Martin Brandt Djupdræt | Copenhagen Business School, CBS (original) (raw)
Papers by Martin Brandt Djupdræt
Aarhus University Press eBooks, May 6, 2022
Nordisk Museologi, 2022
This article explores the social dimensions of the museum by focusing on two questions: 1) What e... more This article explores the social dimensions of the museum by focusing on two questions: 1) What elements in museums have proved successful in creating socially interactive environments? 2) Does social interaction stimulate learning in museums and if so: how? We argue that museums are fundamentally social spaces, which are often appreciated and used as spaces to be social, but also that there is a lack of research and knowledge on how museums act as social spaces in particular, and what kind of learning social interaction in museums stimulate. We are applying the tool Generic Learning Outcomes to approach these questions. By mapping and analysing 30 museum spaces and evaluating 25 activities in Norway, Sweden and Denmark, we have managed to identify a set of elements useful for making museum spaces more social. We have also been able to trace a connection between social interaction in museums and how the museum experience contributes to learning.
Religion i Danmark
I konklusionen samler vi vores erfaringer og overvejelser omkring hvad vi har lært om at arbejde ... more I konklusionen samler vi vores erfaringer og overvejelser omkring hvad vi har lært om at arbejde med religionsperspektiver på museum og vores overvejelser om samarbejdet mellem museer og universitetsmiljøer
DanskI 2011 bad Århus Byråd Den Gamle By om atovertage ansvaret for at være et lokalt museum side... more DanskI 2011 bad Århus Byråd Den Gamle By om atovertage ansvaret for at være et lokalt museum sideløbende med sinfunktion som nationalt museum. Selvfølgelig takkede vi ja oggik i gang med at skabe en række udstillingerom historien om byen Århus.Det virker overraskende, at selv om Århus har haft museeri mere end 150 år har der aldrig været en sådan udstilling.Den Gamle By har udviklet en plan for en underjordisk udstillingi det område, hvor det er planen, at resten af bygningerne til den moderne bydel vil blive placeret i de kommende år.Vi besluttede at kalde udstillingen Århus Story for at understrege,at fokus bør være på storytelling i stedet forobjekter. Vi besluttede også, at udstillingen vil være kronologiskog strækker sig fra vikingetiden indtil nu - med henblik på i fremtiden. Men det primære fokusvil være på perioden fra da Århus virkelig tog fartomkring 1850 indtil nu.I november 2012 doneret Salling Fonden de nødvendige 70 millioner kroner, hvilket vil gøre det muligt for Den...
Nordisk Museologi, 2009
This article describes a series of experimental trials regarding the role of feelings in a museum... more This article describes a series of experimental trials regarding the role of feelings in a museum context. These trials were carried out at Moesgård Museum in Denmark, and consisted of a series of additions to the museum’s permanent exhibitions. The trial set-ups were designed to provide visitors with the best possible opportunities for emotionally relating to the exhibits in question. Observations as well as qualitative interviews were used to study which effects the trial set-ups had, seen in relation to the permanent exhibition, and whether it was possible to trace any effect regarding how the visitors experienced the rest of the exhibition. The trials demonstrated that even very small efforts focused on creating an emotional response among visitors had the potential to create a greatly increased sense of relevance, empathy and interest in relation to the exhibits. It was also shown that space, and the sequential layout of space, also had significant potential for creating a sens...
Museologica Brunensia, 2019
Nordisk Museologi, 2015
Instagram is a worldwide photo-sharing app for smartphones. Every day, users share more than 70 m... more Instagram is a worldwide photo-sharing app for smartphones. Every day, users share more than 70 million photos and videos. Based on existing research on Instagram and other social media, this article describes and compares two speci c projects implemented in the museum Den Gamle By (The Old Town) in Aarhus, Denmark, in 2013 and 2014, in which the museum has used Instagram as a tool for contemporary documentation.
