David Tomasi | Community College of Vermont (original) (raw)
Papers by David Tomasi
НИУ "МЭИ" - УМНИК, 2024
Программа УМНИК Московский энергетический институт при поддержке Министерства образования и нау... more Программа УМНИК
Московский энергетический институт при поддержке Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации проводит всероссийскую молодежную конференцию с элементами научной школы для молодежи «Школа-практикум» для «У.М.Н.И.К.ов»: введение в технологическое предпринимательство «от идеи к прототипу» с организацией бизнес-консультаций». Научная конференция проводится на базе Московского энергетического института при участии российских ученых и представителей реального сектора экономики. На научную конференции приглашаются участники программы «Участник молодежного научно-инновационного конкурса».
Основной целью научной конференции является освоение участниками лучших научных и методических отечественных и мировых достижений в области технологического предпринимательства. В рамках научной конференции будут рассматриваться вопросы инвестиционных проектов, правовых аспектов предпринимательской деятельности, процессного подхода, бизнес-планирования. В программу конференции включены: лекции ведущих российских ученых, устные доклады и презентации, касающиеся опыта создания и деятельности предприятий электроэнергетической и других отраслей.
Национальный исследовательский университет «МЭИ», 2024
Национальный исследовательский университет «МЭИ» Акад. проф. д-р Давид Томази Нейропсихология / N... more Национальный исследовательский университет «МЭИ» Акад. проф. д-р Давид Томази Нейропсихология / Neuropsychology (English/Английский) Международная научная конференция «Смыслы и ценности российской цивилизации: традиции, современность, перспективы», VIII Арефьевские чтения
Researcher, Psychotherapist, and Psychologist, Acad. Prof. Dr. David Tomasi is a member of several national and international Academies of Sciences, Director of Nortades Psychotherapy, Secretary of VAAS, and Faculty at the Community College of Vermont. Recognized as a “Top 1% Researcher” on academia.edu (since 2021) and included in the 45 i10-index on Google Scholar (since 2022), Tomasi is the author of "Medical Philosophy: A Philosophical Analysis of Patient Self-Perception in Diagnosis and Therapy" (Ibidem - Columbia University Press, 2016), "Critical Neuroscience and Philosophy. A Scientific Re-Examination of the Mind-Body Problem" (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020), "Orgasmo" (Nortades, 2023), and "Mind-Body Medicine in Inpatient Psychiatry" (Ibidem - Columbia University Press, 2020), as well as co-author of Positive Patient Response to a Structured Exercise Program Delivered in Inpatient Psychiatry (Global Advances in Health and Medicine), the "2019 Most-read Research Item" from the University of Vermont (Researchgate). More info available at:
Accademia Tiberina, 2024
Questa conferenza, in diretta dagli Stati Uniti (11/11), rappresenta la versione italiana della r... more Questa conferenza, in diretta dagli Stati Uniti (11/11), rappresenta la versione italiana della ricerca, precedentemente pubblicata in inglese dall'Accademia Tiberina, nel 2022.
Per seguire tutte le diapositive e i grafici, è possibile accedere al documento PDF della presentazione:
Il neuropsicologo, professore, e ricercatore Dr. David Tomasi è membro di diverse Accademie delle Scienze nazionali e internazionali, Direttore di Nortades Psychotherapy, Segretario dell'Accademia delle Scienze del Vermont (USA) e Docente presso molte università americane, tra cui VSC e CCV. Riconosciuto come "Top 1% Researcher" su academia.edu (dal 2021) e incluso nel 45 i10-index su Google Scholar (dal 2022), Tomasi è autore di "Medical Philosophy: A Philosophical Analysis of Patient Self-Perception in Diagnosis and Therapy" (Ibidem - Columbia University Press, 2016), "Critical Neuroscience and Philosophy. A Scientific Re-Examination of the Mind-Body Problem" (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020), "Orgasmo" (Nortades, 2023) e "Mind-Body Medicine in Inpatient Psychiatry" (Ibidem - Columbia University Press, 2020), nonché coautore di Positive Patient Response to a Structured Exercise Program Delivered in Inpatient Psychiatry (Global Advances in Health and Medicine), il "2019 Most-read Research Item" dell'Università del Vermont (Researchgate).
Ulteriori informazioni disponibili su: https://www.davidtomasi.eu
Videoconferenza in inglese: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0zByPUuGRs&list=PLVrDMdxssIRZfFtbU8NhMh-Z4vvf1rfFq
Tomasi, D. Gender: Science or Ideology? Accademia Tiberina, Roma, I: 11(25), 2022.
Video, Images, and Music credits: Alexander Nakarada - alexander-nakarada-tranquil-fields-tense (CreatorChords) Creative Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Schattauer / Klett-Cotta Verlag, 2024
Psychotherapy is a profoundly complex field. As profoundly complex as the problem it aims to solv... more Psychotherapy is a profoundly complex field. As profoundly complex as the problem it aims to solve. This is where the kernel of the conversation lies. This is where all the questions about the validity, the scientific basis, the ethical frameworks, the moral underpinnings, and the practical impact-thus, the healing ability-of psychotherapy originate. In "The Missing Manual. The manual of lesser known and unknown psychotherapeutic interventions," the renowned psychoanalysis Dieter Adler answers many of these questions, venturing-as the book title implies-into territories which are uncharted, at least to the broader public.
Foreword to Adler, D. 2024. The Missing Manual. Das Handbuch der weniger bekannten und unbekannten Psychotherapeutischen
Catholic Unity on Brain Death and Organ Donation, 2024
Authors: Joseph M. Eble, John A. Di Camillo, Peter J. Colosi. --- NEWS RELEASE For Immediate Rele... more Authors: Joseph M. Eble, John A. Di Camillo, Peter J. Colosi. --- NEWS RELEASE For Immediate Release February 27, 2024 Contact: Joseph M. Eble, MD Corresponding author 919-667-5206 eblej@yahoo.com
Giornale Italiano di Arteterapia (GIA) - ISSN 1126-2559; CISAT, 2024
This article examines the application of multiple Art Therapy interventions in the context of Psy... more This article examines the application of multiple Art Therapy interventions in the context of Psychiatry- and Clinical Psychology-based therapeutic interventions for the improved understanding of overall clinical presentation as well of amelioration of symptomatologic values in patients, students, and the general public, throughout the life span, with a special focus on child, adolescent, and adult populations. More specifically, the discussion is structured around basic questions which are answered in a didactic and pedagogical manner, in order to guide clinicians, educators, and practitioners to the practical application of art therapy modalities in the aforementioned populations.
Questo articolo esamina l'applicazione di molteplici interventi di arteterapia nel contesto di interventi terapeutici basati sulla psichiatria e sulla psicologia clinica per una migliore comprensione della presentazione clinica generale e del miglioramento degli elementi sintomatologici nei pazienti, negli studenti e nel pubblico in generale, per tutto l'arco della vita, con un'attenzione particolare alla popolazione infantile, adolescenziale e adulta. In particolare, la discussione è strutturata attorno a domande di base a cui viene data risposta in maniera didattica e pedagogica, al fine di guidare professionisti dell’ambito clinico, operatori ed educatori all'applicazione pratica delle modalità di arteterapia nelle suddette popolazioni.
Sofia Philosophical Review, 2023
FULL VIDEO: https://youtu.be/MY2GnhjayB8 --- Preface: The following article is an adaptat... more FULL VIDEO: https://youtu.be/MY2GnhjayB8 --- Preface: The following article is an adaptation of an open letter sent by the au- thor to the local U.S. Elementary School Administration on October 14, 2022, in response to the introduction of Transgender Literature in grades 2 and above (starting age 7) in the local US elementary school attended by the author’s children. More specifically, children have been introduced to three books: I Am Jazz, by Jessica Herthel and Jazz Jennings; Jacob’s New Dress, by Ian Hoffman and Sarah Hoffman; and Born Ready. The True Story of a Boy Named Penelope, by Jodie Patterson. As part of this, children have been asked to join discussion in class to talk about the contents of each book and other related literature. Of note, several meetings with the administration and the school board have followed, but no changes have been made to the administration and content of the literature presented to children, with the exception of parents’ voluntary exclusion, per direct request, of their children from class time in which the books above and related new literature will be discussed in the future. Furthermore, these topics have also been discussed as part of a recent Lecture the author presented at the Academy of Sciences of Rome with the title “Science or Ideology?” in November 2022. Website: http://sphr-bg.org/0/132/489.html --> Important Note: Due to Cyrillic-to-Latin alphabet conversion and formatting, some typos were not removed. Example (p. 28): "whenever I Int (vs. 'went') out"
CRAM - Südtiroler Volksuniversität , 2009
Mental health challenges can be described via the application of multiple lenses, from clinical-m... more Mental health challenges can be described via the application of multiple lenses, from clinical-medical perspectives, to social and community-based, to further understandings in the context of public health. While these challenges can represent multiple issues to the scientific community at-large, especially because of the translational issues attached to the application of research and practice to the sphere of community services, it is useful to understand that the triad ethics, evidence, and experience can be instrumental in navigating the complexity of the issue-at-hand.
Furthermore, the work of researchers and practitioners is rooted in a solid understanding of the specific needs of psychiatric patients, particularly from the perspective of possible misunderstandings, ostracization, and stigmatization of psychiatric issues and related presentation, affect, and behaviours.
Years of research have indicated how a proper interaction between resources at the level of scientific research and the community is a fundamental cornerstone for a practice rooted in both science and true care for individuals affected by mental health disorders. In this presentation we will discuss the case of the Centro Salute Mentale (Mental Health Centre, CSM) of Verona.
Critical Neuroscience and Philosophy.A scientific re-examination of the mind-body problem, 2020
(...) However, whether we chose a weak or strong approximation, the set would not make any sense ... more (...) However, whether we chose a weak or strong approximation, the set would not make any sense at all, if (once more) this choice would not be justified in either temporal or spatial sense or given the context of possible applicability of the set in different circumstances. This would obviously represent a dualism in itself as we would (for instance) posit and apply a full identity-equality-equivalence of x and y when applying Newtonian physics to certain observations we make (it would be the case of neural correlates), and we would posit and apply a non - identity-equality-equivalence of x and y when applying Quantum mechanics to other observations. Following this dualism in and of theories, the same sate would need to be slightly modified: U2:(x~y)∪(x≈y); U3:(x~y)∩(x≈y); U4a:(x~y)⊆(x≈y) vs. U4b:(x~y)⊇(x≈y)
Critical Neuroscience and Philosophy A Scientific Re-Examination of the Mind-Body Problem, 2020
In the Preliminary Discussion, the author reviews the claims and theoretical positions investigat... more In the Preliminary Discussion, the author reviews the claims and theoretical positions investigated in Chaps. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The question of the possibility of a universal or at least universally-valid (accepted) notion of the mind–body problem is summarized. Through the analysis of the previously discussed subfields, in connection with Neurolinguistics, Neuroheuristics, Artificial Intelligence and the core field of Critical Neuroscience, the author proposes here the Triple-S Model: Self, Soul, Spirit as a solving re-examination of the problem. In this process, the reconsideration and restructurization of core assumptions, frameworks and moral-ethical decision-making processes are implemented to verify the accuracy of claims in contemporary neuroscience and propose a more detailed, precise and scientifically reliable understanding of our true self.
