Endina Putri Purwandari | Universitas Bengkulu (original) (raw)

Papers by Endina Putri Purwandari


Jurnal Teknologi Informasi, 2017

Copy-move forgery is a type of image that is most commonly used. This technique is easy to use by... more Copy-move forgery is a type of image that is most commonly used. This technique is easy to use by many people. This, application can be used to detect copy-move forgery in digital image. The application convert the input image from RGB to graysacle. Then apply Discreate Cosine Transform method to perform the image decomposition, and to extract the image features with the SIFT. Then feature extraction results are clustered using nearest neigbour and estimated by geometric transformation using RANSAC method. SIFT local features is better for some geometric transformation, such as rotation and scaling which used in this study. Result showed that this application is able to detect copy-move forgery in digital images with or without rotation and scaling attacks up to 100% with threshold in 0.10. 1. PENDAHULUAN Dengan kecanggihan teknologi sekarang ini menyebabkan citra digital dengan mudah dapat dimanipulasi. Manipulasi gambar dilakukan dengan cara menambahkan atau menghapus beberapa elemen dari gambar yang menghasilkan sejumlah pemalsuan citra yang tidak dapat diperhatikan oleh mata manusia. Hal ini juga didukung dengan tersedianya software-software editing gambar yang berteknologi canggih yang dapat digunakan oleh orang yang tidak profesional sekalipun. Pemalsuan citra copy-move adalah jenis pemalsuan citra yang paling umum digunakan karena tekniknya yang mudah dilakukan oleh banyak orang dengan cara bagian dari gambar itu sendiri disalin dan disisipkan ke bagian lain dari gambar yang sama. Discrete Cosine Transfrom (DCT) biasa digunakan untuk mengubah sebuah sinyal frekuensi dasar. Kelebihan Discrete Cosine Transfrom (DCT) menghitung kuantitas bit-bit image tempat pesan tersebut disembunyikan di dalamnya [1]. DCT juga invarian terhadap noise, compression, dan blur [2]. Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) adalah sebuah algoritma dalam computer vision untuk mendeteksi dan mendeskripsikan fitur lokal dalam gambar. SIFT memilki kelebihan dapat mendeteksi lebih banyak point fitur dibanding dengan metode SURF. SIFT juga digunakan untuk mengekstrasi fitur dari sebuah gambar yang invarian untuk skala dan rotasi [3]. Berdasarkan permasalahan dan penelitian terkait di atas, maka penelitian ini mengangkat tema deteksi pemalsuan copy-move pada citra digital dengan menggunakan kombinasi metode deteksi yaitu Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) dan Scale Invariant Feature Transfrom (SIFT). Dengan menggunakan kedua metode ini diharapkan penelitian ini dapat meningkatkan akurasi, mampu mendeteksi wilayah pemalsuan copy-move, dan mempersingkat waktu komputasi dalam mendeteksi pemalsuan copy-move pada citra digital. Adapun manfaat dilakukannya penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi masukan yang memudahkan pengguna dalam mendeteksi keaslian suatu citra. 2. LANDASAN TEORI 2.1. Pemalsuan Citra Pemalsuan citra digital adalah citra yang telah mengalami manipulasi pada perubahan isi dan konteks [4]. Pemalsuan citra digital memiliki banyak kesamaan dengan pemalsuan foto konvensional. Namun, dibandingkan memanipulasi film atau negatif analog. Pemalsuan digital dilakukan dengan mengubah data digital yang dimiliki suatu citra. Program komputer seperti Adobe Photoshop, GIMP dan Corel Paint Shop telah membuat perubahan pada foto digital menjadi luar biasa mudah, didukung oleh

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Research paper thumbnail of Identifikasi Jenis Bambu Berdasarkan Tekstur Daun dengan Metode Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix dan Gray Level Run Length Matrix Identification of Bamboo Species Based on Leaf Texture using Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix and Gray Level Run Length Matrix

Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Komputer, 2018

Bamboo species can be identified from the bamboo leaf images. This study conducted the identifica... more Bamboo species can be identified from the bamboo leaf images. This study conducted the identification of bamboo species based on leaf texture using Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) and Gray Level Run Length Matrix (GLRLM) for texture feature extraction, and Euclidean distance for measure the image distance. This study used the images of bamboo species in Bengkulu province, that are bambusa Vulgaris Var Vulgaris, bambusa Multiplex, bambusa Vulgaris Var Striata, Gigantochloa Robusta, Gigantochloa Schortrchinii, Gigantochloa Serik, Schizostachyum Brachycladum, and Dendrocalamus Asper. The bamboo application was built using Matlab. The accuracy of the application was 100% for bamboo leaf test images captured using a smartphone camera and 81.25% for test images downloaded from the Internet. Keywords-bamboo identification; bamboo leaf; grey level co-occurrence matrix; gray level run length matrix Abstrak-Identifikasi jenis bambu dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan citra daun bambu. Penelitian ini bertujuan membangun aplikasi identifikasi jenis bambu berdasarkan tekstur daun berbasis konten citra dengan menggunakan metode Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) dan Gray Level Run Length Matrix (GLRLM) untuk ekstraksi fitur tekstur serta metode Euclidean distance untuk menghitung jarak kemiripan citra uji dengan citra latih. Objek penelitian ini adalah citra daun bambu di Bengkulu yaitu bambu Ampel (Bambusa Vulgaris Var. Vulgaris), bambu Cina (Bambusa Multiplex), bambu Kuning (Bambusa Vulgaris Var. Striata), bambu Kemayan/Mayan (Gigantochloa Robusta), bambu Kapal (Gigantochloa Schortrchinii), bambu Serik/Sri (Gigantochloa Serik), bambu Gading (Schizostachyum Brachycladum), dan bambu Betung (Dendrocalamus Asper). Aplikasi identifikasi ini dibangun menggunakan Matlab. Akurasi aplikasi ini adalah 100 % untuk citra uji daun bambu yang diambil menggunakan smartphone dan 81,25 % untuk citra uji yang diunduh dari Internet. Kata Kunci-identifikasi bambu; daun bambu; gray level co-occurrence matrix; gray level run length matrix I. PENDAHULUAN Indonesia adalah negara tropis yang memiliki keanekaragaman tumbuhan tinggi, termasuk bambu, yang banyak tumbuh subur dan memiliki banyak jenis dan manfaat yang tidak banyak diketahui. Kondisi ini mempersulit proses identifikasi. Spesies bambu di Indonesia diperkirakan sekitar 159 spesies dari total 1.250 spesies di seluruh dunia [1]. Bambu dapat ditemukan di dataran rendah, pegunungan, tempat-tempat terbuka dan daerah bebas dari genangan air. Ciri-ciri umum dari bambu yaitu hidup merumpun, batang bulat, berlubang di tengah dan beruas-ruas, percabangan kompleks, setiap daun bertangkai, serta mempunyai ruas dan buku [2]. Identifikasi spesies bambu dapat dilakukan melalui daunnya menggunakan fitur tekstur daun. Fitur tekstur daun yang dapat digunakan untuk menentukan ciri khas tanaman, termasuk bambu, adalah antara lain licin, halus, kasar, dan keteraturan susunan struktural piksel [3]. Proses analisa tekstur daun dapat dilakukan dengan cepat dengan memanfaatkan teknik pengolahan citra digital [4], [5]. Beragam teknik pengolahan citra digital telah dikembangkan untuk identifikasi jenis tanaman. Teknik ini melakukan ekstraksi fitur tekstur dengan akurasi yang baik, di antaranya dengan Gray Level Co-occurence Matrix (GLCM) untuk menentukan matriks co-occurence yang menunjukkan hubungan pasial antara level keabuan dalam citra tekstur [6]-[10] dan Gray Level Run Length Matrix (GLRLM) yang mampu membedakan citra halus dan citra kasar [11], [12]. Identifikasi menggunakan GLCM dan GLRLM mempunyai akurasi yang memadai. Tiap objek mempunyai ciri yang membedakannya dengan objek lain, misalnya dalam identifikasi citra daun tanaman obat herbal [6], citra kayu [7], daun tebu [8], kesegaran

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Research paper thumbnail of Disaster Risk Reduction for Earthquake Using Mobile Learning Application to Improve the Students Understanding in Elementary School

Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2018

Indonesia is located in the ring of fire and frequently hit by tectonic earthquake. Education cou... more Indonesia is located in the ring of fire and frequently hit by tectonic earthquake. Education could be one of the strategic and effective efforts to reduce the earthquake risk. Therefore, there is a need to provide knowledge about the earthquake disaster mitigation, especially in elementary school, and to grow the "Safety Culture" in school. This paper focuses on how the integration of mobile learning application in elementary school could enhance the ability of disaster risk reduction especially for earthquake mitigation in Bengkulu, Indonesia. The type of research was Pre-Experimental Design with one-group pretest-posttest design. Data collection was a test of students' understanding of earthquake disaster mitigation that includes pre-disaster, disaster, and post disaster. The independent variable was learning to use mobile learning application. The dependent variable was students' understanding of earthquake disaster preparedness. The pre-test and post-test results show that the value of t (0.975) for two-tailed test on the distribution of student () is 58 and obtained t-table is 2,001 and the calculation is-8.02; therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected. This implies that there is an influence of educational mobile application to the students for earthquake disaster mitigation. The experiment also shows that educational mobile application influences the students understanding about earthquake disaster preparedness. Thus, mobile learning application can be effective tools for earthquake education, because it displays the earthquake information in more interactive manner.