Dansk Sociale medier som Facebook, YouTube og Twitter er blevet kanaler, hvorigennem Den Gamle By... more Dansk Sociale medier som Facebook, YouTube og Twitter er blevet kanaler, hvorigennem Den Gamle By kan na ud til malgrupper, og starte dialoger med interesserede brugere. Museet gor brug af Facebook til at vise billeder og korte beskeder, der inviterer til dialog, mens museets personale gennem seks blogs kan fortaelle laengere historier med forskellige perspektiver, dele museets planer og kommentere pa museets arbejde. Gennem billedtjenesten Instagram har Museet ogsa brugt de sociale medier til at indsamle oplysninger. I samarbejde med de tre musikfestivaler i Arhus, SPOT, NorthSide og Danmark grimmeste Festival, har Den Gamle By opfordret de besogende til festivalerne til at dele deres billeder pa Instagram gennem hashtags #SPOT13, #ns13 og grim13. Mere end 13.000 billeder blev uploadet helt fra de tre festivaler, og de vil blive brugt i museets forskning og i en kommende udstilling om musikliv i Arhus. English Social media like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter have become channels thr...
Nar vi i Den Gamle By laver projekter med folk uden for museet, er det for aktivt at samarbejde, ... more Nar vi i Den Gamle By laver projekter med folk uden for museet, er det for aktivt at samarbejde, skabe dialog og udvikling med borgerne. Den Gamle Bys brugerinddragende projekter kan opdeles i tre typer. Den ene er udstillingsprojekter, hvor enkelte personer eller grupper er vitale for udformningen af udstillingen i Den Gamle By, som det for eksempel er sket og sker i opbygningen 1974-kvarteret. Den anden er projekter, der bruger de sociale medier til indsamling og vidensdeling, hvilket udstillingen ”Aarhus Rocks” er et succesfyldt eksempel pa. Den tredje type er projekter, hvor Den Gamle By sammen med lokale indsamler og formidler et lokalomrades liv og historie. Den Gamle By har med opbygningen af 1974 kvarteret og arbejdet med Aarhus’ kultur og nutidshistorie, bevaeget os laengere frem i tid, end de perioder man normalt forbinder med Den Gamle By. Det kraever nye metoder, hvor en af dem er brugerinddragelse. Vi skal derfor til stadighed udvikle nye mader at skabe den gode konstru...
Aarhus Story – a walk through the exhibition Aarhus Story is an underground time travel through 1... more Aarhus Story – a walk through the exhibition Aarhus Story is an underground time travel through 1200 years of history. The exhibition is chronologically structured and consists of six main sections, each with its special focus: The Viking Town, The City of the Bishops, Burghers, Growth, Occupied, and Big City? The four authors of the article have each played a key role in the development of Aarhus Story.
A Viking plank-road recreated for The Aarhus Story Archaeological findings have shown that there ... more A Viking plank-road recreated for The Aarhus Story Archaeological findings have shown that there were plank-roads in Viking Age Aarhus. A plank-road will be what visitors to the museum first encounter in Aarhus Story, the exhibition about Aarhus’s history from the Viking Age and into the future. To be able to make this plank-road, Den Gamle By’s carpenters have had to learn wood splitting techniques that were used during the Viking Age. The first attempts to split tree trunks for planks did not go as planned: the wood was too twisted and gnarly. It was not until a thorough selection of the wood had been carried out that the right tree trunks – ones that could be transformed into straight planks – were found. After having been split, the planks were further refined using adzes and broadaxes made on the basis of axes from the Viking Age. Working on the plank road has given Den Gamle By’s carpenters an insight into a rarely-used method of carpentry. The finished product, the plank road...
How we did it In 2011 the City Council in Aarhus asked Den Gamle By to take over responsibility f... more How we did it In 2011 the City Council in Aarhus asked Den Gamle By to take over responsibility for the history of the city. The following year the Salling charity foundations granted the funding necessary for a permanent exhibition about the history of Aarhus. Immediately afterwards the work began on drawing up a conceptual plan in which target groups, content and presentation principles were defined and used as guidelines in the realization of the exhibition Aarhus Story.
