Madonna-Megara Holloway | University of Cambridge (original) (raw)

Books by Madonna-Megara Holloway

Research paper thumbnail of Pictorial Compendium of The Secret Doctrine Volume IV The Nature of Everything

The 'Pictorial Compendium of The Secret Doctrine, Volume IV, the Nature of Everything' is a compe... more The 'Pictorial Compendium of The Secret Doctrine, Volume IV, the Nature of Everything' is a compendium on various topics including the Origin of the Universe and solves the mystery of expansion, to Evolution (sorry Darwin but you are wrong!) to discussing 'Initiation, Initiates and Masters.' Pictures are used to for the young, the young at heart and non-scientist, and words, at times, for the highly educated. It is meant to bridge the gap of Part II Ontology, Epistemology & Manifestation of NOE hence the discussion around physics and chemistry is limited since these topics are covered in The Secret Doctrine, Volume IV.

This version does not have working links. A linked version may be found here:

Research paper thumbnail of Map of Physics and the Physics of the Nature of Everything

This is an excerpt from the Pictorial Compendium of The Secret Doctrine Volume IV, The Nature of ... more This is an excerpt from the Pictorial Compendium of The Secret Doctrine
Volume IV, The Nature of Everything.

From Newton's mechanical calculations to Einstein's general and special relativity to the baffling indeterminacy of quantum mechanics, the discipline of physics has become increasingly arcane and complex, and less and less governed by orderly laws. This presents a problem for the layperson, who struggles to understand how Newtonian physics, with its predictable observations of physical forces, relates to the parallax and paradox of later discoveries. " If you don't already know physics, " says physicist Dominic Walliman, it's difficult sometimes to see how all of these different subjects are related to each other. " So Walliman has provided a helpful visual aid: an animated video map showing the connections between classical physics, quantum physics, and relativity.

We then delve into the Physics of NOE at a high-level.

Research paper thumbnail of A Fun Look at the Origin of the Universe

This is an excerpt from the Pictorial Compendium of The Secret Doctrine Volume IV, The Nature of ... more This is an excerpt from the Pictorial Compendium of The Secret Doctrine
Volume IV, The Nature of Everything.

Follow me down the rabbit hole into the magical world of the Nature of Everything. It is like nothing you have ever imagined! It is filled with wonder and awe! The Universe is all of time and Space and its contents. It includes planets, moons, minor planets, stars, galaxies, the contents of intergalactic space, and all matter and energy.

Research paper thumbnail of Climate Chaos and What You Do Not Know!

This is an excerpt from the Pictorial Compendium of The Secret Doctrine Volume IV, The Nature of ... more This is an excerpt from the Pictorial Compendium of The Secret Doctrine
Volume IV, The Nature of Everything.

Did you know that there is another major evolution occurring on Earth?
Did you know that the Earth’s magnetic pole shift is tied to events in our Galaxy?
Did you know magnetic reversals are associated with some major extinction events of the past?
If you answered NO to these questions, then read what is really happening!

Research paper thumbnail of Animals and the Path to Becoming Human

This is an excerpt from the Pictorial Compendium of The Secret Doctrine Volume IV, The Nature of ... more This is an excerpt from the Pictorial Compendium of The Secret Doctrine
Volume IV, The Nature of Everything.

The door of individualisation or of entrance into the human kingdom has been closed since Atlantean times, but under the new influence it will be partially opened; it will be set ajar, so that a few animals will respond to soul stimulation and discover that their rightful place is on the human side of the dividing door.

Research paper thumbnail of The Rays

This is an excerpt from the Pictorial Compendium of The Secret Doctrine Volume IV, The Nature of ... more This is an excerpt from the Pictorial Compendium of The Secret Doctrine
Volume IV, The Nature of Everything.

The seven rays are the sum total of the divine Consciousness, of the universal Mind; They might be regarded as seven intelligent entities through Whom the plan is working out. They embody divine purpose, express the qualities required for the materialising of that purpose, and They create the forms and are the forms through which the divine idea can be carried forward to completion. Symbolically, They may be regarded as constituting the brain of the divine Heavenly Man. They correspond to the ventricles of the brain, to the seven centres within the brain, to the seven centres of force, and to the seven major glands which determine the quality of the physical body. They are the conscious executors of divine purpose; They are the seven Breaths, animating all forms which have been created by Them to carry out the plan.