Cambridge University / EdX, 2023
Human decision-making process are the result, as in many other psychological processes, of the in... more Human decision-making process are the result, as in many other psychological processes, of the interaction of nature and nurture. A solid understanding of the neuroscientific underpinning of such processes, in combination of a well-grounded anthropology of the human person, help shed light on the role, the phenomenology and the outcomes of such decisions in developmental considerations and everyday life behavior.
MPEI University - Международная научная конференция «Гуманитарные знания в XXI веке: вызовы, ценности, перспективы», 2022
When approaching the nature and etiology of psychophysical problems in a given population, it is ... more When approaching the nature and etiology of psychophysical problems in a given population, it is important to understand the causal relations, the mechanisms, and the processes which underlie given problems, issues, and disorders. This examination attempts to investigate the connection between neural pathophysiology and proprioceptive ontology of olfactory and visual cortical circuitry on the basis of the current scientific evidence indicated by the results of studies in which subjects underwent a series of therapeutic modalities focused on the improvement of overall wellbeing with the utilization of devices and technologies to stimulate multiple motor vs. somatosensory processes. More specifically, the studies at the centers of this analysis incorporated physical movement and virtual reality interactions, with the supplement of olfactory stimulation. In this examination, such research is also investigated from a theoretical standpoint, with the ultimate goal to better determine which interventions are justified under the premise of a mutual support between empirical values (through laboratory examination) and logical deduction (via philosophical investigation). ---
Tomasi, D. (2022) Examination of Neural proprioceptive Factors in relation to pathophysiology and ontology of psychophysical health. Moscow, Ru: MPEI University - Международная научная конференция «Гуманитарные знания в XXI веке: вызовы, ценности, перспективы»
Cambridge University / EdX, 2022
This brief essay examines the basic parameters of the neuroscientific and philosophical understan... more This brief essay examines the basic parameters of the neuroscientific and philosophical understanding at the basis of emotional and cognitive processes in the broader context of Embodied cognition. More in detail, the discussion follows a series of areas of investigation, structured via responses to basic questions, namely: A) Impact of mind-body dualism in everyday life, B) Possible Preferred Perspective (PPP) under the lenses of Emotional Intelligence, C) Simulation-Theory vs. Theory-Theory D) Neuropsychological paired-deficits vs. Physiological Investigations E) Influence of social distancing on the ability to recognize and understand emotions F) Conclusion
Linguistics interface: applying the Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM) to Narrative Medicine, 2017
NSM is based on a lexicon of semantic primes, i.e. simple concepts or building blocks that can be... more NSM is based on a lexicon of semantic primes, i.e. simple concepts or building blocks that can be used for analysis of complex concepts, which are broken down into simpler concepts via reductive paraphrase. Research in the NSM approach deals extensively with language and culture. The declared NSM primes have stabilized as a list of irreducible meanings, typically coded as English words with specific senses, but expressible also in any other language. Indeed, the primes are hypothesized to be language universals, with most of them having been tested across a wide variety of languages without encountering disconfirmation. Each prime has its own universal combinatorial properties, which guarantee that any allowable sequence of semantic primes can be translated into any other language.
FAHC, 2012
Reviewing the general parameters, from both an etiological and therapeutic framework, of multiple... more Reviewing the general parameters, from both an etiological and therapeutic framework, of multiple gastrointestinal diseases and conditions is at the center of this review. While common examples of gastrointestinal conditions include colon polyps, colon cancer, hemorrhoids, diverticular disease, strictures, stenosis, and inflammatory bowel disease, it is very important to grasp the complexity of such presentations in everyday clinical practice. More specifically, a usual distinction is made between proper gastric disease, and oesophageal disease, oral disease, the three areas of intestinal disease namely, large and small intestine, and rectum-anus), as well as the so-called accessory digestive gland disease, focusing on hepatic, gallbladder and biliary tract, and pancreatic disease.
GT Department, 2016
There are indeed many things we should focus on, in order to better understand the practical appl... more There are indeed many things we should focus on, in order to better understand the practical application of the data presented in the report, but in my opinion, the biggest problem is to frame the structural framework and epidemiological-statistical methodology and (permit the term) “attitude” used in the study. What I mean is, once more, the conceptual difference between quantity and quality. We already discussed in the first draft of the report (presented about a month ago, the GT member and I were present), the importance of ‘semantics’ in approaching this analysis. The Medical Director pointed out that the report should include a more appropriate wording process in terms of ‘validating’ the effectiveness and importance of activities, therapies, and in general the work of all of us on the unit. I certainly agree with her on this part, and I think she was particularly sensitive and respectful of our work on the unit. What I cannot agree with, is the concept that “numbers don’t lie”, as she pointed out in the final presentation at the Auditorium. Certainly, numbers do not lie; but they don’t tell the truth, either.
Centro di Salute Mentale di Verona Sud, 2011
The idea of a journal that gives voice and life to the thoughts and feelings of those who atten... more The idea of a journal that gives voice and life to the thoughts and feelings of those who attend the South Verona Day Center came almost as a game, randomly, in one of those moments when one idea leads to another and , in an increasingly risky and adventurous way, it gives body and life to dreams and aspirations ...
It all began thanks to a rather small group made up of a few people who, timidly but with great courage, gave life to this beautiful adventure; in the space of a few months the number of participants in the editorial team and the enthusiasm increased considerably and all of them brought very valuable ideas and contributions. Anyone with the desire to join us can
send what he wants: advice, ideas, poems, short stories and why not, even criticism. An immense thanks to everyone!
The purpose of the magazine is to tell, as mentioned in the name, all the initiatives that take place inside or outside our Day Center: events, emotions, experiences, moments of solidarity and collaboration, sometimes even particularly happy ones, that we all experience every day. daily. In this issue we recount the experiences made during the summer period, the activities carried out and the new initiatives
you have experienced. There will be room for poems and emotions, for games, stories and memories. In particular, this issue offers an unprecedented and interesting interview with the Director of the 3rd Territorial Psychiatric Service, Prof. Tansella.
There will then be a space dedicated to music, cinema and sport!
Again a big thank you to all those who worked on the editorial board of the magazine, many congratulations to everyone and the hope that this magazine
represent an opportunity for satisfaction and collective growth!
Dr. T. Pozzan. - Michelle Tansella - Mirella Ruggeri - Christa Zimmerman -
McGill University - Psychiatry Ad Hoc PhD Thesis proposal, 2010
The analysis of mental health issues linked to the increasing cultural and ethnic diversification... more The analysis of mental health issues linked to the increasing cultural and ethnic diversification in the modern society takes a number of methodological approaches. How do we define psychosis in a constantly changing cognitive model? If we want to draw on the insights of etymology and scientific use of the term, we need to link an abnormal condition or derangement (-ωσις) to a concept that goes beyond the realms of empirical analysis and reaches the domain of metaphysical speculation, i.e. ψυχή. To link these two terms to a definition of "loss of contact with reality" it is necessary to focus on the biological, historical and philosophical premises of the modern multiethnic society. The cultural relativism maintained by cultural anthropology, allowed the debate with medicine and psychiatry to revolve around fundamental questions (...) Supervisors: Ian Gold; Laurence J Kirmayer
CVU, 2015
CVU Hinesburg – Access Program Fall 2015 Prof. David Låg Tomasi
НИУ "МЭИ" - УМНИК, 2024
Программа УМНИК Московский энергетический институт при поддержке Министерства образования и нау... more Программа УМНИК
Московский энергетический институт при поддержке Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации проводит всероссийскую молодежную конференцию с элементами научной школы для молодежи «Школа-практикум» для «У.М.Н.И.К.ов»: введение в технологическое предпринимательство «от идеи к прототипу» с организацией бизнес-консультаций». Научная конференция проводится на базе Московского энергетического института при участии российских ученых и представителей реального сектора экономики. На научную конференции приглашаются участники программы «Участник молодежного научно-инновационного конкурса».
Основной целью научной конференции является освоение участниками лучших научных и методических отечественных и мировых достижений в области технологического предпринимательства. В рамках научной конференции будут рассматриваться вопросы инвестиционных проектов, правовых аспектов предпринимательской деятельности, процессного подхода, бизнес-планирования. В программу конференции включены: лекции ведущих российских ученых, устные доклады и презентации, касающиеся опыта создания и деятельности предприятий электроэнергетической и других отраслей.
Национальный исследовательский университет «МЭИ», 2024
Национальный исследовательский университет «МЭИ» Акад. проф. д-р Давид Томази Нейропсихология / N... more Национальный исследовательский университет «МЭИ» Акад. проф. д-р Давид Томази Нейропсихология / Neuropsychology (English/Английский) Международная научная конференция «Смыслы и ценности российской цивилизации: традиции, современность, перспективы», VIII Арефьевские чтения
Researcher, Psychotherapist, and Psychologist, Acad. Prof. Dr. David Tomasi is a member of several national and international Academies of Sciences, Director of Nortades Psychotherapy, Secretary of VAAS, and Faculty at the Community College of Vermont. Recognized as a “Top 1% Researcher” on academia.edu (since 2021) and included in the 45 i10-index on Google Scholar (since 2022), Tomasi is the author of "Medical Philosophy: A Philosophical Analysis of Patient Self-Perception in Diagnosis and Therapy" (Ibidem - Columbia University Press, 2016), "Critical Neuroscience and Philosophy. A Scientific Re-Examination of the Mind-Body Problem" (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020), "Orgasmo" (Nortades, 2023), and "Mind-Body Medicine in Inpatient Psychiatry" (Ibidem - Columbia University Press, 2020), as well as co-author of Positive Patient Response to a Structured Exercise Program Delivered in Inpatient Psychiatry (Global Advances in Health and Medicine), the "2019 Most-read Research Item" from the University of Vermont (Researchgate). More info available at:
Accademia Tiberina, 2024
Questa conferenza, in diretta dagli Stati Uniti (11/11), rappresenta la versione italiana della r... more Questa conferenza, in diretta dagli Stati Uniti (11/11), rappresenta la versione italiana della ricerca, precedentemente pubblicata in inglese dall'Accademia Tiberina, nel 2022.
Per seguire tutte le diapositive e i grafici, è possibile accedere al documento PDF della presentazione:
Il neuropsicologo, professore, e ricercatore Dr. David Tomasi è membro di diverse Accademie delle Scienze nazionali e internazionali, Direttore di Nortades Psychotherapy, Segretario dell'Accademia delle Scienze del Vermont (USA) e Docente presso molte università americane, tra cui VSC e CCV. Riconosciuto come "Top 1% Researcher" su academia.edu (dal 2021) e incluso nel 45 i10-index su Google Scholar (dal 2022), Tomasi è autore di "Medical Philosophy: A Philosophical Analysis of Patient Self-Perception in Diagnosis and Therapy" (Ibidem - Columbia University Press, 2016), "Critical Neuroscience and Philosophy. A Scientific Re-Examination of the Mind-Body Problem" (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020), "Orgasmo" (Nortades, 2023) e "Mind-Body Medicine in Inpatient Psychiatry" (Ibidem - Columbia University Press, 2020), nonché coautore di Positive Patient Response to a Structured Exercise Program Delivered in Inpatient Psychiatry (Global Advances in Health and Medicine), il "2019 Most-read Research Item" dell'Università del Vermont (Researchgate).
Ulteriori informazioni disponibili su: https://www.davidtomasi.eu
Videoconferenza in inglese: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0zByPUuGRs&list=PLVrDMdxssIRZfFtbU8NhMh-Z4vvf1rfFq
Tomasi, D. Gender: Science or Ideology? Accademia Tiberina, Roma, I: 11(25), 2022.
