Burcu Kutukcuoglu | Istanbul Bilgi University (original) (raw)


Papers by Burcu Kutukcuoglu

Research paper thumbnail of Lina Bo Bardi'nin Cam Evi: Modernizme Bağlılık ve Eleştiri

Betonart, 2023

Lina Bo Bardi is a significant figure of 20th century modern architecture who established links b... more Lina Bo Bardi is a significant figure of 20th century modern architecture who established links between European modernism and South American cultures. Glass House built in 1952 in Sao Paolo is probably her most iconic design that displays subtle manifestations of these links, which are the hybrid outcomes of her modernist formation and passion for Brazilian culture and nature. Bo Bardi utilizes some archetypal modernist themes and dualities in the Glass House, with original twists and interpretations that change their rigid, contextless and abstract character. This article analyzes a number of these themes with the end to unfold Lina Bo Bardi’s original approach to modernism in which commitment and critique coexist.

Research paper thumbnail of The emergence of Mediterraneanism discourse in modern Turkish architecture and the special position of Cengiz Bektaş

A-Z ITU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 2023

This article focuses on the emergence of the discourse on Mediterraneanism in Turkish architectur... more This article focuses on the emergence of the discourse on Mediterraneanism in Turkish architecture of mid-20th century in relation to the precedent discussions and works by European and American architects from the earlier decades. The former attempts of the modernist architects from Mediterranean countries in associating Mediterranean vernacular cultures with modernism and their basic motives are briefly discussed in the first part of the article to be able to portray the difference of the Turkish case. The emergence of the discourse of Mediterraneanism in mid-century Turkish architectural milieus is then discussed through some articles in the prominent journals of the period, underlining its relationship with the development of mass-tourism. Cengiz Bektaş is presented as a distinct and significant figure within this context who made extensive studies on Mediterranean vernacular cultures of Anatolia and had an original approach to the issue. Following the legacy of the Blue Anatolianists, Bektaş sees the Anatolian geography as a holistic cultural landscape and its vernacular architectures as the main sources of inspiration for contemporary architects, rather than pragmatic tools to fuel tourism industry. The article displays how his truly regionalist and contextualist approach to the Mediterranean differs from earlier and contemporary discourses in Turkey and stays closer to early 20th century precedents in Europe, through a reading of his original publications from the 1970s and later decades.

Research paper thumbnail of Microecologies of Mediterranean Enclave: “Remote” Reading of Datça Peninsula and its Traditional Villages

Mediterranean Studies, 2022

Datça Peninsula in southwestern Anatolia has a typically Mediterranean cultural landscape with s... more Datça Peninsula in southwestern Anatolia has a typically Mediterranean cultural landscape with significant variations among its subregions. This article presents research per- formed by the author and a group of graduate students of architecture in the summer of 2020, with the aim of discovering and creatively representing Datça’s mosaic of microecological vari- ations. The research focused on the traditional villages of Datça, with eight studied in detail in terms of the natural and manmade elements that define their particular landscapes. Original maps and three-dimensional drawings were produced as the final outcome and display both factual data and students’ interpretations of the spatial characteristics of Datça Peninsula and its traditional settlements. These maps and drawings are based on information gathered from satellite maps, aerial photographs, and written sources and represent the salient geographic features, the borders and subregions, and the visual imagery of the major cultural landscapes within the geographic mosaic of the peninsula. Both the methods and outcomes of the research are products of a collective and experimental study of space literacy and documentation.

Research paper thumbnail of Güncel Türkiye Mimarlığı'nda Akdenizli Modernliğe Analitik Bir Bakış