Research paper thumbnail of Let's Talk About Initiation and Masters

This is an excerpt from the Pictorial Compendium of The Secret Doctrine Volume IV, The Nature of... more This is an excerpt from the Pictorial Compendium of The Secret Doctrine
Volume IV, The Nature of Everything.

Initiation is in the nature of a great experiment which our Planetary Logos is making during this round. The whole process is optional, and a man may—if he so choose—follow the normal process, and take aeons of time to effect what some are choosing to do in a briefer period, through a self-chosen forcing process of passing out of the definitely human kingdom into the superhuman. He is entering into the final stage in our present evolution.

Research paper thumbnail of Evolution (Sorry Darwin but you are Wrong!) in Pictures

This is an excerpt from Pictorial Compendium of The Secret Doctrine Volume IV, The Nature of Ever... more This is an excerpt from Pictorial Compendium of The Secret Doctrine
Volume IV, The Nature of Everything.

From the exoteric angle, evolution means growth and development and is largely applied to the form side of nature, and the term "evolution" might thus be confined entirely to the evolution of the form nature. However, from the esoteric angle, evolution means a steadily increasing sensitivity to light and illumination.

Research paper thumbnail of The Secret Doctrine Volume IV, The Nature of Everything

Part I – Spirilla Theory and Cosmology Stephen Hawking once proclaimed that String Theory may be ... more Part I – Spirilla Theory and Cosmology
Stephen Hawking once proclaimed that String Theory may be able to unify the various forces although later he became disillusioned thinking that there may be no Theory of Everything. This very condensed book pulls together the various forces into the Spirilla Theory which supersedes String Theory and introduces the Relativity of Consciousness.

The foundation of the Spirilla Theory is based on the writings of H. P. Blavatsky, A. B. Bailey, and A. Besant. By overlaying the works of Einstein, Bohm, de Broglie, Dirac, Bell and other great scientific minds, on top of the foundation, the unification of the various forces and theories starts to appear; each field of study supplying a part of the puzzle but only a holistic view of ALL endeavors will solve the mystery. The book starts by laying the groundwork through the Introduction, a review of Bell’s Theorem and p-adic mathematics; following this, each major section begins with a quote from the foundational works followed by the quotes from scientific papers demonstrating the current known thinking on the various topics; no attempts are made to edit the works (except with a few exceptions for clarity and/or length) of the various authors and references to the scientists’ works are maintained. Each section is pulled together so that a picture can be seen.
This section;
1. Redefines the atom with the addition of a subquark;
2. Defines the Spirilla Theory which unifies Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity, and explains Quantum Entanglement;
3. Defines new particles;
4. Redefines time and space;
5. Defines and solves the mystery of Black Holes and links the cosmic and quantum black hole through the spirillae;
6. Delves into the mystery of the Macroverse;
7. Outlines the steps in the origins of the universe;
8. Adds an equation to Einstein’s original 1905 paper on relativity which sees the speed of light approaching infinity;
9. Gives the foundation for developing space travel; and, as an appendix,
10. Gives detailed information for the development of a new energy source – Quantum Energy.

Part II - Ontology, Epistemology & Manifestations
Part II is divided into three sections:
1. Ontology and the fundamental concepts of reality which discusses:
a. consciousness and delves into the mystery of human consciousness having cosmic origins;
b. reincarnation and gives the various laws affecting rebirth, with a discussion on the principle of mutation and the perfecting of form;
c. the work of form-building, transmutation of form and the building of a human form.
2. Epistemology which covers a great deal of topics however; for the purposes of NOE the subject is restricted to;
a. evolution including a definition of the Law of Evolution, the cyclic ebb and flow and the rhythmic work of creation, the process of substitution, the evolution of man and the genesis of the pithecoid stocks; and
b. death including the processes of death, two main reasons for cremation and the sequence of events at death.
3. Manifestations of the various religions including:
a. why Christians don’t believe in reincarnation;
b. the coming science of invocation and evocation;
c. Quantum Entanglement Over Time (QEoT) or The Law of Cause and Effect, and The Law of Karma with a discussion on The Golden Rule ; and
d. The New World Religion.

Papers by Madonna-Megara Holloway


The Black Hole is where sound, matter and energy come together in a beautifully synchronous fashi... more The Black Hole is where sound, matter and energy come together in a beautifully synchronous fashion. It should be noted that the root is not a principle and only responds to the other two. It is the cosmic gene pool from which form is made but only when energy and sound act upon it. It remains even when the other two have ceased. The root contains the code for differentiation and replication. The actual black hole is a vortex of inconceivable rapidity of sound which carries the three forms of electricity.

