularism. Secularism is an ideology that is understood as a process of separation between religion and the world. The existence of this ideology can eliminate (nihilism) the traditional value of the concept of God in human life. When examined more deeply, history appears that secularism can cause several problems that aff ect the confusion in human life. This can be seen from the social, economic and political fi elds. First, in social life, it gives rise to a social theory related to social life, namely Marxism, a theory that teaches human awareness how to socialize which aff ects a very materialist economic aĴ itude. The second is in the economic fi eld, so that in the process it gives rise to capitalism, which is one of the incarnations of secularization in the economy. Third, in politics there is a separation between religion and state. From this impact aff ects human life. The role of Western thinkers has also infl uenced the emergence of secularism in human life. With the development of secularism in people's lives, it also aff ects religious aĴ itudes in life. In this study, secularism greatly aff ects people's life, especially in modern times like today. So that we need a theory based on Islam to criticize this problem. The role of Western thinkers has also infl uenced the emergence of secularism in human life. With the development of secularism in people's lives, it also aff ects religious aĴ itudes in life. In this study, secularism greatly aff ects people's life, especially in modern times like today. So that we need a theory based on Islam to criticize this problem. The role of Western thinkers has also infl uenced the emergence of secularism in human life. With the development of secularism in people's lives, it also aff ects religious aĴ itudes
Tulisan ini berusaha membahas mengenai wacana dualisme dalam pendidikan. Pada pemahaman dualisme ... more Tulisan ini berusaha membahas mengenai wacana dualisme dalam pendidikan. Pada pemahaman dualisme pasti dikaitkan dengan dikotomi yang diartikan sebagai pemisahan antara pendidikan umum dari pendidikan agama. Akan tetapi pada prinsip ada yang membedakannya, jika dikotomi itu berkaitan dengan isi atau konten materi, sedangkan dualisme lebih ditujukan pada sistem pengelolaannya. Dikotomi selalu melahirkan pandangan pembedaaan di satu sisi dan penyamaaan di sisi yang lain. Dengan demikian penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis dan kritik, untuk mengkaji problem di dalam dualism. Pandangan dikotomis pada hakikatnya mengabaikan esensi atau nilai sprit pendidikan. Jika dimaknai pada tataran permukaan dengan jelas merusak nilai spirit dari pendidikan Islam. Dualisme dan dikotomi bukan hanya pada tataran pemilahan, namun telah masuk pada wilayah pemisahan yang dalam operasionalnya memisahkan mata pelajaran umum dari mata pelajaran agama, sekolah umum dan madrasah yang pengelolaannya berjalan terpisah-pisah. Problematika tersebut muncul disebakan kurangnnya nilai-nilai keagamaan segi pengajaran baik dari metode ataupun kurikulum. Hal tersebut berdampak kepada Ilmu pengetahuan, menjadi sempit karena pengotak-kotakan ilmu umum dan agama. Sebagai solusi Integrasi ilmu pengetahuan berbasis Islam perlu dilakukan, yaitu menggunakan pandangan Islam yang syarat akan makna nilai-nilai keislaman, yang telah banyak dikaji oleh cendekiawan muslim.
This paper attempts to discuss discourse regarding secularism. Secularism is an ideology that is ... more This paper attempts to discuss discourse regarding secularism. Secularism is an ideology that is as a process of separation between religion and the world. The existence of these ideologies, can enliminate (nihilism) trancenden value in the concept of God in human life. If investigated more deeply, the history of secularism emerges can cause some problems to influence confusion in human life. This can be seen from the social, economic and political fields. First in social life raises a social theory that deals with social life namely Marxism, a theory that teaches about human consciousness how to socialize that affects a very realistic economic attitude. Second in the economic field so that in the process raises capitalism which is one of the manifestations of secularization in the economy.
