Jeffrey Kline | US Naval Postgraduate School (original) (raw)

Papers by Jeffrey Kline

Research paper thumbnail of The New Navy Fighting Machine: A Study of the Connections between Contemporary Policy, Strategy, Sea Power, Naval Operations, and the Composition of the United States Fleet

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Research paper thumbnail of From Midway to Monterey: Leveraging Initiative and Technology

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Research paper thumbnail of Sustaining American Maritime Influence

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Research paper thumbnail of Tactical Wireless Mesh Networks (WMN) Concept for Unmanned Logistics Surface Vehicle (ULSV) Employment in Communication-Challenged Environments

NPS NRP Executive SummaryProject Summary: Logistics support plays an essential role in the United... more NPS NRP Executive SummaryProject Summary: Logistics support plays an essential role in the United States Navy’s success at sea as fuel, food, and equipment are delivered to underway ships on a daily basis via the Combat Logistics Force (CLF). However, with the advent of unmanned vehicle technologies, unmanned logistic surface vehicles (ULSVs) have the potential to provide a less costly and more efficient alternative to conventional CLF ships. Additionally, ULSVs have the potential to enhance freedom of maneuver and lethality in contested environments as they require little to no human intervention during transit. The ability to maintain communications is critical to ULSV operations, especially in a communication-challenged environment such as the Philippine Sea. Through review of literature and experimentation via wargaming, this thesis proposes an additional or alternative communication architecture onboard ULSVs by exploring the impact of tactical wireless mesh networks (WMN) in c...

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Research paper thumbnail of Utility of a sensor platform capable of aerial and terrestrial locomotion

Proceedings, 2005 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics.

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Research paper thumbnail of Team 11: Frigate Defense Effectiveness in Small Craft Green Water Engagements

Both traditional and asymmetric threats continue to pose challenges to any combatant commander in... more Both traditional and asymmetric threats continue to pose challenges to any combatant commander in a Stability, Security, Transition, and Reconstruction (SSTR) Operation. Limited threats that were once confined to littoral and brown waters now extend to the green water theater. Many NATO countries operate frigates in green water SSTR missions, typically as a single unit scouting vast areas. In the calm waters of the Mediterranean and Gulf of Aden, small, agile, fast and usually cheap small craft are often encountered. In this study we investigate the question of whether a swarm of 4 8 small vessels, armed with hand-held weapons, can attack and achieve a mission kill on a typical NATO FFH operating in a SSTR mission. In this context our primary goals for IDFW18 were to examine the factors driving the model and create a suitable experimental design. Our secondary goals were to create inputs based on the selected design, conduct runs on the SEED Center’s cluster computer, and analyze th...

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Research paper thumbnail of Optimizing Missile Loads for U.S. Navy Combatants

Military Operations Research, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Design, Simulation, Fabrication and Testing of a Bio-Inspired Amphibious Robot with Multiple Modes of Mobility

Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 2012

Surf-zone environments represent an extreme challenges to robot operation. A robot that autonomou... more Surf-zone environments represent an extreme challenges to robot operation. A robot that autonomously navigates rocky terrain, constantly changing underwater currents, hard-packed moist sand and loose dry sand characterizing this environment, would have significant utility in a range of defence and civilian missions. The study of animal locomotion mechanisms can elucidate specific movement principles that can be applied to address these demands. In this work, we report on the design and optimization of a biologically inspired amphibious robot for deployment and operation in an ocean beach environment. We specifically report a new design fusing a range of insectinspired passive mechanisms with active autonomous control architectures to seamlessly adapt to and traverse a range of challenging substrates both in and out of the water, and the design and construction of SeaDog, a proof-of-concept amphibious robot built for navigating rocky or sandy beaches and turbulent surf zones. The rob...