Video, Images, and Music credits: Alexander Nakarada - alexander-nakarada-tranquil-fields-tense (CreatorChords) Creative Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Schattauer / Klett-Cotta Verlag, 2024
Psychotherapy is a profoundly complex field. As profoundly complex as the problem it aims to solv... more Psychotherapy is a profoundly complex field. As profoundly complex as the problem it aims to solve. This is where the kernel of the conversation lies. This is where all the questions about the validity, the scientific basis, the ethical frameworks, the moral underpinnings, and the practical impact-thus, the healing ability-of psychotherapy originate. In "The Missing Manual. The manual of lesser known and unknown psychotherapeutic interventions," the renowned psychoanalysis Dieter Adler answers many of these questions, venturing-as the book title implies-into territories which are uncharted, at least to the broader public.
Foreword to Adler, D. 2024. The Missing Manual. Das Handbuch der weniger bekannten und unbekannten Psychotherapeutischen
Catholic Unity on Brain Death and Organ Donation, 2024
Authors: Joseph M. Eble, John A. Di Camillo, Peter J. Colosi. --- NEWS RELEASE For Immediate Rele... more Authors: Joseph M. Eble, John A. Di Camillo, Peter J. Colosi. --- NEWS RELEASE For Immediate Release February 27, 2024 Contact: Joseph M. Eble, MD Corresponding author 919-667-5206 eblej@yahoo.com
Giornale Italiano di Arteterapia (GIA) - ISSN 1126-2559; CISAT, 2024
This article examines the application of multiple Art Therapy interventions in the context of Psy... more This article examines the application of multiple Art Therapy interventions in the context of Psychiatry- and Clinical Psychology-based therapeutic interventions for the improved understanding of overall clinical presentation as well of amelioration of symptomatologic values in patients, students, and the general public, throughout the life span, with a special focus on child, adolescent, and adult populations. More specifically, the discussion is structured around basic questions which are answered in a didactic and pedagogical manner, in order to guide clinicians, educators, and practitioners to the practical application of art therapy modalities in the aforementioned populations.
Questo articolo esamina l'applicazione di molteplici interventi di arteterapia nel contesto di interventi terapeutici basati sulla psichiatria e sulla psicologia clinica per una migliore comprensione della presentazione clinica generale e del miglioramento degli elementi sintomatologici nei pazienti, negli studenti e nel pubblico in generale, per tutto l'arco della vita, con un'attenzione particolare alla popolazione infantile, adolescenziale e adulta. In particolare, la discussione è strutturata attorno a domande di base a cui viene data risposta in maniera didattica e pedagogica, al fine di guidare professionisti dell’ambito clinico, operatori ed educatori all'applicazione pratica delle modalità di arteterapia nelle suddette popolazioni.
Sofia Philosophical Review, 2023
FULL VIDEO: https://youtu.be/MY2GnhjayB8 --- Preface: The following article is an adaptat... more FULL VIDEO: https://youtu.be/MY2GnhjayB8 --- Preface: The following article is an adaptation of an open letter sent by the au- thor to the local U.S. Elementary School Administration on October 14, 2022, in response to the introduction of Transgender Literature in grades 2 and above (starting age 7) in the local US elementary school attended by the author’s children. More specifically, children have been introduced to three books: I Am Jazz, by Jessica Herthel and Jazz Jennings; Jacob’s New Dress, by Ian Hoffman and Sarah Hoffman; and Born Ready. The True Story of a Boy Named Penelope, by Jodie Patterson. As part of this, children have been asked to join discussion in class to talk about the contents of each book and other related literature. Of note, several meetings with the administration and the school board have followed, but no changes have been made to the administration and content of the literature presented to children, with the exception of parents’ voluntary exclusion, per direct request, of their children from class time in which the books above and related new literature will be discussed in the future. Furthermore, these topics have also been discussed as part of a recent Lecture the author presented at the Academy of Sciences of Rome with the title “Science or Ideology?” in November 2022. Website: http://sphr-bg.org/0/132/489.html --> Important Note: Due to Cyrillic-to-Latin alphabet conversion and formatting, some typos were not removed. Example (p. 28): "whenever I Int (vs. 'went') out"
CRAM - Südtiroler Volksuniversität , 2009
Mental health challenges can be described via the application of multiple lenses, from clinical-m... more Mental health challenges can be described via the application of multiple lenses, from clinical-medical perspectives, to social and community-based, to further understandings in the context of public health. While these challenges can represent multiple issues to the scientific community at-large, especially because of the translational issues attached to the application of research and practice to the sphere of community services, it is useful to understand that the triad ethics, evidence, and experience can be instrumental in navigating the complexity of the issue-at-hand.
Furthermore, the work of researchers and practitioners is rooted in a solid understanding of the specific needs of psychiatric patients, particularly from the perspective of possible misunderstandings, ostracization, and stigmatization of psychiatric issues and related presentation, affect, and behaviours.
Years of research have indicated how a proper interaction between resources at the level of scientific research and the community is a fundamental cornerstone for a practice rooted in both science and true care for individuals affected by mental health disorders. In this presentation we will discuss the case of the Centro Salute Mentale (Mental Health Centre, CSM) of Verona.
Critical Neuroscience and Philosophy.A scientific re-examination of the mind-body problem, 2020
(...) However, whether we chose a weak or strong approximation, the set would not make any sense ... more (...) However, whether we chose a weak or strong approximation, the set would not make any sense at all, if (once more) this choice would not be justified in either temporal or spatial sense or given the context of possible applicability of the set in different circumstances. This would obviously represent a dualism in itself as we would (for instance) posit and apply a full identity-equality-equivalence of x and y when applying Newtonian physics to certain observations we make (it would be the case of neural correlates), and we would posit and apply a non - identity-equality-equivalence of x and y when applying Quantum mechanics to other observations. Following this dualism in and of theories, the same sate would need to be slightly modified: U2:(x~y)∪(x≈y); U3:(x~y)∩(x≈y); U4a:(x~y)⊆(x≈y) vs. U4b:(x~y)⊇(x≈y)
Critical Neuroscience and Philosophy A Scientific Re-Examination of the Mind-Body Problem, 2020
In the Preliminary Discussion, the author reviews the claims and theoretical positions investigat... more In the Preliminary Discussion, the author reviews the claims and theoretical positions investigated in Chaps. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The question of the possibility of a universal or at least universally-valid (accepted) notion of the mind–body problem is summarized. Through the analysis of the previously discussed subfields, in connection with Neurolinguistics, Neuroheuristics, Artificial Intelligence and the core field of Critical Neuroscience, the author proposes here the Triple-S Model: Self, Soul, Spirit as a solving re-examination of the problem. In this process, the reconsideration and restructurization of core assumptions, frameworks and moral-ethical decision-making processes are implemented to verify the accuracy of claims in contemporary neuroscience and propose a more detailed, precise and scientifically reliable understanding of our true self.
Cambridge University / EdX, 2023
Human decision-making process are the result, as in many other psychological processes, of the in... more Human decision-making process are the result, as in many other psychological processes, of the interaction of nature and nurture. A solid understanding of the neuroscientific underpinning of such processes, in combination of a well-grounded anthropology of the human person, help shed light on the role, the phenomenology and the outcomes of such decisions in developmental considerations and everyday life behavior.
MPEI University - Международная научная конференция «Гуманитарные знания в XXI веке: вызовы, ценности, перспективы», 2022
When approaching the nature and etiology of psychophysical problems in a given population, it is ... more When approaching the nature and etiology of psychophysical problems in a given population, it is important to understand the causal relations, the mechanisms, and the processes which underlie given problems, issues, and disorders. This examination attempts to investigate the connection between neural pathophysiology and proprioceptive ontology of olfactory and visual cortical circuitry on the basis of the current scientific evidence indicated by the results of studies in which subjects underwent a series of therapeutic modalities focused on the improvement of overall wellbeing with the utilization of devices and technologies to stimulate multiple motor vs. somatosensory processes. More specifically, the studies at the centers of this analysis incorporated physical movement and virtual reality interactions, with the supplement of olfactory stimulation. In this examination, such research is also investigated from a theoretical standpoint, with the ultimate goal to better determine which interventions are justified under the premise of a mutual support between empirical values (through laboratory examination) and logical deduction (via philosophical investigation). ---
Tomasi, D. (2022) Examination of Neural proprioceptive Factors in relation to pathophysiology and ontology of psychophysical health. Moscow, Ru: MPEI University - Международная научная конференция «Гуманитарные знания в XXI веке: вызовы, ценности, перспективы»
Cambridge University / EdX, 2022
This brief essay examines the basic parameters of the neuroscientific and philosophical understan... more This brief essay examines the basic parameters of the neuroscientific and philosophical understanding at the basis of emotional and cognitive processes in the broader context of Embodied cognition. More in detail, the discussion follows a series of areas of investigation, structured via responses to basic questions, namely: A) Impact of mind-body dualism in everyday life, B) Possible Preferred Perspective (PPP) under the lenses of Emotional Intelligence, C) Simulation-Theory vs. Theory-Theory D) Neuropsychological paired-deficits vs. Physiological Investigations E) Influence of social distancing on the ability to recognize and understand emotions F) Conclusion
Linguistics interface: applying the Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM) to Narrative Medicine, 2017
NSM is based on a lexicon of semantic primes, i.e. simple concepts or building blocks that can be... more NSM is based on a lexicon of semantic primes, i.e. simple concepts or building blocks that can be used for analysis of complex concepts, which are broken down into simpler concepts via reductive paraphrase. Research in the NSM approach deals extensively with language and culture. The declared NSM primes have stabilized as a list of irreducible meanings, typically coded as English words with specific senses, but expressible also in any other language. Indeed, the primes are hypothesized to be language universals, with most of them having been tested across a wide variety of languages without encountering disconfirmation. Each prime has its own universal combinatorial properties, which guarantee that any allowable sequence of semantic primes can be translated into any other language.
FAHC, 2012
Reviewing the general parameters, from both an etiological and therapeutic framework, of multiple... more Reviewing the general parameters, from both an etiological and therapeutic framework, of multiple gastrointestinal diseases and conditions is at the center of this review. While common examples of gastrointestinal conditions include colon polyps, colon cancer, hemorrhoids, diverticular disease, strictures, stenosis, and inflammatory bowel disease, it is very important to grasp the complexity of such presentations in everyday clinical practice. More specifically, a usual distinction is made between proper gastric disease, and oesophageal disease, oral disease, the three areas of intestinal disease namely, large and small intestine, and rectum-anus), as well as the so-called accessory digestive gland disease, focusing on hepatic, gallbladder and biliary tract, and pancreatic disease.
GT Department, 2016
There are indeed many things we should focus on, in order to better understand the practical appl... more There are indeed many things we should focus on, in order to better understand the practical application of the data presented in the report, but in my opinion, the biggest problem is to frame the structural framework and epidemiological-statistical methodology and (permit the term) “attitude” used in the study. What I mean is, once more, the conceptual difference between quantity and quality. We already discussed in the first draft of the report (presented about a month ago, the GT member and I were present), the importance of ‘semantics’ in approaching this analysis. The Medical Director pointed out that the report should include a more appropriate wording process in terms of ‘validating’ the effectiveness and importance of activities, therapies, and in general the work of all of us on the unit. I certainly agree with her on this part, and I think she was particularly sensitive and respectful of our work on the unit. What I cannot agree with, is the concept that “numbers don’t lie”, as she pointed out in the final presentation at the Auditorium. Certainly, numbers do not lie; but they don’t tell the truth, either.