Identity and memory are not things we think about, but things we think with. (Gilles 1994, s. 5).... more Identity and memory are not things we think about, but things we think with. (Gilles 1994, s. 5). Denne artikel vil tage udgangspunkt i forlob pa museer for aeldre, der har et socialt- og sundhedsorienteret behandlingsmaessigt sigte og vil beskrive den brug af historie, der er ved disse forlob. Gennem indsamlet data vil artiklen vise, at disse forlob har en positiv indvirkning pa de aeldres velbefindende. Et saerligt fokuspunkt er observationer ved en raekke forlob i Den Gamle By for aeldre ramt af demens. Artiklen vil med inddragelse af teorier om historiebevidsthed diskutere den brug af historie, der kan vaere gaeldende for denne gruppe, hvis evner til at erindre er svaekkede.
Siden 2004 har Den Gamle By arbejdet med saerlige tilbud til mennesker, der er ramt af demens. Ar... more Siden 2004 har Den Gamle By arbejdet med saerlige tilbud til mennesker, der er ramt af demens. Arbejdet fik hurtigt stor bevagenhed fra bade ind- og udland, og mange onskede at laere af vores erfaringer. Det forte til det store EU-projekt, der baerer titlen Active Ageing and Heritage in Adult Learning og som er gennemfort i taet samarbejde med universiteter og museer i Sverige, England, Norge og Ungarn. Overinspektor Martin Brandt Djupdraet og leder af Levende Museum Henning Lindberg fortaeller i artiklen om forskningens resultater.
Den Gamle By Danmarks Kobstadmuseum, Dec 1, 2013
Museologica Brunensia, 2019
The aim of the article is to analyse the influence of atmosphere and reminiscence in the social s... more The aim of the article is to analyse the influence of atmosphere and reminiscence in the social space of the museum. In the 1990s, museum theorists drew attention to the fact that museum visitors play a part in constructing their museum visits and also focused on the importance of the social context in the museum visit. Using examples of interior at the Danish open-air museum Den Gamle By dated to 1950s and 1970s the article analyse how museum space and communications support both the visitors’ experience of their own history and experiences, and the visit to the museum as a social experience. Both can help to strengthen the visitor’s own identity and the learning process which can take place when visitors share their knowledge and experiences.
Kulturstudier, 2018
Martin Brandt Djupdraet er cand.mag. i historie og religionsvidenskab. Siden 2011 overinspektør i... more Martin Brandt Djupdraet er cand.mag. i historie og religionsvidenskab. Siden 2011 overinspektør i Den Gamle By og før det ansat som museumsinspektør ved blandt andet Moesgaard Museum og Vikingeskibsmuseet. Har stået bag flere større udstilling-og formidlingsprojekter. Skriver om museumspraksis i tidskrifter og i sin egen blog om museumsformidling: Martins Museumsblog. HISTORIEBEVIDSTHED HOS DEMENTE Erindringsforløb, velvaere og identitetsdannelse på museer Identity and memory are not things we think about, but things we think with. 1 Denne artikel vil tage udgangspunkt i forløb på museer for aeldre, der har et so-cialt-og sundhedsorienteret behandlingsmaessigt sigte og vil beskrive den brug af historie, der er ved disse forløb. Gennem indsamlet data vil artiklen vise, at disse forløb har en positiv indvirkning på de aeldres velbefindende. Et saerligt fo-kuspunkt er observationer ved en raekke forløb i Den Gamle By for aeldre ramt af demens. Artiklen vil med inddragelse af teorier om historiebevidsthed diskutere den brug af historie, der kan vaere gaeldende for denne gruppe, hvis evner til at erindre er svaekkede. I Den Gamle By er en trevaerelses lejlighed saerligt indrettet til aeldre ramt af demens. Når de ser sig omkring på lamperne, tapetet, gardinerne, flødekanden, soldaterbilledet og stilehaefterne dukker der i glimt erindringer frem fra et liv, de 1 Gilles 1994, s. 5.
