Pedro Dias | FCT / Universidade Nova de Lisboa (original) (raw)

Papers by Pedro Dias

Research paper thumbnail of Two new species of Proceratophrys Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920 (Anura; Odontophrynidae) from the Atlantic forest, with taxonomic remarks on the genus


We describe two new species of Proceratophrys allied to the P. appendiculata species complex by t... more We describe two new species of Proceratophrys allied to the P. appendiculata species complex by the presence of single and long palpebral appendages and a triangular rostral appendage. Proceratophrys izecksohni sp. nov. is characterized by having small to medium size (SVL 32.1-54.2 mm in males), elongated hindlimbs (thigh length plus tibia length corresponding to more than 90% of snout-vent length), a broad head (head width corresponding to 55% of the snout-vent length), and by the light brown gular region and a cream colored ventral surface with scattered brown dots. Proceratophrys belzebul sp. nov. is characterized by its medium size (SVL 40.5-51.3 mm in males), by the absence of contact between the nasals bones and between the nasals and frontoparietals, by a very reduced iliac projection, by having frontoparietal bones very depressed and broad rostrally, by the smooth surface of the squamosal and nasal, by shallow, inconspicuous ventral pits on the maxillae, and by the females p...

Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of Attachment and Physiological Correlates Based on a Multimedia Information System: BioDReAMS 2.0

Research paper thumbnail of Development, psychopathology and attachment: an exploratory study with institutionalized children and their caregivers / Desenvolvimento, psicopatologia e apego: estudo exploratório com crianças institucionalizadas e suas cuidadoras

This exploratory study examined mental development and the quality of socio-emotional functioning... more This exploratory study examined mental development and the quality of socio-emotional functioning of 16 institutionalized children, aged from 3 to 6 years old, relating them with the quality of their caregivers' attachment narratives. Griffiths Developmental Scales, Child Behavior Checklist, Attachment Script Representation and Attachment Q-Sort were used in the psychological assessment. Results showed that chidren's developmental level was placed below normative data. Furthermore, data regarding externalizing and internalizing psychopathology symptoms were close to the clinical population. Nevertheless, and in contrast to our hypothesis, most children presented almost mormative attachments scores (secure base), but this was not related to the quality of attachement narratives presented by their caregivers. The implications of these findings are discussed in light of the impact of institutional deprivation in child development.

Research paper thumbnail of Desenvolvimento, psicopatologia e apego: estudo exploratório com crianças institucionalizadas e suas cuidadoras

Psicologia Reflexão e Crítica


Research paper thumbnail of Sexual communication in intimate relationships: Comparative study with a sexual dysfunction sample and a nonclinical sample

Background / Purpose: Sexual communication plays an important role in individuals’ sexual life, a... more Background / Purpose: Sexual communication plays an important role in individuals’ sexual life, and in the development and/or maintenance of sexual dysfunctions (SD). This study aims to compare the extent and perceived openness regarding sexual communication between a non clinical group and a SD group.This study was conducted with 54 individuals from both clinical and nonclinical samples. The clinical sample included 27 subjects enrolled in a therapeutic process for solving a sexual nature problem (N= 27; 21 men; 6 women) and a paired non-clinical control group. Participants completed the Portuguese versions of Dyadic Sexual Communication Scale (DSCS), the Sexual Self- Disclosure Scale – Revised (SSDS-R), and a socio-demographic formulary, individually and assuring confidentiality Main conclusion: Results point to an association between Sexual Dysfunction and higher expression of sexual negative affect characterized by higher levels of expression of sexual depression, sexual fear, s...