Centro di Salute Mentale di Verona Sud, 2011
The idea of a journal that gives voice and life to the thoughts and feelings of those who atten... more The idea of a journal that gives voice and life to the thoughts and feelings of those who attend the South Verona Day Center came almost as a game, randomly, in one of those moments when one idea leads to another and , in an increasingly risky and adventurous way, it gives body and life to dreams and aspirations ...
It all began thanks to a rather small group made up of a few people who, timidly but with great courage, gave life to this beautiful adventure; in the space of a few months the number of participants in the editorial team and the enthusiasm increased considerably and all of them brought very valuable ideas and contributions. Anyone with the desire to join us can
send what he wants: advice, ideas, poems, short stories and why not, even criticism. An immense thanks to everyone!
The purpose of the magazine is to tell, as mentioned in the name, all the initiatives that take place inside or outside our Day Center: events, emotions, experiences, moments of solidarity and collaboration, sometimes even particularly happy ones, that we all experience every day. daily. In this issue we recount the experiences made during the summer period, the activities carried out and the new initiatives
you have experienced. There will be room for poems and emotions, for games, stories and memories. In particular, this issue offers an unprecedented and interesting interview with the Director of the 3rd Territorial Psychiatric Service, Prof. Tansella.
There will then be a space dedicated to music, cinema and sport!
Again a big thank you to all those who worked on the editorial board of the magazine, many congratulations to everyone and the hope that this magazine
represent an opportunity for satisfaction and collective growth!
Dr. T. Pozzan. - Michelle Tansella - Mirella Ruggeri - Christa Zimmerman -
McGill University - Psychiatry Ad Hoc PhD Thesis proposal, 2010
The analysis of mental health issues linked to the increasing cultural and ethnic diversification... more The analysis of mental health issues linked to the increasing cultural and ethnic diversification in the modern society takes a number of methodological approaches. How do we define psychosis in a constantly changing cognitive model? If we want to draw on the insights of etymology and scientific use of the term, we need to link an abnormal condition or derangement (-ωσις) to a concept that goes beyond the realms of empirical analysis and reaches the domain of metaphysical speculation, i.e. ψυχή. To link these two terms to a definition of "loss of contact with reality" it is necessary to focus on the biological, historical and philosophical premises of the modern multiethnic society. The cultural relativism maintained by cultural anthropology, allowed the debate with medicine and psychiatry to revolve around fundamental questions (...) Supervisors: Ian Gold; Laurence J Kirmayer
CVU, 2015
CVU Hinesburg – Access Program Fall 2015 Prof. David Låg Tomasi
Was wir wirklich brauchen: Erfahrungen eines Psychoanalytikers, 2024
Foreword to Dieter Adler: What we Truly Need – Experiences of a Psychoanalyst. In any serious, ... more Foreword to
Dieter Adler: What we Truly Need – Experiences of a Psychoanalyst.
In any serious, scientific, and ethically justified healthcare profession, the focus should be always on the overall health, treatment, improvement, and amelioration of the patient. What clinical and professional background should therefore a mental health professional have?
In his book, Adler does not want to simply offer a quick guide to self-help. In fact, he is clear about the fact that this is not the purpose of the book: “Maybe I’ll write one sometime: How you can reliably become independent of self-help books.” In fact, this book is a reflection on a 30-year-long professional career in which the author has learned to ask questions, to listen attentively, and to help shed light on some of the most complex and hidden aspects of what makes us human. To be sure, this does not mean that this book does not present a practical approach to well-being, quite the contrary. The author lists a series of areas the patient can focus on, in order to achieve a higher state of balance, healing, and happiness. Amongst these we find socialization, upbringing, and community, making friends, understanding and working on one’s emotions and the emotions of others, staying physically and mentally active, finding a sense of security and confidence, maintaining a sense of curiosity, finding a work-life balance and rediscovering peace and calmness, having goals, purposes, and meaning in life, and of course, understanding those negative, self-sabotaging mechanisms and processes which hinder such developments.
Nortades, 2022
MMII-II-MMXXII ISBN / ASIN: B0BQ65XNFW Nel terzo volume della trilogia, ti troverai di fronte ad ... more MMII-II-MMXXII ISBN / ASIN: B0BQ65XNFW Nel terzo volume della trilogia, ti troverai di fronte ad una elle più profonde analisi mai pubblicate nell'ambito dell'arte, della storia dell'arte, e della creatività. Al centro di questa ricerca ti saranno date nuove chiavi di lettura su simbolismo, percezione, estetica, teatro, musica, danza, trance, performance, installazione e misticismo, esoterismo, spiritualità. Un aiuto immediato per chi cerca risposte e una continua riflessione per chi è, o almeno crede di essere (almeno fino ad aver letto questo libro) un'esperta in sesso, amore, e piacere. Autore: Scienziato, Docente universitario e Psicologo-Psicoterapeuta, il Dr. David Tomasi è membro di diverse Accademie delle Scienze nazionali e internazionali, e lavora presso le più importanti università americane. -- Compra il libro o la trilogia completa qui: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BQ8JK5YQ?binding=kindle_edition&ref=dbs_dp_rwt_sb_pc_tukn
Nortades, 2022
MMII-II-MMXXII ISBN / ASIN: B0BQ65XNFW In questa trilogia (la prima pubblicata interamente in it... more MMII-II-MMXXII ISBN / ASIN: B0BQ65XNFW In questa trilogia (la prima pubblicata interamente in italiano!), capolavoro e bestseller dello scienziato, docente e psicologo David Tomasi trovi tutte le risposte in ambito scientifico, filosofico, artistico e spirituale. Cerchi l'amore e vuoi capire come dare e ricevere piacere? Vuoi capire chi sei e qual è lo scopo e la missione della tua vita? Sviluppare la tua creatività e spiritualità? -- Compra il libro o la trilogia completa qui: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BQ8JK5YQ?binding=kindle_edition&ref=dbs_dp_rwt_sb_pc_tukn
Nortades, 2022
MMII-II-MMXXII ISBN / ASIN: B0BQ65XNFW Cerchi l'amore e vuoi capire come dare e ricevere piacere?... more MMII-II-MMXXII ISBN / ASIN: B0BQ65XNFW Cerchi l'amore e vuoi capire come dare e ricevere piacere? Vuoi capire chi sei e qual è lo scopo e la missione della tua vita? Sviluppare la tua creatività e spiritualità? In questa trilogia (la prima pubblicata interamente in italiano!), capolavoro e bestseller dello scienziato, docente e psicologo David Tomasi trovi tutte le risposte in ambito scientifico, filosofico, artistico e spirituale. -- Compra il libro o la trilogia completa qui: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BQ8JK5YQ?binding=kindle_edition&ref=dbs_dp_rwt_sb_pc_tukn
Columbia University Press / Ibidem, 2016
This innovative book clarifies thedistinction between philosophy ofmedicine and medical philosoph... more This innovative book clarifies thedistinction between philosophy ofmedicine and medical philosophy,expanding the focus from the'knowing that' of the first to the'knowing how' of the latter. The ideaof patient and provider self-discoverybecomes the method and strategy atthe basis of therapeutic treatment. Itdevelops the concept of 'CentralMedicine', aimed at overcoming thedichotomies of Western–Easternmedicine and Traditional–Integrativeapproaches. Evidence-based andpatient-centered medicine areanalyzed in the context of the debateon placebo and non-specific effectsalongside clinical research on thepatient-doctor relationship, and theinteractive nature of humanrelationships in general, includingfactors such as environment, personalbeliefs, and perspectives on life'smeaning and purpose. Tomasi'sresearch incorporates neuroscience,psychology, philosophy, andmedicine in a clear, readable, anddetailed way, satisfying the needs ofprofessionals, students, and anyonewho enjoys the exploration of thecomplexity of human mind, brain, and heart. ---
Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/288840894_Medical_Philosophy_Philosophical_Analysis_of_Patient_Self-Perception_in_Diagnostics_and_Therapy [accessed Nov 17 2022].
Medical Philosophy. Philosophical Analysis of Patient Self-Perception in Diagnostics and Therapy, 2016
The following research focused on psycho-social determinants of health perception from the perspe... more The following research focused on psycho-social determinants of health perception from the perspective of patient self-analysis underlying aspects of diagnostics and therapy directly linked to the patient's personal experience, for Quality Improvement Purposes. In particular, the study analyzed the importance of factors such as environment, personal belief and perspective on life, as a way to relate the patient's viewpoint within the specific structure of therapeutic groups led by the University of Vermont Medical Center (UVMMC, former Fletcher Allen Health Care) Inpatient Psychiatry Activities Therapists on the units Shepardson 3 and 6. Methods: The research is comprised of two parts: Part 1 has been represented by the Focus Group Questionnaire (FGQ), as previously approved by UVMMC Quality Council Meeting, and administered verbally (through printed handouts) on both units by UVMMC Activities therapists. Part 2, the Health Perception Survey, has been presented as printed attachment to the FGQ and followed the same structure, rules, and requirements of the FGQ. The data collected have been part of a retrospective cohort study in the case of the FGQ and have been implemented by the HPS, an empirical research questionnaire conducted over a period of six months, as approved by the Institutional Review Boards (IRBs). Patients have been able to choose to participate in the therapeutic focus group and not allow their responses to be used for research. Furthermore, patients have been able to decide to only answer the questions in the FGQ and not take part in the HPS. In the case of patients changing their mind after the focus group interview has been completed and wishing to withdraw from the study, the information collected has been used as part of the research study because the information was recorded with no identifiers, and with no link to patients' name.
Columbia University Press / Ibidem / Palgrave Macmillan, 2016
Full PDF available at: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26146.09927. ------ University of Vermont Publications and... more Full PDF available at: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26146.09927. ------ University of Vermont Publications and Creative Works Reception - We welcome you to the compilation of monographs and creative works published by our University of Vermont community. Every year we celebrate the accomplishments, in print and in performance, of our university faculty and staff. The new knowledge generated through extensive research, the creative expressions and innovative interpretations, the breakthrough collaborations and performances all underscore the enthusiastic inquiry taking place at our fine land-grant university.