Nordisk Museologi, 2009
This article describes a series of experimental trials regarding the role of feelings in a museum... more This article describes a series of experimental trials regarding the role of
feelings in a museum context. These trials were carried out at Moesgård Museum in Denmark, and consisted of a series of additions to the museum’s permanent exhibitions. The trial set-ups were designed to provide visitors with the best possible opportunities for emotionally relating to the exhibits in question. Observations as well as qualitative interviews were used to study which effects the trial set-ups had, seen in relation to the permanent exhibition, and whether it was possible to trace
any effect regarding how the visitors experienced the rest of the exhibition.
The trials demonstrated that even very small efforts focused on creating an emotional response among visitors had the potential to create a greatly increased sense of relevance, empathy and interest in relation to the exhibits. It was also shown that space, and the sequential layout of space, also had significant potential for creating a sense of emotional empathy among visitors.
Who can write the history of our own time? When we set up projects in Den Gamle By with people fr... more Who can write the history of our own time?
When we set up projects in Den Gamle By with people from
outside the museum, the aim is to work actively together to
create a dialogue and start events among residents.
Projects in Den Gamle By involving visitors can be divided
into three types. Exhibition projects are one type, in
which individuals or groups are vital to the way the exhibition
in Den Gamle By is presented, and an example is the
way the 1974 quarter is built up. The second type includes
projects that make use of the social media for collecting and
passing on knowledge, and a successful example is the “Aarhus
Rocks” exhibition.
In the third type of project, Den Gamle By works together
with local people to collect details and tell the story of the
life and history of a local area.
By building the 1974 quarter and working on culture and
contemporary history in Aarhus, we at Den Gamle By have
moved into more recent periods of time than those normally
associated with Den Gamle By. This calls for new methods,
and one is involving visitors. We must therefore develop new
ways all the time to create a constructive dialogue with citizens.
In the future the museum will not stand alone as the
source of communication: they will also come from citizens.
Instagram is a worldwide photo-sharing app for smartphones. Every day, users share more than 70 m... more Instagram is a worldwide photo-sharing app for smartphones. Every day, users share more than 70 million photos and videos. Based on existing research on Instagram and other social media, this article describes and compares two specific projects implemented in the museum Den Gamle By (The Old Town) in Aarhus, Denmark, in 2013 and 2014, in which the museum has used Instagram as a tool for contemporary documentation.
Aarhus University Press eBooks, May 6, 2022
Nordisk Museologi, 2022
This article explores the social dimensions of the museum by focusing on two questions: 1) What e... more This article explores the social dimensions of the museum by focusing on two questions: 1) What elements in museums have proved successful in creating socially interactive environments? 2) Does social interaction stimulate learning in museums and if so: how? We argue that museums are fundamentally social spaces, which are often appreciated and used as spaces to be social, but also that there is a lack of research and knowledge on how museums act as social spaces in particular, and what kind of learning social interaction in museums stimulate. We are applying the tool Generic Learning Outcomes to approach these questions. By mapping and analysing 30 museum spaces and evaluating 25 activities in Norway, Sweden and Denmark, we have managed to identify a set of elements useful for making museum spaces more social. We have also been able to trace a connection between social interaction in museums and how the museum experience contributes to learning.
Religion i Danmark
I konklusionen samler vi vores erfaringer og overvejelser omkring hvad vi har lært om at arbejde ... more I konklusionen samler vi vores erfaringer og overvejelser omkring hvad vi har lært om at arbejde med religionsperspektiver på museum og vores overvejelser om samarbejdet mellem museer og universitetsmiljøer
DanskI 2011 bad Århus Byråd Den Gamle By om atovertage ansvaret for at være et lokalt museum side... more DanskI 2011 bad Århus Byråd Den Gamle By om atovertage ansvaret for at være et lokalt museum sideløbende med sinfunktion som nationalt museum. Selvfølgelig takkede vi ja oggik i gang med at skabe en række udstillingerom historien om byen Århus.Det virker overraskende, at selv om Århus har haft museeri mere end 150 år har der aldrig været en sådan udstilling.Den Gamle By har udviklet en plan for en underjordisk udstillingi det område, hvor det er planen, at resten af bygningerne til den moderne bydel vil blive placeret i de kommende år.Vi besluttede at kalde udstillingen Århus Story for at understrege,at fokus bør være på storytelling i stedet forobjekter. Vi besluttede også, at udstillingen vil være kronologiskog strækker sig fra vikingetiden indtil nu - med henblik på i fremtiden. Men det primære fokusvil være på perioden fra da Århus virkelig tog fartomkring 1850 indtil nu.I november 2012 doneret Salling Fonden de nødvendige 70 millioner kroner, hvilket vil gøre det muligt for Den...