Research paper thumbnail of Capitalism -The Greatest Menace on Earth

Research paper thumbnail of NOE Theory Web Site

The NOE Theory website is finally ready. It is divided into 2 groups: 1. Journals which explains ... more The NOE Theory website is finally ready. It is divided into 2 groups:
1. Journals which explains various topics of the theory using Microsoft's SWAY – a wonderful tool for professional presentations, and
2. Catalogs containing the documents and high definition graphics for download.

Research paper thumbnail of The Unification.pdf

The Unification of Quantum Mechanics, General Relativity and Consciousness – An Excerpt from The ... more The Unification of Quantum Mechanics, General Relativity and Consciousness – An Excerpt from The Secret Doctrine Volume IV, The Nature of Everything

Research paper thumbnail of Pure Consciousness & Non-Duality: Matter, Multiplicity of Forms, Illusion and Light

Is matter -- manifest as multiplicity of forms -- only an illusion? Do we exist as waves of consc... more Is matter -- manifest as multiplicity of forms -- only an illusion? Do we exist as waves of conscious energy on a vast sea of all pervasive light: a persistent Hologram created by Pure Consciousness? 21st Century Physics -- Holistic, Quantum and Relativity -- is uniting science and spirituality as it unravels the entire Space-Time matrix and the very building blocks from which our universe, our world, appears to be made.

Research paper thumbnail of The Nature of Everything (NOE) on the Subject of Death

There is no death. There is entrance into fuller life . There is freedom from the handicaps of ... more There is no death. There is entrance into fuller life . There is freedom from the handicaps of the fleshly vehicle. The rending process so much dreaded does not exist, except in the cases of violent and sudden death, and then the only true disagreeables are an instant and overwhelming sense of imminent peril and destruction and something closely approaching an electric shock. No more.

Research paper thumbnail of Space & Time and Intro to Relativity of Consciousness.pdf

A description of new particles for space and time. While the chronon is a superluminal, acoustic ... more A description of new particles for space and time. While the chronon is a superluminal, acoustic fracton, the space particle is a ten dimensional, superliminal, acoustic phonon of deva life. Space is analogous to an ocean of water without a lattice structure in and of itself. Like the photon, the space phonon experiences squeezed coherent states. The phase-squeezed state is what permits ‘universes within universes’ or multiverse. The apparent space-time curvature, as noted by Einstein’s equations, is actually the movement of the chronon fracton lattice.

Research paper thumbnail of A New Cosmological Model for Matter, Energy, Sound, the Origin of the Universe and Gravity

Research paper thumbnail of Time Machine - Faster Than Light and Fifth Dimension

Many scientists, including Einstein in 1905, had assumed that certain forces or particles or wave... more Many scientists, including Einstein in 1905, had assumed that certain forces or particles or waves -- including light and radio -- travel at a certain fixed speed in a vacuum, relative to the observer. And that nothing can travel faster than that. It was inspired guesswork, backed up as usual by elaborate mathematical formulae. Out of that basic assumption, Einstein and other "experts" concluded that the fastest thing of all was photons, which they referred to as "the speed of light." Light, they collectively stated, can travel at 299,792 kilometres per second or 186,282 miles per second, and nothing in the entire cosmos can outrun it. However, NOE says no!

Research paper thumbnail of Is the Universe Ringing Like a Crystal Glass?

The NOE Hypothesis stipulates that Mead and Ringermacher have discovered the ‘heartbeat’ of the U... more The NOE Hypothesis stipulates that Mead and Ringermacher have discovered the ‘heartbeat’ of the UNKNOWABLE, the Deity, or the Cosmic Logos as he is pumping LIFE!

Research paper thumbnail of The Nature of Everything Hypothesis:  The Unification of General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness

The NOE Hypothesis concepts are extracted from the combined work of Blavatsky, Bailey and Besant.... more The NOE Hypothesis concepts are extracted from the combined work of Blavatsky, Bailey and Besant. The original paper, “A New Cosmological Model for Matter, Energy, Sound, the Origin of the Universe and Gravity” is intended as a bridging paper between esoteric philosophy fact and scientific hypothesis. The concepts have been translated into the language of physics and chemistry from the often abstruse language found in philosophy. This paper expands on the concepts and unifies General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness. String Theory is superseded by the Spirilla Hypothesis. Origins of the Universe, definitions for time and space, gravity and Quantum Entanglement are discussed relative to life.

