Carolina Matos | City, University of London (original) (raw)

Videos by Carolina Matos

Talk delivered for the De-Colonising Development event for practioners LIDC


List of publications by Carolina Matos

Research paper thumbnail of Community engagement with social media health messages in an age of misinformation: a case study of the NGO Open Arms in Florida

Young adults across platforms

, US. Matos' research is the area of gender, media and development and international communicatio... more , US. Matos' research is the area of gender, media and development and international communications. She investigates the role of communications for social change in processes of development, paying particular attention to structural inequalities of gender, race and class. A previous journalist, Matos is the author of four books, various chapters and articles, including the book Gender, health communications and reproductive health in international development (McGill Queen's University Press, 2023).

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Research paper thumbnail of Making sense of reproductive health messages in the Global South: A case study of Brazil's NGO Reprolatina

International Journal of Media and Cultural Politicstics, 2024

How do young members of disadvantaged communities in countries like Brazil, which have been affec... more How do young members of disadvantaged communities in countries like Brazil, which have been affected by attacks from far-right populist politicians on women's rights, make sense of messages on reproductive health in the misinformation age? Two focus groups were conducted in 2021 in collaboration with the Brazilian NGO Reprolatina to assess how disadvantaged women's groups from Campinas, Sao Paulo, were making sense of messaging on reproductive health within a highly politically polarised local context. The findings revealed also how many women from lower income groups are exposed to a lack of information, as well as even 'myths', around fertility treatments and reproductive health matters in the mediated public sphere. The results showed how these groups of women from different age groups felt that there is need for better coverage of reproductive health, and of 'scientific' information on health matters more generally, both in the mainstream media as well as online. This study concludes in favour of improving health literacy approaches, as well as the overall communications on sexuality and reproductive health.

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Research paper thumbnail of Brazilian cinema and the aesthetics of ruins

Book review, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Interview with Daya Thussu

Revisita de Comunicacao Dialogica, 2021

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November, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Rosalindinterview.pdf

Rosalind Gill: " we don't just want more cake, we want the whole bakery! " 1 Rosalind Gill: " não... more Rosalind Gill: " we don't just want more cake, we want the whole bakery! " 1 Rosalind Gill: " não queremos só mais bolo, queremos a padaria inteira! "

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Research paper thumbnail of List of publications

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Research paper thumbnail of New Brazilian feminisms and online networks: cyberfeminism, protest and the female “Arab Spring”

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Research paper thumbnail of List of publications

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Books by Carolina Matos

Research paper thumbnail of Gender, Communications and reproductive health in international development

McGill Queen's University Press, 2023

To this day, women globally are subjected to forms of control over their bodies, and their abilit... more To this day, women globally are subjected to forms of control over their bodies, and their ability to exercise their reproductive rights in particular is still constrained. Amid a rise of challenges to the advancement of women’s rights, including the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade in the United States, sexual and reproductive health rights are at the forefront of conversations about the advancement of gender equality.

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Research paper thumbnail of Globalization, gender politics and the media

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Research paper thumbnail of Globalization, gender politics and the media

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Research paper thumbnail of Midia e politica na America Latina

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Research paper thumbnail of Jornalismo e politica democratica no Brasil

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Research paper thumbnail of Journalism and political democracy in Brazil

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Research paper thumbnail of Media and politics in Latin America: globalization, democracy and identity

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Papers by Carolina Matos

Research paper thumbnail of Use of focus groups research on health communications messages on SRHR: experiences of ‘empowerment’ from the global South in an age of misinformation on gender and minority rights

This study examined how women from lower income groups from Campinas Brazil responded to health m... more This study examined how women from lower income groups from Campinas Brazil responded to health messages on sexuality and reproductive health rights (SRHR). As part of the expansion of a larger GCRF i project, two focus groups with various women were conducted in 2021 by the researcher in collaboration with Reprolatina. Applying a feminist standpoint, the study argues for the relevance of focus groups as an important method for 'empowering' participants, connecting individual circumstances to wider societal influences (