Journal of Comparative Study of Religions, 2021
This paper aĴ empts to discuss the discourse related to secularism. Secularism is an ideology tha... more This paper aĴ empts to discuss the discourse related to secularism. Secularism is an ideology that is understood as a process of separation between religion and the world. The existence of this ideology can eliminate (nihilism) the traditional value of the concept of God in human life. When examined more deeply, history appears that secularism can cause several problems that aff ect the confusion in human life. This can be seen from the social, economic and political fi elds. First, in social life, it gives rise to a social theory related to social life, namely Marxism, a theory that teaches human awareness how to socialize which aff ects a very materialist economic aĴ itude. The second is in the economic fi eld, so that in the process it gives rise to capitalism, which is one of the incarnations of secularization in the economy. Third, in politics there is a separation between religion and state. From this impact aff ects human life. The role of Western thinkers has also infl uenced the emergence of secularism in human life. With the development of secularism in people's lives, it also aff ects religious aĴ itudes in life. In this study, secularism greatly aff ects people's life, especially in modern times like today. So that we need a theory based on Islam to criticize this problem. The role of Western thinkers has also infl uenced the emergence of secularism in human life. With the development of secularism in people's lives, it also aff ects religious aĴ itudes in life. In this study, secularism greatly aff ects people's life, especially in modern times like today. So that we need a theory based on Islam to criticize this problem. The role of Western thinkers has also infl uenced the emergence of secularism in human life. With the development of secularism in people's lives, it also aff ects religious aĴ itudes
Pada goresan tinta emas sejarah mencatat bahwa Islam pernah merasakan masa kejayaannya, khususnya... more Pada goresan tinta emas sejarah mencatat bahwa Islam pernah merasakan masa kejayaannya, khususnya dalam keunggulan aspek epistemologinya. Konsep ilm mengajarkan umat Islam untuk memahami tentang suatu realitas secara utuh. Hal ini telah dilakukan oleh sarjana dan intelektual Muslim klasik, seperti al-Farabi, al-Ghazali, dan sarjana klasik lainnya. Akan tetapi, sarjana Muslim kontemporer tampak mengesampingkan peranan epistemologi ini. Fenomena ini merupakan dampak dari adanya epistemologi yang dominan dan universal, yaitu epistemologi Barat. Epistemologi Barat telah menjadi hegemoni baru di dalam peradaban dunia, termasuk
Para ahli sejarah bersepakat bahwasannya Eropa Barat telah mengalami Sekularisme sejak 250 tahun ... more Para ahli sejarah bersepakat bahwasannya Eropa Barat telah mengalami Sekularisme sejak 250 tahun terakhir, 1 seperti halnya yang telah dipaparkan oleh beberaa theolog Kristen. Adapun teolog tersebut ialah Jesuit Prancis, 2 seperti halnya juga teolog Pierre Thielharad de Chardin, 3 yang diikuti juga oleh beberapa theoog yang lainnya seperti Diertich Bonhoeffer 4 dari Jerman dan Paul Tillich 5 dari amerika, mereka megamati bahwa pemikiran-pemikiran yang terjadi pada masa ini sangat mempengaruhi pemikiran Kristen, sehingga mereka mulai menerima kenyataan yang diakibatakan adanya krisis agama dan theologi yang timbul sebagai akibat sekularisasi 6 Maka dari itu muncullah suatu ideologi baru yang sangat mempengaruhi kehidupan manusia terutama dalam bidang sosiologi, politik dan sekonomi. Disebabkan inilah adanya pertentangan pemikiran untuk mempertahankan dari pengekaangan, diakibatkan peristiwa tersebut Eropa mengalami kemunduran dan berada dalam kegelapan yang disebut " The Dark Middle Age" (Abad Pertengahan
There is no doubt that capitalism is one of the dominant economic systems today, has been transfo... more There is no doubt that capitalism is one of the dominant economic systems today, has been transformed into a new ideology. If the beginning only revolved around free markets, unlimited private ownership, then now it is more of a new culture, lifestyle and even civilization. That dictates all aspects of human life. As a civilization, Capitalism has faced resistance from Islam. Islam, which is usually seen as only a religion, is actually more than just a religion, but includes the basic elements of a civilization. If Capitalism builds a civilization with its distinctive points regarding the theory of socioeconomic growth, then Islam does not see it as a basic foundation. Today in Islam, the life of the world is always closely related to the concept of the afterlife. Meanwhile, capitalism separates morality from theology. Furthermore, Islam does not deny the need for rationality to solve the problems of world life, but the rational concept in Islam is not only limited to mathematical logic, it also involves a spiritual dimension. By using the descriptive analytical method, this study produces several important conclusions, namely: First, to overcome scientific problems that have been penetrated by secular Western civilization, Second, the development of the ideology of Capitalism has changed the human perspective in thinking resulting in a lack of moral values and secular ideology. Third, the existence of Al-Faruqi's thought which is based on Tawheed which contributes to a solution to the lack of scientific values which also affects the people's mindset. So from the research results it can be concluded that if a science is successful it will destroy all aspects of life both in terms of ideology or morals.