Research paper thumbnail of Pictorial Compendium of The Secret Doctrine Volume IV The Nature of Everything

The 'Pictorial Compendium of The Secret Doctrine, Volume IV, the Nature of Everything' is a compe... more The 'Pictorial Compendium of The Secret Doctrine, Volume IV, the Nature of Everything' is a compendium on various topics including the Origin of the Universe and solves the mystery of expansion, to Evolution (sorry Darwin but you are wrong!) to discussing 'Initiation, Initiates and Masters.' Pictures are used to for the young, the young at heart and non-scientist, and words, at times, for the highly educated. It is meant to bridge the gap of Part II Ontology, Epistemology & Manifestation of NOE hence the discussion around physics and chemistry is limited since these topics are covered in The Secret Doctrine, Volume IV.

This version does not have working links. A linked version may be found here:

Research paper thumbnail of Map of Physics and the Physics of the Nature of Everything

This is an excerpt from the Pictorial Compendium of The Secret Doctrine Volume IV, The Nature of ... more This is an excerpt from the Pictorial Compendium of The Secret Doctrine
Volume IV, The Nature of Everything.

From Newton's mechanical calculations to Einstein's general and special relativity to the baffling indeterminacy of quantum mechanics, the discipline of physics has become increasingly arcane and complex, and less and less governed by orderly laws. This presents a problem for the layperson, who struggles to understand how Newtonian physics, with its predictable observations of physical forces, relates to the parallax and paradox of later discoveries. " If you don't already know physics, " says physicist Dominic Walliman, it's difficult sometimes to see how all of these different subjects are related to each other. " So Walliman has provided a helpful visual aid: an animated video map showing the connections between classical physics, quantum physics, and relativity.

We then delve into the Physics of NOE at a high-level.

Research paper thumbnail of A Fun Look at the Origin of the Universe

This is an excerpt from the Pictorial Compendium of The Secret Doctrine Volume IV, The Nature of ... more This is an excerpt from the Pictorial Compendium of The Secret Doctrine
Volume IV, The Nature of Everything.

Follow me down the rabbit hole into the magical world of the Nature of Everything. It is like nothing you have ever imagined! It is filled with wonder and awe! The Universe is all of time and Space and its contents. It includes planets, moons, minor planets, stars, galaxies, the contents of intergalactic space, and all matter and energy.

Research paper thumbnail of Climate Chaos and What You Do Not Know!

This is an excerpt from the Pictorial Compendium of The Secret Doctrine Volume IV, The Nature of ... more This is an excerpt from the Pictorial Compendium of The Secret Doctrine
Volume IV, The Nature of Everything.

Did you know that there is another major evolution occurring on Earth?
Did you know that the Earth’s magnetic pole shift is tied to events in our Galaxy?
Did you know magnetic reversals are associated with some major extinction events of the past?
If you answered NO to these questions, then read what is really happening!

Research paper thumbnail of Animals and the Path to Becoming Human

This is an excerpt from the Pictorial Compendium of The Secret Doctrine Volume IV, The Nature of ... more This is an excerpt from the Pictorial Compendium of The Secret Doctrine
Volume IV, The Nature of Everything.

The door of individualisation or of entrance into the human kingdom has been closed since Atlantean times, but under the new influence it will be partially opened; it will be set ajar, so that a few animals will respond to soul stimulation and discover that their rightful place is on the human side of the dividing door.

Research paper thumbnail of The Rays

This is an excerpt from the Pictorial Compendium of The Secret Doctrine Volume IV, The Nature of ... more This is an excerpt from the Pictorial Compendium of The Secret Doctrine
Volume IV, The Nature of Everything.

The seven rays are the sum total of the divine Consciousness, of the universal Mind; They might be regarded as seven intelligent entities through Whom the plan is working out. They embody divine purpose, express the qualities required for the materialising of that purpose, and They create the forms and are the forms through which the divine idea can be carried forward to completion. Symbolically, They may be regarded as constituting the brain of the divine Heavenly Man. They correspond to the ventricles of the brain, to the seven centres within the brain, to the seven centres of force, and to the seven major glands which determine the quality of the physical body. They are the conscious executors of divine purpose; They are the seven Breaths, animating all forms which have been created by Them to carry out the plan.