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Research paper thumbnail of Course Design and Development

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Research paper thumbnail of Media and Politics in Latin America

Media and Politics in Latin America, 2012

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Talk delivered for the De-Colonising Development event for practioners LIDC


Research paper thumbnail of Community engagement with social media health messages in an age of misinformation: a case study of the NGO Open Arms in Florida

Young adults across platforms

, US. Matos' research is the area of gender, media and development and international communicatio... more , US. Matos' research is the area of gender, media and development and international communications. She investigates the role of communications for social change in processes of development, paying particular attention to structural inequalities of gender, race and class. A previous journalist, Matos is the author of four books, various chapters and articles, including the book Gender, health communications and reproductive health in international development (McGill Queen's University Press, 2023).

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Research paper thumbnail of Making sense of reproductive health messages in the Global South: A case study of Brazil's NGO Reprolatina

International Journal of Media and Cultural Politicstics, 2024

How do young members of disadvantaged communities in countries like Brazil, which have been affec... more How do young members of disadvantaged communities in countries like Brazil, which have been affected by attacks from far-right populist politicians on women's rights, make sense of messages on reproductive health in the misinformation age? Two focus groups were conducted in 2021 in collaboration with the Brazilian NGO Reprolatina to assess how disadvantaged women's groups from Campinas, Sao Paulo, were making sense of messaging on reproductive health within a highly politically polarised local context. The findings revealed also how many women from lower income groups are exposed to a lack of information, as well as even 'myths', around fertility treatments and reproductive health matters in the mediated public sphere. The results showed how these groups of women from different age groups felt that there is need for better coverage of reproductive health, and of 'scientific' information on health matters more generally, both in the mainstream media as well as online. This study concludes in favour of improving health literacy approaches, as well as the overall communications on sexuality and reproductive health.

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Research paper thumbnail of Brazilian cinema and the aesthetics of ruins

Book review, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Interview with Daya Thussu

Revisita de Comunicacao Dialogica, 2021

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November, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Rosalindinterview.pdf

Rosalind Gill: " we don't just want more cake, we want the whole bakery! " 1 Rosalind Gill: " não... more Rosalind Gill: " we don't just want more cake, we want the whole bakery! " 1 Rosalind Gill: " não queremos só mais bolo, queremos a padaria inteira! "

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Research paper thumbnail of List of publications

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Research paper thumbnail of New Brazilian feminisms and online networks: cyberfeminism, protest and the female “Arab Spring”

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Research paper thumbnail of List of publications

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Research paper thumbnail of Gender, Communications and reproductive health in international development

McGill Queen's University Press, 2023

To this day, women globally are subjected to forms of control over their bodies, and their abilit... more To this day, women globally are subjected to forms of control over their bodies, and their ability to exercise their reproductive rights in particular is still constrained. Amid a rise of challenges to the advancement of women’s rights, including the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade in the United States, sexual and reproductive health rights are at the forefront of conversations about the advancement of gender equality.

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Research paper thumbnail of Globalization, gender politics and the media

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Research paper thumbnail of Globalization, gender politics and the media

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Research paper thumbnail of Midia e politica na America Latina

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Research paper thumbnail of Jornalismo e politica democratica no Brasil

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Research paper thumbnail of Journalism and political democracy in Brazil

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Research paper thumbnail of Media and politics in Latin America: globalization, democracy and identity

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Research paper thumbnail of Use of focus groups research on health communications messages on SRHR: experiences of ‘empowerment’ from the global South in an age of misinformation on gender and minority rights

This study examined how women from lower income groups from Campinas Brazil responded to health m... more This study examined how women from lower income groups from Campinas Brazil responded to health messages on sexuality and reproductive health rights (SRHR). As part of the expansion of a larger GCRF i project, two focus groups with various women were conducted in 2021 by the researcher in collaboration with Reprolatina. Applying a feminist standpoint, the study argues for the relevance of focus groups as an important method for 'empowering' participants, connecting individual circumstances to wider societal influences (

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Research paper thumbnail of Course Design and Development

