Dr. Ercan Gürova | Ankara University (original) (raw)

Drafts by Dr. Ercan Gürova

Research paper thumbnail of Depictions of Pestilence in Literature, Media, and Art

Research paper thumbnail of Philip Stevick’s Article “Scheherezade Runs Out of Plots, Goes on Talking; the King, Puzzled, Listens: an Essay on New Fiction”

Philip Stevick, a literary critic, discusses the new fiction with a comparison to the traditional... more Philip Stevick, a literary critic, discusses the new fiction with a comparison to the traditional fiction by presenting similarities and differences between them. The writer also points out distinctive feautures of the traditional and non-traditional fiction by mapping out areas of coherence in literary history. This paper will be limited to the first part of the article.

Research paper thumbnail of A Critical Analysis of Ionesco’s Rhinoceros

Ionesco’s absurd play Rhinoceros is mostly in accordance with the principals of Artaud’s the “the... more Ionesco’s absurd play Rhinoceros is mostly in accordance with the principals of Artaud’s the “theater of cruelty”. His emphasis on senses and movements and the use of music, dance and rhythm are evident throughout the play. Moreover, subversion of conventional logic and language use and the terrorizing the audience with the energetic compression of the text and the mobile scenes are some of the elements to be found in the play.

Conference Presentations by Dr. Ercan Gürova


VII. BAKEA International Symposium, 2021

Fantasy fiction catalyzes us into exploring worlds of infinite possibility by evoking mystery, ma... more Fantasy fiction catalyzes us into exploring worlds of infinite possibility by evoking mystery, magic and wonder, which ultimately enables the reader to go beyond the material, concrete and ordinary predictable universe. The British author E.M. Forster's short stories fall under the category of emotive fantasy which centralize emotion as a primary concern. The atmosphere of this type of fantasy fiction foregrounds the sensations of desire and enchanment. There is

Research paper thumbnail of The Human Struggle against Diseases in Literature: Perceptions and Attitudes

Epidemics have been a part of world literature whether in the form of a plague or an outbreak wit... more Epidemics have been a part of world literature whether in the form of a plague or an outbreak with catastrophic consequences at personal and socio-economic levels. Boccaccio’s Decameron, Defoe’s The Journal of the Plague Year are considered some of the pioneer works which deal with epidemics. In the 19th and 20th century, widespread diseases continued to garner the attention of the authors and readers as serious illnesses ravaged human populations across the globe. In my presentation, I will investigate various human reactions in the face of death and widespread illnesses in Mary Shelley’s The Last Man (1826), Jack London’s The Scarlet Plague (1912), and Hüseyin Rahmi Gürpınar’s Hakka Sığındık (1919).
As Susan Sontag studies the impact of the epidemics or serious diseases on human mind in her book titled Illness as Metaphor (1978), she puts forward the idea that most people are inclined to form punitive or sentimental fantasies in relation to being afflicted with a disease. Rather than investigating the physical effects of the illnesses, Sontag prefers to look into the meanings of these diseases as metaphors. I will be using Sontag’s method to explore the metaphoric meanings and receptions of widespread diseases and death in three different literary texts from world literature written in the 19th and 20th century

Research paper thumbnail of Winterson’s Frankissstein: Postmodernism Blended with a 19th-century Style Philosophical Look

Research paper thumbnail of Challenges and Opportunities in ESL Teaching

Living in a hybrid world where we are surrounded by cutting edge technological tools and continuo... more Living in a hybrid world where we are surrounded by cutting edge technological tools and continuous changes has a deep impact not merely in our physical surroundings but also in shaping the way we teach and learn. Modern trends and practices such as the world wide web, digital media, ebook technology and social networking both make the conventional language teaching more dysfunctional and inefficient and brings along novel conceptions of teaching and learning. This paper first provides an overview on the paradigm shifts taking place in ESL and argues for the necessity of implementing modern trends in language teaching. In the second section, concerns and possible challenges are discussed in line with the aforementioned trends. While the third section of the paper elaborates on the possible solutions for keeping pace with the application of the contemporary tools in ESL. The need for the transformation from didactic and conventional teaching to a more interactive and blended language teaching is also addressed.


This paper aims to study and illustrate how recent trends such as the ebook technology, digital m... more This paper aims to study and illustrate how recent trends such as the ebook technology, digital media, blogging and other forms of social networking play a significant role in English literature today. These trends are useful in promoting the exchange of ideas and access to vital information that assists the analysis of literary works. Digital Media also proves to be important in improving the access and academic analysis of English literature.

Research paper thumbnail of Modern Fatherhood in Films

The concept and practice of fatherhood has gone through various important changes in terms of inv... more The concept and practice of fatherhood has gone through various important changes in terms of involvement of fathers in family life. With the increasing effects of globalisation and its wide-scale problems in the 21st century, fathers are forced to respond to situational circumstances which make their roles more detraditionalized. This paper focuses on the contemporary fathering roles in three different films and elaborates on the distant facets of the style of fathering as a “new man”. The dilemma of nature or nurture in being a father is questioned and two fathering roles with different socio-economical backgrounds are dealt with in the Japanese film Like Father Like Son. The story of an involved father in the Spanish film Biutiful depicts how and to what extent a father sacrifices his life for parenting despite the devastating circumstances around him. The Swedish director Östland emphasizes “egocentricism” and “inconsistencies” of a father in the film Force Majeure and brushes off the surface layer of fatherhood, showing the icy and disturbing truth underneath. I conclude my paper with a comparison and contrast among the roles of fathering in the aforementioned films and question the reflections of the fathering roles and their involvement in today’s world.

