Mladen Mladenović | Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade, Serbia (original) (raw)
Papers by Mladen Mladenović
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2023
Antiquity, 2022
A recent study from Central Europe has changed our perception of the cat's domestication history.... more A recent study from Central Europe has changed our perception of the cat's domestication history. The authors discuss how this has led to the development of an interdisciplinary project combining palaeogenetics, zooarchaeology and radiocarbon dating, with the aim of providing insight into the domestic cat's expansion beyond the Mediterranean.
Antiquity Project Gallery, Nov 9, 2022
A recent study from Central Europe has changed our perception of the cat's domestication history.... more A recent study from Central Europe has changed our perception of the cat's domestication history. The authors discuss how this has led to the development of an interdisciplinary project combining palaeogenetics, zooarchaeology and radiocarbon dating, with the aim of providing insight into the domestic cat's expansion beyond the Mediterranean.
Archaeology and Science 17, 2021
The Roman Festival in Ptuj aims to connect the local community and visitors with the Roman herita... more The Roman Festival in Ptuj aims to connect the local community and visitors with the Roman heritage
and present a part of Roman life that includes the army, gladiatorial fights, conflicts with the Barbarians,
traditional Roman food, craftsmen, etc. Within the project “Sadike na prihodnost” supported
by the Erasmus + programme, some educational activities were organised during the event. This was
a good opportunity for the creation of specific and thematically defined archaeological workshops,
which were used as a good educational approach in communication between professionals and the
wider public. Visitors were also able to get acquainted with the skills required for the slingshot used
by Roman soldiers, through a practical workshop that students prepared. In such a way it can be said
that the project results contributed to a widening educational approach towards the Ptuj public and the
local community.
Animal Husbandry and Hunting in the Central and Western Balkans Through Time (eds N. Marković & J. Bulatović), 2020
The paper is a summary of the results of zooarchaeological analyses from Medieval sites in the te... more The paper is a summary of the results of zooarchaeological analyses from Medieval sites in the territory of present-day Serbia. According to the available information, animal exploitation and diet strategies of the inhabitants of Medieval settlements were mainly oriented to the breeding of domestic animals. Remains of economically the most important animals such as cattle, sheep, goat, and pig are the most numerous, while the remains of equids, pets, and domestic birds are less represented in faunal assemblages. Hunting and fishing had a secondary role in the economy of Medieval settlements.
Petničke sveske 72, 2013
U radu je analiziran uzorak faune koji obuhvata 3644 fragmenta životinjskih kostiju iz perioda od... more U radu je analiziran uzorak faune koji obuhvata 3644 fragmenta životinjskih kostiju iz perioda od III do VI veka, pronađenih tokom arheoloških iskopavanja u sezoni 2012. godine na lokalitetu Jerinin grad u selu Brangović kod Valjeva. Analiza je izvršena standardnim arheozoološkim metodama s ciljem da se ustanovi zastupljenost određenih vrsta životinja i njihova upotreba u ishrani tokom ovog perioda. Podaci o zastupljenosti životinjskih vrsta ukazuju da su domaće životinje znatno brojnije od divljih. S obzirom da se u kontinuitetu domaća svinja javlja kao najzastupljenija vrsta tokom celog perioda, može se zaključiti da je, u odnosu na ostale vrste, svinjsko meso najviše korišćeno u ishrani. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da ne dolazi do bitnijih promena u uzgoju životinja, a samim tim ni u strategiji ishrane stanovništva tokom ovog perioda.
This paper deals with the analysis of faunal remains which originated from the site Brangović, located in the vicinity of Valjevo. The bones mainly belong to mammals, but there are also some bones that belong to birds. The total number of bones is 3644, of which 1201 fragment belongs to the period from the III to the IV century, and 2443 belong to the period from the V to the VI century. The bones are from an archaeological excavation carried out in 2012. The focus was on the southwestern part of the church and the area where they assumed there used to be gates. During the processing of the bones, a database was formed with information on the dimension, traces on the bones (caused by gnawing, burning and butchery), symmetry, age, sex, taxonomic category, and degree of fragmentation. These parameters were determined with the help of an atlas (Schmid 1972) and comparative collections of Petnica Science Center. At this site domestic species dominate, but there are also some wild species, although considerably fewer in number. The represented taxa are: pig, sheep, goat, ox, red and roe deer, and wild boar. The most frequent animal is the pig. There is no significant difference in animal husbandry between the two periods.