CRAM - Südtiroler Volksuniversität , 2003
POETICA Il progetto nasce da un'idea di Sisina Augusta, ispirata dall'osservazione di una partico... more POETICA Il progetto nasce da un'idea di Sisina Augusta, ispirata dall'osservazione di una particolare immagine. Si trattava della copertina di un'edizione del diario di Nijinsky, che ne ritraeva il volto riflesso in uno specchio. La sua figura, i suoi tratti, in apparenza neutri ed immobili, rivelavano quell'intenso furore e quella forza che sempre caratterizzarono la sua vita. Questa sua capacità di esprimere una solenne ed enigmatica staticità, una sensazione di grave potenza e, nel contempo, suggerire un intenso dinamismo emotivo, rende questa pur semplice foto un autentico quadro, carico dell'energia del soggetto stesso. Il magnetismo di quest'immagine è tale da essere in grado di catturare l'attenzione anche di chi, come molti, non sanno riconoscervi il celebre Nijinsky, ed a provarlo sono state le reazioni che le persone hanno avuto guardandola riprodotta nella locandina dello spettacolo. Di qui dunque l'idea di creare non una coreografia ma un quadro, un ferma immagine capace di evocare le molteplici sfaccettature di un mio stato d'animo, di volta in volta suscitato da uno o l'altro argomento. La struttura si compone di quattro quadri, impostati sul concetto multimediale di tableau vivant, e collegati a quattro citazioni letterarie da Baricco, Pirandello, Remarque ed appunto Nijinsky. Il Quadro di Nijinsky, che nell'opera finale è risultato poi essere il quarto, ha fissato proprio la duplicità del carattere del danzatore. La coreografia è stata ideata e sviluppata su due percorsi tra loro simmetrici e contigui il cui punto d'incontro è lo stesso Nijinsky, interpretato da un attore (Alberto Rizzi), che come veicolo comunicativo utilizza principalmente la parola e con essa si rapporta sia alla moglie, una danzatrice (Aurora Mischi), che al suo doppio
VAAS - Vermont Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2020
This article examines the current COVID-19 pandemic in relation to the international epidemiologi... more This article examines the current COVID-19 pandemic in relation to the international epidemiological observation and monitoring activities by institutions such as the World Health Organization, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, the Italian Ministry of Health, the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, the Robert Koch-Institut, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and others. COVID-19, contrary to other Coronaviruses discovered decades ago, was unknown before the 2019 pandemic outbreak in Wuhan China, which quickly spread throughout the world.
Fondazione Toniolo, 2007
P. Vincenzi, A., Brusco, T., Angiari, M., Cinquetti, R., Perucchetti, C., David Låg Tomasi and Zoppi
Messe Bozen Südtirol, 2010
Palgrave MacMillan, 2020
This book presents an analysis of the correlation between the mind and the body, a complex topic ... more This book presents an analysis of the correlation between the mind and the body, a complex topic of study and discussion by scientists and philosophers. Drawing largely on neuroscience and philosophy, the author utilizes the scientific method and incorporates lessons learned from a vast array of sources. Based on the most recent cutting-edge scientific discoveries on the Mind-Body problem, Tomasi presents a full examination of multiple fields related to neuroscience. The volume offers a scientist-based and student-friendly journey into medicine, psychology, artificial intelligence, embodied cognition, and social, ecological and anthropological models of perception, to discover our truest self.
You can read a FREE PREVIEW here (you may need to register your account): https://www.palgrave.com/us/book/9783030353537
Languages of Care in Narrative Medicine. Words, Space and Time in the Healthcare Ecosystem, 2018
This book explains how narrative medicine can improve evidence based medicine (EBM), making it mo... more This book explains how narrative medicine can improve evidence based medicine (EBM), making it more effective and efficient, giving patients better quality of life and offering more satisfaction to all health care providers. It discusses not only the disease experienced by the person who is ill, but also focuses on the context and the culture, and investigates how narrative medicine can make other disciplines around the globe more applicable, less manipulative, and more "scientific". Only by integrating the narrative aspects, can EBM become more effective and efficient, with fewer uncured patients, more satisfied patients with a better quality of life, and satisfaction for all health care providers. Every chapter is divided into two main sections: the first presents the latest research in the field, with comments and interviews with experts, while the second section provides a list of practical exercises and tasks. The book is intended for anyone with an interest in caring for and curing patients: all care providers of care,
Медицинска философия, 2015
Въведение Настоящият труд е насочен към няколко аспекта, свързани с приноса (като генератор на за... more Въведение
Настоящият труд е насочен към няколко аспекта,
свързани с приноса (като
генератор на запитвания, смисъл, анализи и
методи, както и други) на философията на
науката и конкретно на медицинската наука.
Както се посочва в заключението, тъй като
медицината е едновременно наука,
техническо умение и изкуство, трябва да сме
наясно, че има няколко пътя към
разкриването на истината в лечебния процес (по-
точно – истините): научен, механистичен,
философско-теоретичен, художествено-
тълкувателен и др., както и трябва да разбираме,
че има различни модели на съждение в
медицината: индукция, дедукция, и абдукция. (…)
Minimal English for a Global World. Improved Communication Using Fewer Words, 2018
Editor Cliff Goddard School of Humanities, Languages and Social Science, Griffith University, Bri... more Editor
Cliff Goddard
School of Humanities, Languages and Social Science, Griffith University, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
ISBN 978-3-319-62511-9 e-ISBN 978-3-319-62512-6
Goddard, C., 2018. Minimal English for a Global World. Christian, D., Farrelly, N.,Maley, W., Marini, M.G., Mooney, A., Peeters, B., Torkki J., Vanhatalo, U., Wesley, M., Wierzbicka A., Tomasi, D. (contr. - Linguistics interface: applying the Natural Semantic Metalanguage to Narrative Medicine). Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan
Mind-Body Medicine strategies to improve clinical outcomes in inpatient psychiatry settings, 2018
The research study at the center of this proposal focuses on Mind-Body Medicine strategies to imp... more The research study at the center of this proposal focuses on Mind-Body Medicine strategies to improve clinical outcomes in inpatient psychiatry settings. More specifically, multidisciplinary approaches in the areas of clinical psychology and behavioral medicine have been utilized to better support the healing process and treatment plans for patients with multiple mental health diagnosis.
VCCYF, 2022
Qualitative or mixed methods studies add another important type of data that cannot be extracted ... more Qualitative or mixed methods studies add another important type of data that cannot be extracted through numbers alone to understand the child’s experience in art therapy. A cluster of studies in this review carried out qualitative or mixed methods studies to meet this need. Qualitative data analysis strategies included grounded theory (Lee, 2013), interpretative thematic analysis coupled with a “composite vignette” (D. A. Coholic & Eys, 2016), and an unnamed theory developed by Morse & Field (1996) that relied heavily on the clinician’s interpretation and cultural understand to analyze the artwork produced (Wikström, 2005).
Project: Enhancing Resilience through Art and CBT Concepts - Vermont Center for Children, Youth a... more Project: Enhancing Resilience through Art and CBT Concepts - Vermont Center for Children, Youth and Families
Kritisk Neurovidenskab. , 2017
Presentasion og diskusion af metodologier: Studiet i centrum af "Kritisk Neurovidenskab. En viden... more Presentasion og diskusion af metodologier: Studiet i centrum af "Kritisk Neurovidenskab. En videnskabelig omprøvning af det filosofiske psykofysike problem" er helt teoretisk, og frembyder således ikke nogen data opnået gennem ny empirisk laboratoriebaseret eksperimentel forskning. På baggrund af undersøgelsens omfang og karakter er den mest relevante peer-reviewed serie af meta-analyse blevet evalueret for at gestaerk videnskabelig dokumentation for de påstande der er gjort i dette arbejde. Mere specifikt foreslår de centrale ideer i denne forskning brugen af en filosofisk metode til bedre at forstå, anvende og evaluere moderne neurovidenskab, isaer i forbindelse med medicinsk forskning og direkte klinisk pleje. I denne sammenhaeng har vi brugt en dobbelt fortolkning af begrebet "kritisk", både i teoretisk og klinisk forstand, til at praesentere kritisk neurovidenskab som en direkte arv for epistemologi og heuristik. Vi har i hvert kapitel også givet en kort beskrivelse af både historie og hovedanvendelser inden for flere fag inden for medicinsk-videnskabelig forskning med saerlig fokus på de discipliner, der undersøger den menneskelige sind-hjerne, såsom neurovidenskab, psykologi og psykiatri.
Implementing cultural awareness/sensitivity on inpatient psychiatry, 2019
A pilot project about cultural awareness in patient care. The goal is to learn the experience of... more A pilot project about cultural awareness in patient care. The goal is to learn the experience of people with mental illnesses among culture and be more culturally sensitive when taking care of patients.
Research Team: Louis, Islane; Kenney, Lydia; McCarthy; Tomasi, David; Luedtke, Daniel; Sharma, Mini; Lahoti, Smita; Frimpong, Cynthia S.; Hiser, Alla; Stewart, Patricia; Perry, Mark; Knapik, Michael
Международная научная конференция «Гуманитарные знания в XXI веке: вызовы, ценности, перспективы», 2022
When approaching the nature and etiology of psychophysical problems in a given population, it is ... more When approaching the nature and etiology of psychophysical problems in a given population, it is important to understand the causal relations, the mechanisms, and the processes which underlie given problems, issues, and disorders. This examination attempts to investigate the connection between neural pathophysiology and proprioceptive ontology of olfactory and visual cortical circuitry on the basis of the current scientific evidence indicated by the results of studies in which subjects underwent a series of therapeutic modalities focused on the improvement of overall wellbeing with the utilization of devices and technologies to stimulate multiple motor vs. somatosensory processes. More specifically, the studies at the centers of this analysis incorporated physical movement and virtual reality interactions, with the supplement of olfactory stimulation. In this examination, such research is also investigated from a theoretical standpoint, with the ultimate goal to better determine which interventions are justified under the premise of a mutual support between empirical values (through laboratory examination) and logical deduction (via philosophical investigation).
Энергосбережение – теория и практика, 2022
Understanding the role of (human) Free Will is a necessary premise and substantial process for th... more Understanding the role of (human) Free Will is a necessary premise and substantial process for the appropriate application of any healing art, starting with psychotherapeutic approached focused on the amelioration and improvement of emotional, cognitive, and behavioral elements in the suffering person, and more generally in the path toward healing and truth every person embarks on. This article examines the three interconnected areas of philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience to explore what the existence and activation of Free Will represents in the life of human beings, from its clinical-medical-therapeutic outcomes to its implications to identity, community, and society.
Bildungsausschuss Laag, 2022
UVM Osher Center , 2015
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at UVM is a community of adult learners who enjoy ye... more The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at UVM is a community of adult learners who enjoy year-round courses and events that are diverse, interesting, fun, and affordable.
OLLI at UVM seeks to engage the minds, stimulate the senses, and foster learning through a wide range of classes, programs, travel opportunities, and social activities. We invite you to explore our website to learn more about who we are and what we do!
UVM-IH, 2022
Integrative Health research at the University of Vermont (UVM) investigates clinical and educatio... more Integrative Health research at the University of Vermont (UVM) investigates clinical and educational outcomes. Recent studies explore The UVM Cancer Center and the Larner College of Medicine have a deep interest in supporting more Integrative Health research. Our research team is collecting data on the effectiveness of group health and wellness coaching for UVM and UVM Medical Center employees and the health economics of this preventive care model.
Neuroscience, 2021
Did my brain make me do it? New perspectives from neuroscience, psychology, and medicine on th... more Did my brain make me do it? New perspectives from neuroscience, psychology, and medicine on the Mind-Body Problem
UVMIH, 2021
his conference is designed to meet the needs of an interdisciplinary health care community. All h... more his conference is designed to meet the needs of an interdisciplinary health care community.
All health care professionals are welcome.