Tasarım + Kuram, 2022

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Licens... more This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Öz Bu makale, Türkiye'nin Ege ve Akdeniz kıyılarında, kitlesel turizmin ve yapılaşmanın yaygınlaştığı 1960'lardan günümüze uzanan dönemde, yerel coğrafi koşullar ve yapı kültürü gözetilerek tasarlanmış mimarlık ürünlerine dair bir araştırmanın teorik çerçevesini, yöntem ve sonuçlarını açıklamaktadır. Araştırma kapsamında, Çanakkale-Hatay arasındaki kıyı şeridinde yer alan ve Akdenizli karakterlere sahip olduğu düşünülen geniş bir yapı ve yerleşimler grubu, kaynak taraması, çalıştaylar ve saha çalışmaları aracılığı ile belirlenmiştir. Beş coğrafi alt bölge altında toplanan bu örnekler, Akdenizli karakterlerini çözümlemek adına, parçası oldukları kültürel peyzaj tipleri ve mimari özellikler bağlamında analiz edilmiştir. Çalışılan yapı ve yerleşimlerin, parçası oldukları kültürel peyzajlara eklemlenme biçimleri, iklim koşullarına karşı sundukları çözümler ve yerel yapı kültürlerini, mimari öğe ve arketipleri yorumlama biçimleri analitik biçimde incelenmiş ve haritalanmıştır. Makalede, Anadolu kıyılarındaki Akdeniz yerelliğinin farklı yorumlarını ortaya koyan bu haritalama ve analiz kategorileri, farklı dönemlere ve coğrafi alt bölgelere ait yapı ve yerleşim örnekleri ile açıklanmaktadır. Araştırmanın ana bulgularından birisi, kültürel coğrafya alanında Akdeniz'e dair kabul edilen zengin mikro-bölgesel çeşitlilik özelliğinin, mimarlık alanında da karşılığının olmasıdır. Bu bağlamda, benzer mimari tasarım araçları ve stratejilerinin, farklı kültürel peyzaj bölgelerinde değişik yorumlara ve sonuç ürünlere yol açtığı gözlemlenmiş ve örneklenmiştir. Bir başka deyişle bu araştırma, Akdeniz'in bir süreklilikler ve farklılıklar mozaiği olduğunu Anadolu coğrafyası örneği ve modern mimari işler üzerinden göstermiş ve bunu, gelişime açık bir veri tabanı altlığı olarak sunmuştur.

Research paper thumbnail of Modernizm ve Akdeniz Kültürü: Bir Ders

Arredamento Mimarlık, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Spatial Visions of Blue Anatolia: An Architectural Reading of Azra Erhat's Travels

Light Color Line: Perceiving the Mediterranean, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Context, The Modern House and the Suburbs: A Discussion Based on the Villa Stein-de Monzie

Paris Berlin: Continental Capitals, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of A House near Barcelona: Casa La Ricarda

Amsterdam Barcelona Hamburg: Harbour Cities, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Akdeniz İkliminde Modernizm, Modernist İklimde Akdeniz: Yirminci Yüzyıl Katalan Mimarlığında Yerel Öğeler

Books by Burcu Kutukcuoglu

Research paper thumbnail of YKKS-Texts

YKKS Kente Bir Açılım / An Opening to the City, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Lina Bo Bardi'nin Cam Evi: Modernizme Bağlılık ve Eleştiri

Betonart, 2023

Lina Bo Bardi is a significant figure of 20th century modern architecture who established links b... more Lina Bo Bardi is a significant figure of 20th century modern architecture who established links between European modernism and South American cultures. Glass House built in 1952 in Sao Paolo is probably her most iconic design that displays subtle manifestations of these links, which are the hybrid outcomes of her modernist formation and passion for Brazilian culture and nature. Bo Bardi utilizes some archetypal modernist themes and dualities in the Glass House, with original twists and interpretations that change their rigid, contextless and abstract character. This article analyzes a number of these themes with the end to unfold Lina Bo Bardi’s original approach to modernism in which commitment and critique coexist.

Research paper thumbnail of The emergence of Mediterraneanism discourse in modern Turkish architecture and the special position of Cengiz Bektaş

A-Z ITU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 2023

This article focuses on the emergence of the discourse on Mediterraneanism in Turkish architectur... more This article focuses on the emergence of the discourse on Mediterraneanism in Turkish architecture of mid-20th century in relation to the precedent discussions and works by European and American architects from the earlier decades. The former attempts of the modernist architects from Mediterranean countries in associating Mediterranean vernacular cultures with modernism and their basic motives are briefly discussed in the first part of the article to be able to portray the difference of the Turkish case. The emergence of the discourse of Mediterraneanism in mid-century Turkish architectural milieus is then discussed through some articles in the prominent journals of the period, underlining its relationship with the development of mass-tourism. Cengiz Bektaş is presented as a distinct and significant figure within this context who made extensive studies on Mediterranean vernacular cultures of Anatolia and had an original approach to the issue. Following the legacy of the Blue Anatolianists, Bektaş sees the Anatolian geography as a holistic cultural landscape and its vernacular architectures as the main sources of inspiration for contemporary architects, rather than pragmatic tools to fuel tourism industry. The article displays how his truly regionalist and contextualist approach to the Mediterranean differs from earlier and contemporary discourses in Turkey and stays closer to early 20th century precedents in Europe, through a reading of his original publications from the 1970s and later decades.