Based on the analysis, we conclude that these animals were mainly used for their meat or making other food products. This is primarily based
on the fact that butchering marks were observed dominantly in the parts of the skeleton that carry the greatest amount of meat.
Conference Presentations by Mladen Mladenović
2nd ICAZ Medieval Period Working Group Meeting - Book of Abstracts, 2-6.10., Sofia, Bulgaria, 2024
Koprijan fortress is located on the slopes of Seličevica mountain above the right bank of the sou... more Koprijan fortress is located on the slopes of Seličevica mountain above the right bank of the southern Morava River near the city of Niš (Southern Serbia). It
represents a well-preserved Medieval fortified towns in Serbia. The town was
rebuilt during the reign of Prince Lazar in 1372, when it was in the system of
defence against the Turks. After the Turkish capture of the town in 1451, the
fortress was abandoned, because it was outside the zone of military operations. Koprijan was recorded as a cultural monument in the early years after the Second
World War, but archaeological research began recently, in 2022. In the first three campaigns, the Upper Town area was mostly explored, at the level of the most
recent use from the late 14th and early 15th centuries. During these campaigns,
animal remains were meticulously collected. This paper aims to present preliminary
results of archaeofaunal analyses and try to unveil exploitation strategies and
dietary patterns of the inhabitants of the Korpijan fortress throughout the late 14th and the first half of the 15th century. So far, the remains of mammals, birds, fish and reptiles were confirmed. Among mammals caprines were the most dominant, followed by cattle, pigs, and dogs, while the game is represented by wild boar and red deer. The bird class includes geese, chicken, and ducks, and cyprinids were the only fish representatives. A single reptile find belonged to the turtle. Since the
archaeological research of Koprijan will continue in the future, the analysis of new
archaeozoological material will enrich the current understanding of human-
animal relations in the past and profound the knowledge of the way animals were exploited in Medieval Serbia.
2nd ICAZ Medieval Period Working Group Meeting - Book of Abstracts, 2-6.10., Sofia, Bulgaria, 2024
The Koznik fortress is located on the western slopes of Kopaonik mountain 9 km west of Aleksandro... more The Koznik fortress is located on the western slopes of Kopaonik mountain 9 km west of Aleksandrovac in Southern Serbia. Positioned dominantly at 922 m asl, it overlooks the Rasina River and stands as one of the well-preserved medieval fortresses in Serbia. Medieval fortress, constructed on the foundations of its ancient predecessor, flourished during the latter half of the 14th century. The Upper Town has an almost triangular base that fits into the configuration of the terrain with the rampart fortified by seven towers. The suburb is situated south of the fortress. Following the collapse of the medieval Serbian state, Koznik came under Ottoman control and retained its strategic importance. However, by the late 17th century, the fortification was abandoned. Several archaeological excavations have been conducted at the Koznik fortress over the years. The most recent campaigns were conducted in the Upper Town and the suburb in 2019 and 2022, and the analysed faunal assemblage derives from these areas. This paper represents the preliminary results of the first analysis of the archaeozoological remains from the medieval and modern period layers of the Koznik fortress. It provides valuable insights into the dietary practices of the Upper Town and the surrounding suburb inhabitants during these historical periods and delves into the comparisons between the two epochs. The significance of this paper goes beyond just the information it provides. It contributes to increasing the number of analysed samples, especially considering the scarcity of the late medieval period and almost the absence of the modern period data in Serbia.
Српско археолошко друштво, XLVII Скупштина и годишњи скуп, Ниш 30. мај – 1. јун 2024. године: програм, извештаји и апстракти, 2024
Тврђава Козник налази се на западним падинама Копаоника, 9 km западно од Александровца (јужна Срб... more Тврђава Козник налази се на западним падинама Копаоника, 9 km западно од Александровца (јужна Србија). Реч је о тврђави која се састоји од Горњег града приближно троугаоног облика са правоугаоним проширењем и подграђа које се пружа јужно од тврђаве. Након пада српске средњовековне државе, Козник је потпао под османску власт и задржао свој стратешки значај све до краја 17. века, када је напуштен. Археолошка истраживања вршена су у више наврата, а најновија ископавања спроведена 2019. и 2022. године обухватила су Горњи град и подграђе. Археофаунални материјал анализиран за потребе овог рада потиче управо из последњих кампања. Резултати археозоолошке анализе показали су да су у материјалу присутни остаци сисара, птица и мекушаца. На простору цитаделе, међу остацима сисара, најзаступљенији су каприни, који су праћени остацима свиња, говеда, паса и мачака. Међу дивљим врстама, срећу се дивља свиња, јелен, срна и зец. На простору подграђа, такође су најзаступљенији каприни, али су забележени и остаци говеда, свиња и еквида. Од дивљих врста, присутни су само остаци дивље свиње. Птице су потврђене и на простору Горњег града (кокошка, гуска и патка) и подграђа (кокошка и сврака), док су мекушци (виноградарски пуж) откривени само у Горњем граду. Важност археозоолошких резултата огледа се у томе што су подаци о стратегијама експолатације животиња на простору данашње Србије у периоду Османске превласти изузетно скромни, те ће наведени подаци проширити досадашња сазнања о људско-животињским односима у прошлости.