Books by Dr. Ercan Gürova

Research paper thumbnail of Freshwater

Freshwater, 2024

Freshwater by Virginia Woolf

Research paper thumbnail of Science Fantasy Foreword

Science Fantasy: Critical Explorations in Fiction and Film, 2024

Science Fantasy: Critical Explorations in Fiction and Film embarks on a riveting journey through ... more Science Fantasy: Critical Explorations in Fiction and Film embarks on a
riveting journey through the cosmos that transcends the boundaries of reality.
This collection of visionary tales seamlessly blends the marvels of science
fiction with the enchantment of fantastical worlds. Each story is a kaleidoscope
of imagination, weaving together futuristic technologies, otherworldly
realms, and fantastic elements. Fantasy literature, seen as an escape, takes on
a new branding when blended with science fiction. The future, shaped by current
advancements, becomes an inescapable setting. Despite often regarded
as dystopian, today’s actions determine its form. Science fantasy serves as
a medium to shape the present and build a better future through memories,
and it explores uncharted territories where science and imagination intersect.
Consisting of eleven chapters, this volume challenges preconceptions and
invites contemplation on the harmonious interplay between science fiction
and the fantastical.

Research paper thumbnail of Apokalips: Kıyamet Anlatıları, Edebiyat ve Sinema

Apokalips: Kıyamet Anlatıları, Edebiyat ve Sinema, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of After the End Post-Apolcayptic Features in The Road and The Survivor

After the End Post-Apolcayptic Features in The Road and The Survivor, 2023

The word apocalyptic, with its double meaning of "end of the world" and "revelation, enlightenmen... more The word apocalyptic, with its double meaning of "end of the world" and "revelation, enlightenment", implies not only collapse, destruction, and extinction but also hope and new beginnings. Post-apocalyptic, on the other hand, deals with the aftermath of great destruction and disaster. The causes of these disasters can be natural or social, or they can be caused by non-human beings/extraterrestrial beings. Today, developing war technology and the increasing race for hegemony in the international arena have accelerated the circulation of disaster, destruction, and extinction. Set in a post-apocalyptic universe, Cormac McCarthy's The Road (2009) and Julie Guinand's The Survivor (2019) depict the human race's struggle for hope and survival, centering on the aftermath of a catastrophe in which human civilization is destroyed and very few people survive. This study aims to compare these two novels in the context of post-apocalyptic features. In this comparison, Frank Kermode's A Sense of an Ending (1966) and James Berger's After the End (1954) are utilized from a theoretical perspective. Kermode's concept of "apocalyptic pattern" and Berger's concept of "post-apocalyptic representation" are investigated and the findings are compared. Accordingly, based on the concept of "apocalyptic pattern", it is determined that the two novels differ to a great extent in indicators such as immanence, horror-decadence, crisis, beginning-end, harmony, and existential anxiety. Similarly, based on the concept of "post-apocalyptic representation", it is seen that the two novels follow a different trajectory in indicators such as beginning-end, trauma, and memory reconstruction. On the one hand, The Road mostly contains the usual features of post-apocalyptic narratives such as "the sense of the end being immanent everywhere, the narrative being accompanied by a collapse, the prevalence of moments of crisis, the motif of the end also signifying a beginning"; on the other hand, in The Survivor, the elements of "collapse, great destruction, horror" are missing and a story of introversion is observed. Similar distinctions and tendencies are also identified on the basis of the concept of "post-apocalyptic representation". The findings of the aforementioned comparison also provide clues about the medium in which the post-apocalyptic narrative has evolved.

Research paper thumbnail of ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING selected poems


İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı lisans öğrenimini Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı yüksek... more İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı lisans öğrenimini Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı yüksek lisans öğrenimini Anadolu Üniversitesi, İngiliz Kültürü ve Edebiyatı doktora öğrenimini Atılım Üniversitesi'nde tamamladı. 2020'de savunduğu doktora tezi İngiliz edebiyatında apokaliptik romanların gelişimi ve karşılaştırılması üzerinedir. Gürova'nın araştırmaları çeviri, apokaliptik kurgu, bilim kurgu, fantazya, ekoeleştiri, posthümanizm ve robot etiği gibi konuları içermektedir.

Research paper thumbnail of Human Vulnerability in Jack London’s The Scarlet Plague

Depictions of Pestilence in Literature, Media, and Art, 2023

The Scarlet Plague, Jack London’s postapocalyptic novel published in 1912, deals with an uncontro... more The Scarlet Plague, Jack London’s postapocalyptic novel published in 1912, deals with an uncontrollable pandemic that nearly destroys and depopulates the entire world and is narrated by one of the few survivors. This study focuses on how human frailty and limitations can lead to the collapse of human superiority in the face of the microbial world by using posthumanist thought as a theoretical framework. London’s novel reveals that the anthropocentric worldview that prioritises humans over other agents, acting dismissively and perceiving nonhuman entities as existing only to be used and abused for human self-interest, is doomed to fail. The human condition in the novel is a reminder of the fact that a collective affirmative attitude towards all life forms is of critical significance.

Research paper thumbnail of Depictions of Pestilence in Literature, Media, and Art

Depictions of Pestilence in Literature, Media, and Art, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Kuşlar, Doktor Faustus, Bir Halk Düşmanı  ve Çılgın Kadın’da “Ekokibir”

EKODRAMA Çevreci Tiyatro, Sahne ve Performans Ekolojileri, 2022

Kuşlar, Doktor Faustus, Bir Halk Düşmanı ve Çılgın Kadın’da “Ekokibir”

Research paper thumbnail of Anime ve Manga

Başlangıcından Günümüze Anime ve Manga

Research paper thumbnail of Başlangıcından Günümüze Japon Sineması

Research paper thumbnail of AZİZ IN FOREIGN LANDS

Research paper thumbnail of Depictions of Pestilence in Literature, Media, and Art

Research paper thumbnail of Philip Stevick’s Article “Scheherezade Runs Out of Plots, Goes on Talking; the King, Puzzled, Listens: an Essay on New Fiction”

Philip Stevick, a literary critic, discusses the new fiction with a comparison to the traditional... more Philip Stevick, a literary critic, discusses the new fiction with a comparison to the traditional fiction by presenting similarities and differences between them. The writer also points out distinctive feautures of the traditional and non-traditional fiction by mapping out areas of coherence in literary history. This paper will be limited to the first part of the article.