Topics Include
Relationship between trauma and pain ● Pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic approaches to pain management ● Pain neuroscience ● Opioid tapering ● Integrative approaches to specific pain conditions ● Patient engagement, and more
National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching NBHWC, 2018
Gemeinde Neumarkt, 2015
Cosa dire di Maurizio Boscheri? Sebbene ci si possa chiedere quali siano i valori stilistici, con... more Cosa dire di Maurizio Boscheri? Sebbene ci si possa chiedere quali siano i valori stilistici, concettuali o estetici della sua arte, in questa sede ci vogliamo soffermare per qualche istante sulla sua figura, in quanto persona. Il binomio natura-cultura è infatti uno dei cardini identificativi di questo artista. Paradossalmente, è proprio la sua umiltà, anche nel senso strettamente etimologico del termine, a portarlo verso due confini, in un certo senso, elitari. Il primo è il contatto con l'aspetto ctonio, viscerale, intimo e animale della creazione. Il secondo è la capacità di parlare direttamente allo spettatore, che diviene dunque parte integrante dell'opera, e non separato in ammirazione o critica come spesso vuole un certo (anche di se stesso) sistema dell'arte. Per questo, Maurizio Boscheri rappresenta quel "buon gusto" vicino alla καλοκαγαθία di greca memoria, che racchiude una bellezza estetica ed etica, che non si pone la necessità esistenziale di differenziarsi per separazione, ma per inclusione. In questo senso, le opere di Boscheri sono davvero all portata di tutti, di tutti quelli che si vogliano lasciar trasportare in un mondo vicino ancorché distante e troppo spesso incompreso. Tuttavia, o meglio proprio per questo motivo, i suoi quadri ci spingono oltre il luogo comune, oltre le mezze misure, oltre lo stereotipo massificante e piatto di un certo modo di sopravvivere (più che di vivere) medioborghese. Le forme, i colori, la poetica strutturale fondono l'esotico con l'esoterico, ma senza lo stucchevole e soffocante arzigogolo di simboli come possiamo trovare in alcuni bassi esempi di produzione artistico-letteraria di stampo New Age. L'arte di Boscheri ha infatti a cuore tutto un sistema di valori che trascendono principi commerciali tipici del sistema artistico, e in fondo culturale, contemporaneo. Nei suoi quadri c'è una meticolosa attenzione per il dettaglio, ma non si perde mai di vista l'immagine complessiva,
Galleria San Fedele, 2004
La performance proposta per il Premio Arti Visive San Fedele porta il titolo 'Unio Mystica' e rap... more La performance proposta per il Premio Arti Visive San Fedele porta il titolo 'Unio Mystica' e rappresenta la combinazione di due precedenti lavori dell'artista, 'Synballein' e '0+1=2', descritti nelle schede seguenti. Il termine 'mystica' si lega all'interpretazione etimologica del mito sussurrato greco, e non vuole essere linea di demarcazione con ciò che nella contemporaneità viene considerato 'non spirituale'. Il concetto alla base della performance è l'unione della sfera psicosomatica dell'individuo, che non viene analizzato in entità separate di corpo ed anima. Potremo dire che se i precedenti lavori interessavano il rapporto tra gli opposti, con questa proposta si vuole avvicinare un ulteriore piano significante. Potremo dire che i complementari descritti in '0+1=2', uniti in 'Synballein', rappresentano la base di un triangolo, di un elemento a tre, di una triade portatrice di simbolo e segno. Non viene data in questa sede alcuna definizione concernente il tipo di triade, se religiosa, filosofica, materia e via dicendo. L'unione mistica che si crea è un po' di tutto questo, non secondo un generico ammassamento di significati come spesso capita nell'esegesi new age di basso livello, ma verso una tolleranza culturale frutto della coscienza esperienziale. In sostanza, la performance non si propone di dare risposte o rappresentare specificamente un sistema simbolico, ma cerca di creare interrogativi nell'osservatore. Questo processo è mentale e fisico, grazie alla componente multimediale del lavoro, che vuole raggiungere un'estetica completa. Una percezione cioè, che va a sfiorare i sensi fisici e le sensazioni mentali, senza tralasciare le emozioni del cuore, fondamentali per un rapporto umano tra chi concepisce l'opera e chi la fruisce. La performance si compone di azione scenica, musiche, video ed elaborazione grafica, i materiali vengono descritti nelle schede seguenti. https://www.centrosanfedele.net/premio-giovani-artisti/
Slideshow of Tomasi's Selected Works (Painting, Installation, Etching/Engraving. Drawing, Perform... more Slideshow of Tomasi's Selected Works (Painting, Installation, Etching/Engraving. Drawing, Performance) - 2000-2005
Tipologia: performance multimediale Durata: 15 min. In scena: David Tomasi e Aurora Mischi Materi... more Tipologia: performance multimediale Durata: 15 min. In scena: David Tomasi e Aurora Mischi Materiali: Video, musiche, tela, pennelli, pigmenti, terra, brocca d'acqua Descrizione: La performance richiama il concetto greco di synballein (unire assieme) da cui deriva il simbolo ed il messaggio che l'artista vuole trasmettere: la necessaria riappropiazione da parte dell'umanità di un sostrato simbolico-archetipico, sostituito con sempre maggiore forza nella contemporaneità da una moltitudine di immagini vuote, senza connessioni o radici con l'essenza vitale, lo spazio interiore, l' humilitas semplice e pura dell'essere umano. Si vuole cioè porre l'accento sulla dimensione intima e diretta del rapporto Io-Tu (analizzato in altre performances dell'artista, come incomunicabilità-0+1=2) come metafora ed esempio per le relazioni sociali su vasta scala. Una sorta di microcosmo per il macrocosmo, legato a diverse (e in ogni caso legate tra loro) discipline dello scibile umano, come l'alchimia, l'antroposofia, lo gnosticismo, l'esoterismo e così via. L'unione di queste filosofie all'interno della performance serve come chiave per la comprensione del mondo contemporaneo e della sua specifica fenomenologia, non vuole essere semplicemente un nostalgico ritorno all'antico, anche se concetti come Sehnsucht ci trasportano direttamente nell'atmosfera dell'azione scenica. Svolgimento: In scena, inginocchiata di fronte al pubblico, un'attrice ha le mani affondate in un cumulo di terra, simbolo di energie telluriche e femminili. Rivolto verso la parete opposta, nella stessa posizione (che ritaglia una silhouette d'ombra, vera e concettuale, all'interno della proiezione del video sul muro) un attore incarna il principio cristologico e mascolino del Logos , che tuttavia incarnerà il principio femminile dell'acqua (nella brocca che trasporterà verso l'attrice) per poter raggiungere il suo polo opposto (che diverrà veramente tale attraverso il confronto con l' altro). I due attori sono separati da una tela posta esattamente sulla metà del pavimento, in modo da creare una struttura come questa: o I o. Si tratta di una linea di demarcazione tra complementari, come il pieno ed il vuoto, poros e penia , maschile e femminile e così via, ma anche tra piani di realtà diversi, come il già citato macrocosmo-microcosmo, il terreno ed il celeste, l'umano ed il divino. Per poter passare la linea, l'uomo (che in questo caso è anche essere umano) deve 'passare sopra le acque' (evidente il riferimento con riti d'iniziazione ed esegesi
MART - Museo d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto
Dal 21 dicembre 2005 al 7 gennaio 2006 Biblioteca Civica 'Tartarotti', Corso Angelo Bettini n.43 ... more Dal 21 dicembre 2005 al 7 gennaio 2006 Biblioteca Civica 'Tartarotti', Corso Angelo Bettini n.43 Rovereto (entrata presso il polo museale del MART)-Tel. 0464 452 193-Fax 0464 452 344 http://www.bibliotecacivica.rovereto.tn.it Col patrocinio di Accademia Cignaroli-Verona SELEZIONE CRITICHE Disegno e Scrittura Nella nostra lingua le due parole "disegnare e "scrivere" indicano due diverse attività grafiche; questo vale per tutte le lingue occidentali che utilizzano scritture alfabetiche. In quasi tutte le lingue orientali, specialmente in quelle a scrittura ideografica, si usa invece un unico vocabolo tanto per indicare il disegno quanto per indicare la scrittura (tibetano, coreano, giapponese ecc…). Scrittura in Pittura Vi sono, qui in Occidente, alcuni artisti o alcuni movimenti artistici, i quali hanno usato la nostra scrittura alfabetica, come vero e proprio strumento pittorico, allacciandosi, in questo modo, alla concezione orientale. A tale proposito vale la pena di ricordare, fra i tanti, Barucchello, Isgrò e Sanesi. Nel lavoro di questi artisti-e in quello di molti altri-la scrittura influenza la percezione in quanto aggancia lo sguardo al senso sinistra/destra ed alla orizzontalità, tipiche appunto del nostro sistema grafologico. Verità e Scrittura
Giontech - CRAM, 2006
La Via Claudia Augusta, l’antica strada romana che dalle pianure del Po e dall’Adriatico portava ... more La Via Claudia Augusta, l’antica strada romana che dalle pianure del Po e dall’Adriatico portava fino al Danubio, rivive ora, dopo 2000 anni di storia, una nuova, fresca stagione. Con la fine dei conflitti e l’Europa finalmente unita, la Via Claudia Augusta è diventata un ponte che unisce e mescola culture, ambienti, emozioni; è un percorso-simbolo che attraversa tre nazioni dall’enorme varietà di paesaggio e di tradizioni, bellezze d’arte e specialità enogastronomiche, all’insegna di un turismo dal volto umano, giovane ed ecologicamente compatibile. Un itinerario che invita a lasciare a casa l’orologio, per vedere luoghi e paesaggi con un occhio nuovo, attento ai colori, alle sottili sfumature, ai profumi, al sapore della storia che intride qui ogni cosa.
Recensioni Critiche, 2005
Se dovessimo definire l'opera artistica di David Tomasi con un solo aggettivo, useremmo di certo ... more Se dovessimo definire l'opera artistica di David Tomasi con un solo aggettivo, useremmo di certo il termine elegante. Questo giovane artista, nato in un luogo che si presenta come crocevia, anche contraddittorio, fra Cultura mitteleuropea e Cultura mediterranea, unisce in sé la ratio del pensiero nordico ed il calore del temperamento del Sud. Lo testimoniano il suo farsi sintesi nella parola che diventa immagine e nel colore che si fa suono. Potremmo certo parlare di Tomasi come di un poeta visivo, anche se non valgono in questo caso i riferimenti ai movimenti storici del genere. Lo potremmo interpretare come poeta visivo solo se riusciamo a coglierlo nella sua tensione verso il segno quale esperienza totale dell'Arte. I suoi quadri "babelici" emergono dalla Memoria e si proiettano nel Futuro consegnando a noi, testimoni del contemporaneo, l'impronta di un messaggio che galleggia sul mare delle relazioni umane. Daniela Rosi :RENZO MARGONARI: Biennale Giovani 2004, MAM Il contatto tra segno e colore, tra parola e pittura, la sintesi tra musica e poesia: questo è il mondo di Tomasi, cacciatore di sensazioni senza barriere tra espressioni differenti. Il suo è il terreno della contaminazione tra generi, stili, materiali e le percezioni sono catturate nelle parole di un testo come nelle dinamiche della natura, nel dialogo con gli altri come nel silenzio della solitudine. Renzo Margonari :DAVIDE ANTOLINI: DAVID TOMASI LETTERE DI NOSTALGIA >>Disegno e Scrittura Nella nostra lingua le due parole "disegnare e "scrivere" indicano due diverse attività grafiche; questo vale per tutte le lingue occidentali che utilizzano scritture alfabetiche. In quasi tutte le lingue orientali, specialmente in quelle a scrittura ideografica, si usa invece un unico vocabolo tanto per indicare il disegno quanto per indicare la scrittura (tibetano, coreano, giapponese ecc…). >>Scrittura in Pittura Vi sono, qui in Occidente, alcuni artisti o alcuni movimenti artistici, i quali hanno usato la nostra scrittura alfabetica, come vero e proprio strumento pittorico, allacciandosi, in questo modo, alla concezione orientale. A tale proposito vale la pena di ricordare, fra i tanti, Barucchello, Isgrò e Sanesi. Nel lavoro di questi artisti-e in quello di molti altri-la scrittura influenza la percezione in quanto aggancia lo sguardo al senso sinistra/destra ed alla orizzontalità, tipiche appunto del nostro sistema grafologico. >>Le Scritture/Pitture di D. Tomasi Le opere di David Tomasi possono esser viste in questo contesto. Nel suo caso però, la scrittura segue anche percorsi in diagonale, in verticale, in movimento. Inoltre David usa supporti "buferati", non lindi: la scrittura diviene una traccia che emerge da un mondo in via di estinzione, da dei relitti o forse da qualcosa che si sta salvando da un naufragio. >>Le Lettere di David E si può interpretare in questo senso il titolo "Lettere di nostalgia" che Tomasi ha voluto dare a questa sua esposizione. Le lettere delle parole o le lettere vere e proprie che il naufrago infila in una bottiglia. >>La Nostalgia dei Valori Nostalgia di che cosa? Nostalgia di sentimenti intesi come valori fortemente voluti. Valori da salvare dal naufragio della sordità tecnologica, incarnata in una euforia nichilista, che tutto ingloba, trasformando "amore", "passione", "compassione", "eros", "gioia", "piacere", "pietas", in stereotipi ripetitivi, somministrati "in automatico", da una globalizzazione sempre più incalzante. >>Verità e Scrittura Ma sappiamo bene che un sentimento può essere un valore quando è trasmissibile, quando cioè può essere comunicato agli altri, quando permette agli uomini di mettersi in relazione tra loro.