Archaeological site Prosjanice, in the Mihaljevačka šuma near the village of Čortanovci in Srem (... more Archaeological site Prosjanice, in the Mihaljevačka šuma near the village of Čortanovci in Srem (Northern Serbia), is located on the right Danube bank, under the last slopes of Fruška gora mountain. At this position, remains of the Roman military border fortress, settlement, and necropolis were discovered. The significance of this paper is reflected in the fact that it represents preliminary results of the first archaeozoological analyses of this Roman settlement, which provides an insight into animal exploitation strategies of the Roman soldiers and their families during the Late Antiquity.
ICAZ - 4th RPWG Meeting Social archaeozoology and role of animals in Roman period societies: social differences, the impact of Rome on animal- human relationships, and changes in the human diet. Book of Abstracts, 2024
Even though archaeozoology of the Roman and the Late Antique periods is a young discipline that h... more Even though archaeozoology of the Roman and the Late Antique periods is a young discipline that has gained momentum in Serbia in recent decades, there is still modest information originating from the area of Western Serbia. So far, the data from the archaeological site Jerinin grad – Brangović has been published (Kukić, Mladenović 2014). However, in the last two years, analyses of archaeofaunal material from the area of present-day Čačak, which includes three sites/locations – Courtyard of the Gymnasium, Courtyard of the National Museum, and Courtyard of the Church of the Ascension of the Holy Virgin – dating back to the Roman and Late Antique periods, have gotten underway. This paper aims to provide an insight into animal management within the same landscape at three different locations through time by comparing taxa ratios, body part profiles, age and sex data, pathological changes, as well as butchery mark patterns between various sites/locations to reveal plausible diachronic and contextual differences in the strategies of animal exploitation.
MonBones – Reconstructing Past Monastic Life. Inferences from Archaeological, Bioanthropological and Documentary Perspectives, Conference Programme and Abstract Book, 2024
Since the late 14th century, throughout the Modern period, the Ottoman conquest of Serbia led to ... more Since the late 14th century, throughout the Modern period, the Ottoman conquest of Serbia led to the devastation and desecration of churches and monasteries, looting of their assets, and the conversion of some sacred Christian sites into mosques. Despite this, the Serbian Orthodox Church persisted and even expanded during the late 15th and early 16th centuries. While some monasteries fell into disrepair, others prospered, such as the St. Barbara Monastery, located on Reljina Gradina near Novi Pazar (Southwestern Serbia). Based on written sources, the monastery was built during the 16th century, which was proved by archaeological excavations. It was burned down at the end of the 17th century. The excavations have also confirmed an older Medieval necropolis beneath the monastery buildings. The monastery consists of the church, east and west blocks of buildings, and a surrounding wall. It also includes a well, refectory, and kitchen. During the excavations in 2022 and 2023, a small surface in the western part within and outside of the churchyard was excavated. Archaeological material of the 16th and 17th centuries was not abundant, consisting mostly of kitchen and tableware, and less numerous small finds and faunal remains. This paper aims to present faunal analysis results from St. Barbara Monastery, and reveal the dietary habits and characteristics of everyday life of monastery inhabitants from a zooarchaeological perspective. The analysis suggests that domestic animal meat and fish were predominantly consumed. Caprine remains were the most abundant, as the most significant source for exploitation of primary and secondary products. Albeit small, the faunal assemblage from a few contexts of St. Barbara uncovered by now is significant since it is the only known Modern period monastery faunal collection from the territory of Serbia.