Research paper thumbnail of Let's Talk About Initiation and Masters

This is an excerpt from the Pictorial Compendium of The Secret Doctrine Volume IV, The Nature of... more This is an excerpt from the Pictorial Compendium of The Secret Doctrine
Volume IV, The Nature of Everything.

Initiation is in the nature of a great experiment which our Planetary Logos is making during this round. The whole process is optional, and a man may—if he so choose—follow the normal process, and take aeons of time to effect what some are choosing to do in a briefer period, through a self-chosen forcing process of passing out of the definitely human kingdom into the superhuman. He is entering into the final stage in our present evolution.

Research paper thumbnail of Evolution (Sorry Darwin but you are Wrong!) in Pictures

This is an excerpt from Pictorial Compendium of The Secret Doctrine Volume IV, The Nature of Ever... more This is an excerpt from Pictorial Compendium of The Secret Doctrine
Volume IV, The Nature of Everything.

From the exoteric angle, evolution means growth and development and is largely applied to the form side of nature, and the term "evolution" might thus be confined entirely to the evolution of the form nature. However, from the esoteric angle, evolution means a steadily increasing sensitivity to light and illumination.

Research paper thumbnail of The Secret Doctrine Volume IV, The Nature of Everything

Part I – Spirilla Theory and Cosmology Stephen Hawking once proclaimed that String Theory may be ... more Part I – Spirilla Theory and Cosmology
Stephen Hawking once proclaimed that String Theory may be able to unify the various forces although later he became disillusioned thinking that there may be no Theory of Everything. This very condensed book pulls together the various forces into the Spirilla Theory which supersedes String Theory and introduces the Relativity of Consciousness.

The foundation of the Spirilla Theory is based on the writings of H. P. Blavatsky, A. B. Bailey, and A. Besant. By overlaying the works of Einstein, Bohm, de Broglie, Dirac, Bell and other great scientific minds, on top of the foundation, the unification of the various forces and theories starts to appear; each field of study supplying a part of the puzzle but only a holistic view of ALL endeavors will solve the mystery. The book starts by laying the groundwork through the Introduction, a review of Bell’s Theorem and p-adic mathematics; following this, each major section begins with a quote from the foundational works followed by the quotes from scientific papers demonstrating the current known thinking on the various topics; no attempts are made to edit the works (except with a few exceptions for clarity and/or length) of the various authors and references to the scientists’ works are maintained. Each section is pulled together so that a picture can be seen.
This section;
1. Redefines the atom with the addition of a subquark;
2. Defines the Spirilla Theory which unifies Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity, and explains Quantum Entanglement;
3. Defines new particles;
4. Redefines time and space;
5. Defines and solves the mystery of Black Holes and links the cosmic and quantum black hole through the spirillae;
6. Delves into the mystery of the Macroverse;
7. Outlines the steps in the origins of the universe;
8. Adds an equation to Einstein’s original 1905 paper on relativity which sees the speed of light approaching infinity;
9. Gives the foundation for developing space travel; and, as an appendix,
10. Gives detailed information for the development of a new energy source – Quantum Energy.

Part II - Ontology, Epistemology & Manifestations
Part II is divided into three sections:
1. Ontology and the fundamental concepts of reality which discusses:
a. consciousness and delves into the mystery of human consciousness having cosmic origins;
b. reincarnation and gives the various laws affecting rebirth, with a discussion on the principle of mutation and the perfecting of form;
c. the work of form-building, transmutation of form and the building of a human form.
2. Epistemology which covers a great deal of topics however; for the purposes of NOE the subject is restricted to;
a. evolution including a definition of the Law of Evolution, the cyclic ebb and flow and the rhythmic work of creation, the process of substitution, the evolution of man and the genesis of the pithecoid stocks; and
b. death including the processes of death, two main reasons for cremation and the sequence of events at death.
3. Manifestations of the various religions including:
a. why Christians don’t believe in reincarnation;
b. the coming science of invocation and evocation;
c. Quantum Entanglement Over Time (QEoT) or The Law of Cause and Effect, and The Law of Karma with a discussion on The Golden Rule ; and
d. The New World Religion.


