Black Parade Slash (original) (raw)

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Title:In Love With a Feeling
Author: october_riot
Rating: PG for drug refs and swearing. It will get dirtier *wink*
Summary: Gerard is a junkie fuckup rich kid who is sent to rehab. Will feature a cast of all


your favourite musicians. Only a couple so far.
Genre: AU
Disclaimer: I really don’t know anything. I do own a lot, however nothing so interesting as a person. I wish I did though. Because then they could be my cat.
Author Notes: Okay, this is my first time ever writing aything like this. Though once I did write a crap short story for English in grade 10 or some rubbish. So I hope you all like it. ta
Beta: Well technically none... but if you like we can all think of it like an open beta. Like you have with games after the closed beta where everyone can contribute.
Warnings: Drugs and Swears and Un-beta'd-ness.
Teaser: I’ve never been so proud of myself. Well except that one time I got the cunt suspended by replacing his English lit. assignment with de Sade’s 120 Day of Sodom.

TITLE; The Blade
AUTHOR; Me. :]
POV; Frank’s.
SUMMARY; Frank walks in on Gerard torturing Mikey.

Title: Hurt
Author: dazzledoom
Word Count: 915
Rating: R
Warnings: Language; violence; themes of death;
A/N: This story reads better if you play 'Hurt - Christina Aguilera' at the same time.
Disclaimer: believe me, if I owned my chemical romance i'd be rather too indisposed to write about them ;)


TITLE: Do It Or Die [Part 1/?]
AUTHOR: Me! X_the_ripper_X
RATING: PG-13[ish] Will Rise..

DISCLAIMER: Don't own, don't steal, and don’t sue. I just love MCR, I don't own them. All of these events are fiction, that's why it's called fan fiction.

FEEDBACK: This is my first submitted fanfic, so please be kind!


NOTES: UNBETA-ED! *gasp* Don't kill me.. Also, Sera is Mikey's ex-girlfriend. She's just a little mention, that's all. Nuffin major.. I don't think.

-Title: Not Just A Fragrance By Calvin Klein
-Author: valiaclaire (moi)
-Band/Pairing: Quinn/MCR fella..its obvious, don't worry
-Chapter: 5/7?
-Rating: R
-Summary: I’m trying not to cross over the line, to let my love turn into obsession. Obsession isn’t pretty...and neither is stalking, but I am good at both and they say you should go with what you know, go with what you’re born to do....Oh so AU.
-Disclaimer: I own no one and know no one. This is all fiction.
-Author's Notes: Comments are fun, much like this chapter. And ch 7 will be up as soon as I finish it

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

x-posted ages ago in sexagons_r_betr and mychemicalslash

( Chapter 6 - MessyCollapse )

-Title: Not Just A Fragrance By Calvin Klein
-Author: valiaclaire (moi)
-Band/Pairing: Quinn/MCR fella..its obvious, don't worry
-Chapter: 5/7?
-Rating: R
-Summary: I’m trying not to cross over the line, to let my love turn into obsession. Obsession isn’t pretty...and neither is stalking, but I am good at both and they say you should go with what you know, go with what you’re born to do....Oh so AU.
-Disclaimer: I own no one and know no one. This is all fiction.
-Author's Notes: Okay so this chapter is really extremely long, lol. Quinn likes to write I guess, lol. I think this is my favorite chapter so far. Hopefully you guys will like it too. Comments would be delicious. Chapter 6 will be up soonish. And chapter 7 will be finished soonish.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

x-posted ages ago in sexagons_r_betr and mychemicalslash

( Chapter 5 - GoldenCollapse )

-Title: Not Just A Fragrance By Calvin Klein
-Author: valiaclaire (moi)
-Band/Pairing: Quinn (The Used)/MCR fella..its obvious, don't worry
-Chapter: 4/7?
-Rating: R
-Summary: I’m trying not to cross over the line, to let my love turn into obsession. Obsession isn’t pretty...and neither is stalking, but I am good at both and they say you should go with what you know, go with what you’re born to do....Oh so AU.
-Disclaimer: Its all lies. None of this ever happened. I've made it all up.
-Author's Notes: So I completely forgot to post this due to lack of comments, but I'm starting back up again. So I'll post 5 soonish and then 6 and then by some miracle i'll actually write chap 7 and therefore finish this fic. If I actually do manage to finish this within the next month or two, expect a different chaptered fic that is also unfinished but will hopefully be finished by the time I'm done posting all the stuff I already wrote. SO yeah, phew, lol. Enjoy. Comments would be extremely nice.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

x-posted ages ago in sexagons_r_betr and mychemicalslash

( Chapter 4 - BlindCollapse )