Research paper thumbnail of Inventário de Personalidade de Freiburg-Revisto (FPI-R): estudo de validação junto de amostra de estudantes universitários

Neste estudo instrumental é apresentado o primeiro estudo de validação da versão portuguesa do In... more Neste estudo instrumental é apresentado o primeiro estudo de validação da versão portuguesa do Inventário de Personalidade de Freiburg-Revisto (FPI-R) junto de uma amostra de 1099 estudantes universitários. O FPI-R é composto por 138 itens de resposta dicotómica («verdadeiro» vs. «falso»), distribuídos por 12 escalas, 10 escalas standard (satisfação com a vida, orientação social, orientação para o desempenho, inibição, irritabilidade, agressividade, solicitação, queixas somáticas, preocupações com a saúde e sinceridade) e 2 escalas suplementares (extroversão e emocionalidade). Este inventário procura abarcar constructos relativamente amplos, que contêm sub-constructos delimitados, encontrando-se organizados em escalas unipolares (e.g. poucas queixas somáticas – muitas queixas somáticas) e bipolares (e.g. insatisfação com a vida – satisfação com a vida). Os principais resultados revelam que embora o instrumento apresente uma estrutura factorial semelhante ao original, foram encontrad...

Research paper thumbnail of Autonomic correlates of attachment insecurity in a sample of women with eating disorders

Attachment & Human Development

This study examined associations between attachment insecurity and autonomic response during the ... more This study examined associations between attachment insecurity and autonomic response during the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) in a sample of 47 women with eating disorders using a new system for the synchronous acquisition of behavioral and physiological data: the Bio Dual-channel and Representation of Attachment Multimedia System (BioDReAMS; Soares, Cunha, Zhan Jian Li, Pinho, & Neves, 1998). Consistent with the emerging literature on the psychophysiology of adult attachment, insecurity was positively correlated with electrodermal reactivity during the AAI. Furthermore, relatively secure patients showed some evidence of parasympathetic withdrawal, which can be conceptualized as evidence of more effective emotion regulation. Results suggest that, even among women with diagnosed psychopathology, security is associated with moreproductive patterns of psychophysiological response to attachment-related challenges.

Research paper thumbnail of Development, psychopathology and attachment: an exploratory study with institutionalized children and their caregivers

Psicologia Reflexão e Crítica

O presente estudo exploratório examinou o desenvolvimento mental e a qualidade do funcionamento s... more O presente estudo exploratório examinou o desenvolvimento mental e a qualidade do funcionamento sócio-emocional de 16 crianças entre os 3 e os 6 anos, institucionalizadas em Centros de Acolhimento Temporário, relacionando-os com a qualidade das narrativas sobre o apego das suas cuidadoras. Foram utilizadas a Escala de Desenvolvimento Mental de Griffiths, o Questionário de Comportamentos, as Narrativas sobre o Apego e o Attachment Q-Sort. Os resultados revelaram que o nível de desenvolvimento das crianças foi inferior aos valores normativos. Além disso, os valores apresentados ao nível da psicopatologia, em termos de sintomas de internalização e de externalização, aproximaram-se dos valores clínicos. Não obstante e, em contraste com o esperado, a maioria das crianças apresentou valores próximos da segurança (base segura), os quais não estão associados com a qualidade das narrativas sobre o apego das suas cuidadoras. Os resultados são discutidos com base no impacto da privação em meio institucional para o desenvolvimento na infância. Palavras-chave: Infância; Institucionalização; Apego; Desenvolvimento; Psicopatologia.

Research paper thumbnail of Apego y psicopatología en jóvenes y adultos: contribuciones recientes de la investigación

International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology

En este estudio teórico se presenta una revisión de la literatura acerca de la relación entre ape... more En este estudio teórico se presenta una revisión de la literatura acerca de la relación entre apego y psicopatología en jóvenes y adultos. Los autores comienzan presentando los principales conceptos teóricos relevantes del apego para la comprensión de la relación entre el desarrollo de las relaciones de apego y la evolución de la psicopatología, sobre todo, los conceptos de trayectorias de desarrollo, modelos internos dinámicos, estrategias comportamentales condicionales y desorganización del apego. Con posterioridad a este abordaje teórico, se analizan las contribuciones más recientes de la investigación centrada en medidas de evaluación del apego en adultos, incluyendo la entrevista focalizada en la organización del apego (Adult Attachment Interview, AAI) y medidas de autoinforme que permiten la avaluación de la percepción de los adultos sobre sus relaciones de apego. Finalmente, se revisan los estudios empíricos más recientes que examinan la relación entre apego y psicopatología ...