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Research paper thumbnail of Media and Politics in Latin America

Media and Politics in Latin America, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Jornalismo e politica democratica no Brasil

As transformacoes ocorridas na sociedade e na politica desde a decada de 1980 sao tema de "J... more As transformacoes ocorridas na sociedade e na politica desde a decada de 1980 sao tema de "Jornalismo e Politica Democratica no Brasil". O livro apresenta a importância da imprensa nessas mudancas e aborda a contribuicao do jornalismo no processo democratico brasileiro. A autora examina quatro periodos politicos distintos do pais: a manifestacao das Diretas Ja em 1984, as eleicoes de 1989, o Plano Real e o governo FHC, em 1994 e, por fim, a disputa presidencial de 2002.

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Research paper thumbnail of Between crisis and cultural emancipation: re-evaluating the role of the public media in the digital age

With the ongoing re-democratization of the social and political institutions in Brazil since the ... more With the ongoing re-democratization of the social and political institutions in Brazil since the mid-80's onwards following the end of the dictatorship (1985), the discussion concerning the strengthening of the public media platform has gained in importance in the last years, ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Media democratization in Brazil and future challenges

This article focuses on the achievements in the field of media democratization in Brazil, underli... more This article focuses on the achievements in the field of media democratization in Brazil, underlining the current challenges that public communication systems face in the light of the persistence of the misuse of these structures by politicians for their own interests. The role that the public media platform can have in the democratic project is examined, including how it can assist policymakers concerning vital national as well as global issues. The slow democratization of Brazil during recent decades, however, has taken place while not altogether disassociated from the authoritarian legacy that has characterized the formation of Brazilian society. Nonetheless, the acknowledgement that the mainstream media have become more professional, including wider voices in the mediated sphere, is not reason enough to proclaim the end of the struggles for media democratization

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Research paper thumbnail of Postmodernism, equality and feminism: current contemporary issues

Draft paper part of the current book I am working on

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Research paper thumbnail of Inequality and emancipation: Brazil’s changing role in the world

DESCRIPTION The rise of the BRIC countries, and where does Brazil fit into this?

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Research paper thumbnail of The colourful reality of Brazilian society – it’s more than football and samba

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Research paper thumbnail of Feminist media studies across borders: re-visiting studies within the Brazilian national context

Feminist media studies in the US and the UK have built a strong tradition of research, which has ... more Feminist media studies in the US and the UK have built a strong tradition of research, which has aimed to look at the correlation between structural gender inequalities in society and how these have been played out in the media. These range from classic studies on soap operas to debates on the sexualization of culture and the construction of forms of femininity within a postfeminist context (i.e. Gill, 2006; McNair, 2002; Ang, 1985; Tuchman at el, 1978). Research on the relationship between gender and the media has arguably become an important arena of inquiry in Latin America. Feminist media studies in countries like Brazil nonetheless is still in need of strengthening and becoming a more robust area of research, despite the emergence of some important work in the field in the last decade (i.e. Ferreira, 2015; Alvarez, 2015: Escosteguy and Messa, 2012). The aim of this paper is to provide a brief critical sketch of some of the research in the field, examining potentialities for fur...

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Research paper thumbnail of NGO’s and advocacy communications on sexual and reproductive health and rights: from the North to the South

Feminist Media Studies, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Re-thinking feminism and democratic politics: the potential of online networks for social change and gender equality in Brazil

Mediapolis – Revista de Comunicação, Jornalismo e Espaço Público, 2018

This article provides a critical summary of feminist theoretical perspectives on the potential of... more This article provides a critical summary of feminist theoretical perspectives on the potential of online communications for women’s rights, further sketching abrief case study of contemporary Brazilian feminism and the mobilization around women’s rights, particularly in the year 2015. This is done through a discussion of the discursive online practices of websites like Blogueiras Feministas and the NGO Think Olga, part of a wider project (Matos, 2017). Questions asked include how the media can better contribute to assist in gender development, and how online platforms can make a difference. I argue that despite constraints and setbacks, the seeds of a wider transformative influence in the offline world are slowly being planted in a highly fragmented, heterogeneous and erratic blogosphere.