ICORB 2023 Abstract Book, 2023
Previous archaeozoological research indicates that in the area of present-day Serbia during Late ... more Previous archaeozoological research indicates that in the area of present-day Serbia during Late Antiquity (4th to the beginning of the 7th century AD), animal exploitation strategies and nutritional practices were primarily focused on the breeding of domestic animals, with hunting and fishing playing a secondary role. Alongside a few remains of species that were kept as pets, the predominant economically significant species – cattle, caprines, and pigs – are frequently found at archaeological sites. Biometric data reveals changes in the size of animals through time, indicating that animal husbandry experienced transformations. The degeneration of animal breeds can be attributed to general poverty and frequent conflicts in the region between “barbarian forces” and Eastern Roman Empire during the period in question. Other factors influencing the development of animal husbandry include population density, settlement size and duration, which dictated the demand for meat and the need for working animals based on agricultural practices. Unlike domestic animals, remains of the game are rare and primarily consist of frequently hunted species. While fishing was practiced by the inhabitants of the Late Antique settlements, fish remains are scarce, likely due to the manual collection of archaeofaunal remains. Despite the limited extent of archaeozoological research on the Late Antique settlements, the findings offer valuable insights into the methods of animal exploitation and indicate the presence of regional variations, particularly between Vojvodina and the territory south of the Sava and Danube rivers. This paper aims to provide insight into animal exploitation strategies in different settlement types by bringing together archaeozoological data. The comparisons of the relative distributions of their remains, their body part profiles, age and sex data, pathological changes, butchery marks between different archaeological sites, and site types will be used to explore plausible diachronic and contextual differences in animal exploitation strategies.
Редовни јесењи састанак средњовековне секције САД, Нови Пазар 2022, 2022
9th PZAF - Book of Abstracts (eds D. Marković & T. Mladenović), 2021
ICAZ-Zooarchaeology of the Roman Period - 3 rd Working Group Meeting: Animals in the Roman Economy: production, supply, and trade within and beyond the Empire’s frontiers, 2021
Books by Mladen Mladenović
by Dimitrije Markovic, Teodora Mladenović, Mladen Mladenović, Chiara Messana, Elena Vasileva, Vito Giuseppe Prillo, Milan Savić, Aleksa Alaica, Ana Beatriz Santos, Jessica Peto, ROCÍO PAZOS GARCÍA, Rosana Cerezo-Fernández, Jacob I Griffith, and Benjamin Wimmer
The book of abstracts from the 9th PZAF (Postgraduate Zooarchaeology Forum)
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2023
Antiquity, 2022
A recent study from Central Europe has changed our perception of the cat's domestication history.... more A recent study from Central Europe has changed our perception of the cat's domestication history. The authors discuss how this has led to the development of an interdisciplinary project combining palaeogenetics, zooarchaeology and radiocarbon dating, with the aim of providing insight into the domestic cat's expansion beyond the Mediterranean.
Antiquity Project Gallery, Nov 9, 2022
A recent study from Central Europe has changed our perception of the cat's domestication history.... more A recent study from Central Europe has changed our perception of the cat's domestication history. The authors discuss how this has led to the development of an interdisciplinary project combining palaeogenetics, zooarchaeology and radiocarbon dating, with the aim of providing insight into the domestic cat's expansion beyond the Mediterranean.
Archaeology and Science 17, 2021
The Roman Festival in Ptuj aims to connect the local community and visitors with the Roman herita... more The Roman Festival in Ptuj aims to connect the local community and visitors with the Roman heritage
and present a part of Roman life that includes the army, gladiatorial fights, conflicts with the Barbarians,
traditional Roman food, craftsmen, etc. Within the project “Sadike na prihodnost” supported
by the Erasmus + programme, some educational activities were organised during the event. This was
a good opportunity for the creation of specific and thematically defined archaeological workshops,
which were used as a good educational approach in communication between professionals and the
wider public. Visitors were also able to get acquainted with the skills required for the slingshot used
by Roman soldiers, through a practical workshop that students prepared. In such a way it can be said
that the project results contributed to a widening educational approach towards the Ptuj public and the
local community.