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Research paper thumbnail of Developing New Tactics and Technologies in Naval Warfare: The MDUSV Example

The article of record as published may be found at[ more ](;)The article of record as published may be found at United States Department of Defense [DoD] and the military services have employed wargaming for well over a century to prepare for war and other operations. The Naval War College first employed naval wargames in the late 19th century at the tactical and strategic levels. During the period between world wars, Plan Orange wargaming at the Naval War College was a key contributor to the strategic plan that led to the defeat of the Japanese Empire in 1945. Since that conflict, wargaming techniques have become widespread within U.S. organizations and throughout the world

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Research paper thumbnail of FY19-20 NPS Warfare Innovation Continuum “Logistics in Contested Environments”

Naval Warfare Studies Institute (NWSI)Background: Annually over 300 students, faculty, and sponso... more Naval Warfare Studies Institute (NWSI)Background: Annually over 300 students, faculty, and sponsors will conduct classroom projects, capstone projects, thesis work, workshops, wargame, seminars, and research programs related to a central Navy warfighting issue. In July 2019 the NPS Warfare Innovation Continuum deals with logistics in contested environments

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Research paper thumbnail of FY 18/19 Warfare Innovation Continuum "Cross Domain Operations" Executive Summary

Naval Warfare Studies Institute (NWSI)Warfare Innovation Continuum (WIC)The Warfare Innovation Co... more Naval Warfare Studies Institute (NWSI)Warfare Innovation Continuum (WIC)The Warfare Innovation Continuum (WIC) is a series of coordinated cross‐campus educational and research activities synchronized by the Chair of Systems Engineering Analysis with a central theme of interest to the United States Navy. Its purpose is to expose NPS faculty and students to emerging naval challenges and opportunities to allow relevant education and research across campus

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Research paper thumbnail of Lions in the Littoral - Leadership on Risk's Edge

: What is audacity?A dictionary uses flattering words such as intrepid (characterized by fearless... more : What is audacity?A dictionary uses flattering words such as intrepid (characterized by fearlessness, fortitude, and endurance), daring, originality and verve (specialized ability or talent); along side these, less complementary such as recklessly bold. 2 Many times which meaning a user implies depends on the final outcome of an audacious event successful bold actions are daring and original; unsuccessful bold actions tend to be reckless. There is an axiom that risk is commensurate with reward. In the examples provided here of action in the chaotic, confused and confined littoral maritime environment, success favors the audacious audacity favoring lethal, offensive action. On May 5, 1801, Lieutenant Thomas Cochrane s HMS Speedy, a 158-ton brig of 14 4-pound guns, was pursuing a Spanish gunboat near Barcelona as part of a successful littoral campaign against Napoleon s ally.3 From behind a fishing boat cluster appeared the Spanish frigate Gamo, a much larger and faster ship with 32 ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing counter piracy tactics: Is it better to fight or flee

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Research paper thumbnail of A Two-Sided Optimization for Theater Ballistic Missile Defense

Operations Research, 2005

We describe JOINT DEFENDER, a new two-sided optimization model for planning the pre-positioning o... more We describe JOINT DEFENDER, a new two-sided optimization model for planning the pre-positioning of defensive missile interceptors to counter an attack threat. In our basic model, a defender pre-positions ballistic missile defense platforms to minimize the worst-case damage an attacker can achieve; we assume that the attacker will be aware of defensive pre-positioning decisions, and that both sides have complete information as to target values, attacking-missile launch sites, weapon system capabilities, etc. Other model variants investigate the value of secrecy by restricting the attacker’s and/or defender’s access to information. For a realistic scenario, we can evaluate a completely transparent exchange in a few minutes on a laptop computer, and can plan near-optimal secret defenses in seconds. JOINT DEFENDER’s mathematical foundation and its computational efficiency complement current missile-defense planning tools that use heuristics or supercomputing. The model can also provide ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A defender-attacker optimization of Port Radar surveillance

Naval Research Logistics (NRL), 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Steaming on Convex Hulls

