Have Your Japanese Corrected by Native Speakers' Journal (original) (raw)

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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded inHave Your Japanese Corrected by Native Speakers' LiveJournal:

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Thursday, September 13th, 2018
_9:39 pm_[ext_4804305] 誰か教えてもらっていいですか。お願い🤝 文法と言葉を使い方でもいいです。 Người yêu ơi ngoài kia mùa đông đã rơi恋人よ!外にもう冬が来たLạnh không em, lẻ loi bàn tay rã rời君が寒いのか、震えてる手が孤独だLạc mất nhau từ đâu mà bao yêu dấu vẫn nơi này一体いつからはぐれたのに、ここは恋愛がまだあるĐể nhớ thương đầy vơi vương trên môi mắt cay.唇に溢れている思い出が残って、目が涙で霞んでいるMùa đông ơi, ngoài kia người tôi yêu lẻ loi冬よ!外に私の恋人が寂しいXin hãy gom mây, đừng để mưa mãi rơi lối ấy雲を集めて、あの人のところに雨をずっと降ってないようにしてMuốn đến bên người cầm tay và sưởi ấm đôi vai gầyあなたのそばに行きたり、手を取ったり、細い肩を温めたりしたいNhưng người, người vẫn đi mưa mãi rơi đầy.だが、あなたはまだ行って、雨も降ったままだ[ĐK:]Lạc mất lối làm sao tìm nhau giữa một trời trắng xóa行方不明になって、真っ白い空の下に一体どうすればあなたを見えるのVì những ân tình người mang theo thành băng giáあなたの持って来た感情が氷雪のようになったのでNgười yêu ơi đừng đi, xin em hãy một lần nhìn lại phía sau恋人よ!行かないで、一度後ろを振り返ってくださいHãy một lần dù chỉ nhìn thấy nhau, xin hãy một lần.私たちしか見えなくても、一度お願い。。。 (Comment on this)
Friday, August 18th, 2017
_8:52 pm_[goldpekary] Hieroglyphics on money - help translate. - What is written here?Thank you in advance/どうもありがとうございました。 (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Saturday, December 5th, 2015
_5:06 pm_[aiumiii] Could someone correct this so it's fluent? 私が子供だったとき、私はいくつかのぬいぐるみを持っていました。彼らは感情、あるいは魂を持っていたように、その時点で、それが見えました。今、私はそれ以上の年齢だと、彼らは忘れてしまった嘘。しかし、私は私が今までにそれらを捨てることができるとは思いません。それは言って恥ずかしいですが、私は私の犬を放棄するようなものだ離れてそれらを投げるように感じます。私は、彼らが本物ではないよ知っているにもかかわらず、私は罪悪感を感じるだろう。This is just a small practice entry, and I'd appreciate help in correcting the grammar and sentence structure. Here's the original English version for reference:When I was a child , I had some stuffed animals. At that time, it seemed like they had feelings, or even souls. Now that I am older, they lie forgotten. However, I don't think I could ever throw them away. It is embarrassing to say, but I feel like throwing them away would be like abandoning my dog. I would feel so guilty, even though I know they're not real.Hopefully it's not too much, and thank you. (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Tuesday, April 21st, 2015
_1:01 pm_[xchocopandax] Selling these 2 Japanese learning CD's. :) Im selling each of them for 15 Euro's (+ shipping). ^^ (Contains CD's and a book for each learning kit; used only couple of times; bought them for about 25-30 Euros)Send me a PM if interested. :)1)SAM_1035.JPGSAM_1032.JPG2)SAM_1030.JPGSAM_1029.JPG (Comment on this)
Friday, January 17th, 2014
_11:38 am_[anime19595] Sentence Translations Help? Hi! So I was reading this light novel, and one of the antagonist said 「オレとしたことがはまっちまったみたいだなぁ...敵の精神攻撃に。」, and I was wondering what does he mean here? The context is that this antagonist is trying to assassinate the main character, and is now discussing his plan with his partner.I think it means something like "I've gotten hooked to mentally attacking the enemy" but I'm not sure;;It'd also help if you can enlighten me on what ~としたことが means since I've seen it quite a few times and yet I still don't get it...; I've tried looking some stuffs up but they said "Toshitakotoga = of all people"...?Thanks in advance everyone! (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Saturday, September 1st, 2012
_3:42 pm_[viklee] Help for a translation Hi,I'd like some help to translate a sentence I don't understand in a text about energy in medecine.Here it goes : 《無形ながら相感応するもの》And here is what I managed to translate "Something that does .... while being immaterial"Thank you in advance. (1 Comment |Comment on this)
_2:18 am_[lizardfina] ゼロの叙情100のバラード? Hello,I've been trying to translate this: "ゼロの叙情100のバラード" (it's the title of a doujinshi I just bought). I know what the words mean (I admit, I did have to look up the kanji...), but I'm confused as to how it fits together...grammar was one of my stronger points when I studied Japanese, but I've been out of practice for a very long time.Anyway, various generic online translators came up with things like "100 lyrical ballad zero", "100 ballads of lyrical zero", and other variations that read like a literal translation nightmare.I'm wondering if lyrical is the right way to translate "叙情" in this context, though. It can also mean expression of feelings, right? Is it possible this could mean something like "100 ballads, zero expressions/lyrics"? I'm sad to say this has me stumped, because it seems like it should be quite simple >.<Any help will be much appreciated!cross-posted to japanese (12 Comments |Comment on this)