Animal Husbandry and Hunting in the Central and Western Balkans Through Time (eds N. Marković & J. Bulatović), 2020
The paper is a summary of the results of zooarchaeological analyses from Medieval sites in the te... more The paper is a summary of the results of zooarchaeological analyses from Medieval sites in the territory of present-day Serbia. According to the available information, animal exploitation and diet strategies of the inhabitants of Medieval settlements were mainly oriented to the breeding of domestic animals. Remains of economically the most important animals such as cattle, sheep, goat, and pig are the most numerous, while the remains of equids, pets, and domestic birds are less represented in faunal assemblages. Hunting and fishing had a secondary role in the economy of Medieval settlements.
Petničke sveske 72, 2013
U radu je analiziran uzorak faune koji obuhvata 3644 fragmenta životinjskih kostiju iz perioda od... more U radu je analiziran uzorak faune koji obuhvata 3644 fragmenta životinjskih kostiju iz perioda od III do VI veka, pronađenih tokom arheoloških iskopavanja u sezoni 2012. godine na lokalitetu Jerinin grad u selu Brangović kod Valjeva. Analiza je izvršena standardnim arheozoološkim metodama s ciljem da se ustanovi zastupljenost određenih vrsta životinja i njihova upotreba u ishrani tokom ovog perioda. Podaci o zastupljenosti životinjskih vrsta ukazuju da su domaće životinje znatno brojnije od divljih. S obzirom da se u kontinuitetu domaća svinja javlja kao najzastupljenija vrsta tokom celog perioda, može se zaključiti da je, u odnosu na ostale vrste, svinjsko meso najviše korišćeno u ishrani. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da ne dolazi do bitnijih promena u uzgoju životinja, a samim tim ni u strategiji ishrane stanovništva tokom ovog perioda.
This paper deals with the analysis of faunal remains which originated from the site Brangović, located in the vicinity of Valjevo. The bones mainly belong to mammals, but there are also some bones that belong to birds. The total number of bones is 3644, of which 1201 fragment belongs to the period from the III to the IV century, and 2443 belong to the period from the V to the VI century. The bones are from an archaeological excavation carried out in 2012. The focus was on the southwestern part of the church and the area where they assumed there used to be gates. During the processing of the bones, a database was formed with information on the dimension, traces on the bones (caused by gnawing, burning and butchery), symmetry, age, sex, taxonomic category, and degree of fragmentation. These parameters were determined with the help of an atlas (Schmid 1972) and comparative collections of Petnica Science Center. At this site domestic species dominate, but there are also some wild species, although considerably fewer in number. The represented taxa are: pig, sheep, goat, ox, red and roe deer, and wild boar. The most frequent animal is the pig. There is no significant difference in animal husbandry between the two periods.
Based on the analysis, we conclude that these animals were mainly used for their meat or making other food products. This is primarily based
on the fact that butchering marks were observed dominantly in the parts of the skeleton that carry the greatest amount of meat.
2nd ICAZ Medieval Period Working Group Meeting - Book of Abstracts, 2-6.10., Sofia, Bulgaria, 2024
Koprijan fortress is located on the slopes of Seličevica mountain above the right bank of the sou... more Koprijan fortress is located on the slopes of Seličevica mountain above the right bank of the southern Morava River near the city of Niš (Southern Serbia). It
represents a well-preserved Medieval fortified towns in Serbia. The town was
rebuilt during the reign of Prince Lazar in 1372, when it was in the system of
defence against the Turks. After the Turkish capture of the town in 1451, the
fortress was abandoned, because it was outside the zone of military operations. Koprijan was recorded as a cultural monument in the early years after the Second
World War, but archaeological research began recently, in 2022. In the first three campaigns, the Upper Town area was mostly explored, at the level of the most
recent use from the late 14th and early 15th centuries. During these campaigns,
animal remains were meticulously collected. This paper aims to present preliminary
results of archaeofaunal analyses and try to unveil exploitation strategies and
dietary patterns of the inhabitants of the Korpijan fortress throughout the late 14th and the first half of the 15th century. So far, the remains of mammals, birds, fish and reptiles were confirmed. Among mammals caprines were the most dominant, followed by cattle, pigs, and dogs, while the game is represented by wild boar and red deer. The bird class includes geese, chicken, and ducks, and cyprinids were the only fish representatives. A single reptile find belonged to the turtle. Since the
archaeological research of Koprijan will continue in the future, the analysis of new
archaeozoological material will enrich the current understanding of human-
animal relations in the past and profound the knowledge of the way animals were exploited in Medieval Serbia.