Research paper thumbnail of A Critical Analysis of Ionesco’s Rhinoceros

Ionesco’s absurd play Rhinoceros is mostly in accordance with the principals of Artaud’s the “the... more Ionesco’s absurd play Rhinoceros is mostly in accordance with the principals of Artaud’s the “theater of cruelty”. His emphasis on senses and movements and the use of music, dance and rhythm are evident throughout the play. Moreover, subversion of conventional logic and language use and the terrorizing the audience with the energetic compression of the text and the mobile scenes are some of the elements to be found in the play.


VII. BAKEA International Symposium, 2021

Fantasy fiction catalyzes us into exploring worlds of infinite possibility by evoking mystery, ma... more Fantasy fiction catalyzes us into exploring worlds of infinite possibility by evoking mystery, magic and wonder, which ultimately enables the reader to go beyond the material, concrete and ordinary predictable universe. The British author E.M. Forster's short stories fall under the category of emotive fantasy which centralize emotion as a primary concern. The atmosphere of this type of fantasy fiction foregrounds the sensations of desire and enchanment. There is

Research paper thumbnail of The Human Struggle against Diseases in Literature: Perceptions and Attitudes

Epidemics have been a part of world literature whether in the form of a plague or an outbreak wit... more Epidemics have been a part of world literature whether in the form of a plague or an outbreak with catastrophic consequences at personal and socio-economic levels. Boccaccio’s Decameron, Defoe’s The Journal of the Plague Year are considered some of the pioneer works which deal with epidemics. In the 19th and 20th century, widespread diseases continued to garner the attention of the authors and readers as serious illnesses ravaged human populations across the globe. In my presentation, I will investigate various human reactions in the face of death and widespread illnesses in Mary Shelley’s The Last Man (1826), Jack London’s The Scarlet Plague (1912), and Hüseyin Rahmi Gürpınar’s Hakka Sığındık (1919).
As Susan Sontag studies the impact of the epidemics or serious diseases on human mind in her book titled Illness as Metaphor (1978), she puts forward the idea that most people are inclined to form punitive or sentimental fantasies in relation to being afflicted with a disease. Rather than investigating the physical effects of the illnesses, Sontag prefers to look into the meanings of these diseases as metaphors. I will be using Sontag’s method to explore the metaphoric meanings and receptions of widespread diseases and death in three different literary texts from world literature written in the 19th and 20th century

Research paper thumbnail of Winterson’s Frankissstein: Postmodernism Blended with a 19th-century Style Philosophical Look

Research paper thumbnail of Challenges and Opportunities in ESL Teaching

Living in a hybrid world where we are surrounded by cutting edge technological tools and continuo... more Living in a hybrid world where we are surrounded by cutting edge technological tools and continuous changes has a deep impact not merely in our physical surroundings but also in shaping the way we teach and learn. Modern trends and practices such as the world wide web, digital media, ebook technology and social networking both make the conventional language teaching more dysfunctional and inefficient and brings along novel conceptions of teaching and learning. This paper first provides an overview on the paradigm shifts taking place in ESL and argues for the necessity of implementing modern trends in language teaching. In the second section, concerns and possible challenges are discussed in line with the aforementioned trends. While the third section of the paper elaborates on the possible solutions for keeping pace with the application of the contemporary tools in ESL. The need for the transformation from didactic and conventional teaching to a more interactive and blended language teaching is also addressed.


This paper aims to study and illustrate how recent trends such as the ebook technology, digital m... more This paper aims to study and illustrate how recent trends such as the ebook technology, digital media, blogging and other forms of social networking play a significant role in English literature today. These trends are useful in promoting the exchange of ideas and access to vital information that assists the analysis of literary works. Digital Media also proves to be important in improving the access and academic analysis of English literature.

Research paper thumbnail of Modern Fatherhood in Films

The concept and practice of fatherhood has gone through various important changes in terms of inv... more The concept and practice of fatherhood has gone through various important changes in terms of involvement of fathers in family life. With the increasing effects of globalisation and its wide-scale problems in the 21st century, fathers are forced to respond to situational circumstances which make their roles more detraditionalized. This paper focuses on the contemporary fathering roles in three different films and elaborates on the distant facets of the style of fathering as a “new man”. The dilemma of nature or nurture in being a father is questioned and two fathering roles with different socio-economical backgrounds are dealt with in the Japanese film Like Father Like Son. The story of an involved father in the Spanish film Biutiful depicts how and to what extent a father sacrifices his life for parenting despite the devastating circumstances around him. The Swedish director Östland emphasizes “egocentricism” and “inconsistencies” of a father in the film Force Majeure and brushes off the surface layer of fatherhood, showing the icy and disturbing truth underneath. I conclude my paper with a comparison and contrast among the roles of fathering in the aforementioned films and question the reflections of the fathering roles and their involvement in today’s world.

Research paper thumbnail of Freshwater

Freshwater, 2024

Freshwater by Virginia Woolf

Research paper thumbnail of Science Fantasy Foreword

Science Fantasy: Critical Explorations in Fiction and Film, 2024

Science Fantasy: Critical Explorations in Fiction and Film embarks on a riveting journey through ... more Science Fantasy: Critical Explorations in Fiction and Film embarks on a
riveting journey through the cosmos that transcends the boundaries of reality.
This collection of visionary tales seamlessly blends the marvels of science
fiction with the enchantment of fantastical worlds. Each story is a kaleidoscope
of imagination, weaving together futuristic technologies, otherworldly
realms, and fantastic elements. Fantasy literature, seen as an escape, takes on
a new branding when blended with science fiction. The future, shaped by current
advancements, becomes an inescapable setting. Despite often regarded
as dystopian, today’s actions determine its form. Science fantasy serves as
a medium to shape the present and build a better future through memories,
and it explores uncharted territories where science and imagination intersect.
Consisting of eleven chapters, this volume challenges preconceptions and
invites contemplation on the harmonious interplay between science fiction
and the fantastical.