Research paper thumbnail of Psychophysiological correlates during the Adult Attachment Interview in clinical and non-clinical groups

Research paper thumbnail of Psychophysiological correlates during the Adult Attachment Interview: Preliminary data with clinical and non-clinical groups

Research paper thumbnail of Crisis Intervention Related to the Use of Psychoactive Substances in Recreational Settings - Evaluating the Kosmicare Project at Boom Festival

Current Drug Abuse Reviews

Kosmicare project implements crisis intervention in situations related to the use of psychoactive... more Kosmicare project implements crisis intervention in situations related to the use of psychoactive substances at Boom Festival (Portugal). We present evaluation research that aims to contribute to the transformation of the project into an evidence-based intervention model. It relies on harm reduction and risk minimization principles, crisis intervention models, and Grof's psychedelic psychotherapy approach for crisis intervention in situations related to unsupervised use of psychedelics. Intervention was expected to produce knowledge about the relation between substance use and mental health impact in reducing potential risk related to the use of psychoactive substances and mental illness, as well as an impact upon target population's views of themselves, their relationship to substance use, and to life events in general. Research includes data on process and outcome indicators through a mixed methods approach, collected next to a sample of n=176 participants. Sample size var...

Research paper thumbnail of Multimedia system for psychophysiological studies during the Adult Attachment Interview

Research paper thumbnail of Smartphone serious games for vision and hearing assessment

Studies in health technology and informatics, 2015

Falls are the second leading cause of accidental injury deaths worldwide. In this paper, it is in... more Falls are the second leading cause of accidental injury deaths worldwide. In this paper, it is intended to define methodologies that permit the evaluation of two potential factors which might have an impact on fall risk, these are: visual and hearing loss. The aim of the work developed is not to replace clinic visits, but to offer the user the means to continue the tracking of his vision and hearing at home, during the long time intervals between clinical tests. Tests conducted in a sample of our target users indicate a good ability to measure vision and hearing using an android smartphone and the proposed methodologies. While some tests require further validation, promising results were achieved in the most common tests for vision and hearing, presenting a good correlation between the system's results when compared to the traditional tests (for distance visual acuity) and the data gathered from the users (for hearing tests).

Research paper thumbnail of Syndromes of Preschool Psychopathology Reported by Teachers and Caregivers in 14 Societies Using the Caregiver-Teacher Report Form (C-TRF)

Caregivers and teachers from 14 societies rated 9,389 1.5 to 5-year-olds on the Caregiver-

Research paper thumbnail of Risk factors and attachment organization in eating disorders: Preliminary results

Research paper thumbnail of Tobacco pollen tubes as cellular models for ion dynamics: improved spatial and temporal resolution of extracellular flux and free cytosolic concentration of calcium and protons using pHluorin and YC3.1 CaMeleon

Sexual Plant Reproduction, 2008

The presence of both calcium (Ca2+) and proton (H+) apical gradients is necessary for polarized c... more The presence of both calcium (Ca2+) and proton (H+) apical gradients is necessary for polarized cell elongation to occur in pollen tubes. So far, most of these studies have been carried out in lily pollen tubes, using chemical probes. Yet, lily is a refractory model for molecular genetics, with no easy protocol available for the construction of stable transgenic lines.