Interfaces, 2007

This is a sea story about using a simple classroom example to save a great deal of money, as well... more This is a sea story about using a simple classroom example to save a great deal of money, as well as to convince beginning Postgraduate Naval School operations research students—experienced, skeptical military officers—that mathematical analysis can yield immediate results. The application is planning a ship’s transit from one point to another in a fixed amount of time, given that the ship can operate with one or more of its propulsion plants idled to save fuel. Simple analysis yields nonintuitive results that US Navy shipboard energy-conservation guides overlook. One of the authors (Kline) solved this homework problem as a student and subsequently applied this example when he took command of USS AQUILA, a patrol hydrofoil missile ship. AQUILA achieved results so striking in comparison to her sister ships that the squadron material officer inspected her engineering plant to ensure that no safety settings were being overridden to achieve this record. Kline’s spreadsheet decision-supp...

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Research paper thumbnail of Between Peace and the Air-Sea Battle: A War at Sea Strategy

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Research paper thumbnail of Impacts of the Robotics Age on Naval Force Design,Effectiveness, and Acquisition

Naval War College Review, 2017

The twenty-first century will see the emergence of maritime powers that have the capacity and cap... more The twenty-first century will see the emergence of maritime powers that have the capacity and capability to challenge the U.S. Navy for control of the seas. Unfortunately, the Navy’s ability to react to emerging maritime powers’ rapid growth and technological advancement is constrained by its own planning, acquisition, and political processes. Introducing our own technology advances is hindered as well. The planning and acquisition system for our overly platformfocused naval force structure is burdened with so many inhibitors to change that we are ill prepared to capitalize on the missile and robotics age of warfare. Yet by embracing the robotics age, recognizing the fundamental shift it represents in how naval power is conveyed, and refocusing our efforts to emphasize the “right side” of our offensive kill chain—the side that delivers the packages producing kinetic and nonkinetic effects—we may hurdle acquisition challenges and bring cutting-edge technology to contemporary naval wa...

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Research paper thumbnail of Consortium for Robotics & Unmanned Systems Education & Research (CRUSER)

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Research paper thumbnail of Campaign Analysis: An Introductory Review

Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of The New Navy Fighting Machine: A Study of the Connections between Contemporary Policy, Strategy, Sea Power, Naval Operations, and the Composition of the United States Fleet

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Research paper thumbnail of From Midway to Monterey: Leveraging Initiative and Technology

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Research paper thumbnail of Sustaining American Maritime Influence

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Research paper thumbnail of Tactical Wireless Mesh Networks (WMN) Concept for Unmanned Logistics Surface Vehicle (ULSV) Employment in Communication-Challenged Environments

NPS NRP Executive SummaryProject Summary: Logistics support plays an essential role in the United... more NPS NRP Executive SummaryProject Summary: Logistics support plays an essential role in the United States Navy’s success at sea as fuel, food, and equipment are delivered to underway ships on a daily basis via the Combat Logistics Force (CLF). However, with the advent of unmanned vehicle technologies, unmanned logistic surface vehicles (ULSVs) have the potential to provide a less costly and more efficient alternative to conventional CLF ships. Additionally, ULSVs have the potential to enhance freedom of maneuver and lethality in contested environments as they require little to no human intervention during transit. The ability to maintain communications is critical to ULSV operations, especially in a communication-challenged environment such as the Philippine Sea. Through review of literature and experimentation via wargaming, this thesis proposes an additional or alternative communication architecture onboard ULSVs by exploring the impact of tactical wireless mesh networks (WMN) in c...

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Research paper thumbnail of Utility of a sensor platform capable of aerial and terrestrial locomotion

Proceedings, 2005 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics.