2nd ICAZ Medieval Period Working Group Meeting - Book of Abstracts, 2-6.10., Sofia, Bulgaria, 2024
The Koznik fortress is located on the western slopes of Kopaonik mountain 9 km west of Aleksandro... more The Koznik fortress is located on the western slopes of Kopaonik mountain 9 km west of Aleksandrovac in Southern Serbia. Positioned dominantly at 922 m asl, it overlooks the Rasina River and stands as one of the well-preserved medieval fortresses in Serbia. Medieval fortress, constructed on the foundations of its ancient predecessor, flourished during the latter half of the 14th century. The Upper Town has an almost triangular base that fits into the configuration of the terrain with the rampart fortified by seven towers. The suburb is situated south of the fortress. Following the collapse of the medieval Serbian state, Koznik came under Ottoman control and retained its strategic importance. However, by the late 17th century, the fortification was abandoned. Several archaeological excavations have been conducted at the Koznik fortress over the years. The most recent campaigns were conducted in the Upper Town and the suburb in 2019 and 2022, and the analysed faunal assemblage derives from these areas. This paper represents the preliminary results of the first analysis of the archaeozoological remains from the medieval and modern period layers of the Koznik fortress. It provides valuable insights into the dietary practices of the Upper Town and the surrounding suburb inhabitants during these historical periods and delves into the comparisons between the two epochs. The significance of this paper goes beyond just the information it provides. It contributes to increasing the number of analysed samples, especially considering the scarcity of the late medieval period and almost the absence of the modern period data in Serbia.
Српско археолошко друштво, XLVII Скупштина и годишњи скуп, Ниш 30. мај – 1. јун 2024. године: програм, извештаји и апстракти, 2024
Тврђава Козник налази се на западним падинама Копаоника, 9 km западно од Александровца (јужна Срб... more Тврђава Козник налази се на западним падинама Копаоника, 9 km западно од Александровца (јужна Србија). Реч је о тврђави која се састоји од Горњег града приближно троугаоног облика са правоугаоним проширењем и подграђа које се пружа јужно од тврђаве. Након пада српске средњовековне државе, Козник је потпао под османску власт и задржао свој стратешки значај све до краја 17. века, када је напуштен. Археолошка истраживања вршена су у више наврата, а најновија ископавања спроведена 2019. и 2022. године обухватила су Горњи град и подграђе. Археофаунални материјал анализиран за потребе овог рада потиче управо из последњих кампања. Резултати археозоолошке анализе показали су да су у материјалу присутни остаци сисара, птица и мекушаца. На простору цитаделе, међу остацима сисара, најзаступљенији су каприни, који су праћени остацима свиња, говеда, паса и мачака. Међу дивљим врстама, срећу се дивља свиња, јелен, срна и зец. На простору подграђа, такође су најзаступљенији каприни, али су забележени и остаци говеда, свиња и еквида. Од дивљих врста, присутни су само остаци дивље свиње. Птице су потврђене и на простору Горњег града (кокошка, гуска и патка) и подграђа (кокошка и сврака), док су мекушци (виноградарски пуж) откривени само у Горњем граду. Важност археозоолошких резултата огледа се у томе што су подаци о стратегијама експолатације животиња на простору данашње Србије у периоду Османске превласти изузетно скромни, те ће наведени подаци проширити досадашња сазнања о људско-животињским односима у прошлости.
Archaeological site Prosjanice, in the Mihaljevačka šuma near the village of Čortanovci in Srem (... more Archaeological site Prosjanice, in the Mihaljevačka šuma near the village of Čortanovci in Srem (Northern Serbia), is located on the right Danube bank, under the last slopes of Fruška gora mountain. At this position, remains of the Roman military border fortress, settlement, and necropolis were discovered. The significance of this paper is reflected in the fact that it represents preliminary results of the first archaeozoological analyses of this Roman settlement, which provides an insight into animal exploitation strategies of the Roman soldiers and their families during the Late Antiquity.