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International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology, 2018

Disaster mitigation is an action to reduce the disaster impact that can be done before the disast... more Disaster mitigation is an action to reduce the disaster impact that can be done before the disaster occurs. The application aims to provide information on evacuation path mapping accompanied by information on evacuation and conduct gathering points and to test the mobile application with functional suitability testing, compatibility testing, usability testing, and reliability testing. Mobile application testing purpose to produce high quality software with a series of software quality tests to find errors before being used by user. Functional suitability is to ensure that there are no errors in application that conducted on 7 test classes and 24 test scenarios. Compatibility test will check the application uses various mobile device platforms. This test used 5 smartphone devices and 15 devices on 3 Testing Cloud Device Programs. Usability testing use the USE Questionnaire consisted of 30 questions consist of Usefulness, Satisfaction, and Ease of Use, and Satisfaction. The questionnaire instrument was fulfilled the validity and reliability with SPSS 21. Reliability testing compares the latitude and longitude accuracy of GPS devices via the NAVITEL Application on smartphones and GPS map 76CSx on GARMIN devices. Based on testing results, the functional suitability testing was successful at 100%, the compatibility testing was 100% successfully running in 20 devices without error messages and the reliability testing was shown a small waypoint difference of around 0-1 seconds. In addition the usability testing with 40 respondents shown that 89.75% of respondents said they were strongly agree and satisfied with this application.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Effectiveness of Turtle Mobile Learning Application for Scientific Literacy in Elementary School

Journal of Education and e-Learning Research, 2019

Turtles are animals vulnerable to extinction. Scientific literacy is the main goal of the science... more Turtles are animals vulnerable to extinction. Scientific literacy is the main goal of the science curriculum. Augmented Reality technology is very helpful in the education process of animal conservation. Turtle mobile learning is one of the scientific literacy sources developed on Android smartphones. The study's purpose is to produce and determine the effectiveness of turtle mobile learning media to develop the students' scientific literacy about Sumatran turtle conservation. The study used Research and Development (R & D) design and One Group Pretest Posttest design. The research participants were elementary school students in Bengkulu City. Based on the pretest and posttest results, the value of t =0.975 for a two-tailed test on the distribution of student (t) dk = 38 obtained t-table = 2.024 from the calculation t =-10.71 located in the reject area of null hypothesis. It concluded that there is an influence on aspects of student understanding about Sumatran turtles. The N-gain results calculation analysis was about 0.8, indicating that this application has high effectiveness in improving the scientific literacy of elementary school students. The experiment showed that students could understand the lesson easily and acquire improved motivation to seek new concepts. This is because turtle mobile learning with augmented reality technology provides students with convenience in building concepts and simplifying the turtle visualization.

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Language and Scientific Literacy Skills for 4th Grade Elementary School Students through Discovery Learning and ICT Media

International Journal of Instruction, 2020

This study aims to determine the effect of discovery learning using ICT in bamboo conservation to... more This study aims to determine the effect of discovery learning using ICT in bamboo conservation topics on students' language and scientific literacy. The matching only pretest and posttest control group design was used in this research. The participants were fourth-grade students in the academic year 2017-2018 with a total of 36 students. The research instrument for language literacy is essay questions, and scientific literacy is multiple-choice questions. Data were analyzed using the T-test. The analysis results show that there are differences in language and scientific literacy skills in students who were taught using discovery learning with ICT media and students who were taught using a conventional approach with visual media. The findings exhibited that: (1) there is an influence of the use of discovery learning with ICT media on students' language and scientific literacy, and (2) there is an influence of the interaction of discovery model with ICT language and scientific literacy in fourth-grade students. It is recommended for elementary school teachers and further researchers that the discovery learning model be adopted with ICT media, because: (1) scientific literacy can be developed through the understanding ability or part of language literacy, and (2) ICT media as the bamboo identification application as learning media can attract students' attention by creating an active and pleasant learning atmosphere.