Research paper thumbnail of Apokalips: Kıyamet Anlatıları, Edebiyat ve Sinema

Apokalips: Kıyamet Anlatıları, Edebiyat ve Sinema, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of After the End Post-Apolcayptic Features in The Road and The Survivor

After the End Post-Apolcayptic Features in The Road and The Survivor, 2023

The word apocalyptic, with its double meaning of "end of the world" and "revelation, enlightenmen... more The word apocalyptic, with its double meaning of "end of the world" and "revelation, enlightenment", implies not only collapse, destruction, and extinction but also hope and new beginnings. Post-apocalyptic, on the other hand, deals with the aftermath of great destruction and disaster. The causes of these disasters can be natural or social, or they can be caused by non-human beings/extraterrestrial beings. Today, developing war technology and the increasing race for hegemony in the international arena have accelerated the circulation of disaster, destruction, and extinction. Set in a post-apocalyptic universe, Cormac McCarthy's The Road (2009) and Julie Guinand's The Survivor (2019) depict the human race's struggle for hope and survival, centering on the aftermath of a catastrophe in which human civilization is destroyed and very few people survive. This study aims to compare these two novels in the context of post-apocalyptic features. In this comparison, Frank Kermode's A Sense of an Ending (1966) and James Berger's After the End (1954) are utilized from a theoretical perspective. Kermode's concept of "apocalyptic pattern" and Berger's concept of "post-apocalyptic representation" are investigated and the findings are compared. Accordingly, based on the concept of "apocalyptic pattern", it is determined that the two novels differ to a great extent in indicators such as immanence, horror-decadence, crisis, beginning-end, harmony, and existential anxiety. Similarly, based on the concept of "post-apocalyptic representation", it is seen that the two novels follow a different trajectory in indicators such as beginning-end, trauma, and memory reconstruction. On the one hand, The Road mostly contains the usual features of post-apocalyptic narratives such as "the sense of the end being immanent everywhere, the narrative being accompanied by a collapse, the prevalence of moments of crisis, the motif of the end also signifying a beginning"; on the other hand, in The Survivor, the elements of "collapse, great destruction, horror" are missing and a story of introversion is observed. Similar distinctions and tendencies are also identified on the basis of the concept of "post-apocalyptic representation". The findings of the aforementioned comparison also provide clues about the medium in which the post-apocalyptic narrative has evolved.

Research paper thumbnail of ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING selected poems


İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı lisans öğrenimini Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı yüksek... more İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı lisans öğrenimini Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı yüksek lisans öğrenimini Anadolu Üniversitesi, İngiliz Kültürü ve Edebiyatı doktora öğrenimini Atılım Üniversitesi'nde tamamladı. 2020'de savunduğu doktora tezi İngiliz edebiyatında apokaliptik romanların gelişimi ve karşılaştırılması üzerinedir. Gürova'nın araştırmaları çeviri, apokaliptik kurgu, bilim kurgu, fantazya, ekoeleştiri, posthümanizm ve robot etiği gibi konuları içermektedir.

Research paper thumbnail of Human Vulnerability in Jack London’s The Scarlet Plague

Depictions of Pestilence in Literature, Media, and Art, 2023

The Scarlet Plague, Jack London’s postapocalyptic novel published in 1912, deals with an uncontro... more The Scarlet Plague, Jack London’s postapocalyptic novel published in 1912, deals with an uncontrollable pandemic that nearly destroys and depopulates the entire world and is narrated by one of the few survivors. This study focuses on how human frailty and limitations can lead to the collapse of human superiority in the face of the microbial world by using posthumanist thought as a theoretical framework. London’s novel reveals that the anthropocentric worldview that prioritises humans over other agents, acting dismissively and perceiving nonhuman entities as existing only to be used and abused for human self-interest, is doomed to fail. The human condition in the novel is a reminder of the fact that a collective affirmative attitude towards all life forms is of critical significance.

Research paper thumbnail of Depictions of Pestilence in Literature, Media, and Art

Depictions of Pestilence in Literature, Media, and Art, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Kuşlar, Doktor Faustus, Bir Halk Düşmanı  ve Çılgın Kadın’da “Ekokibir”

EKODRAMA Çevreci Tiyatro, Sahne ve Performans Ekolojileri, 2022

Kuşlar, Doktor Faustus, Bir Halk Düşmanı ve Çılgın Kadın’da “Ekokibir”

Research paper thumbnail of Anime ve Manga

Başlangıcından Günümüze Anime ve Manga

Research paper thumbnail of Başlangıcından Günümüze Japon Sineması

Research paper thumbnail of AZİZ IN FOREIGN LANDS

Research paper thumbnail of Ömer seyfettin's short story the rainbow

Ömer Seyfettin’s Short Story “The Rainbow”: A Precursor of Transgender Narratives, 2024

Ömer Seyfettin, one the prominent and widely read figures of modern Turkish short story, publishe... more Ömer Seyfettin, one the prominent and widely read figures of modern Turkish short story, published “The Rainbow” (“Eleğimsağma”) in 1917 in a magazine. The story revolves around a ten-year-old girl, Ayşe, and her gender transformation as part of a struggle against masculine hegemony and suppression. Although this transformation takes place through the protagonist’s dream, Seyfettin successfully showcases how gender roles and stereotypes become central in building respectful, acceptable, and powerful personas in society. The story also helps to question the so-called domestic roles of women by juxtaposing the responsibilities of the two genders based on existing cultural norms. To this end, this study aims to investigate how established gender roles in a patriarchal society are called into question and how gender fluidity defies stereotypical understanding of gender representation in a male-dominated society. The analysis of this gender transformation in the story will be made through the concept of performativity which has been introduced by Judith Butler. Though biologically female, Ayşe enjoys activities such as riding, wrestling, shooting, and playing in the streets, which are almost always associated with the male gender. Furthermore, she is subjugated to societal and religious pressure to act like a girl and cover her body. In this respect, Ömer Seyfettin’s “The Rainbow” can be hailed as a leading narration that puts gender performativity in the limelight at the beginning of twentieth-century Turkish literature.