Atti dell'Accademia Tiberina, 2022
Международная научная конференция «Гуманитарные знания в XXI веке: вызовы, ценности, перспективы», 2022
О подготовке и проведении Международной научной конференции «Гуманитарное знание в XXI веке: вызо... more О подготовке и проведении Международной научной конференции «Гуманитарное знание в XXI веке: вызовы, ценности, перспективы» (VI Арефьевские чтения) в ноябре 2022 года.
В целях разработки актуальных направлений исследований в области общественных и гуманитарных наук, проблем гуманитаризации современного высшего образования, основных методологических и методических подходов к изучению гуманитарных проблем современности, укрепления межвузовского сотрудничества и реализации интеллектуального потенциала студентов и аспирантов, формирования исследовательских и коммуникативных компетенций в сфере социально-гуманитарных дисциплин, привлечения к активному научному поиску.
CCV, 2015
Important Definitions - Gamete: a haploid (single set) cell that fuses with another haploid cell ... more Important Definitions - Gamete: a haploid (single set) cell that fuses with another haploid cell during fertilization (conception) in organisms that sexually reproduce. In species that produce two morphologically distinct types of gametes, and in which each individual produces only one type, a female is any individual that produces the larger type of gamete—called an ovum (or egg)—and a male produces the smaller type—called a sperm. Zygote: a eukaryotic (“true”) cell formed by a fertilization event between two gametes. The zygote's genome is a combination of the DNA in each gamete, and contains all of the genetic information necessary to form a new individual. In multicellular organisms, the zygote is the earliest developmental stage. In single-celled organisms, the zygote can divide asexually by mitosis to produce identical offspring.
Genetics Endophenotypes and Treatment, 2012
International Congress - Treatment of Psychosis: Psychotic disorders lead to high disability and ... more International Congress - Treatment of Psychosis: Psychotic disorders lead to high disability and personal suffering due to the social stigma to which the people who are affected are still subject, and to the repeated hospitalizations due to relapses. It has been shown that in these disorders the greatest clinical and psychosocial deterioration occurs in the first 5 years from onset, suggesting that this is a "critical period" which is crucial for the success of the treatment. Various recent researches have dealt with specific and early recognition and intervention in psychosis, showing that the sooner the treatment is implemented, the better the clinical and social outcome. The international guidelines recommend the early implementation of integrated pharmacological and psychosocial interventions, including a cognitive-behavioral oriented psychotherapy with patients and an intervention with families that enables them to better cope with the problems caused by the disorder. that afflicts their loved ones. An assistance organization that is able to integrate the various components of the intervention is also necessary. However, numerous data show that in Italy, and in various countries of the world, very few operators have specific skills in the context of Mental Health Centers and that there is a lack of knowledge on the best procedures for including these practices in these structures. , on how to deal with the organizational problems that they entail and on how to develop interventions that are at the same time specific, effective and individualized for the great variety of clinical pictures and social and relational distress that are found in patients and families who ask for help from Services. --- Mirella Ruggeri,
Tecla Pozzan,
Michele Tansella,
Maria Luisa Croce Tornieri,
Christa Zimmermann,
David Tomasi
XI Всероссийская конференция с международным участием «Энергосбережение – теория и практика», 2022
Understanding the role of (human) Free Will is a necessary premise and substantial process for th... more Understanding the role of (human) Free Will is a necessary premise and substantial process for the appropriate application of any healing art, starting with psychotherapeutic approached focused on the amelioration and improvement of emotional, cognitive, and behavioral elements in the suffering person, and more generally in the path toward healing and truth every person embarks on. This article examines the three interconnected areas of philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience to explore what the existence and activation of Free Will represents in the life of human beings, from its clinical-medical-therapeutic outcomes to its implications to identity, community, and society.
NBC News, 2022
Explore the fascinating new frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, and Braincompu... more Explore the fascinating new frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, and Braincomputer technologies for mental health! Carnegie Mellon's Future Interfaces Research Lab shows NBC News' Gadi Schwartz how new technology tricks your brain into thinking you are touching, feeling and interacting with things that are not physically present.
UVM Continuing and Distance Education, 2021
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9yFRTyviKc&t=1892s -----------------------... more VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9yFRTyviKc&t=1892s -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Focus areas
Behavior change is really hard, especially while the Coronavirus Pandemic persists. What is an effective healthy behavioral change process to actually become a healthier you? UVM Integrative Health and Wellness Coaching team will explain the steps to make healthier choices and incorporate those changes into your lifestyle. In addition, the psychology of behavioral change will be explored as well as community resources for health coaching and courses at the University of Vermont.
IHI - Institue for Healthcare Improvement, 2017
Seven Days, 2018
As Melissa McCarthy's latest laugh-delivery apparatus blurped, sputtered and otherwise malfunctio... more As Melissa McCarthy's latest laugh-delivery apparatus blurped, sputtered and otherwise malfunctioned, the words of another remarkable female artist wafted across my consciousness. [...] different parts of the brain, or that was my theory. I checked in with noted neuroscientist David Låg Tomasi, PhD, EdD-PhD, MA, MCS, AAT, who concurred and referred me to a paper titled (honest) "The Neuroscience of Improvisation." It's simple. All a return to greatness requires is a return to the sorts of supporting roles that permitted McCarthy to access the part of her brain that made her a comic phenomenon. She's neither a screenwriter nor a lead actress. She's an improv ninja. You can't argue with science.
University of Vermont, 2019
Mind over Medicated In the face of today’s opioid crisis, new research suggests that exercise is ... more Mind over Medicated
In the face of today’s opioid crisis, new research suggests that exercise is so effective at improving symptoms of mood disorders that it could reduce the need for pharmacological intervention alone.
06-07-2019 -
By Kaitlin Shea Catania
--- https://www.uvm.edu/uvmnews/news/mind-over-medicated --
UniPsi Torino, 2013
A theoretical discussion of the application of the neuroscientific research underlying human beha... more A theoretical discussion of the application of the neuroscientific research underlying human behavior in clinical settings.
University of Vermont, 2023
Is there an invisible energy force flowing inside of our bodies? Can the state of our mind and sp... more Is there an invisible energy force flowing inside of our bodies? Can the state of our mind and spirit either cause or heal our physical ailment? These questions may sound irrational because they seem to be out of alignment with modern medicine. Yet, they are the fundamental principles of a group of therapies in Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). These therapies include, for example, Yoga, Reiki, acupuncture, meditation, chiropractic, therapeutic touch, Qigong, Tai Chi, among others, and are an important part of the integrative health care. CAM has never been more popular in the U.S. Nearly 40 percent of adults report using CAM for preventing and treating diseases and health conditions, as well as for promoting personal wellness and well- being. Regardless, there is still a widespread skepticism and resistance to CAM in the medical community that is stemmed, in part, from the lack of conventionally rigorous scientific evidence about the efficacy and safety of CAM therapies. This seminar will allow students to learn and differentiate various levels of scientific evidence, to critically evaluate the existing CAM literature from experiential, theoretical, as well as evidence-based perspectives, and to understand unique challenges researchers face when designing studies of CAM therapies. In addition, students are expected to propose innovative research designs in which the CAM study validity can be enhanced.
CCV, 2014
The first trimester This is the embryonic stage, which continues through the 10th week of the fir... more The first trimester This is the embryonic stage, which continues through the 10th week of the first trimester. The baby is called an embryo at this stage. Early pregnancy symptoms are: • morning sickness • increased urination • swollen breasts • fatigue It's during the embryonic stage that embryo cells begin to multiply and form the baby's body. The embryo's gastrointestinal tract, spinal cord, heart, and brain are the first organs to develop. This starts about one week after conception. The placenta also develops in the embryonic stage, and it plays a vital role in pregnancy because it carries nutrients, oxygen, and water to the baby. This development takes place about two or three weeks after conception.
Deutsch - WSVT, 2015
Bei der Dressur geht es um Gehorsam und Ausstrahlung des Pferdes bei der Ausführung seiner Bewegu... more Bei der Dressur geht es um Gehorsam und Ausstrahlung des Pferdes bei der Ausführung seiner Bewegungen. Hierbei geht es zum Beispiel um den Takt der Bewegung, die Losgelassenheit und den Schwung des Pferdes. Das Pferd soll unter dem Reiter seine natürlichen Bewegungen verbessern und dabei in der Lage sein, seinen Reiter auf dem Rücken zu tragen. Dazu muss der Reiter ausbalanciert sitzen und mit Gewicht, Schenkel und Zügel gezielt einwirken können, um das Pferd zu veranlassen die gewünschten Übungen auszuführen.
Bei Dressurprüfungen geht es bis zu den Lektionen wie der Piaffe (das Traben auf der Stelle), Galopppirouette (mit den Vorderbeinen galoppiert das Pferd um seine eigene Achse) oder auch der Traversale (seitwärtstreten). Aber auch für alle anderen Bereiche ist eine Grundausbildung in der Dressur wichtig, denn hier lernt das Pferd auf die Hilfen zu reagieren, die gewünschte Gangart zu gehen und sich genau lenken zu lassen.