Tuesday, July 24th, 2012
_3:27 am_[vashtsakared] Just beginning to try composition, requesting help... Just the other day I realized I didn't know how to say much in Japanese, and I'm trying to fix that by doing more composition. (In other words, I'm at a lower level than most of the people who post here...)I wanted this to say "the night is dark and full of terrors".夜は真っ暗と恐怖でいっぱいだ。I wasn't sure if I could just chain dark and full of terrors that way, or if there's a better way to do it. Also, am I getting words with the right connotations?Thank you in advance for your help. I'd like to start using this board frequently. Current Mood: quixotic (7 Comments |Comment on this)
Wednesday, May 30th, 2012
_3:15 pm_[da_fidge] Need Help with a Pun! Okay, so, in a comic I'm translating, there is a sort of "sound effect" note that says 解法区~So far, can't find any evidence this is a real word/words. Did find that 解法 (かいほう) can be "the key to a solution" and that 解放区 (かいほうく) is a "liberated zone/area".The context sort of works as I'm pretty sure they're making a joke about how one character is wearing too large a shirt, and the other is staring at the exposed area of their chest. It could be like a liberated zone, right? XDIs it a play on words? I know the joke probably won't work in English, but I at least want to know what it's supposed to say. :)Thanks! Current Mood: confused (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Saturday, April 21st, 2012
_12:43 pm_[mintyfreshsocks] request and question I'm trying to find a kanji and I can't seem to find it in Jim Breen under any radical I try to look it up by. It's 写, but without the hat. Does anyone else ever have this problem? Every once in a while, I run across kanji that I just cannot find in Jim Breen---either I can't find any radicals that it goes under, or there are `too many characters' for it to show under the radicals it does have. (6 Comments |Comment on this)
Friday, September 30th, 2011
_6:51 pm_[lizstarsky] Help for Japanese learners... Greetings, all. I'm working on composing a series of blog posts for learners of Japanese, including both general advice and recommendations for good web sites / books / videos / etc. I've created as comprehensive a list as I could manage on my own for the first post, but I thought I'd appeal to the members here in case anyone has any other advice or links to offer.The post can be found here: So, you want to learn Japanese?If anyone has any additions to my list, I'd love it if you'd add your suggestions in the comments section of the post. No pressure, of course, but if you feel so inclined, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks in advance! よろしくお願いします! (Comment on this)
Tuesday, August 16th, 2011
_11:06 am_[maikat] hello! can anyone tell me the difference between 点検 and 検問? I know they both mean an inspection, but I'm not sure when to use which.thanks! (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Thursday, July 28th, 2011
_7:48 pm_[randomdiversion] cultural reference? I'm writing a piece of fiction and trying to find some cultural stuff.A long time ago I recall reading something about ancient Japanese funeral customs, involving such elements as calling the deceased's name from the roof, a bowl of rice beside the bed, and some kind of ritual outside the front door involving rice and throwing a partly-disassembled fan onto the roof. I think the era for this was post Heian pre-western-contact.But, I can't find the reference where I read that, and, having not found it elsewhere now, I don't know if those reported practices have any basis in (past) reality.If any of you know what I'm talking about can you link me to a reference? The searches I've tried so far return only modern funeral practices or information about archeological sites, not actual practices. (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Wednesday, June 15th, 2011