Research paper thumbnail of Microecologies of Mediterranean Enclave: “Remote” Reading of Datça Peninsula and its Traditional Villages

Mediterranean Studies, 2022

Datça Peninsula in southwestern Anatolia has a typically Mediterranean cultural landscape with s... more Datça Peninsula in southwestern Anatolia has a typically Mediterranean cultural landscape with significant variations among its subregions. This article presents research per- formed by the author and a group of graduate students of architecture in the summer of 2020, with the aim of discovering and creatively representing Datça’s mosaic of microecological vari- ations. The research focused on the traditional villages of Datça, with eight studied in detail in terms of the natural and manmade elements that define their particular landscapes. Original maps and three-dimensional drawings were produced as the final outcome and display both factual data and students’ interpretations of the spatial characteristics of Datça Peninsula and its traditional settlements. These maps and drawings are based on information gathered from satellite maps, aerial photographs, and written sources and represent the salient geographic features, the borders and subregions, and the visual imagery of the major cultural landscapes within the geographic mosaic of the peninsula. Both the methods and outcomes of the research are products of a collective and experimental study of space literacy and documentation.

Research paper thumbnail of Güncel Türkiye Mimarlığı'nda Akdenizli Modernliğe Analitik Bir Bakış

Tasarım + Kuram, 2022

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Licens... more This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Öz Bu makale, Türkiye'nin Ege ve Akdeniz kıyılarında, kitlesel turizmin ve yapılaşmanın yaygınlaştığı 1960'lardan günümüze uzanan dönemde, yerel coğrafi koşullar ve yapı kültürü gözetilerek tasarlanmış mimarlık ürünlerine dair bir araştırmanın teorik çerçevesini, yöntem ve sonuçlarını açıklamaktadır. Araştırma kapsamında, Çanakkale-Hatay arasındaki kıyı şeridinde yer alan ve Akdenizli karakterlere sahip olduğu düşünülen geniş bir yapı ve yerleşimler grubu, kaynak taraması, çalıştaylar ve saha çalışmaları aracılığı ile belirlenmiştir. Beş coğrafi alt bölge altında toplanan bu örnekler, Akdenizli karakterlerini çözümlemek adına, parçası oldukları kültürel peyzaj tipleri ve mimari özellikler bağlamında analiz edilmiştir. Çalışılan yapı ve yerleşimlerin, parçası oldukları kültürel peyzajlara eklemlenme biçimleri, iklim koşullarına karşı sundukları çözümler ve yerel yapı kültürlerini, mimari öğe ve arketipleri yorumlama biçimleri analitik biçimde incelenmiş ve haritalanmıştır. Makalede, Anadolu kıyılarındaki Akdeniz yerelliğinin farklı yorumlarını ortaya koyan bu haritalama ve analiz kategorileri, farklı dönemlere ve coğrafi alt bölgelere ait yapı ve yerleşim örnekleri ile açıklanmaktadır. Araştırmanın ana bulgularından birisi, kültürel coğrafya alanında Akdeniz'e dair kabul edilen zengin mikro-bölgesel çeşitlilik özelliğinin, mimarlık alanında da karşılığının olmasıdır. Bu bağlamda, benzer mimari tasarım araçları ve stratejilerinin, farklı kültürel peyzaj bölgelerinde değişik yorumlara ve sonuç ürünlere yol açtığı gözlemlenmiş ve örneklenmiştir. Bir başka deyişle bu araştırma, Akdeniz'in bir süreklilikler ve farklılıklar mozaiği olduğunu Anadolu coğrafyası örneği ve modern mimari işler üzerinden göstermiş ve bunu, gelişime açık bir veri tabanı altlığı olarak sunmuştur.

Research paper thumbnail of Modernizm ve Akdeniz Kültürü: Bir Ders

Arredamento Mimarlık, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Spatial Visions of Blue Anatolia: An Architectural Reading of Azra Erhat's Travels

Light Color Line: Perceiving the Mediterranean, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Context, The Modern House and the Suburbs: A Discussion Based on the Villa Stein-de Monzie

Paris Berlin: Continental Capitals, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of A House near Barcelona: Casa La Ricarda

Amsterdam Barcelona Hamburg: Harbour Cities, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Akdeniz İkliminde Modernizm, Modernist İklimde Akdeniz: Yirminci Yüzyıl Katalan Mimarlığında Yerel Öğeler

Research paper thumbnail of YKKS-Texts

YKKS Kente Bir Açılım / An Opening to the City, 2019