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ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2018

Prevention of victims and losses due to earthquake disaster can be done earlier through the use o... more Prevention of victims and losses due to earthquake disaster can be done earlier through the use of information media that are currently popular and widely used by the community, such as mobile phone communication. Educational game is a game-based learning. The game has a fantasy element that involves players in learning activities through an narration or storyline. Application of earthquake disaster mitigation is an educational game that is useful to add insight, knowledge, and understanding of children in the effort to overcome the impact of earthquake disaster. This study aims to build an educational game application on the Android platform as a learning medium for earthquake disaster mitigation and the basics of safety in the face of earthquake disaster in a more interesting and fun way. This edugame application has a video about the simulation of earthquake and earthquake mitigation video accompanied by game consisting of 3 stage that is before, during and after earthquake. This edugame application is expected to provide basic safety information in dealing with earthquake disaster for elementary school students.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Thematic Learning Integrated ICT in Tabot Bengkulu as Cultural Ceremony toward Social Interaction Knowledge in Elementary School

Asian Journal of Education and Training, 2018

Tabot Bengkulu as one of cultural ceremony in Bengkulu province is a cultural asset that held onc... more Tabot Bengkulu as one of cultural ceremony in Bengkulu province is a cultural asset that held once a year in Muharram Month in Islamic Calendar. This ceremony has many character values in society such as religious, social care, and environment care. The use of local wisdom in learning can improve the social interaction knowledge for elementary students. The purpose of this research is to determine the impact of integrating ICT with thematic learning and discovery learning model for tabot Bengkulu as a cultural ceremony toward social interaction knowledge in elementary school. The research implemented pretest-posttest control group design. The research populations are two classes of fourth-grade students from the elementary school in Bengkulu in the academic year 2017-2018. These classes are divided into two, one class from as the experiment group with discovery learning and ICT from state elementary school 1 and the other one class as the control group with conventional media from state elementary school 22. The instrument used to measure student knowledge about the uniqueness of my residence area. The results showed that the average score difference between posttest and pretest in the control group was 23.46 and in the experimental group of 38.12 The analysis results for t value 0.13 and t table 2.00. It can be concluded that there is no significant effect of thematic learning based on the potential of the region with the discoveries of learning and ICT media on the knowledge of elementary students about the cultural ceremony "Tabot Bengkulu".

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Research paper thumbnail of Online Expert Systems for Bamboo Identification Using Case Based Reasoning

International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2017

Bamboo is a typical plant that thrives in tropical countries like Indonesia. The diversity of bam... more Bamboo is a typical plant that thrives in tropical countries like Indonesia. The diversity of bamboo species makes difficult to classified, then requiring the expertise from specialist who understands deeply about bamboo characteristics. The paper purpose to (1) adopts the bamboo expert knowledge into bamboo criteria of expertise; (2) implementing Case Based Reasoning method in online expert system for bamboo identification in Bengkulu Province; and (3) determined the identification accuracy of bamboo using expert systems. The system uses Case Based Reasoning with four main steps: retrieve, reuse, revise, and retain. Bamboo expert identify bamboo criteria into 6 morphology, 31 features, and 219 attributes as an input system. The results showed that the Case Based Reasoning method has high accuracy for identifying the bamboo species and can solve the problem of bamboo identification as a new case based on old case that stored in the base case.

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Research paper thumbnail of Project-based learning to improve scientific literacy for primary education postgraduate students in science subject

Jurnal Prima Edukasia, 2020

The research aimed to describe the learning activities and the ability of scientific literacy (at... more The research aimed to describe the learning activities and the ability of scientific literacy (attitude, context, knowledge, and competence) Students of Primary Education Postgraduate Program of Bengkulu University in natural science subjects by using the PjBL model. The Classroom Action Research done in three cycles for Primary Education Postgraduate Program students of Bengkulu University in the first semester of 2019/2020 academic year. Instrument and data collection techniques are observations, tests, and rubrics. The observation was on student activities in learning and aspects of caring for the environment and caring for health. The instruments were HOTS test and rubric. The science aspect uses the student report assessment sheet. The indicators of successful actions were the activities of lecturers and students in teaching and learning by using PjBL in good categories, and the percentage of students who show attitudes, context, knowledge, and competencies of science meet good categories at least 80%. The results of this research are the using of Project-Based Learning model can improve the learning activities of Primary Education Postgraduate Program Students of Bengkulu University in a natural science subject and can improve the scientific literacy aspects of an attitude, context, knowledge, and competencies for Primary Education Postgraduate Program in the science subject.