Nordisk Museologi, 2009
This article describes a series of experimental trials regarding the role of feelings in a museum... more This article describes a series of experimental trials regarding the role of feelings in a museum context. These trials were carried out at Moesgård Museum in Denmark, and consisted of a series of additions to the museum’s permanent exhibitions. The trial set-ups were designed to provide visitors with the best possible opportunities for emotionally relating to the exhibits in question. Observations as well as qualitative interviews were used to study which effects the trial set-ups had, seen in relation to the permanent exhibition, and whether it was possible to trace any effect regarding how the visitors experienced the rest of the exhibition. The trials demonstrated that even very small efforts focused on creating an emotional response among visitors had the potential to create a greatly increased sense of relevance, empathy and interest in relation to the exhibits. It was also shown that space, and the sequential layout of space, also had significant potential for creating a sens...
Museologica Brunensia, 2019
Nordisk Museologi, 2015
Instagram is a worldwide photo-sharing app for smartphones. Every day, users share more than 70 m... more Instagram is a worldwide photo-sharing app for smartphones. Every day, users share more than 70 million photos and videos. Based on existing research on Instagram and other social media, this article describes and compares two speci c projects implemented in the museum Den Gamle By (The Old Town) in Aarhus, Denmark, in 2013 and 2014, in which the museum has used Instagram as a tool for contemporary documentation.
Dansk Sociale medier som Facebook, YouTube og Twitter er blevet kanaler, hvorigennem Den Gamle By... more Dansk Sociale medier som Facebook, YouTube og Twitter er blevet kanaler, hvorigennem Den Gamle By kan na ud til malgrupper, og starte dialoger med interesserede brugere. Museet gor brug af Facebook til at vise billeder og korte beskeder, der inviterer til dialog, mens museets personale gennem seks blogs kan fortaelle laengere historier med forskellige perspektiver, dele museets planer og kommentere pa museets arbejde. Gennem billedtjenesten Instagram har Museet ogsa brugt de sociale medier til at indsamle oplysninger. I samarbejde med de tre musikfestivaler i Arhus, SPOT, NorthSide og Danmark grimmeste Festival, har Den Gamle By opfordret de besogende til festivalerne til at dele deres billeder pa Instagram gennem hashtags #SPOT13, #ns13 og grim13. Mere end 13.000 billeder blev uploadet helt fra de tre festivaler, og de vil blive brugt i museets forskning og i en kommende udstilling om musikliv i Arhus. English Social media like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter have become channels thr...
Nar vi i Den Gamle By laver projekter med folk uden for museet, er det for aktivt at samarbejde, ... more Nar vi i Den Gamle By laver projekter med folk uden for museet, er det for aktivt at samarbejde, skabe dialog og udvikling med borgerne. Den Gamle Bys brugerinddragende projekter kan opdeles i tre typer. Den ene er udstillingsprojekter, hvor enkelte personer eller grupper er vitale for udformningen af udstillingen i Den Gamle By, som det for eksempel er sket og sker i opbygningen 1974-kvarteret. Den anden er projekter, der bruger de sociale medier til indsamling og vidensdeling, hvilket udstillingen ”Aarhus Rocks” er et succesfyldt eksempel pa. Den tredje type er projekter, hvor Den Gamle By sammen med lokale indsamler og formidler et lokalomrades liv og historie. Den Gamle By har med opbygningen af 1974 kvarteret og arbejdet med Aarhus’ kultur og nutidshistorie, bevaeget os laengere frem i tid, end de perioder man normalt forbinder med Den Gamle By. Det kraever nye metoder, hvor en af dem er brugerinddragelse. Vi skal derfor til stadighed udvikle nye mader at skabe den gode konstru...