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Research paper thumbnail of Media and Democracy in Brazil

Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Journalism and political democracy in Brazil

Choice Reviews Online, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of New Brazilian feminisms and online networks: Cyberfeminism, protest and the female ‘Arab Spring’

International Sociology, 2017

In the last decades, the region of Latin America has been through many changes, with the reductio... more In the last decades, the region of Latin America has been through many changes, with the reduction of inequality levels and a political trend which has seen the election of female politicians throughout the continent, including a revival of gender politics and feminist movements. Countries like Brazil are still home to gender discrimination and inequality, with high levels of domestic violence towards women, low levels of political representation, a culture of machismo and the predominance still of stereotypical gender representations in the media. Questions asked include how the media can better contribute to assist in gender development and nation-building. How can online platforms make a difference? This article provides a critical summary of feminist theoretical perspectives on the potential of online communications for the advancement of women’s rights, further providing a brief case study of contemporary Brazilian feminism and the mobilization around women’s rights, particular...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Internet for the Public Interest: Overcoming the Digital Divide in Brazil

The International Political Economy of Communication, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Media Reform in Latin America Revisited: Where Do We Go from Here?

Global Media and National Policies, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Globalization, gender politics and the media

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Research paper thumbnail of Globalization, gender politics and the media - an introduction

Part I-Women and globalization: equality and emancipation " I shall not go back to the remot... more Part I-Women and globalization: equality and emancipation " I shall not go back to the remote annals of antiquity to trace the history of woman; it is sufficient to allow that she has always been either a slave, or a despot, and to remark, that each of these situations equally retards the progress of reason. The grand source of female folly and vice has ever appeared to me to arise from narrowness of mind; and the very constitution of civil governments has put almost insuperable obstacles in the way to prevent the cultivation of female understanding – yet virtue can be built on no other foundation! " Wollstonecraft, M. (1792, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman)

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Research paper thumbnail of Lula is pop: an analysis of a celebrity politician

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Research paper thumbnail of Genero comunicacao e saude

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Research paper thumbnail of WK 11 Audiences Research City

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Research paper thumbnail of Midia e democracia no Brasil - UERJ

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Research paper thumbnail of Palestra na UFF/UFF talk

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Research paper thumbnail of 2013 IAMCR Dublin Conference

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Research paper thumbnail of ICA conference: Television, popular culture and identity

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Research paper thumbnail of Pre-ICA: Inequality and emancipation

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Research paper thumbnail of University of Helsinki  -  Lecture 4 - Gender and blogging in the 2010 elections

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Research paper thumbnail of University of Helsinki - Lecture 3 - Public broadcasting and media regulation

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Research paper thumbnail of University of Helsinki - Lecture 2 - Media democratization

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Research paper thumbnail of University of Helsinki - Journalism in Latin America

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Research paper thumbnail of Cambridge workshop presentation

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Research paper thumbnail of Tulane presentation

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Research paper thumbnail of Political Studies Association

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Research paper thumbnail of Dubai presentation

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Research paper thumbnail of Conference at King's 100 days Dilma government

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Research paper thumbnail of Folha presentation

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Research paper thumbnail of City University

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Research paper thumbnail of Candido Mendes presentation

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Research paper thumbnail of Abep presentation

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Research paper thumbnail of Globalization, gender politics and the media

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Research paper thumbnail of Researching Production

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Research paper thumbnail of Communicating Terror

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Research paper thumbnail of UG dissertation workshop 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Challenges of teaching journalism students

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Research paper thumbnail of Political economy of the media and regulation

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Research paper thumbnail of Political Journalism

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparing Media Systems

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Research paper thumbnail of MA International Relations and the Media

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Research paper thumbnail of Public Opinion lecture

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Research paper thumbnail of Media and globalization

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Research paper thumbnail of Methods

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Research paper thumbnail of British politics

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Research paper thumbnail of Media Transnationalism