Zootaxa, 2013

A new species of Bachia of the B. dorbignyi group, Bachia scaea sp. nov., is described from the l... more A new species of Bachia of the B. dorbignyi group, Bachia scaea sp. nov., is described from the left bank of the upper Madeira River, at Rondônia state, at the western Brazilian Amazonia. The new species resembles morphologically B. dorbignyi and B. peruana, and seems to be related with the former species based on molecular data (16S and c-mos sequences). Nonetheless the presence of a first temporal separating parietal and supralabial scales and the absence of clawed fingers in the new species, can promptly distinguish it from their close relatives. This description ends with several-decades of stasis in the taxonomy of the Bachia dorbignyi group from Amazonian lowlands, and also presents new evidence that supports the Madeira River as a vicariant barrier. Variation: the sample is fairly homogeneous in scale counts and dorsal color pattern, however some variation in head scalation can be observed; in three specimens (MZUSP 103408, 103414-15,) the first temporal is followed directly by the second temporal, whereas in the five other specimens (MZUSP 100631, 101586, 101735-36, 103413), there is a small scale between the first and second temporals and the supralabials. Ontogenetic variation on dorsal pattern can also be observed, with the two paravertebral cream lines merging at the cloacal level and entering the tail, fading posteriorly in juveniles; in adults after merging at the cloacal level the line disappears, rendering the dorsal surface of tail dark brown.

Research paper thumbnail of Tobacco pollen tubes as cellular models for ion dynamics: improved spatial and temporal resolution of extracellular flux and free cytosolic concentration of calcium and protons using pHluorin and YC3.1 CaMeleon

Sexual Plant Reproduction, 2008

The presence of both calcium (Ca 2+ ) and proton (H + ) apical gradients is necessary for polariz... more The presence of both calcium (Ca 2+ ) and proton (H + ) apical gradients is necessary for polarized cell elongation to occur in pollen tubes. So far, most of these studies have been carried out in lily pollen tubes, using chemical probes. Yet, lily is a refractory model for molecular genetics, with no easy protocol available for the construction of stable transgenic lines. Tobacco, however, is well suited for both transformation and cell biology, with sexual organs that are accessible, easy to handle and visualize. Pollen tubes are in an ideal size range for subcellular imaging analyses using modern microscopy techniques. Ion homeostasis in tobacco pollen tubes has not been precisely characterized so far. Here, we characterize the H + and Ca 2+ spatial and temporal patterns in tobacco pollen tubes by the use of two fluorescent genetic probes, pHluorin and the YC3.1 yellow CaMeleon, and direct measurement of extracellular flux by ion-sensitive vibrating probes. A distinct 0.4 pH unit acidic gradient was found to stretch from the tip up to 40 lm into the tube shank. This gradient intensity displayed 1-4 min period oscillations and is reduced in the non-growing phase of an oscillatory cycle. Furthermore, sub-membrane and sub-apical alkaline domains were detected. Extracellular H + fluxes oscillated between 10 and 40 pmol cm -2 s -1 . Fourier and continuous wavelet analyses showed tubes with one or two major oscillatory components in both extra and intracellular H + oscillations. Cytosolic Ca 2+ was imaged by confocal microscopy, showing a V-shaped 40 lm gradient extending from the tip, from 0.2 to 1.0 lM, which oscillates with a 1-4 min period, but with only one major oscillatory component. Extracellular Ca 2+ fluxes oscillate in most pollen tubes, between 2 and 50 pmol cm -2 min -1 and, like in H + , with one or two major oscillatory peaks. A combination of confocal and widefield microscopy showed that H + and Ca 2+ displayed different patterns and shapes inside the cell, sometimes suggesting a structurally complementary role for these 2 second messengers in the growth process. These data suggest that fluxes at the apex of the pollen tube are directly responsible for establishment and maintenance of the gradient.

Research paper thumbnail of Calcium-regulated anion channels in the plasma membrane of Lilium longiflorum pollen protoplasts

New Phytologist, 2011

Currents through anion channels in the plasma membrane of Lilium longiflorum pollen grain protopl... more Currents through anion channels in the plasma membrane of Lilium longiflorum pollen grain protoplasts were studied under conditions of symmetrical anionic concentrations by means of patch-clamp whole-cell configuration.