The Black Hole is where sound, matter and energy come together in a beautifully synchronous fashi... more The Black Hole is where sound, matter and energy come together in a beautifully synchronous fashion. It should be noted that the root is not a principle and only responds to the other two. It is the cosmic gene pool from which form is made but only when energy and sound act upon it. It remains even when the other two have ceased. The root contains the code for differentiation and replication. The actual black hole is a vortex of inconceivable rapidity of sound which carries the three forms of electricity.

Research paper thumbnail of Capitalism -The Greatest Menace on Earth

Research paper thumbnail of NOE Theory Web Site

The NOE Theory website is finally ready. It is divided into 2 groups: 1. Journals which explains ... more The NOE Theory website is finally ready. It is divided into 2 groups:
1. Journals which explains various topics of the theory using Microsoft's SWAY – a wonderful tool for professional presentations, and
2. Catalogs containing the documents and high definition graphics for download.

Research paper thumbnail of The Unification.pdf

The Unification of Quantum Mechanics, General Relativity and Consciousness – An Excerpt from The ... more The Unification of Quantum Mechanics, General Relativity and Consciousness – An Excerpt from The Secret Doctrine Volume IV, The Nature of Everything

Research paper thumbnail of Pure Consciousness & Non-Duality: Matter, Multiplicity of Forms, Illusion and Light

Is matter -- manifest as multiplicity of forms -- only an illusion? Do we exist as waves of consc... more Is matter -- manifest as multiplicity of forms -- only an illusion? Do we exist as waves of conscious energy on a vast sea of all pervasive light: a persistent Hologram created by Pure Consciousness? 21st Century Physics -- Holistic, Quantum and Relativity -- is uniting science and spirituality as it unravels the entire Space-Time matrix and the very building blocks from which our universe, our world, appears to be made.

Research paper thumbnail of The Nature of Everything (NOE) on the Subject of Death

There is no death. There is entrance into fuller life . There is freedom from the handicaps of ... more There is no death. There is entrance into fuller life . There is freedom from the handicaps of the fleshly vehicle. The rending process so much dreaded does not exist, except in the cases of violent and sudden death, and then the only true disagreeables are an instant and overwhelming sense of imminent peril and destruction and something closely approaching an electric shock. No more.

Research paper thumbnail of Space & Time and Intro to Relativity of Consciousness.pdf

A description of new particles for space and time. While the chronon is a superluminal, acoustic ... more A description of new particles for space and time. While the chronon is a superluminal, acoustic fracton, the space particle is a ten dimensional, superliminal, acoustic phonon of deva life. Space is analogous to an ocean of water without a lattice structure in and of itself. Like the photon, the space phonon experiences squeezed coherent states. The phase-squeezed state is what permits ‘universes within universes’ or multiverse. The apparent space-time curvature, as noted by Einstein’s equations, is actually the movement of the chronon fracton lattice.

Research paper thumbnail of A New Cosmological Model for Matter, Energy, Sound, the Origin of the Universe and Gravity

Research paper thumbnail of Time Machine - Faster Than Light and Fifth Dimension

Many scientists, including Einstein in 1905, had assumed that certain forces or particles or wave... more Many scientists, including Einstein in 1905, had assumed that certain forces or particles or waves -- including light and radio -- travel at a certain fixed speed in a vacuum, relative to the observer. And that nothing can travel faster than that. It was inspired guesswork, backed up as usual by elaborate mathematical formulae. Out of that basic assumption, Einstein and other "experts" concluded that the fastest thing of all was photons, which they referred to as "the speed of light." Light, they collectively stated, can travel at 299,792 kilometres per second or 186,282 miles per second, and nothing in the entire cosmos can outrun it. However, NOE says no!

Research paper thumbnail of Is the Universe Ringing Like a Crystal Glass?

The NOE Hypothesis stipulates that Mead and Ringermacher have discovered the ‘heartbeat’ of the U... more The NOE Hypothesis stipulates that Mead and Ringermacher have discovered the ‘heartbeat’ of the UNKNOWABLE, the Deity, or the Cosmic Logos as he is pumping LIFE!

Research paper thumbnail of The Nature of Everything Hypothesis:  The Unification of General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness

The NOE Hypothesis concepts are extracted from the combined work of Blavatsky, Bailey and Besant.... more The NOE Hypothesis concepts are extracted from the combined work of Blavatsky, Bailey and Besant. The original paper, “A New Cosmological Model for Matter, Energy, Sound, the Origin of the Universe and Gravity” is intended as a bridging paper between esoteric philosophy fact and scientific hypothesis. The concepts have been translated into the language of physics and chemistry from the often abstruse language found in philosophy. This paper expands on the concepts and unifies General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness. String Theory is superseded by the Spirilla Hypothesis. Origins of the Universe, definitions for time and space, gravity and Quantum Entanglement are discussed relative to life.