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Jurnal Teknologi Informasi, 2017

Copy-move forgery is a type of image that is most commonly used. This technique is easy to use by... more Copy-move forgery is a type of image that is most commonly used. This technique is easy to use by many people. This, application can be used to detect copy-move forgery in digital image. The application convert the input image from RGB to graysacle. Then apply Discreate Cosine Transform method to perform the image decomposition, and to extract the image features with the SIFT. Then feature extraction results are clustered using nearest neigbour and estimated by geometric transformation using RANSAC method. SIFT local features is better for some geometric transformation, such as rotation and scaling which used in this study. Result showed that this application is able to detect copy-move forgery in digital images with or without rotation and scaling attacks up to 100% with threshold in 0.10. 1. PENDAHULUAN Dengan kecanggihan teknologi sekarang ini menyebabkan citra digital dengan mudah dapat dimanipulasi. Manipulasi gambar dilakukan dengan cara menambahkan atau menghapus beberapa elemen dari gambar yang menghasilkan sejumlah pemalsuan citra yang tidak dapat diperhatikan oleh mata manusia. Hal ini juga didukung dengan tersedianya software-software editing gambar yang berteknologi canggih yang dapat digunakan oleh orang yang tidak profesional sekalipun. Pemalsuan citra copy-move adalah jenis pemalsuan citra yang paling umum digunakan karena tekniknya yang mudah dilakukan oleh banyak orang dengan cara bagian dari gambar itu sendiri disalin dan disisipkan ke bagian lain dari gambar yang sama. Discrete Cosine Transfrom (DCT) biasa digunakan untuk mengubah sebuah sinyal frekuensi dasar. Kelebihan Discrete Cosine Transfrom (DCT) menghitung kuantitas bit-bit image tempat pesan tersebut disembunyikan di dalamnya [1]. DCT juga invarian terhadap noise, compression, dan blur [2]. Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) adalah sebuah algoritma dalam computer vision untuk mendeteksi dan mendeskripsikan fitur lokal dalam gambar. SIFT memilki kelebihan dapat mendeteksi lebih banyak point fitur dibanding dengan metode SURF. SIFT juga digunakan untuk mengekstrasi fitur dari sebuah gambar yang invarian untuk skala dan rotasi [3]. Berdasarkan permasalahan dan penelitian terkait di atas, maka penelitian ini mengangkat tema deteksi pemalsuan copy-move pada citra digital dengan menggunakan kombinasi metode deteksi yaitu Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) dan Scale Invariant Feature Transfrom (SIFT). Dengan menggunakan kedua metode ini diharapkan penelitian ini dapat meningkatkan akurasi, mampu mendeteksi wilayah pemalsuan copy-move, dan mempersingkat waktu komputasi dalam mendeteksi pemalsuan copy-move pada citra digital. Adapun manfaat dilakukannya penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi masukan yang memudahkan pengguna dalam mendeteksi keaslian suatu citra. 2. LANDASAN TEORI 2.1. Pemalsuan Citra Pemalsuan citra digital adalah citra yang telah mengalami manipulasi pada perubahan isi dan konteks [4]. Pemalsuan citra digital memiliki banyak kesamaan dengan pemalsuan foto konvensional. Namun, dibandingkan memanipulasi film atau negatif analog. Pemalsuan digital dilakukan dengan mengubah data digital yang dimiliki suatu citra. Program komputer seperti Adobe Photoshop, GIMP dan Corel Paint Shop telah membuat perubahan pada foto digital menjadi luar biasa mudah, didukung oleh

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Research paper thumbnail of Identifikasi Jenis Bambu Berdasarkan Tekstur Daun dengan Metode Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix dan Gray Level Run Length Matrix Identification of Bamboo Species Based on Leaf Texture using Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix and Gray Level Run Length Matrix

Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Komputer, 2018

Bamboo species can be identified from the bamboo leaf images. This study conducted the identifica... more Bamboo species can be identified from the bamboo leaf images. This study conducted the identification of bamboo species based on leaf texture using Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) and Gray Level Run Length Matrix (GLRLM) for texture feature extraction, and Euclidean distance for measure the image distance. This study used the images of bamboo species in Bengkulu province, that are bambusa Vulgaris Var Vulgaris, bambusa Multiplex, bambusa Vulgaris Var Striata, Gigantochloa Robusta, Gigantochloa Schortrchinii, Gigantochloa Serik, Schizostachyum Brachycladum, and Dendrocalamus Asper. The bamboo application was built using Matlab. The accuracy of the application was 100% for bamboo leaf test images captured using a smartphone camera and 81.25% for test images downloaded from the Internet. Keywords-bamboo identification; bamboo leaf; grey level co-occurrence matrix; gray level run length matrix Abstrak-Identifikasi jenis bambu dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan citra daun bambu. Penelitian ini bertujuan membangun aplikasi identifikasi jenis bambu berdasarkan tekstur daun berbasis konten citra dengan menggunakan metode Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) dan Gray Level Run Length Matrix (GLRLM) untuk ekstraksi fitur tekstur serta metode Euclidean distance untuk menghitung jarak kemiripan citra uji dengan citra latih. Objek penelitian ini adalah citra daun bambu di Bengkulu yaitu bambu Ampel (Bambusa Vulgaris Var. Vulgaris), bambu Cina (Bambusa Multiplex), bambu Kuning (Bambusa Vulgaris Var. Striata), bambu Kemayan/Mayan (Gigantochloa Robusta), bambu Kapal (Gigantochloa Schortrchinii), bambu Serik/Sri (Gigantochloa Serik), bambu Gading (Schizostachyum Brachycladum), dan bambu Betung (Dendrocalamus Asper). Aplikasi identifikasi ini dibangun menggunakan Matlab. Akurasi aplikasi ini adalah 100 % untuk citra uji daun bambu yang diambil menggunakan smartphone dan 81,25 % untuk citra uji yang diunduh dari Internet. Kata Kunci-identifikasi bambu; daun bambu; gray level co-occurrence matrix; gray level run length matrix I. PENDAHULUAN Indonesia adalah negara tropis yang memiliki keanekaragaman tumbuhan tinggi, termasuk bambu, yang banyak tumbuh subur dan memiliki banyak jenis dan manfaat yang tidak banyak diketahui. Kondisi ini mempersulit proses identifikasi. Spesies bambu di Indonesia diperkirakan sekitar 159 spesies dari total 1.250 spesies di seluruh dunia [1]. Bambu dapat ditemukan di dataran rendah, pegunungan, tempat-tempat terbuka dan daerah bebas dari genangan air. Ciri-ciri umum dari bambu yaitu hidup merumpun, batang bulat, berlubang di tengah dan beruas-ruas, percabangan kompleks, setiap daun bertangkai, serta mempunyai ruas dan buku [2]. Identifikasi spesies bambu dapat dilakukan melalui daunnya menggunakan fitur tekstur daun. Fitur tekstur daun yang dapat digunakan untuk menentukan ciri khas tanaman, termasuk bambu, adalah antara lain licin, halus, kasar, dan keteraturan susunan struktural piksel [3]. Proses analisa tekstur daun dapat dilakukan dengan cepat dengan memanfaatkan teknik pengolahan citra digital [4], [5]. Beragam teknik pengolahan citra digital telah dikembangkan untuk identifikasi jenis tanaman. Teknik ini melakukan ekstraksi fitur tekstur dengan akurasi yang baik, di antaranya dengan Gray Level Co-occurence Matrix (GLCM) untuk menentukan matriks co-occurence yang menunjukkan hubungan pasial antara level keabuan dalam citra tekstur [6]-[10] dan Gray Level Run Length Matrix (GLRLM) yang mampu membedakan citra halus dan citra kasar [11], [12]. Identifikasi menggunakan GLCM dan GLRLM mempunyai akurasi yang memadai. Tiap objek mempunyai ciri yang membedakannya dengan objek lain, misalnya dalam identifikasi citra daun tanaman obat herbal [6], citra kayu [7], daun tebu [8], kesegaran

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Research paper thumbnail of Disaster Risk Reduction for Earthquake Using Mobile Learning Application to Improve the Students Understanding in Elementary School

Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2018

Indonesia is located in the ring of fire and frequently hit by tectonic earthquake. Education cou... more Indonesia is located in the ring of fire and frequently hit by tectonic earthquake. Education could be one of the strategic and effective efforts to reduce the earthquake risk. Therefore, there is a need to provide knowledge about the earthquake disaster mitigation, especially in elementary school, and to grow the "Safety Culture" in school. This paper focuses on how the integration of mobile learning application in elementary school could enhance the ability of disaster risk reduction especially for earthquake mitigation in Bengkulu, Indonesia. The type of research was Pre-Experimental Design with one-group pretest-posttest design. Data collection was a test of students' understanding of earthquake disaster mitigation that includes pre-disaster, disaster, and post disaster. The independent variable was learning to use mobile learning application. The dependent variable was students' understanding of earthquake disaster preparedness. The pre-test and post-test results show that the value of t (0.975) for two-tailed test on the distribution of student () is 58 and obtained t-table is 2,001 and the calculation is-8.02; therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected. This implies that there is an influence of educational mobile application to the students for earthquake disaster mitigation. The experiment also shows that educational mobile application influences the students understanding about earthquake disaster preparedness. Thus, mobile learning application can be effective tools for earthquake education, because it displays the earthquake information in more interactive manner.