Research paper thumbnail of Two new species of Proceratophrys Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920 (Anura; Odontophrynidae) from the Atlantic forest, with taxonomic remarks on the genus


We describe two new species of Proceratophrys allied to the P. appendiculata species complex by t... more We describe two new species of Proceratophrys allied to the P. appendiculata species complex by the presence of single and long palpebral appendages and a triangular rostral appendage. Proceratophrys izecksohni sp. nov. is characterized by having small to medium size (SVL 32.1-54.2 mm in males), elongated hindlimbs (thigh length plus tibia length corresponding to more than 90% of snout-vent length), a broad head (head width corresponding to 55% of the snout-vent length), and by the light brown gular region and a cream colored ventral surface with scattered brown dots. Proceratophrys belzebul sp. nov. is characterized by its medium size (SVL 40.5-51.3 mm in males), by the absence of contact between the nasals bones and between the nasals and frontoparietals, by a very reduced iliac projection, by having frontoparietal bones very depressed and broad rostrally, by the smooth surface of the squamosal and nasal, by shallow, inconspicuous ventral pits on the maxillae, and by the females p...

Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of Attachment and Physiological Correlates Based on a Multimedia Information System: BioDReAMS 2.0

Research paper thumbnail of Development, psychopathology and attachment: an exploratory study with institutionalized children and their caregivers / Desenvolvimento, psicopatologia e apego: estudo exploratório com crianças institucionalizadas e suas cuidadoras

This exploratory study examined mental development and the quality of socio-emotional functioning... more This exploratory study examined mental development and the quality of socio-emotional functioning of 16 institutionalized children, aged from 3 to 6 years old, relating them with the quality of their caregivers' attachment narratives. Griffiths Developmental Scales, Child Behavior Checklist, Attachment Script Representation and Attachment Q-Sort were used in the psychological assessment. Results showed that chidren's developmental level was placed below normative data. Furthermore, data regarding externalizing and internalizing psychopathology symptoms were close to the clinical population. Nevertheless, and in contrast to our hypothesis, most children presented almost mormative attachments scores (secure base), but this was not related to the quality of attachement narratives presented by their caregivers. The implications of these findings are discussed in light of the impact of institutional deprivation in child development.

Research paper thumbnail of Desenvolvimento, psicopatologia e apego: estudo exploratório com crianças institucionalizadas e suas cuidadoras

Psicologia Reflexão e Crítica


Research paper thumbnail of Sexual communication in intimate relationships: Comparative study with a sexual dysfunction sample and a nonclinical sample

Background / Purpose: Sexual communication plays an important role in individuals’ sexual life, a... more Background / Purpose: Sexual communication plays an important role in individuals’ sexual life, and in the development and/or maintenance of sexual dysfunctions (SD). This study aims to compare the extent and perceived openness regarding sexual communication between a non clinical group and a SD group.This study was conducted with 54 individuals from both clinical and nonclinical samples. The clinical sample included 27 subjects enrolled in a therapeutic process for solving a sexual nature problem (N= 27; 21 men; 6 women) and a paired non-clinical control group. Participants completed the Portuguese versions of Dyadic Sexual Communication Scale (DSCS), the Sexual Self- Disclosure Scale – Revised (SSDS-R), and a socio-demographic formulary, individually and assuring confidentiality Main conclusion: Results point to an association between Sexual Dysfunction and higher expression of sexual negative affect characterized by higher levels of expression of sexual depression, sexual fear, s...