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Research paper thumbnail of Team 11: Frigate Defense Effectiveness in Small Craft Green Water Engagements

Both traditional and asymmetric threats continue to pose challenges to any combatant commander in... more Both traditional and asymmetric threats continue to pose challenges to any combatant commander in a Stability, Security, Transition, and Reconstruction (SSTR) Operation. Limited threats that were once confined to littoral and brown waters now extend to the green water theater. Many NATO countries operate frigates in green water SSTR missions, typically as a single unit scouting vast areas. In the calm waters of the Mediterranean and Gulf of Aden, small, agile, fast and usually cheap small craft are often encountered. In this study we investigate the question of whether a swarm of 4 8 small vessels, armed with hand-held weapons, can attack and achieve a mission kill on a typical NATO FFH operating in a SSTR mission. In this context our primary goals for IDFW18 were to examine the factors driving the model and create a suitable experimental design. Our secondary goals were to create inputs based on the selected design, conduct runs on the SEED Center’s cluster computer, and analyze th...

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Research paper thumbnail of Optimizing Missile Loads for U.S. Navy Combatants

Military Operations Research, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Design, Simulation, Fabrication and Testing of a Bio-Inspired Amphibious Robot with Multiple Modes of Mobility

Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 2012

Surf-zone environments represent an extreme challenges to robot operation. A robot that autonomou... more Surf-zone environments represent an extreme challenges to robot operation. A robot that autonomously navigates rocky terrain, constantly changing underwater currents, hard-packed moist sand and loose dry sand characterizing this environment, would have significant utility in a range of defence and civilian missions. The study of animal locomotion mechanisms can elucidate specific movement principles that can be applied to address these demands. In this work, we report on the design and optimization of a biologically inspired amphibious robot for deployment and operation in an ocean beach environment. We specifically report a new design fusing a range of insectinspired passive mechanisms with active autonomous control architectures to seamlessly adapt to and traverse a range of challenging substrates both in and out of the water, and the design and construction of SeaDog, a proof-of-concept amphibious robot built for navigating rocky or sandy beaches and turbulent surf zones. The rob...

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Research paper thumbnail of Developing New Tactics and Technologies in Naval Warfare: The MDUSV Example

The article of record as published may be found at[ more ](;)The article of record as published may be found at United States Department of Defense [DoD] and the military services have employed wargaming for well over a century to prepare for war and other operations. The Naval War College first employed naval wargames in the late 19th century at the tactical and strategic levels. During the period between world wars, Plan Orange wargaming at the Naval War College was a key contributor to the strategic plan that led to the defeat of the Japanese Empire in 1945. Since that conflict, wargaming techniques have become widespread within U.S. organizations and throughout the world

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Research paper thumbnail of FY19-20 NPS Warfare Innovation Continuum “Logistics in Contested Environments”

Naval Warfare Studies Institute (NWSI)Background: Annually over 300 students, faculty, and sponso... more Naval Warfare Studies Institute (NWSI)Background: Annually over 300 students, faculty, and sponsors will conduct classroom projects, capstone projects, thesis work, workshops, wargame, seminars, and research programs related to a central Navy warfighting issue. In July 2019 the NPS Warfare Innovation Continuum deals with logistics in contested environments

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Research paper thumbnail of FY 18/19 Warfare Innovation Continuum "Cross Domain Operations" Executive Summary

Naval Warfare Studies Institute (NWSI)Warfare Innovation Continuum (WIC)The Warfare Innovation Co... more Naval Warfare Studies Institute (NWSI)Warfare Innovation Continuum (WIC)The Warfare Innovation Continuum (WIC) is a series of coordinated cross‐campus educational and research activities synchronized by the Chair of Systems Engineering Analysis with a central theme of interest to the United States Navy. Its purpose is to expose NPS faculty and students to emerging naval challenges and opportunities to allow relevant education and research across campus

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Research paper thumbnail of Lions in the Littoral - Leadership on Risk's Edge