Blood drips from my fingers. How could I think I was cut our for this? I'm so worthless. As I walk through the streets, I think of him. The boy I fell in love with.
Maybe I should tell you a little about myself. My name is Frost. I'm an 18 year old boy. your wondering why an 18 year old by is walking around New Jersey at 2 o'clock in the morning. Well, I can't sleep. And your parents drugged out friends having a party at your house doesn't help. As for the blood,I cut just to know I'm alive. Not that anyone else does. knows I'm alive I mean.
Later that morning, I'm standing outside the school smoking a cigarette. I'm not suppose to smoke on school property but everyone does. In fact, the principal just walked by me and nodded. He stops at the door and turns.
"Frost, right?" Oh. Shit.
"Yeah." my voice weak and kinda bored.
"Don't stay out too long. Its frosty today."
I laughed a little as he smiled. I'm glad he's in a good mood.
After I finish my cigarette, I pull out a new one. I'm waiting for Frank. He's a friend of the boy of my dreams. But I've never told him that. He's walking up now. "Can I bum one?" he ask.
I hand him two. I always give him one extra. He'll probably smoke them both while waiting for Gerard and ,*sighs*, Mikey.
Mikey. I love his name. Its so cool. He's so quiet around everyone else. I don''t think I've said twenty words to him ever at one time. But I say enough to get him to start. He can just go on and on when you let him know your listening. I love to hear him talk. He goes on about everything that unimportant. Like if he's gay or anything like that. He tells me about Gerard's boyfriends and how things are with Bob and Ray.They're both twenty and daring. They're friends of Gerard and therefore I know them through Mikey and Gerard.
"Can I bum one?" Gerard asked. I hand him one.
"Want one, Mikey?" I always ask him. He sometimes takes one. He's 16 and Gerard is my age. Frank is the same age as us also. So, i hold out the pack toward him with one sticking out for him to take. He nodes and takes it.
We all finish our cigarettes and head inside. Its cold out today. My hands are numb. And Mikey notices. " how long have you been outside?" he ask.
"Been walking around town since about two this morning. Why?"
"Why have you been walking around all night?"
"Couldn't sleep." I stare at the floor. Thats only partly true. How could I tell him my parents were always drunk or high? How could I tell him something that would just further push him away?
Mikey looked at him sideways. He didn't believe Frost story. "Frost, you can tell me anything." He emphasized anything.
Frost stopped dead. What did he know? "Mikey, I can't tell you anything. If I did you ..." He stopped, looking at Mikey.
"I what Frost? Please just talk to me." He pleaded.
Frost looked at him for a long time. Mikey. He thought sadly. Oh Mikey. "What if I told you I was gay?" He asked. He waited for Mikey's reaction. Mikey just looked at him for a second.
"Good." he murmured and looked at the floor.
"What do you mean 'good'?" Frost asked.
Mikey blushed. "I.." he started. " I have a crush on you." he stated slowly.
Frost stared at him. "Oh my god." his jaw hung open.
"Are you mad at me?" he asked.
Frost just stared at him for a moment. "Mikey" he said slowly. " I have a confession to make." he paused. "I have had a crush on you for forever." He emphasized forever.

Note from author. This is my first fan fiction. and the first chapter. I hope you enjoy it. Please comment and let me know what you think. thanks.

Title: It ends tonight [standalone]. Author: magicdani Pairing: Gerard Way/Frank Iero [frerard] Word count: 1993 Rating: NC-15 Warning: Suicide, Alcohol, Self-mutilation. Disclaimer: Believe me, if I owned My Chemical Romance I would NOT be killing them. A/N: This story will read a lot better if you play 'It ends tonight - All-american rejects' whilst listening. It's a oneshot songfic.

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