Research paper thumbnail of Inventário de Personalidade de Freiburg-Revisto (FPI-R): estudo de validação junto de amostra de estudantes universitários

Neste estudo instrumental é apresentado o primeiro estudo de validação da versão portuguesa do In... more Neste estudo instrumental é apresentado o primeiro estudo de validação da versão portuguesa do Inventário de Personalidade de Freiburg-Revisto (FPI-R) junto de uma amostra de 1099 estudantes universitários. O FPI-R é composto por 138 itens de resposta dicotómica («verdadeiro» vs. «falso»), distribuídos por 12 escalas, 10 escalas standard (satisfação com a vida, orientação social, orientação para o desempenho, inibição, irritabilidade, agressividade, solicitação, queixas somáticas, preocupações com a saúde e sinceridade) e 2 escalas suplementares (extroversão e emocionalidade). Este inventário procura abarcar constructos relativamente amplos, que contêm sub-constructos delimitados, encontrando-se organizados em escalas unipolares (e.g. poucas queixas somáticas – muitas queixas somáticas) e bipolares (e.g. insatisfação com a vida – satisfação com a vida). Os principais resultados revelam que embora o instrumento apresente uma estrutura factorial semelhante ao original, foram encontrad...

Research paper thumbnail of Autonomic correlates of attachment insecurity in a sample of women with eating disorders

Attachment & Human Development

This study examined associations between attachment insecurity and autonomic response during the ... more This study examined associations between attachment insecurity and autonomic response during the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) in a sample of 47 women with eating disorders using a new system for the synchronous acquisition of behavioral and physiological data: the Bio Dual-channel and Representation of Attachment Multimedia System (BioDReAMS; Soares, Cunha, Zhan Jian Li, Pinho, & Neves, 1998). Consistent with the emerging literature on the psychophysiology of adult attachment, insecurity was positively correlated with electrodermal reactivity during the AAI. Furthermore, relatively secure patients showed some evidence of parasympathetic withdrawal, which can be conceptualized as evidence of more effective emotion regulation. Results suggest that, even among women with diagnosed psychopathology, security is associated with moreproductive patterns of psychophysiological response to attachment-related challenges.

Research paper thumbnail of Development, psychopathology and attachment: an exploratory study with institutionalized children and their caregivers

Psicologia Reflexão e Crítica

O presente estudo exploratório examinou o desenvolvimento mental e a qualidade do funcionamento s... more O presente estudo exploratório examinou o desenvolvimento mental e a qualidade do funcionamento sócio-emocional de 16 crianças entre os 3 e os 6 anos, institucionalizadas em Centros de Acolhimento Temporário, relacionando-os com a qualidade das narrativas sobre o apego das suas cuidadoras. Foram utilizadas a Escala de Desenvolvimento Mental de Griffiths, o Questionário de Comportamentos, as Narrativas sobre o Apego e o Attachment Q-Sort. Os resultados revelaram que o nível de desenvolvimento das crianças foi inferior aos valores normativos. Além disso, os valores apresentados ao nível da psicopatologia, em termos de sintomas de internalização e de externalização, aproximaram-se dos valores clínicos. Não obstante e, em contraste com o esperado, a maioria das crianças apresentou valores próximos da segurança (base segura), os quais não estão associados com a qualidade das narrativas sobre o apego das suas cuidadoras. Os resultados são discutidos com base no impacto da privação em meio institucional para o desenvolvimento na infância. Palavras-chave: Infância; Institucionalização; Apego; Desenvolvimento; Psicopatologia.

Research paper thumbnail of Apego y psicopatología en jóvenes y adultos: contribuciones recientes de la investigación

International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology

En este estudio teórico se presenta una revisión de la literatura acerca de la relación entre ape... more En este estudio teórico se presenta una revisión de la literatura acerca de la relación entre apego y psicopatología en jóvenes y adultos. Los autores comienzan presentando los principales conceptos teóricos relevantes del apego para la comprensión de la relación entre el desarrollo de las relaciones de apego y la evolución de la psicopatología, sobre todo, los conceptos de trayectorias de desarrollo, modelos internos dinámicos, estrategias comportamentales condicionales y desorganización del apego. Con posterioridad a este abordaje teórico, se analizan las contribuciones más recientes de la investigación centrada en medidas de evaluación del apego en adultos, incluyendo la entrevista focalizada en la organización del apego (Adult Attachment Interview, AAI) y medidas de autoinforme que permiten la avaluación de la percepción de los adultos sobre sus relaciones de apego. Finalmente, se revisan los estudios empíricos más recientes que examinan la relación entre apego y psicopatología ...