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Research paper thumbnail of Media and New democracies (LSE)

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Research paper thumbnail of Peace Journalism

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Research paper thumbnail of Identity and Representation

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Research paper thumbnail of Course documentation

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Research paper thumbnail of Course design and development

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing student learning

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Research paper thumbnail of Course Political Communications proposal

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Research paper thumbnail of Course Media Development module

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Research paper thumbnail of Writing TP 2 and 3

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Research paper thumbnail of Writing a Rationale

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Research paper thumbnail of Lecturing theory

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Research paper thumbnail of Lecturing theory and philosophy

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Research paper thumbnail of LSE Executive handout 2

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Research paper thumbnail of LSE Executive handout

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Research paper thumbnail of LSE Executive - Welfare communications

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Research paper thumbnail of LSE Executive Comparing Political Communications

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Research paper thumbnail of LSE Executive Political Campaigning

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Research paper thumbnail of International Journal of Press/Politics

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Research paper thumbnail of LSE Review

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Research paper thumbnail of Waltham Forest Film and Arts Festival - Time Out

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Research paper thumbnail of University of Oxford Podcasts

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Research paper thumbnail of International Journalism Week - University of Sheffield

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Research paper thumbnail of Cineasta Wong-kar wai volta a emocionar - Folha/Reuters

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Research paper thumbnail of Spike Lee

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Research paper thumbnail of Kevin Smith

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Research paper thumbnail of Gender, communications and reproductive health in international development

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Women in developing and developed countries can still suffer from constraints on their ability to... more Women in developing and developed countries can still suffer from constraints on their ability to exercise their reproductive rights, being subject to gendered norms and forms of control over their bodies and encountering various difficulties to accessing healthcare services. Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) thus continue to matter for the advancement of gender equality, whilst communications when strategically used can shape support for progressive policies. This project seeks to advance research on gender development and advocacy communications for social change. A core question asked here is how can communications be better used for advocacy on SRHR? Making use of a mixed methods approach, this research engages with a sample of 52 feminist and health NGOs, located in both the North and the South. In depth interviews with gender experts from the organizations were combined with a survey applied to the communication professionals, followed by content and discourse analysis of their institutional websites and social media engagement. This paper provides a condensed examination of early research findings and of core theoretical frameworks, arguing over the need to deconstruct discourses around SRHR under challenging times and concluding that NGOs need better communication strategies and practices in their advocacy communication efforts.

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Research paper thumbnail of Title: Contemporary Brazilian feminism and the struggle for gender justice: revisiting gender and media studies

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Research paper thumbnail of The crisis of public communications and quality journalism in comparative perspective

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Research paper thumbnail of Inequality and emancipation: Brazil’s changing role in the world

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Research paper thumbnail of Faculti Media- Media and politics in Latin America

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Research paper thumbnail of City's MA in International Communications and Development

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Research paper thumbnail of Videos for the International Journalism Week, 2012 - Sheffield University

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Research paper thumbnail of Praga

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Research paper thumbnail of Jerricoacoara

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Research paper thumbnail of Abrolhos

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Research paper thumbnail of Romance de John Irving

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Research paper thumbnail of Historia da Cidadania

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Research paper thumbnail of Hilary Mantel

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Research paper thumbnail of Queda Livre - Otavio Frias Filho

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Research paper thumbnail of ONGS pedem a Petrobras- Reuters

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Research paper thumbnail of Mancha de oleo - Reuters

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Research paper thumbnail of Ibama e ONGS querem processar Petrobras

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Research paper thumbnail of Politica Brasileira - PT de olho em 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Brazilian workers have contained oil spill - Reuters

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Research paper thumbnail of Vazamento da Petrobras - Reuters

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Research paper thumbnail of BLAR article review

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Research paper thumbnail of Midia e politica na America Latina - Civilizacao Brasileira

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Research paper thumbnail of Media and politics in Latin America

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Research paper thumbnail of Honors and Awards - ATWS

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Research paper thumbnail of We don't just want more cake: An interview with Rosalind Gill by Carolina Matos

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