Research paper thumbnail of Söylem Filoloji Dergisi 9/2

Günce Yayınları, 2024

Söylem Filoloji Dergisi Ağustos 2024 (9/2) sayısı

Research paper thumbnail of Hamam" ve "Fırtına" Öykülerinde Post-apokaliptik (Kıyamet Sonrası) Temsil The Post-apocalyptic Representation in the short stories of "The Turkish Bath" and "The Storm"

Turkish Studies - Language and Literature, 2024

In this study, "The Turkish Bath" by Funda Özlem Şeran and "The Storm" by Seran Demiral, two prom... more In this study, "The Turkish Bath" by Funda Özlem Şeran and "The Storm" by Seran Demiral, two prominent examples of Turkish post-apocalyptic fiction of the twenty-first century, are discussed and their sufficiency as post-apocalyptic narratives are investigated. This investigation is based on the views of Frank Kermode in The Sense of an Ending (1967) and John Berger in After the End: Representations of Postapocalypse (1999). (Post) apocalyptic fiction, which is an emerging genre in Turkish Literature, has gained much popularity in the last two decades. Although several post-apocalyptic novels have been published especially after the 2000's, the number of (post) apocalyptic short stories is limited. Furthermore, there is not sufficient investigation and discussion of these works. To this end, this study first aims to examine the "apocalyptic patterns" of the aforementioned texts. These patterns are "imminency vs immanency", "terror and decadence", "the myth of transition", and "the image of the end". The visibility and prevalence of these patterns will be illustrated through the given stories. The second aim of the study is to look into the post-apocalyptic characteristics of the texts. For this purpose, Berger's "post-apocalyptic representations" will be used. These are "after the end", "political and/or psychological purposes", "historical traumas", and "demolition of the established order". "Hamam" and "Fırtına", which can be considered leading examples of contemporary postapocalyptic texts, embody several qualities encountered in end-of-the-world narratives. Although both works contain and promote hope in building a new order after the end, they do not present clear and direct indicators on how to establish a more just and better order for both humans and non-human beings.

Research paper thumbnail of An Analysis of Culture-Specific Items in the Turkish Translation of

An Analysis of Culture-Specific Items in the Turkish Translation of Shakespeare’s As You Like It by Halide Edip Adıvar and Vahit Turhan, 2023

The main purpose of this study is to investigate the translation of culture-specific items in Sha... more The main purpose of this study is to investigate the translation of culture-specific items in Shakespeare’s comedy As You Like It by Halide Edip Adıvar and Vahit Turhan. To this end, Javier Franco Aixela’s two major translation strategies (conservation and substitution) and sub-categories (repetition, orthographic adaptation, linguistic [non-cultural] translation, extratextual gloss, intratextual gloss, autonomous creation [source-culture origin], synonymy, limited universalization, absolute universalization, naturalization, deletion, autonomous creation [target-culture origin])
are employed for the classification and analysis of the randomly selected items from the play. The findings of this analysis are later discussed with the help of Venuti’s approaches to foreignization and domestication. Furthermore, the translation of culture-specific terms, the debates regarding the translator’s visibility, and their effects on the translation output are addressed. This study suggests that although both major strategies have been adopted during the translation process to a certain
degree, the frequency of the domesticating strategies has outnumbered the frequency of the foreignizing strategy. This finding indicates that as macro-strategies of domestication are predominantly employed in the translation of As You Like It, the translators become invisible, which has created a false image of authorship. By employing the domesticating strategies predominantly, the foreignness of the text has been disrupted. Although employing domesticating strategies renders easy readability, this type of translation fails to fully appreciate the cultural differences between the source and target text.



H. G. Wells's The War of the Worlds is considered to be the first literary recount of the invasio... more H. G. Wells's The War of the Worlds is considered to be the first literary recount of the invasion of Earth by outsiders and it is one of the first major literary texts that contains powerful apocalyptic imagery. To this end, this paper first aims to provide a general overview of the apocalypse concept and apocalyptic theory based on Frank Kermode's prominent work entitled The Sense of an Ending, and then to investigate the apocalyptic features of The War of the Worlds accordingly. The investigation of the apocalyptic features in The War of the Worlds shows that Wells's novel corresponds to Kermode's apocalyptic pattern to a great extent. As far as the apocalyptic images are concerned, the novel provides rich and various examples of terror and panic along with depictions of the destruction of the landscape. Therefore, it can be suggested that The War of the Worlds fits the definition of an apocalypse which describes the actual end of the world. In other words, the novel presents a mostly divine apocalypse as there are no human attempts or successes involved in saving the world and establishing a new order.