Research paper thumbnail of Energy, Geo-Strategy, Macro-Economics and 21st Century Ideology

1. Energy is power; 2. All debt finance and fiat currency are calls on future energy supply, unfe... more 1. Energy is power;
2. All debt finance and fiat currency are calls on future energy supply, unfettered growth in demand and consumption;
3. What global power projection and conflict demonstrates time and time again is that access to energy sources and their transit is the ultimate prize and leverage which underpins economic value, motive and initiative;
4. The entire military, intelligence, industrial, technological and denial complex is built around guaranteeing the security and supply of energy and the insatiable and ever rising appetite for it and other natural resources;
5. The competition between different nation states and non-nation-state actors to garner access to energy sources lies at the root of the global turmoil we witness every day, which is a symptom and not the cause.

Quantum energy will usher in the new civilisation, the new and better world and the finer, more spiritual conditions. The highest dreams of those who love their fellowmen can become practical possibilities through the right use of this energy, if the real values are taught, emphasised and applied to daily living.

The constructive use of this energy and its harnessing for the betterment of humanity is its real purpose; this living energy of substance itself, hitherto shut up within the atom and imprisoned in these ultimate forms of life, can be turned wholly into that which is good and can bring about such a revolutionising of the modes of human experience that (from one angle alone) it will necessitate and bring about an entirely new economic world structure.


8604223 Canada Inc., 2019

Stephen Hawking once proclaimed that String Theory may be able to unify the various forces althou... more Stephen Hawking once proclaimed that String Theory may be able to unify the various forces although later he became disillusioned thinking that there may be no Theory of Everything. This very condensed paper pulls together the various forces into the Spirilla Theory which supersedes String Theory.

The foundation of the Spirilla Theory is based on the writings of H. P. Blavatsky, A. B. Bailey, and A. Besant. By overlaying the works of Einstein, Bohm, de Broglie, Dirac, Bell and other great scientific minds, on top of the foundation, the unification of the various forces and theories starts to appear; each field of study supplying a part of the puzzle but only a holistic view of ALL endeavors will solve the mystery.
This paper;
1. Redefines the atom with the addition of a subquark;
2. Defines the Spirilla Theory which unifies Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity, and explains Quantum Entanglement.

Research paper thumbnail of Pure Consciousness & Non-Duality: Matter, Multiplicity of Forms, Illusion and Light, An Excerpt from the Secret Doctrine Volume IV

Is matter -- manifest as multiplicity of forms -- only an illusion? Do we exist as waves of consc... more Is matter -- manifest as multiplicity of forms -- only an illusion? Do we exist as waves of conscious energy on a vast sea of all pervasive light: a persistent Hologram created by Pure Consciousness? 21st Century Physics -- Holistic, Quantum and Relativity -- is uniting science and spirituality as it unravels the entire Space-Time matrix and the very building blocks from which our universe, our world, appears to be made.

The key question: How might 21st Century Physics explain the creation of the Universe?

Research paper thumbnail of The Nature of Everything (NOE) Theory on Gravity

To solve the riddle of gravity it is important to understand quantised fractal spacetime, quantum... more To solve the riddle of gravity it is important to understand quantised fractal spacetime, quantum black holes, fluctuational cosmology and p-adic mathematics. The article builds on this understanding, leading to the resolution of Newton’s statement “Gravity must be caused by an agent acting constantly according to certain laws” and to the statement – “What the physicist calls gravity, the chemist calls a bond.”


Quantum Energy, IPR and the Ancient Text, 2019

This is an abridged excerpt from The Secret Doctrine Vol IV for the development of a new clean en... more This is an abridged excerpt from The Secret Doctrine Vol IV for the development of a new clean energy source as described in the ancient text including the Vedas.

Intellectual Property is assigned to Dr DK Matai as he is the expert in the Vedas plus the other documents. I am just the coordinator of the various lines of thought.

NOE Theory is referenced by President Xi Jinping in his book ‘The Governance of China II’ In the words of Gandhi;

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” Not all are laughing.