Research paper thumbnail of Psychophysiological correlates during the Adult Attachment Interview in clinical and non-clinical groups

Research paper thumbnail of Psychophysiological correlates during the Adult Attachment Interview: Preliminary data with clinical and non-clinical groups

Research paper thumbnail of Crisis Intervention Related to the Use of Psychoactive Substances in Recreational Settings - Evaluating the Kosmicare Project at Boom Festival

Current Drug Abuse Reviews

Kosmicare project implements crisis intervention in situations related to the use of psychoactive... more Kosmicare project implements crisis intervention in situations related to the use of psychoactive substances at Boom Festival (Portugal). We present evaluation research that aims to contribute to the transformation of the project into an evidence-based intervention model. It relies on harm reduction and risk minimization principles, crisis intervention models, and Grof's psychedelic psychotherapy approach for crisis intervention in situations related to unsupervised use of psychedelics. Intervention was expected to produce knowledge about the relation between substance use and mental health impact in reducing potential risk related to the use of psychoactive substances and mental illness, as well as an impact upon target population's views of themselves, their relationship to substance use, and to life events in general. Research includes data on process and outcome indicators through a mixed methods approach, collected next to a sample of n=176 participants. Sample size var...

Research paper thumbnail of Multimedia system for psychophysiological studies during the Adult Attachment Interview

Research paper thumbnail of Smartphone serious games for vision and hearing assessment

Studies in health technology and informatics, 2015

Falls are the second leading cause of accidental injury deaths worldwide. In this paper, it is in... more Falls are the second leading cause of accidental injury deaths worldwide. In this paper, it is intended to define methodologies that permit the evaluation of two potential factors which might have an impact on fall risk, these are: visual and hearing loss. The aim of the work developed is not to replace clinic visits, but to offer the user the means to continue the tracking of his vision and hearing at home, during the long time intervals between clinical tests. Tests conducted in a sample of our target users indicate a good ability to measure vision and hearing using an android smartphone and the proposed methodologies. While some tests require further validation, promising results were achieved in the most common tests for vision and hearing, presenting a good correlation between the system's results when compared to the traditional tests (for distance visual acuity) and the data gathered from the users (for hearing tests).

Research paper thumbnail of Syndromes of Preschool Psychopathology Reported by Teachers and Caregivers in 14 Societies Using the Caregiver-Teacher Report Form (C-TRF)

Caregivers and teachers from 14 societies rated 9,389 1.5 to 5-year-olds on the Caregiver-

Research paper thumbnail of Risk factors and attachment organization in eating disorders: Preliminary results

Research paper thumbnail of Tobacco pollen tubes as cellular models for ion dynamics: improved spatial and temporal resolution of extracellular flux and free cytosolic concentration of calcium and protons using pHluorin and YC3.1 CaMeleon

Sexual Plant Reproduction, 2008

The presence of both calcium (Ca2+) and proton (H+) apical gradients is necessary for polarized c... more The presence of both calcium (Ca2+) and proton (H+) apical gradients is necessary for polarized cell elongation to occur in pollen tubes. So far, most of these studies have been carried out in lily pollen tubes, using chemical probes. Yet, lily is a refractory model for molecular genetics, with no easy protocol available for the construction of stable transgenic lines.