Research paper thumbnail of Selim Nüzhet Gerçek’in Meçhul Kuvvetlere Kurban Romanında Polisiye ve Fantastik Unsurların İncelenmesi

Hacettepe University Journal of Faculty of Letters, 2023

Türk matbuatının ilk tarihçisi, ilk derleme müdürü olarak anılan; özellikle basın ve tiyatro tari... more Türk matbuatının ilk tarihçisi, ilk derleme müdürü olarak anılan; özellikle basın ve tiyatro tarihine dair öncü çalışmalara imza atmış Selim Nüzhet Gerçek'in edebiyat tarihlerinde adına rastlanmayan romanı Meçhul Kuvvetlere Kurban 1922 yılında İleri gazetesinde yirmi dört bölüm olarak yayımlanmıştır. Bu araştırmanın amacı yaklaşık yüz yıldır gölgede kalmış olan bu romanı öncelikle Seval Şahin'in Cinai Meseleler (2017) eserinde incelediği "Osmanlı-Türk Polisiyesinin Özellikleri" çerçevesinde değerlendirmektir. Araştırmanın bir diğer amacı da romanın fantastik anlatı türünün belli başlı özellikleri açısından incelenmesi ve önde gelen fantastik yazını düşünürlerinin görüşleri ışığında eserin hangi açıdan bu türe ait olduğunun saptanmasıdır. Bu amaca ulaşmak için Rabkin, Jackson, Todorov ve Atterbery gibi düşünürlerin görüşlerinden yararlanılmıştır. Meçhul Kuvvetlere Kurban romanı üzerine yapılan bu iki boyutlu araştırma sonucunda romanın konusu, karakterleri ve kurgusuyla Osmanlı-Türk edebiyatında polisiye geleneğe bağlanabilecek özgün nitelikte bir eser olduğu görülmektedir. Ayrıca, romanın çeşitli fantastik unsurlar ihtiva etmesi ve fantastik türünün belli başlı niteliklerini taşıması da eserin özgünlüğüne katkıda bulunmaktadır.

Research paper thumbnail of Virginia Woolf'un "Sert Cisimler" Öyküsünde Nesnelerin Tekinsiz Eyleyiciliği

söylem filoloji dergisi, 2022

İnsan dahil her şeyin gelip geçici olduğu bir yaşamda nesnelerin zamana direnen niteliği oldukça ... more İnsan dahil her şeyin gelip geçici olduğu bir yaşamda nesnelerin zamana direnen niteliği oldukça dikkat çekicidir. Kalıcılığının yanı sıra insanın gündelik yaşamında oynadıkları rol eşsiz ve yeri doldurulamazdır. Eşyalar biz olmadan var olmayı sürdürse de insan onlar olmadan en temel ihtiyaçlarını bile gideremez. Dolayısıyla insan ile eşya arasında doğumdan ölüme kadar kaçınılmaz bir ilişkiden söz edilebilir. Bu ilişki hem öğrenme hem de idrak etme veya farkına varma biçiminde olabilir. Bu çalışma, İngiliz modernist yazar Virginia Woolf’un “Sert Cisimler” öyküsündeki nesneleri odağına alarak insan-nesne etkileşimini ve bu ilişkinin karşılıklı
dönüştürücü imkânlarını incelemektedir. Bill Brown’un “Şey Kuramı” (Thing Theory) temelinde nesnelerin eyleyiciliği, birlikte varoluş ve özne-nesne dinamiğinin yarattığı tekinsizlik çalışmada irdelenmektedir. Buna göre, insan eşya ile olan etkileşiminden hareketle yeni anlamlar türetebildiği gibi eşya da benzer biçimde zamanla yeni anlamlar kazanarak dönüşebilir. Bir diğer deyişle, insanın etrafındaki nesneler dünyası ile kurduğu bağ sonucu tek taraflı olmayan, öznenesne ayrımının bulanıklaştığı, kolektif ve iç içe geçişsel bir etkileşim ağı meydana gelir. Öznenesne arasındaki bu bulanıklık tekinsizlik duygusuna yol açar.

Research paper thumbnail of Individual and Collective Memory in Ishiguro’s the Buried Giant

Individual and Collective Memory in Ishiguro’s the Buried Giant, 2022

Kazuo Ishiguro's seventh novel The Buried Giant (2015) investigates the concept of memory in a fa... more Kazuo Ishiguro's seventh novel The Buried Giant (2015) investigates the concept of memory in a fantastical tale which is set in the early medieval history of the post-Roman period. In a pattern of quest, the main characters embark on a journey to accomplish their mission. As for Axl and Beatrice, an elderly couple, it is to find their son and recall their lost memories. For Wistan, a Saxon warrior, it is to terminate the she-dragon named Querig whose magical breath causes a mist of forgetfulness across the land. In a narration where individual and collective memory prove to be interconnected, the writer contemplates on loss, regret, forgetting and remembering. While the mutual dependency of

Research paper thumbnail of THE UNCANNY AND OTHERNESS IN HAROLD PINTER'S THE ROOM Harold Pinter'in The Room Oyununda Tekinsiz ve Ötekilik


Harold Pinter's first play The Room (1957) displays the characteristics of "the uncanny" (unheiml... more Harold Pinter's first play The Room (1957) displays the characteristics of "the uncanny" (unheimlich) developed by Ernest Jentsch and Sigmund Freud. Jentsch's dichotomy between the concepts of "new, foreign, hostile" and "old, known, familiar", the tension between animate and inanimate entities, or machine-like beings have certain reflections in the play. His dichotomy is illustrated in the components of "the room", "the couples", "the man in the basement", and "the blind Negro". In a similar fashion, how Freud approaches to the concept of "the uncanny" resonates with the play. This is particularly clear in the components of "repressed feelings of earlier years", "involuntary repetitions", "the double pattern". Therefore, this article argues that Pinter's play portrays most of the characteristics of both Jentsch and Freud's interpretation of the uncanny. Besides, otherness as a term contributes to the formation of the feeling of uncanny throughout the text by providing a robust reinforcement for its perception.