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International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology, 2018

Disaster mitigation is an action to reduce the disaster impact that can be done before the disast... more Disaster mitigation is an action to reduce the disaster impact that can be done before the disaster occurs. The application aims to provide information on evacuation path mapping accompanied by information on evacuation and conduct gathering points and to test the mobile application with functional suitability testing, compatibility testing, usability testing, and reliability testing. Mobile application testing purpose to produce high quality software with a series of software quality tests to find errors before being used by user. Functional suitability is to ensure that there are no errors in application that conducted on 7 test classes and 24 test scenarios. Compatibility test will check the application uses various mobile device platforms. This test used 5 smartphone devices and 15 devices on 3 Testing Cloud Device Programs. Usability testing use the USE Questionnaire consisted of 30 questions consist of Usefulness, Satisfaction, and Ease of Use, and Satisfaction. The questionnaire instrument was fulfilled the validity and reliability with SPSS 21. Reliability testing compares the latitude and longitude accuracy of GPS devices via the NAVITEL Application on smartphones and GPS map 76CSx on GARMIN devices. Based on testing results, the functional suitability testing was successful at 100%, the compatibility testing was 100% successfully running in 20 devices without error messages and the reliability testing was shown a small waypoint difference of around 0-1 seconds. In addition the usability testing with 40 respondents shown that 89.75% of respondents said they were strongly agree and satisfied with this application.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Effectiveness of Turtle Mobile Learning Application for Scientific Literacy in Elementary School

Journal of Education and e-Learning Research, 2019

Turtles are animals vulnerable to extinction. Scientific literacy is the main goal of the science... more Turtles are animals vulnerable to extinction. Scientific literacy is the main goal of the science curriculum. Augmented Reality technology is very helpful in the education process of animal conservation. Turtle mobile learning is one of the scientific literacy sources developed on Android smartphones. The study's purpose is to produce and determine the effectiveness of turtle mobile learning media to develop the students' scientific literacy about Sumatran turtle conservation. The study used Research and Development (R & D) design and One Group Pretest Posttest design. The research participants were elementary school students in Bengkulu City. Based on the pretest and posttest results, the value of t =0.975 for a two-tailed test on the distribution of student (t) dk = 38 obtained t-table = 2.024 from the calculation t =-10.71 located in the reject area of null hypothesis. It concluded that there is an influence on aspects of student understanding about Sumatran turtles. The N-gain results calculation analysis was about 0.8, indicating that this application has high effectiveness in improving the scientific literacy of elementary school students. The experiment showed that students could understand the lesson easily and acquire improved motivation to seek new concepts. This is because turtle mobile learning with augmented reality technology provides students with convenience in building concepts and simplifying the turtle visualization.

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Language and Scientific Literacy Skills for 4th Grade Elementary School Students through Discovery Learning and ICT Media

International Journal of Instruction, 2020

This study aims to determine the effect of discovery learning using ICT in bamboo conservation to... more This study aims to determine the effect of discovery learning using ICT in bamboo conservation topics on students' language and scientific literacy. The matching only pretest and posttest control group design was used in this research. The participants were fourth-grade students in the academic year 2017-2018 with a total of 36 students. The research instrument for language literacy is essay questions, and scientific literacy is multiple-choice questions. Data were analyzed using the T-test. The analysis results show that there are differences in language and scientific literacy skills in students who were taught using discovery learning with ICT media and students who were taught using a conventional approach with visual media. The findings exhibited that: (1) there is an influence of the use of discovery learning with ICT media on students' language and scientific literacy, and (2) there is an influence of the interaction of discovery model with ICT language and scientific literacy in fourth-grade students. It is recommended for elementary school teachers and further researchers that the discovery learning model be adopted with ICT media, because: (1) scientific literacy can be developed through the understanding ability or part of language literacy, and (2) ICT media as the bamboo identification application as learning media can attract students' attention by creating an active and pleasant learning atmosphere.