Prof. Tomasi - Indoeuropean Linguistics / Italic Languages / Romance --> Modern - Italian. Irregu... more Prof. Tomasi - Indoeuropean Linguistics / Italic Languages / Romance --> Modern - Italian. Irregular and Regular Verbs, Pt. 34
Waldorfschule Bern, 2005
M° David Tomasi AREA SCIENTIFICA: Matematica: IV operazioni fondamentali, tabelline in relazion... more M° David Tomasi AREA SCIENTIFICA: Matematica: IV operazioni fondamentali, tabelline in relazione al ritmo ed al disegno di forme; elementi di storia della matematica sotto forma di racconto (numerazioni antiche, valori numerici, Tetractys pitagorica, etc.); crescita numerica verso dx e sx in relazione alla geometria ed al disegno di forme; frazioni e decimali (senza operazioni); pesi e misure di lunghezza (sperimentate attraverso le parti del corpo) Geometria: forme geometriche piane, moltiplicazione delle stesse attraverso i frattali ed il disegno di forme, elementi descrittivi (superficie, area, perimetro, lato, angolo, vertice, centro-circonferenza, etc.) attraverso i percorsi in giardino e la sperimentazione in classe Scienze naturali: elementi di botanica (osservazione, raccolta, rappresentazione e descrizione di foglie, piante, fiori), lezioni di vita pratica in relazione ad Arti & Mestieri (pittore, muratore, falegname, giardiniere, pompiere, musicista etc., che trovano applicazione anche nei ruoli mensili degli alunni: pulitore, capoclasse, organizzatore, pantofolino, cancellino, osservatore, orologiaio e segretario) AREA LETTERARIA: Materiali per il racconto: elementi di storia antica (popoli europei, epoca medievale), mitologia, favole e leggende (Edda, Nibelungenlied, racconti biblici, epica greco-romana, etc.), filastrocche, poesie, preghiere e Morgensprüche in relazione a temperamenti e stagioni
Waldorfschule Bern , 2005
EPOCA I: GEOGRAFIA:-Spazio fisico: morfologia, idrografia, clima-Economia ed ecologia ambientali-... more EPOCA I: GEOGRAFIA:-Spazio fisico: morfologia, idrografia, clima-Economia ed ecologia ambientali-Concetto di confine ed implicazioni storiche-Richiami alla geometria geomantica STORIA:-Analisi delle civiltà antiche ed implicazioni antroplogiche nella modernità-Relazioni elementari al contesto sociale, culturale e religioso-Rapporto con la mitologia (richiamo alla letteratura) ITALIANO:-Ascolto e ritmo (pause, enfasi, tono, cadenza)-Elementi grammaticali-Sviluppo storico (rotazione tonale-Lautverschiebung-)-Storia ed applicazione della grafia tradizionale (capitalis romana, italica, gotica, onciale, greca, runica)-Elementi simbolici (sinonimia, parafrasi, metafora, etc.)
UVM Integrative Health, 2021
Does the soul exist or is it just a (by)product of the brain? The course will examine medicine, p... more Does the soul exist or is it just a (by)product of the brain? The course will examine medicine, psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy, to discover our truest self and its connection to our common core as human beings, thereby providing evidence and support for a nurturing and diverse community.
UVM , 2021
Does the soul exist or is it just a (by)product of the brain? This course presents an analysis of... more Does the soul exist or is it just a (by)product of the brain? This course presents an analysis of the correlation between the mind and the body, a complex topic of study and discussion by scientists and philosophers, with fundamental applications to integrative medicine. Drawing largely on neuroscience and philosophy, students will examine the scientific method and incorporate lessons learned from a vast array of sources. Furthermore, students will learn about the neural underpinnings of cognition, emotion, and action, and about the processes at the basis of attention, memory, sensory and motor abilities, language, and understanding. The course will guide the student on a journey into medicine, psychology, artificial intelligence, embodied cognition, and social, ecological and anthropological models of perception, to discover our truest self. Furthermore, this course provides an ulterior investigation, beyond evidence-based, empirical, laboratory science, of the complexity of human experience in areas such as physical and emotional pain and pain perception, philosophical and/or spiritual outlook and interpretation of life and human existence, as well as free will/free won’t, judgement, responsibility, morality, and ethics. This investigation helps students navigating and understanding the complexity of the psychological processes underlying racism, verbal and physical abuse, harassment, and violence.
This analysis incorporates sociologically and philosophically informed theoretical frameworks, as well as an anthropological and historical analysis to further develop an awareness of race and racism at the individual or systemic levels, with a special focus in the United States. To provide further scientific evidence, this examination contains research data analysis from the Cultural Awareness and Diversity Study. More specifically, the focus of the study is on integrating cultural awareness into daily clinical practices to create more inclusive care for all patients, with a special focus on language, culture, interpretation, and bias in the context of widely-experienced barriers in mental health and public health in general. The final goal of the study is to promote understanding, providing a nurturing, informed-care, and to reduce barriers to accessing healthcare services for patients with diverse backgrounds
Developmental Psychology, 2017
Introduction to the most influential theories of human development. Students study, compare, and ... more Introduction to the most influential theories of human development. Students study, compare, and evaluate select theories and apply them to issues of practical importance.
1. Learn about the main elements of theories of human development, how they have influenced and still influence prevailing conceptions of human development in different contexts
2. Learn the essential features of these theories, and be able to critically evaluate these theories by identifying their strengths and limitations, and by comparing and contrasting the theories with each other.
3. Practice using each theory to explain and/or predict typical changes people go through.
4. Identify practice approaches based upon different theories and learn how to infer underlying philosophical assumptions and guiding theoretical beliefs
5. Consider the implications of each theory for designing efforts to support and facilitate development.
6. Develop an articulate expression and understanding of our own understanding, perspective, and possible bias of how development happens, based on the theories studied in class.
Human Development, 2015
The complexity of the current social and political situation will be analyzed in this seminar wit... more The complexity of the current social and political situation will be analyzed in this seminar with a particular focus on refugees resettlement programs and immigration policies, sociocultural divide between geopolitical areas and the role family structure plays in the development and maintenance of social cohesion, identity, personality, integration, and cultural assimilation. The theoretical orientations thereby presented are based upon developmental and bio-psycho-social theories (e.g., ecological, feminist, family systems, psychosocial, cognitive, and behavioral).
Neuroscience, 2020
Does the soul exist or is it just a (by)product of the brain? This course presents an analysis of... more Does the soul exist or is it just a (by)product of the brain? This course presents an analysis of the correlation between the mind and the body, a complex topic of study and discussion by scientists and philosophers, with fundamental applications to integrative medicine. Drawing largely on neuroscience and philosophy, students will examine the scientific method and incorporate lessons learned from a vast array of sources. Furthermore, students will learn about the neural underpinnings of cognition, emotion, and action, and about the processes at the basis of attention, memory, sensory and motor abilities, language, and understanding. The course will guide the student on a journey into medicine, psychology, artificial intelligence, embodied cognition, and social, ecological and anthropological models of perception, to discover our truest self.
This course discusses the current scientific research and literature, as well as the history, the philosophical, anthropological and social context of modern neuroscience to present a scientist-based and student-friendly exploration of the neural underpinnings of cognition, emotion, and action, and of the processes at the basis of attention, memory, sensory and motor abilities, language, and understanding. The course will guide the student on a journey into medicine, psychology, artificial intelligence, embodied cognition, and social, ecological and anthropological models of perception, to discover our truest self. In this effort, the course will introduce basic neuroanatomy, behavioral measures of perception and cognition, and functional imaging techniques. The analysis of the correlation between the mind and the body, a complex topic of study and discussion by scientists and philosophers will thus be examined utilizing the scientific method and incorporating lessons learned from a vast array of sources. This will allow the student to further examine scientific-evidence to support the application of critical neuroscience in integrative medicine and psychology, especially from the perspective of nociceptive factors, pain management and treatment, and psychotherapy
Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2015
Motivational Interviewing , 2019
Students learn the theoretical framework, strategies and techniques of basic motivational intervi... more Students learn the theoretical framework, strategies and techniques of basic motivational
interviewing. This course will examine evidence-based practice as it relates to the Stages of Behavioral Change and skillful conversation, including the use of open-ended questions, affirmations, reflections, and summaries. Required for NBHWC Exam.
In this course, the student will learn the theoretical framework, strategies and techniques of motivational interviewing. This course will examine evidence-based practice as it relates to skillful conversation and strategies to actively and safely engage clients in behavior change. The student will learn techniques such as active listening, reflections, open-ended questions, affirmations, and summarizing, which can be used to empower and safely guide clients in behavioral change. This course is part of the required curriculum to prepare students to be eligible to sit for the National Board of Health & Wellness Coaching Certification Exam.
Health Coaching, 2019
Students learn the theoretical framework, strategies and techniques of advanced motivational inte... more Students learn the theoretical framework, strategies and techniques of advanced motivational interviewing,
positive psychology and behavioral change. This course examines evidence-based practice as it relates to skillful conversation, clinical interventions and strategies to actively engage complex clients in health-related behavior change. Required for NBHWC Exam.
In this course, the student will learn the theoretical framework, strategies and techniques of advanced motivational interviewing and positive psychology. This course will examine evidence-based practice as it relates to skillful conversation, clinical interventions and strategies to actively and safely engage clients in health behavior change, drawing on the principles and practices of behavioral medicine, positive psychology, appreciative inquiry, and SMART goal setting. The student will learn techniques such as active listening, reflections, focusing, visioning, perspective shifting, reframing, and cultivating optimism which can be used to empower and safely guide clients in health-related behavioral change. This course is part of the required curriculum to prepare students to be eligible to sit for the National Board of Health & Wellness Coaching Certification Exam.
Human Development & Family Studies Program, 2019
Human Development & Family Studies Program, Department of Leadership & Developmental Sciences Col... more Human Development & Family Studies Program, Department of Leadership & Developmental Sciences College of Education and Social Services, University of Vermont
Waldorf, 2014
Dressurreiten / Reitkunst Bei der Dressur geht es um Gehorsam und Ausstrahlung des Pferdes bei de... more Dressurreiten / Reitkunst Bei der Dressur geht es um Gehorsam und Ausstrahlung des Pferdes bei der Ausführung seiner Bewegungen. Hierbei geht es zum Beispiel um den Takt der Bewegung, die Losgelassenheit und den Schwung des Pferdes. Das Pferd soll unter dem Reiter seine natürlichen Bewegungen verbessern und dabei in der Lage sein, seinen Reiter auf dem Rücken zu tragen. Dazu muss der Reiter ausbalanciert sitzen und mit Gewicht, Schenkel und Zügel gezielt einwirken können, um das Pferd zu veranlassen die gewünschten Übungen auszuführen. Bei Dressurprüfungen geht es bis zu den Lektionen wie der Piaffe (das Traben auf der Stelle), Galopppirouette (mit den Vorderbeinen galoppiert das Pferd um seine eigene Achse) oder auch der Traversale (seitwärtstreten). Aber auch für alle anderen Bereiche ist eine Grundausbildung in der Dressur wichtig, denn hier lernt das Pferd auf die Hilfen zu reagieren, die gewünschte Gangart zu gehen und sich genau lenken zu lassen. Wer im Sattel Seitengänge gut kombiniert, überwindet fast jede Schwierigkeit beim Reiten. Die Grundlage des klassischen Dressurreitens ist die natürliche Tauglichkeit des Tieres. Der grundlegende Ausgangspunkt und das Ziel der klassischen Dressur ist die Vorbereitung des Pferdes und des Reiters im psychophysischen und technischen Sinne um abgestimmt, zwanglos und in der höchsten Konzentrationsstufe die Bewegungen auszuführen, die von Pferden auch sonst in freier Bewegung durchgeführt werden.
1 st person mein / meine / mein (my) unser / unsere / u nser (our) 2 nd person dein / deine / dei... more 1 st person mein / meine / mein (my) unser / unsere / u nser (our) 2 nd person dein / deine / dein (your; informal) euer / eure / euer (your; informal) Ihr / Ihre / Ihr (your; formal) Ihr / Ihre / Ihr (y our; formal) 3 rd person sein / seine / sein (his) ihr / ihre / ihr (th eir) ihr / ihre / ihr (her) sein / seine / sein (its)