Aarhus Story – a walk through the exhibition Aarhus Story is an underground time travel through 1... more Aarhus Story – a walk through the exhibition Aarhus Story is an underground time travel through 1200 years of history. The exhibition is chronologically structured and consists of six main sections, each with its special focus: The Viking Town, The City of the Bishops, Burghers, Growth, Occupied, and Big City? The four authors of the article have each played a key role in the development of Aarhus Story.
A Viking plank-road recreated for The Aarhus Story Archaeological findings have shown that there ... more A Viking plank-road recreated for The Aarhus Story Archaeological findings have shown that there were plank-roads in Viking Age Aarhus. A plank-road will be what visitors to the museum first encounter in Aarhus Story, the exhibition about Aarhus’s history from the Viking Age and into the future. To be able to make this plank-road, Den Gamle By’s carpenters have had to learn wood splitting techniques that were used during the Viking Age. The first attempts to split tree trunks for planks did not go as planned: the wood was too twisted and gnarly. It was not until a thorough selection of the wood had been carried out that the right tree trunks – ones that could be transformed into straight planks – were found. After having been split, the planks were further refined using adzes and broadaxes made on the basis of axes from the Viking Age. Working on the plank road has given Den Gamle By’s carpenters an insight into a rarely-used method of carpentry. The finished product, the plank road...
How we did it In 2011 the City Council in Aarhus asked Den Gamle By to take over responsibility f... more How we did it In 2011 the City Council in Aarhus asked Den Gamle By to take over responsibility for the history of the city. The following year the Salling charity foundations granted the funding necessary for a permanent exhibition about the history of Aarhus. Immediately afterwards the work began on drawing up a conceptual plan in which target groups, content and presentation principles were defined and used as guidelines in the realization of the exhibition Aarhus Story.
Identity and memory are not things we think about, but things we think with. (Gilles 1994, s. 5).... more Identity and memory are not things we think about, but things we think with. (Gilles 1994, s. 5). Denne artikel vil tage udgangspunkt i forlob pa museer for aeldre, der har et socialt- og sundhedsorienteret behandlingsmaessigt sigte og vil beskrive den brug af historie, der er ved disse forlob. Gennem indsamlet data vil artiklen vise, at disse forlob har en positiv indvirkning pa de aeldres velbefindende. Et saerligt fokuspunkt er observationer ved en raekke forlob i Den Gamle By for aeldre ramt af demens. Artiklen vil med inddragelse af teorier om historiebevidsthed diskutere den brug af historie, der kan vaere gaeldende for denne gruppe, hvis evner til at erindre er svaekkede.
Siden 2004 har Den Gamle By arbejdet med saerlige tilbud til mennesker, der er ramt af demens. Ar... more Siden 2004 har Den Gamle By arbejdet med saerlige tilbud til mennesker, der er ramt af demens. Arbejdet fik hurtigt stor bevagenhed fra bade ind- og udland, og mange onskede at laere af vores erfaringer. Det forte til det store EU-projekt, der baerer titlen Active Ageing and Heritage in Adult Learning og som er gennemfort i taet samarbejde med universiteter og museer i Sverige, England, Norge og Ungarn. Overinspektor Martin Brandt Djupdraet og leder af Levende Museum Henning Lindberg fortaeller i artiklen om forskningens resultater.
Den Gamle By Danmarks Kobstadmuseum, Dec 1, 2013
Museologica Brunensia, 2019
The aim of the article is to analyse the influence of atmosphere and reminiscence in the social s... more The aim of the article is to analyse the influence of atmosphere and reminiscence in the social space of the museum. In the 1990s, museum theorists drew attention to the fact that museum visitors play a part in constructing their museum visits and also focused on the importance of the social context in the museum visit. Using examples of interior at the Danish open-air museum Den Gamle By dated to 1950s and 1970s the article analyse how museum space and communications support both the visitors’ experience of their own history and experiences, and the visit to the museum as a social experience. Both can help to strengthen the visitor’s own identity and the learning process which can take place when visitors share their knowledge and experiences.