Zootaxa, 2013

A new species of Bachia of the B. dorbignyi group, Bachia scaea sp. nov., is described from the l... more A new species of Bachia of the B. dorbignyi group, Bachia scaea sp. nov., is described from the left bank of the upper Madeira River, at Rondônia state, at the western Brazilian Amazonia. The new species resembles morphologically B. dorbignyi and B. peruana, and seems to be related with the former species based on molecular data (16S and c-mos sequences). Nonetheless the presence of a first temporal separating parietal and supralabial scales and the absence of clawed fingers in the new species, can promptly distinguish it from their close relatives. This description ends with several-decades of stasis in the taxonomy of the Bachia dorbignyi group from Amazonian lowlands, and also presents new evidence that supports the Madeira River as a vicariant barrier. Variation: the sample is fairly homogeneous in scale counts and dorsal color pattern, however some variation in head scalation can be observed; in three specimens (MZUSP 103408, 103414-15,) the first temporal is followed directly by the second temporal, whereas in the five other specimens (MZUSP 100631, 101586, 101735-36, 103413), there is a small scale between the first and second temporals and the supralabials. Ontogenetic variation on dorsal pattern can also be observed, with the two paravertebral cream lines merging at the cloacal level and entering the tail, fading posteriorly in juveniles; in adults after merging at the cloacal level the line disappears, rendering the dorsal surface of tail dark brown.

Research paper thumbnail of Tobacco pollen tubes as cellular models for ion dynamics: improved spatial and temporal resolution of extracellular flux and free cytosolic concentration of calcium and protons using pHluorin and YC3.1 CaMeleon

Sexual Plant Reproduction, 2008

The presence of both calcium (Ca 2+ ) and proton (H + ) apical gradients is necessary for polariz... more The presence of both calcium (Ca 2+ ) and proton (H + ) apical gradients is necessary for polarized cell elongation to occur in pollen tubes. So far, most of these studies have been carried out in lily pollen tubes, using chemical probes. Yet, lily is a refractory model for molecular genetics, with no easy protocol available for the construction of stable transgenic lines. Tobacco, however, is well suited for both transformation and cell biology, with sexual organs that are accessible, easy to handle and visualize. Pollen tubes are in an ideal size range for subcellular imaging analyses using modern microscopy techniques. Ion homeostasis in tobacco pollen tubes has not been precisely characterized so far. Here, we characterize the H + and Ca 2+ spatial and temporal patterns in tobacco pollen tubes by the use of two fluorescent genetic probes, pHluorin and the YC3.1 yellow CaMeleon, and direct measurement of extracellular flux by ion-sensitive vibrating probes. A distinct 0.4 pH unit acidic gradient was found to stretch from the tip up to 40 lm into the tube shank. This gradient intensity displayed 1-4 min period oscillations and is reduced in the non-growing phase of an oscillatory cycle. Furthermore, sub-membrane and sub-apical alkaline domains were detected. Extracellular H + fluxes oscillated between 10 and 40 pmol cm -2 s -1 . Fourier and continuous wavelet analyses showed tubes with one or two major oscillatory components in both extra and intracellular H + oscillations. Cytosolic Ca 2+ was imaged by confocal microscopy, showing a V-shaped 40 lm gradient extending from the tip, from 0.2 to 1.0 lM, which oscillates with a 1-4 min period, but with only one major oscillatory component. Extracellular Ca 2+ fluxes oscillate in most pollen tubes, between 2 and 50 pmol cm -2 min -1 and, like in H + , with one or two major oscillatory peaks. A combination of confocal and widefield microscopy showed that H + and Ca 2+ displayed different patterns and shapes inside the cell, sometimes suggesting a structurally complementary role for these 2 second messengers in the growth process. These data suggest that fluxes at the apex of the pollen tube are directly responsible for establishment and maintenance of the gradient.

Research paper thumbnail of Calcium-regulated anion channels in the plasma membrane of Lilium longiflorum pollen protoplasts

New Phytologist, 2011

Currents through anion channels in the plasma membrane of Lilium longiflorum pollen grain protopl... more Currents through anion channels in the plasma membrane of Lilium longiflorum pollen grain protoplasts were studied under conditions of symmetrical anionic concentrations by means of patch-clamp whole-cell configuration.