: What is audacity?A dictionary uses flattering words such as intrepid (characterized by fearless... more : What is audacity?A dictionary uses flattering words such as intrepid (characterized by fearlessness, fortitude, and endurance), daring, originality and verve (specialized ability or talent); along side these, less complementary such as recklessly bold. 2 Many times which meaning a user implies depends on the final outcome of an audacious event successful bold actions are daring and original; unsuccessful bold actions tend to be reckless. There is an axiom that risk is commensurate with reward. In the examples provided here of action in the chaotic, confused and confined littoral maritime environment, success favors the audacious audacity favoring lethal, offensive action. On May 5, 1801, Lieutenant Thomas Cochrane s HMS Speedy, a 158-ton brig of 14 4-pound guns, was pursuing a Spanish gunboat near Barcelona as part of a successful littoral campaign against Napoleon s ally.3 From behind a fishing boat cluster appeared the Spanish frigate Gamo, a much larger and faster ship with 32 ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing counter piracy tactics: Is it better to fight or flee

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Research paper thumbnail of A Two-Sided Optimization for Theater Ballistic Missile Defense

Operations Research, 2005

We describe JOINT DEFENDER, a new two-sided optimization model for planning the pre-positioning o... more We describe JOINT DEFENDER, a new two-sided optimization model for planning the pre-positioning of defensive missile interceptors to counter an attack threat. In our basic model, a defender pre-positions ballistic missile defense platforms to minimize the worst-case damage an attacker can achieve; we assume that the attacker will be aware of defensive pre-positioning decisions, and that both sides have complete information as to target values, attacking-missile launch sites, weapon system capabilities, etc. Other model variants investigate the value of secrecy by restricting the attacker’s and/or defender’s access to information. For a realistic scenario, we can evaluate a completely transparent exchange in a few minutes on a laptop computer, and can plan near-optimal secret defenses in seconds. JOINT DEFENDER’s mathematical foundation and its computational efficiency complement current missile-defense planning tools that use heuristics or supercomputing. The model can also provide ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A defender-attacker optimization of Port Radar surveillance

Naval Research Logistics (NRL), 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Steaming on Convex Hulls

Interfaces, 2007

This is a sea story about using a simple classroom example to save a great deal of money, as well... more This is a sea story about using a simple classroom example to save a great deal of money, as well as to convince beginning Postgraduate Naval School operations research students—experienced, skeptical military officers—that mathematical analysis can yield immediate results. The application is planning a ship’s transit from one point to another in a fixed amount of time, given that the ship can operate with one or more of its propulsion plants idled to save fuel. Simple analysis yields nonintuitive results that US Navy shipboard energy-conservation guides overlook. One of the authors (Kline) solved this homework problem as a student and subsequently applied this example when he took command of USS AQUILA, a patrol hydrofoil missile ship. AQUILA achieved results so striking in comparison to her sister ships that the squadron material officer inspected her engineering plant to ensure that no safety settings were being overridden to achieve this record. Kline’s spreadsheet decision-supp...

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Research paper thumbnail of Between Peace and the Air-Sea Battle: A War at Sea Strategy

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Research paper thumbnail of Impacts of the Robotics Age on Naval Force Design,Effectiveness, and Acquisition

Naval War College Review, 2017

The twenty-first century will see the emergence of maritime powers that have the capacity and cap... more The twenty-first century will see the emergence of maritime powers that have the capacity and capability to challenge the U.S. Navy for control of the seas. Unfortunately, the Navy’s ability to react to emerging maritime powers’ rapid growth and technological advancement is constrained by its own planning, acquisition, and political processes. Introducing our own technology advances is hindered as well. The planning and acquisition system for our overly platformfocused naval force structure is burdened with so many inhibitors to change that we are ill prepared to capitalize on the missile and robotics age of warfare. Yet by embracing the robotics age, recognizing the fundamental shift it represents in how naval power is conveyed, and refocusing our efforts to emphasize the “right side” of our offensive kill chain—the side that delivers the packages producing kinetic and nonkinetic effects—we may hurdle acquisition challenges and bring cutting-edge technology to contemporary naval wa...

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Research paper thumbnail of Consortium for Robotics & Unmanned Systems Education & Research (CRUSER)

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Research paper thumbnail of Campaign Analysis: An Introductory Review

Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, 2011

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