kusuma dewi Nur aini, 2019
Wacana feminism belakangan ini menjadi salah satu kajian yang menarik dan menjadi fenomena tersen... more Wacana feminism belakangan ini menjadi salah satu kajian yang
menarik dan menjadi fenomena tersendiri di kalangan umat Islam. Gelombang globalisasi agaknya sangat berpengaruh bagi masuknya wacana feminism di kalangan umat Islam. Gagasan “demokrasi” dan “emansipasi” Barat yang masuk ke dunia Islam “memaksa” umat Islam untuk menelaah kembali tentang posisi perempuan yang telah termarginalkan selama berabad-abad. Konsep “feminisme” yang marak di Barat pada abad ke-19 dan 20 menjadi model bagi pembebasan perempuan di banyak Negara berpenduduk muslim. Bermula dari para intelektual Mesir yang belajar ke Eropa, wacana feminisme yang marak di Eropa “diadopsi” oleh mereka setelah pulang dari Eropa untuk kemudian dikembangkan denga apa yang dikenal dengan istilah “Tahrir al-Mar’ah” (pembebasan perempuan). Gerakan “Tahrir al-Mar’ah” ini cepat berkembang manakala masyarakat semakin menyadari ketertindasan, terutama yang dialami oleh perempuan, yang diakibatkan oleh kolonialisme dan modernisme.
This paper aĴ empts to discuss the discourse related to secularism. Secularism is an ideology tha... more This paper aĴ empts to discuss the discourse related to secularism. Secularism is an ideology that is understood as a process of separation between religion and the world. The existence of this ideology can eliminate (nihilism) the traditional value of the concept of God in human life. When examined more deeply, history appears that secularism can cause several problems that aff ect the confusion in human life. This can be seen from the social, economic and political fi elds. First, in social life, it gives rise to a social theory related to social life, namely Marxism, a theory that teaches human awareness how to socialize which aff ects a very materialist economic aĴ itude. The second is in the economic fi eld, so that in the process it gives rise to capitalism, which is one of the incarnations of secularization in the economy. Third, in politics there is a separation between religion and state. From this impact aff ects human life. The role of Western thinkers has also infl uenced the emergence of secularism in human life. With the development of secularism in people's lives, it also aff ects religious aĴ itudes in life. In this study, secularism greatly aff ects people's life, especially in modern times like today. So that we need a theory based on Islam to criticize this problem. The role of Western thinkers has also infl uenced the emergence of secularism in human life. With the development of secularism in people's lives, it also aff ects religious aĴ itudes in life. In this study, secularism greatly aff ects people's life, especially in modern times like today. So that we need a theory based on Islam to criticize this problem. The role of Western thinkers has also infl uenced the emergence of secularism in human life. With the development of secularism in people's lives, it also aff ects religious aĴ itudes