Modernism and Postmodernism Studies Network, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Türkçe Gotikte Bir Öncü: Canvermezler Tekkesi

Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Klara ile Güneş: Dijitalleşen Bir Çağda İnsan Olmak

Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Laughter as a Rational and Irrational Phenomenon in Harold Pinter’s The Hothouse

SÖYLEM Filoloji Dergisi, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of E.M. Forster’s Short Stories as Emotive Fantasies

İnsan ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Character is Fate: Henchard s Rise and Fall in The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy

Mediterranean Journal of Humanities, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of How Recent Trends Shape English Literature

This paper aims to study and illustrate how recent trends such as the ebook technology, digital m... more This paper aims to study and illustrate how recent trends such as the ebook technology, digital media, blogging and other forms of social networking play a significant role in English literature today. These trends are useful in promoting the exchange of ideas and access to vital information that assists the analysis of literary works. Digital Media also proves to be important in improving the access and academic analysis of English literature. Literary works can be reviewed, and individuals may discuss various issues through social media. Studies that would previously take much time and work are simplified by increased access to literary works in the form of ebooks and audio versions of novels and stories. Moreover, research articles and reviews are availed in various blogs that a scholar may access. However some thinkers feel that social media, in particular, is inhibiting the development of art and literature. Various disadvantages are associated with modern technology regarding ...

Research paper thumbnail of E.M. Forster’s Short Stories as Emotive Fantasies

Journal of Human and Social Sciences, 2021

Research Artichle As an Edwardian author and a 'reluctant modernist' E.M. Forster penned several ... more Research Artichle As an Edwardian author and a 'reluctant modernist' E.M. Forster penned several short stories as well as great novels. In the three selected short stories titled "The Story of a Panic", "The Story of a Siren", and "The Celestial Omnibus", Forster makes use of fantasy fiction based on the feeling of desire. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate how Forster's emotive fantasies are constructed through features of "longing for another world or a lost world" and/or "finding our own world enchanted". Some of the underlying motifs such as mythological figures, pastoral images, beauty and individualism are also part of the discussion. Using the theory of Todorov's fantasy and Manlove's arguments regarding fantasy fiction as a springboard for discussion, this study argues that even though the selected short stories by Forster are shaped by desire as emotive fantasies, the feeling of desire does not lead to a satisfaction; in other words, desire is an inconlusive and discontinuous feeling which contributes to the formation of the stories.



Çağdaş İngiliz yazar Ian McEwan’ın 1998 tarihli romanı Amsterdam’da Düello iki eski dostun karşı ... more Çağdaş İngiliz yazar Ian McEwan’ın 1998 tarihli romanı
Amsterdam’da Düello iki eski dostun karşı karşıya
gelmesine yol açan ahlaki ikilemleri merkezine almaktadır.
Ortak bir tanıdıklarının kaybı ile açılan anlatıda ölüm,
yokluk, ötenazi temaları karakterlerle içkin bir şekilde
sunulur. Bir gazetenin genel yayın yönetmeni olan Vernon
Halliday ile İngiltere’nin en başarılı bestecilerinden
piyanist Clive Linley arasında gelişen gerilimli olaylar ilke
ve ahlaki anlayış kavramlarını sorgular. Romanın iki önemli
karakterinin yaşadığı ahlaki ikilem faydacılık ve deontolojik
ahlak yaklaşımlarını gündeme getirmektedir. Yazar, iki ana
karakter üzerinden iki farklı ahlak anlayışını
örneklendirerek bir çatışma yaratmaktadır. Bunun yanı
sıra, intikam duygusu adı geçen karakterlerin ve olay
örgüsünün ayrılmaz bir parçası olarak okuyucuya gösterilir.
Bu çalışma romanın merkezindeki ahlaki ikilem konusunu
faydacılık ve deontolojik yaklaşımlarla inceleyecek; bunu
yaparken Vernon karakterinin yaşadığı çıkmazda faydacılık
ve Clive karakterinin yaşadığı açmazda deontolojik
yaklaşımı esas alacaktır. Ayrıca, intikam duygusunu ve
bunun anlatıyı nasıl şekillendirdiğini Scheller, Adler ve
Klein gibi çağdaş felsefeci ve psikologların yaklaşımlarıyla
göstermeye çalışacaktır.

Research paper thumbnail of KLARA İLE GÜNEŞ: DİJİTALLEŞEN BİR ÇAĞDA İNSAN OLMAK Klara and the Sun: Being Human in a Digitalised Era

Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2021

Kazuo Ishiguro'nun son romanı Klara ile Güneş (2021) çevresini ve insanları gözlemleyerek öğrenen... more Kazuo Ishiguro'nun son romanı Klara ile Güneş (2021) çevresini ve insanları gözlemleyerek öğrenen bir insansı robotun merkezde olduğu bir insan-robot etkileşimi hikâyesi sunmaktadır. Klara adlı yapay arkadaş (YA) anlatıcının açısından sunulan olay örgüsü yalnızlık, özveri, umut ve sevginin anlamı gibi temaları ön plana çıkararak gittikçe dijitalleşen bir dünyada insan olmanın anlamı ve yeri doldurulabilir olup olmaması konusunu sorunsallaştırmaktadır. Bu çalışma gen modifikasyonu, otomasyonun yükselişi ve yol açtığı işsizlik, çevre sorunları gibi insanlığı tehdit eden yakıcı meseleler arasında bundan insan bireyinin nasıl etkileneceğini Ishiguro'nun romanını temel alarak Jürgen Habermas'ın görüşleri ışığında değerlendirmekte, yazarın insan-robot etkileşimi ve gelişimine dair bakış açısını robot etiği ile bağlantılı olarak açıklamaktadır. Yazar, insan-robot etkileşiminin üst düzeyde olduğu romanda materyalist bir bakış açısını olumsuzlayarak tinselci ve moralist bir anlatı kurgulamaktadır. İnsanın özünün ne olduğuna dair soruşturmaya yazarın verdiği cevap mekanik ve yapay bir dünyanın ötesinde insanın sınırsız duygu evreninde yatmaktadır ve insanı insan kılan değerleri görmek maddi bir bakış açısından sıyrılmakla mümkündür.