ICAZ - 4th RPWG Meeting Social archaeozoology and role of animals in Roman period societies: social differences, the impact of Rome on animal- human relationships, and changes in the human diet. Book of Abstracts, 2024
Even though archaeozoology of the Roman and the Late Antique periods is a young discipline that h... more Even though archaeozoology of the Roman and the Late Antique periods is a young discipline that has gained momentum in Serbia in recent decades, there is still modest information originating from the area of Western Serbia. So far, the data from the archaeological site Jerinin grad – Brangović has been published (Kukić, Mladenović 2014). However, in the last two years, analyses of archaeofaunal material from the area of present-day Čačak, which includes three sites/locations – Courtyard of the Gymnasium, Courtyard of the National Museum, and Courtyard of the Church of the Ascension of the Holy Virgin – dating back to the Roman and Late Antique periods, have gotten underway. This paper aims to provide an insight into animal management within the same landscape at three different locations through time by comparing taxa ratios, body part profiles, age and sex data, pathological changes, as well as butchery mark patterns between various sites/locations to reveal plausible diachronic and contextual differences in the strategies of animal exploitation.
MonBones – Reconstructing Past Monastic Life. Inferences from Archaeological, Bioanthropological and Documentary Perspectives, Conference Programme and Abstract Book, 2024
Since the late 14th century, throughout the Modern period, the Ottoman conquest of Serbia led to ... more Since the late 14th century, throughout the Modern period, the Ottoman conquest of Serbia led to the devastation and desecration of churches and monasteries, looting of their assets, and the conversion of some sacred Christian sites into mosques. Despite this, the Serbian Orthodox Church persisted and even expanded during the late 15th and early 16th centuries. While some monasteries fell into disrepair, others prospered, such as the St. Barbara Monastery, located on Reljina Gradina near Novi Pazar (Southwestern Serbia). Based on written sources, the monastery was built during the 16th century, which was proved by archaeological excavations. It was burned down at the end of the 17th century. The excavations have also confirmed an older Medieval necropolis beneath the monastery buildings. The monastery consists of the church, east and west blocks of buildings, and a surrounding wall. It also includes a well, refectory, and kitchen. During the excavations in 2022 and 2023, a small surface in the western part within and outside of the churchyard was excavated. Archaeological material of the 16th and 17th centuries was not abundant, consisting mostly of kitchen and tableware, and less numerous small finds and faunal remains. This paper aims to present faunal analysis results from St. Barbara Monastery, and reveal the dietary habits and characteristics of everyday life of monastery inhabitants from a zooarchaeological perspective. The analysis suggests that domestic animal meat and fish were predominantly consumed. Caprine remains were the most abundant, as the most significant source for exploitation of primary and secondary products. Albeit small, the faunal assemblage from a few contexts of St. Barbara uncovered by now is significant since it is the only known Modern period monastery faunal collection from the territory of Serbia.
ICORB 2023 Abstract Book, 2023
Previous archaeozoological research indicates that in the area of present-day Serbia during Late ... more Previous archaeozoological research indicates that in the area of present-day Serbia during Late Antiquity (4th to the beginning of the 7th century AD), animal exploitation strategies and nutritional practices were primarily focused on the breeding of domestic animals, with hunting and fishing playing a secondary role. Alongside a few remains of species that were kept as pets, the predominant economically significant species – cattle, caprines, and pigs – are frequently found at archaeological sites. Biometric data reveals changes in the size of animals through time, indicating that animal husbandry experienced transformations. The degeneration of animal breeds can be attributed to general poverty and frequent conflicts in the region between “barbarian forces” and Eastern Roman Empire during the period in question. Other factors influencing the development of animal husbandry include population density, settlement size and duration, which dictated the demand for meat and the need for working animals based on agricultural practices. Unlike domestic animals, remains of the game are rare and primarily consist of frequently hunted species. While fishing was practiced by the inhabitants of the Late Antique settlements, fish remains are scarce, likely due to the manual collection of archaeofaunal remains. Despite the limited extent of archaeozoological research on the Late Antique settlements, the findings offer valuable insights into the methods of animal exploitation and indicate the presence of regional variations, particularly between Vojvodina and the territory south of the Sava and Danube rivers. This paper aims to provide insight into animal exploitation strategies in different settlement types by bringing together archaeozoological data. The comparisons of the relative distributions of their remains, their body part profiles, age and sex data, pathological changes, butchery marks between different archaeological sites, and site types will be used to explore plausible diachronic and contextual differences in animal exploitation strategies.
Редовни јесењи састанак средњовековне секције САД, Нови Пазар 2022, 2022
9th PZAF - Book of Abstracts (eds D. Marković & T. Mladenović), 2021
ICAZ-Zooarchaeology of the Roman Period - 3 rd Working Group Meeting: Animals in the Roman Economy: production, supply, and trade within and beyond the Empire’s frontiers, 2021