Kulturstudier, 2018
Martin Brandt Djupdraet er cand.mag. i historie og religionsvidenskab. Siden 2011 overinspektør i... more Martin Brandt Djupdraet er cand.mag. i historie og religionsvidenskab. Siden 2011 overinspektør i Den Gamle By og før det ansat som museumsinspektør ved blandt andet Moesgaard Museum og Vikingeskibsmuseet. Har stået bag flere større udstilling-og formidlingsprojekter. Skriver om museumspraksis i tidskrifter og i sin egen blog om museumsformidling: Martins Museumsblog. HISTORIEBEVIDSTHED HOS DEMENTE Erindringsforløb, velvaere og identitetsdannelse på museer Identity and memory are not things we think about, but things we think with. 1 Denne artikel vil tage udgangspunkt i forløb på museer for aeldre, der har et so-cialt-og sundhedsorienteret behandlingsmaessigt sigte og vil beskrive den brug af historie, der er ved disse forløb. Gennem indsamlet data vil artiklen vise, at disse forløb har en positiv indvirkning på de aeldres velbefindende. Et saerligt fo-kuspunkt er observationer ved en raekke forløb i Den Gamle By for aeldre ramt af demens. Artiklen vil med inddragelse af teorier om historiebevidsthed diskutere den brug af historie, der kan vaere gaeldende for denne gruppe, hvis evner til at erindre er svaekkede. I Den Gamle By er en trevaerelses lejlighed saerligt indrettet til aeldre ramt af demens. Når de ser sig omkring på lamperne, tapetet, gardinerne, flødekanden, soldaterbilledet og stilehaefterne dukker der i glimt erindringer frem fra et liv, de 1 Gilles 1994, s. 5.
Nordisk Museologi, 2009
This article describes a series of experimental trials regarding the role of feelings in a museum... more This article describes a series of experimental trials regarding the role of
feelings in a museum context. These trials were carried out at Moesgård Museum in Denmark, and consisted of a series of additions to the museum’s permanent exhibitions. The trial set-ups were designed to provide visitors with the best possible opportunities for emotionally relating to the exhibits in question. Observations as well as qualitative interviews were used to study which effects the trial set-ups had, seen in relation to the permanent exhibition, and whether it was possible to trace
any effect regarding how the visitors experienced the rest of the exhibition.
The trials demonstrated that even very small efforts focused on creating an emotional response among visitors had the potential to create a greatly increased sense of relevance, empathy and interest in relation to the exhibits. It was also shown that space, and the sequential layout of space, also had significant potential for creating a sense of emotional empathy among visitors.
Who can write the history of our own time? When we set up projects in Den Gamle By with people fr... more Who can write the history of our own time?
When we set up projects in Den Gamle By with people from
outside the museum, the aim is to work actively together to
create a dialogue and start events among residents.
Projects in Den Gamle By involving visitors can be divided
into three types. Exhibition projects are one type, in
which individuals or groups are vital to the way the exhibition
in Den Gamle By is presented, and an example is the
way the 1974 quarter is built up. The second type includes
projects that make use of the social media for collecting and
passing on knowledge, and a successful example is the “Aarhus
Rocks” exhibition.
In the third type of project, Den Gamle By works together
with local people to collect details and tell the story of the
life and history of a local area.
By building the 1974 quarter and working on culture and
contemporary history in Aarhus, we at Den Gamle By have
moved into more recent periods of time than those normally
associated with Den Gamle By. This calls for new methods,
and one is involving visitors. We must therefore develop new
ways all the time to create a constructive dialogue with citizens.
In the future the museum will not stand alone as the
source of communication: they will also come from citizens.
Instagram is a worldwide photo-sharing app for smartphones. Every day, users share more than 70 m... more Instagram is a worldwide photo-sharing app for smartphones. Every day, users share more than 70 million photos and videos. Based on existing research on Instagram and other social media, this article describes and compares two specific projects implemented in the museum Den Gamle By (The Old Town) in Aarhus, Denmark, in 2013 and 2014, in which the museum has used Instagram as a tool for contemporary documentation.