As ecological awareness gains momentum in these times of climate emergency and uncertainty about ... more As ecological awareness gains momentum in these times of climate emergency and uncertainty about future, one cannot expect fiction to turn a blind eye to vital issues such as ozone depletion, biodiversity loss, deforestation, global human population growth, violation of animal walfare, and lack of freshwater resources. Buket Uzuner, a leading contemporary Turkish novelist, prioritises ecological and social problems through the agency of Shamanism (ancient Turkish beliefs) and some traditional values in her book series of The Adventures of Misfit Defne Kaman in Water (2012), Earth (2015), and Air (2018). This article's main focus will be on how Uzuner's novels help readers to explore environmental consciousness through ancient Turkish value-system such as Shamanism or Kutadgu Bilig (The Wisdom which brings Happiness), an 11th century work. Whether or not making use of mythological/traditional values in the face of ecological awareness in a culture where its modernising efforts still continue will also be investigated as a final discussion.





Edebiyat tarihinin unutulmaya yüz tutmuş isimlerinden biri, Meşrutiyet ve Milli Mücadele dönemler... more Edebiyat tarihinin unutulmaya yüz tutmuş isimlerinden biri, Meşrutiyet ve Milli Mücadele dönemlerinde eser vermiş nadir kadın yazarlardan Salime Servet Seyfi şiir, kısa hikâye ve tercümelerinin yanı sıra Türkçe'deki ilk günlük-romanı kaleme alması bakımından önemli bir edebî şahsiyettir. Bir Hatıra-i Pejmürde (Bir Perişanın Hatıraları) adlı çalışması mektup-roman türünün bir varyasyonu olan günlükroman türünde 1900 yılında tefrika edilmeye başlanır ve 1912'de kitap olarak yayınlanır. Yaklaşık altmış sayfadan oluşan bu eserde günlük-mektup tekniği kullanılır, ayrıca "İki Söz", "Bir Kıymetli Hediye", "Teyzemin Çekmecesi", "Günlük" adlı başlıklar taşıyan bölümlerden oluşur. Eserde Servet'in günlüğü, Gülbin'in mektup ve hatıra defteri ile Adil'in mektubu kullanılmakta ve farklı karakterlerin bakış açıları daha yakından yansıtılmaktadır. Eser, karakter tahlillerinin yanı sıra çocuk yaşta evlilik, esirlik, annelik, sosyal konum gibi konuları ele almasıyla dikkat çeker. Bir kadın yazar tarafından kaleme alınmış olması, başkarakterinin kadın olması ve kadın meseleleri üzerinde durması açısından günümüz sorunlarına da temas etmekte ve bugün hala bir karşılığı olabilmektedir.

Research paper thumbnail of Türkçe Gotikte Bir Öncü: Canvermezler Tekkesi


Ünlü romancı Abdülhak Şinasi Hisar’ın kardeşi Selim Nüzhet Gerçek tarafından 1921’de önce İleri g... more Ünlü romancı Abdülhak Şinasi Hisar’ın kardeşi Selim Nüzhet Gerçek tarafından 1921’de önce İleri gazetesinde tefrika
edilen, ardından 1922 yılında basılan Canvermezler Tekkesi adlı eseri “İlk Türkçe Gotik Roman” adı altında 2020 yılında
Karakarga Yayınevinin “Kayıp kitaplıklar kütüphanesi” kategorisinde günümüz okuruyla yeniden buluşmuştur. Eser, günümüz
Türkçesine Merve Köken tarafında sadeleştirilerek çevrilmiştir. Selim Nüzhet Gerçek romanını Fransız yazar Claude Farrere’in
1911’de yayınlanan La Maison des Hommes Vivants (Ölmez Adamların Evi) adlı İngilizce’ye de Sır Evi (The House of Secret)
diye tercüme edilen eserinden uyarlamıştır. Canvermezler Tekkesi mekân olarak ıssız, adı bilinmeyen bir yerdeki tekkede geçen
esrarengiz olaylar, doğaüstü güçlere sahip karakterler, sürekli yükselen bir heyecan ve gerilim ve anlatıcının ayrıntılı ruhsal
tahlili ile pek çok gotik unsuru bünyesinde barındırmaktadır. Belirsizlik ve korku/dehşet öğeleri romanın ilk sayfasından son
sayfasına kadar etkili bir şekilde kullanılmıştır. “Yolunu kaybetmiş karakter”, “hayalet”, “ıssız yer”, “sır”, “cinayet” gibi yaygın
motifler kendine yer bulmuştur. Her ne kadar bir Fransız romanından uyarlama olsa da Canvermezler Tekkesi adlı çalışma
yaklaşık yüz yıllık geçmişi olan Türk Gotik Edebiyatı için önemli bir mihenk taşıdır. Yüksek oranda gotik unsurlar içermesiyle
ve yerel kültürden beslenen tarafıyla Türkçe yazılan gotik romanların öncülerinden kabul edilmelidir. Türk gotik roman
geleneğinin kurucu unsurlarından olması ve geleneksel gotik öğeleri bünyesinde barındırması bu eseri incelemeye değer

Research paper thumbnail of Kitap İncelemesi: Eralp, Osman Nuri. (2020). Başka Dünyalarda Canlı Mahlukât Var Mıdır? (İstanbul: Karakarga Yayınları, 96s.).

Book Review, 2021

Başka Dünyalarda Mahlukât Var Mıdır? bir veteriner ve bakteriyolog olan Osman Nuri Eralp tarafınd... more Başka Dünyalarda Mahlukât Var Mıdır? bir veteriner ve bakteriyolog olan Osman Nuri Eralp tarafından yazılmış ve 1918 yılında basılmıştır. Kurmaca bir eserden ziyade kısmen deneme kısmen de makale tarzında yazılmış bir gezegenler kılavuzudur. Öte yandan, dünya-dışı varlıklar, üstün teknoloji, ileri medeniyet fikri, gelecek tasavvuru gibi konulara temas etmesi ve zamanın bilimsel anlayışını yansıtması bakımından kayda değer bir metin olarak bilim kurgu / fenni roman geleneğine ışık tutması beklenmektedir. Bu çalışmada eserin incelenmesi yapılmıştır.