_6:24 pm_[randomdiversion] I'm trying to translate a soundtrack playlist. Should be simple enough, but...I'd appreciate help where I have questions in {} or *, but also if you see other errors. Thanks. (I haven't looked at any Japanese in months...)This is the playlist to the Saiyuki Gaiden soundtrack, part 1. It's possible some of the proper names may be in Chinese as the characters are based on Chinese legends. Spoken names of the major characters are Goku (aka 'seiten taisei son goku', the monkey king), Konzen, Kanzeon, Tenpou, Kenren, Nataku, Gojun, Li Touten.( Collapse ) Current Mood: contemplative (14 Comments |Comment on this)
Thursday, June 9th, 2011
_3:50 pm_[the_worst_joke] Hello, this is the most difficult composition I have ever written in Japanese and if any of you could correct it, I would really appreciate it! :D**( Collapse )** (4 Comments |Comment on this)
Friday, May 27th, 2011
_9:44 pm_[newedition] Brand New Day Hello everyone,I am seeking a lyric translation for a song called "Brand New Day." I attempted to run an online translation, but the lyrics are embedded as an image file rather than plain text, so I'm not able to cut and paste them or to have any translation software recognize the characters. :-(I realize this is a big task to ask, but if you could offer any insights I would be most grateful."Brand New Day" by Full of Harmony. Example of lyrics here.Thank you. (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Friday, April 29th, 2011
_1:12 am_[hybridrainbow00] Description for a game in Japanese I hope this is allowed since it's kind of advertising, but I'm asking about a Japanese translation, so I think it's okay. If it's not, I can delete this entry.My friend (and I) recently released a game on the iTunes App Store, so in order to get more people who may not understand English interested, I translated his English description into Japanese. If someone more confident and experienced in Japanese could help me proofread this, I'd appreciate it so much!The original English description is here: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/koi-adventure/id432035259?mt=8#**( Collapse )**I'm mostly unsure about vocabulary and particles. Also, I'm not sure that I used the humble version of verbs correctly in context like with お任せします and お勘違いした (and if they're necessary here), and if the content as a whole makes sense in context. My brain's pretty fried. I have to work on a Greek translation next...x-posted in learn_japanese (Comment on this)
Wednesday, April 27th, 2011
_4:16 pm_[asahifirsa] Help with Translation I'm currently working on the translation of a young adult novel and am a bit stumped by following sentence:わ、こんどはクラップかよ。あ、クラップってのは、霊がおこすなぞの音のこと、って、解説してる場合じゃないよ。I tried different dictionaries, but couldn't find an explanation so I translated クラップ as "clap", but according to a Japanese friend this is not correct (she corrected my translation, but is currently unavailable, so I can't ask). So then what does it mean?I translated above as: Ah, next is a clap? But can a ghost clap? It's not the time to be worrying about that!As you can guess, she thinks she's surrounded by ghosts :)There's one more spot that bothers me: つまり、だ。 I translated it as "That's the short version" as it comes after a lenghty explanation, but it has also been marked as wrong. Maybe "In other words, that's it." But there are no other words? Maybe it sould be "In brief, that's it." Making it a "short version" might be too much of a stretch?Any help or suggestion is very much appreciated! (12 Comments |Comment on this)
Tuesday, April 19th, 2011
_6:37 pm_[randomdiversion] please forgive off-topic/minamisoma cat rescue I figure members of correctjapanese probably have friends in Japan, who might be interested in helping with the animal rescue effort in the radiation exclusion zones by volunteering to care for rescued animals (they have been screened for radiation & cleared).http://www.globalanimal.org/2011/04/19/animal-groups-team-up-to-rescue-cats-from-radiation-zone-video/37289/ (Comment on this)
Wednesday, March 16th, 2011
_5:10 pm_[randomdiversion] Akihito's TV address today (!!!) ( Collapse ) (Comment on this)

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