and everything naughtieness (original) (raw)

Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded inanaughtie's LiveJournal:

Friday, March 17th, 2006

2:02 pm

You can NUDGE me all you want
but I won't BUDGE unless I want

with chance of showers

(a glittering
shower of gold

Zeus was such a naughty boy!)

compare "Clash of the Titans" to.....nothing mainstream quite captures African folktales
except for the one movie I am trying to think of
(a more modern
of little films
like "Catseye"
----- I remember most vividly the littlest people)

kiss me.
'm not Irish, but I kiss like a saint,
and if you want to put a sprig of clover up and kiss under it
I'm game.

not gamey
despite the green.

have I something better than to talk about the weather?


which is why no updates
from lil ol me.

no gaming
no dating
some wine tasting
read some good books
but otherwise, life is

sweetly dull

but a shout out
to my peeps

ooohh new icon loveyness!

Wednesday, September 28th, 2005

11:55 pm

I'm game ask me a question about a character
and I'll answer IC.


in other news

I found out how to get to the roof of the apartment building.
I'm wet from rain.
from being hardridden.

do you make up your own detective stories in your brain while doing things?

I like ot be an illegitimate son of Batman
trained by Oracle
slinking around the apartment hallways

and scaring my cat.

heh heh heh

what we do to entertain ourselves!
you can find out from me at $3.99/minute
or simply by asking

(I'm cheap
and come with




Thursday, September 8th, 2005

12:42 am

so WHY IS IT...? that we
the ones we love
"for their own protection"
when we

I'll just be a drain on them. I can do this myself. They wouldn't want me if I really needed them.

sometimes I wonder
"I am going to love until it kills me"
and wonder where that point is.

love shouldn't hurt.
love shouldn't hurt.

I'll say it again:

love shouldn't hurt.

pain is a signal!

be guilty of loving too much
if you must be guilty.

'nuff said

now going to go get some sleep.

Wednesday, May 11th, 2005

1:02 pm

it occured to me there's a proper term for the Fmaily

you know who you are.


heh heh heh


Tuesday, May 10th, 2005

10:15 pm

Tuesday, April 5th, 2005

1:59 am

I believe (in twenty things and maybe more...)
that stars and angels both have hearts
that innocence is precious
that love is not a reason or excuse
that living is a choice
that tears can heal
in fairies
in men that don't need to hurt to be strong
in women that don't need to simper to love
that there's more than roses
you can find magic anywhere and everywhere if you look
that the touch of a hand is special
that a whisper should tickle nicely
always in tickling nicely ;>
in keeping doors open for friends
in knowing myself
that joyful laughter is music, and so is the sound of the rain against my roof
that dancing is not just a metaphor
that surrendering can be a gift
knowledge is a fiercesome, wicked tool
and that each of these beliefs are stronger for the testing.

1:57 am

I hear the wind outside. The chimes are a
of the darkness
of spring.

I am planted
within the night of earth
straining to burn
to blossom
into the fiery heart
of a star.

these seeds I left with you
will grow into knowledge


Tuesday, February 22nd, 2005

4:22 pm

still alive still kickin'

"Pardon me suh,
do you know the way out of this
wet paper sack?"

Try this
Grey Poupon."

non sequitur?
( ah, my speciousssssCollapse )

and the weather ain't helpin'

many secret projects!
love 'em secret projects!


Thursday, January 27th, 2005

9:48 am

seen over the net now that my other sheepage obligations are met

your mission, should you choose to accept it
1. Comment with any subject upon which you would like me to rant

your discharge instructions
2. Watch my journal for your rant.

infect! infect!
3. Post this in your own journal, so that you may rant for others.

Thursday, January 13th, 2005

10:05 am

Wednesday, January 12th, 2005

4:34 pm

Wednesday, January 5th, 2005

4:29 pm

Rummaging shadowpryde:
-----no relation to shadowpryde, but plenty to this pryde

song: Jacob's Ladder by Chumbawumba which is an excellent anti-war song as well as very amusing if you think of it for Harry Potter fans.

word: altruistic

character: Kethry from Mercedes Lackey's "Oathbound" series

4:20 pm

Digging Deep immlass:
song: My Medea by Vienna Teng

remember, I mostly know you from Lalage

word: tachydidaxy
-----I actually learned this word at my second job as a HR assistant

character: Galadriel (somewhat this version)

Thursday, December 30th, 2004

10:33 am

seen around the web via a few people, including immlass

because I need to know who
I. Reply to this post, because I would like to say a couple words about you.

you might not agree, but
II. I will tell you what song(s) remind me of you.

you will laugh! you will scream!
III. I will also give ONE WORD that I associate with you when I think of you.

and like a tabloid
IV. I will also tell you what fictional or historical character you most remind me of

oh and it will replicate, yes, it will my preciousssssss.....
V. We all could use a boost now and then, so steal this for your journal and make someone else's day as well.

Thursday, December 9th, 2004

3:02 pm

A statement of no particular import. My journal is


in the respect
that those who read it
are my friends.

the only time a post may be locked
is if I'm talkng about gaming stuff


Current Mood: loving

11:32 am

authors you should be reading? from shadowpryde

Instructions: Take this list of authors, remove those whose efforts do not grace your shelves and bring the list up to ten by adding more that do. New paragraph indicates newly-added authors.

William Shakespeare
Laurell K. Hamilton
Richard Bach
JK Rowling

Neil Stephenson
John M. Ford
Vernor Vinge
Octavia E. Butler
Steven Barnes
Nalo Hopkinson

Current Mood: frustrated at understanding

Friday, October 1st, 2004

2:38 pm

that kind of week I just want to let


know I love them.

in your dark moments,
remember that I'm a


with a brightly burning
of support

Friday, September 24th, 2004

4:26 pm

me me me I want
an observer
with a difference
I want
in a kinesthetic manner
swim it breathe it run through it swallow it screw it laugh love scream-----
scream in ecstasy
scream in pain
I want to fear
I want to feel the rush
control and loss

(loss is faith: the submissive are the believers?)

and I want to know.
Most of all.....

....I want to know

Tuesday, July 13th, 2004

12:42 pm

with thanks to arrefmak

I must amend
my earlier statement:


is now a good place to reach me
and mine.

not amounting to much
except for a
spoiled fuzzball.)

Current Mood: happy

2:23 am

Interests diagrammed Based on the lj interests lists of those who share my more unusual interests, the interests suggestion program thinks I might be interested in ( the top ten thingsCollapse )

while I seem to be living right

I think it's broken.
It didn't list

in my top ten.

my hardware's OK
I'm wired right
must be a software problem.