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ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2018

Prevention of victims and losses due to earthquake disaster can be done earlier through the use o... more Prevention of victims and losses due to earthquake disaster can be done earlier through the use of information media that are currently popular and widely used by the community, such as mobile phone communication. Educational game is a game-based learning. The game has a fantasy element that involves players in learning activities through an narration or storyline. Application of earthquake disaster mitigation is an educational game that is useful to add insight, knowledge, and understanding of children in the effort to overcome the impact of earthquake disaster. This study aims to build an educational game application on the Android platform as a learning medium for earthquake disaster mitigation and the basics of safety in the face of earthquake disaster in a more interesting and fun way. This edugame application has a video about the simulation of earthquake and earthquake mitigation video accompanied by game consisting of 3 stage that is before, during and after earthquake. This edugame application is expected to provide basic safety information in dealing with earthquake disaster for elementary school students.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Thematic Learning Integrated ICT in Tabot Bengkulu as Cultural Ceremony toward Social Interaction Knowledge in Elementary School

Asian Journal of Education and Training, 2018

Tabot Bengkulu as one of cultural ceremony in Bengkulu province is a cultural asset that held onc... more Tabot Bengkulu as one of cultural ceremony in Bengkulu province is a cultural asset that held once a year in Muharram Month in Islamic Calendar. This ceremony has many character values in society such as religious, social care, and environment care. The use of local wisdom in learning can improve the social interaction knowledge for elementary students. The purpose of this research is to determine the impact of integrating ICT with thematic learning and discovery learning model for tabot Bengkulu as a cultural ceremony toward social interaction knowledge in elementary school. The research implemented pretest-posttest control group design. The research populations are two classes of fourth-grade students from the elementary school in Bengkulu in the academic year 2017-2018. These classes are divided into two, one class from as the experiment group with discovery learning and ICT from state elementary school 1 and the other one class as the control group with conventional media from state elementary school 22. The instrument used to measure student knowledge about the uniqueness of my residence area. The results showed that the average score difference between posttest and pretest in the control group was 23.46 and in the experimental group of 38.12 The analysis results for t value 0.13 and t table 2.00. It can be concluded that there is no significant effect of thematic learning based on the potential of the region with the discoveries of learning and ICT media on the knowledge of elementary students about the cultural ceremony "Tabot Bengkulu".

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Research paper thumbnail of Online Expert Systems for Bamboo Identification Using Case Based Reasoning

International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2017

Bamboo is a typical plant that thrives in tropical countries like Indonesia. The diversity of bam... more Bamboo is a typical plant that thrives in tropical countries like Indonesia. The diversity of bamboo species makes difficult to classified, then requiring the expertise from specialist who understands deeply about bamboo characteristics. The paper purpose to (1) adopts the bamboo expert knowledge into bamboo criteria of expertise; (2) implementing Case Based Reasoning method in online expert system for bamboo identification in Bengkulu Province; and (3) determined the identification accuracy of bamboo using expert systems. The system uses Case Based Reasoning with four main steps: retrieve, reuse, revise, and retain. Bamboo expert identify bamboo criteria into 6 morphology, 31 features, and 219 attributes as an input system. The results showed that the Case Based Reasoning method has high accuracy for identifying the bamboo species and can solve the problem of bamboo identification as a new case based on old case that stored in the base case.

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Research paper thumbnail of Project-based learning to improve scientific literacy for primary education postgraduate students in science subject

Jurnal Prima Edukasia, 2020

The research aimed to describe the learning activities and the ability of scientific literacy (at... more The research aimed to describe the learning activities and the ability of scientific literacy (attitude, context, knowledge, and competence) Students of Primary Education Postgraduate Program of Bengkulu University in natural science subjects by using the PjBL model. The Classroom Action Research done in three cycles for Primary Education Postgraduate Program students of Bengkulu University in the first semester of 2019/2020 academic year. Instrument and data collection techniques are observations, tests, and rubrics. The observation was on student activities in learning and aspects of caring for the environment and caring for health. The instruments were HOTS test and rubric. The science aspect uses the student report assessment sheet. The indicators of successful actions were the activities of lecturers and students in teaching and learning by using PjBL in good categories, and the percentage of students who show attitudes, context, knowledge, and competencies of science meet good categories at least 80%. The results of this research are the using of Project-Based Learning model can improve the learning activities of Primary Education Postgraduate Program Students of Bengkulu University in a natural science subject and can improve the scientific literacy aspects of an attitude, context, knowledge, and competencies for Primary Education Postgraduate Program in the science subject.

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