common_x - Profile (original) (raw)
on 21 December 2005 (#9076105)
Discussions on the unity of the human effort
Los Angeles, California, United States
This forum is intended for discussions on how to transcend the perceived divisions of man and/or if they need to be transcended at all. All opinions /thoughts are welcome and while I hope we can all be respectful I will not edit this community in any way or censor people’s thoughts. While the focus is philosophy it is not exclusive to any form of expression obviously since philosophy is the discussion on everything. If this community does develop it will be a democracy and if any one person is voted out then I’ll be forced to oblige as its moderator. So come one, come all! Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Atheists, Agnostics, Wiccans, Pagans, Existentialists, Solipsists, Shamanists, Liberals, Conservatives, Non Partisans, Uniters and Dividers, Sentimentalists, Provoking antagonists, and Who gives a shit-ers. Time to unite! Or divide. If you dare……… (sorry if i left anyone out ;)
absolutism, animism, bhagavad gita, bible, biology, buddha, buddhism, christianity, dualism, economics, ethicism, existentialism, formalism, gahndi, hinduism, humanism, islam, jesus, judaism, kabbalism, koran, monism, philosophy, physics, politics, quantum physics, science, shamanism, solipsism, tao te ching, taoism, torah, yoga, zen
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