Sabine Reinhold | German Archaeological Institute (original) (raw)
Books by Sabine Reinhold
Archäologie in Eurasien 41, 2023
for a full version please contact the author
Caucasus by Sabine Reinhold
In: S. Maziar/B. Helwing (Hrsg.), Appropriating height. Movement and mobility in highland landsca... more In: S. Maziar/B. Helwing (Hrsg.), Appropriating height. Movement and mobility in highland landscapes of (Leiden 2024) 19–42.
In: J. Schneeweiß/M. Nawroth/H. Piezonka/H. Schwarzberg (Hrsg.), Man sieht nur, was man weiß. Man... more In: J. Schneeweiß/M. Nawroth/H. Piezonka/H. Schwarzberg (Hrsg.), Man sieht nur, was man weiß. Man weiß nur, was man sieht. Globalhistorische Perspektiven auf interkulturelle Phänomene der Mobilität : Festschrift für Hermann Parzinger zum 65. Geburtstag. Prähistorische Archäologie in Südosteuropa 33 (Rahden/Westf. 2024) 449–472.
In: J. Schneeweiß/M. Nawroth/H. Piezonka/H. Schwarzberg (Hrsg.), Man sieht nur, was man weiß. Man... more In: J. Schneeweiß/M. Nawroth/H. Piezonka/H. Schwarzberg (Hrsg.), Man sieht nur, was man weiß. Man weiß nur, was man sieht. Globalhistorische Perspektiven auf interkulturelle Phänomene der Mobilität : Festschrift für Hermann Parzinger zum 65. Geburtstag. Prähistorische Archäologie in Südosteuropa 33 (Rahden/Westf. 2024) 449–472.
Ghalichi, Ayshin, Sabine Reinhold et al. 2024. The Rise and Transformation of Bronze Age Pastoralists in the Caucasus. , 2024
Reinhold, Sabine. 2024. Chapter 6. Mobile or Settled? Vectors of Economic and Social Amplification Among Pastoral Communities of the Late Bronze Age in the North Caucasus. , 2024
In Mobile Pastoralist Households: Archaeological and Ethnoarchaeological Perspectives, edited by ... more In Mobile Pastoralist Households: Archaeological and Ethnoarchaeological Perspectives, edited by Jean-Luc Houle. 1st ed., 159–90. New York, NY: Berghahn Books Incorporated.
Quaternary International
Bioarchaeological studies provide a valuable contribution to the understanding of the economy and... more Bioarchaeological studies provide a valuable contribution to the understanding of the economy and activities of prehistoric populations in mountain regions. The Late Bronze Age in the Caucasus is an epoch of fundamental transformations that is accompanied by the development of a semi-stationary pastoral economy and ultimately by the emergence of combined mountain agriculture. So far, only a few archaeozoological assemblages from this period have been published. The site of Ransyrt-1 in the North Caucasus offers a substantial collection of bone material from the remains of a mountain sanctuary. Analysis of the animal remains as well as preliminary isotopic analyses of strontium, oxygen, and carbon shed light on animal exploitation at this site. Comparisons with slightly later settlements in the North and South Caucasus illustrate the development of intensive livestock management strategies in the Late Bronze Age in this region at the interface between Southwest Asia and the Eurasian steppe.
Reinhold, Sabine, Andrej B. Belinskij, and Dmitrij S. Korobov. 2023. Mountain Archaeology of the Bronze Age Caucasus – from Vertical Pastoralism to Combined Mountain Economy and Mountain Farming. , 2023
In IEMA Volume 10 - Archaeology of Mountain Landscapes: Interdisciplinary Research Strategies of ... more In IEMA Volume 10 - Archaeology of Mountain Landscapes: Interdisciplinary Research Strategies of Agro-Pastoralism in Upland Regions, edited by Arnau Garcia-Molsosa, 153–77. Buffalo: Sunny Press.
Reinhold, Sabine. 2021. Chronologies for the Koban Culture: Towards the Construction of Supraregional Chronological Horizons in the North Caucasian Early Iron Age. , 2021
Der Kaukasus zwischen Osteuropa und Vorderem Orient in der Bronze- und Eisenzeit. Dialog der Kulturen, Kultur des Dialoges, 2020
Analysen stabiler Kohlenstoff-und Stickstoffisotope an Skelettmaterial ermöglichen die Rekonstruk... more Analysen stabiler Kohlenstoff-und Stickstoffisotope an Skelettmaterial ermöglichen die Rekonstruktion der Ernährung von Mensch und Tier in der Vergangenheit. Nahe der Stadt Ipatovo, Region Stavropol, Russland, wurde 1998/99 ein Grossgrabhügel (Kurgan) der "Grabhügelgruppe 3" ausgegraben. In Kurgan 2 wurden 195 Gräber erfasst, von denen 34 in die Bronzezeit, d.h. den Zeitraum vom späten 4. bis zum Ende des 2. Jt. v.Chr., datieren. In einer Bachelorarbeit an der Universität Basel wurde die Ernährungsweise der 36 bronzezeitlichen Individuen des Kurgans mit Hilfe von Isotopenanalysen untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen für die Früh-und Spätbronzezeit die Tendenz zu einem Mischkonsum von C3und C4-Pflanzen. Entweder wurden C4-Pflanzen direkt konsumiert oder Produkte von Tieren verzehrt, die sich zumindest teilweise von C4-Pflanzen ernährten. Dieser Einfluss ist für die Mittelbronzezeit nicht erkennbar. Die Stickstoffisotopenverhältnisse legen nahe, dass die Produkte terrestrischer Tiere einen Hauptbestandteil der Ernährung ausmachten, wobei ein zusätzlicher Konsum von Süsswasserfisch denkbar ist. Insgesamt gibt es weder zwischen den Geschlechtern noch zwischen Gräbern mit oder ohne aussergewöhnliche Ausstattung auffällige Unterschiede in der Ernährung.
Umweltarchive und Archäologie im Kaukasus: Neue Methoden in der archäologischen Klimaforschung
e-Forschungsberichte des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, 2021-2, § 1-16
Mit dem Herunterladen erkennen Sie die Nutzungsbedingungen (h ps://publica more Mit dem Herunterladen erkennen Sie die Nutzungsbedingungen (h ps://publica von iDAI.publica ons an. Sofern in dem Dokument nichts anderes ausdrücklich vermerkt ist, gelten folgende Nutzungsbedingungen: Die Nutzung der Inhalte ist ausschließlich privaten Nutzerinnen / Nutzern für den eigenen wissenscha lichen und sons gen privaten Gebrauch gesta et. Sämtliche Texte, Bilder und sons ge Inhalte in diesem Dokument unterliegen dem Schutz des Urheberrechts gemäß dem Urheberrechtsgesetz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Die Inhalte können von Ihnen nur dann genutzt und vervielfäl gt werden, wenn Ihnen dies im Einzelfall durch den Rechteinhaber oder die Schrankenregelungen des Urheberrechts gesta et ist. Jede Art der Nutzung zu gewerblichen Zwecken ist untersagt. Zu den Möglichkeiten einer Lizensierung von Nutzungsrechten wenden Sie sich bi e direkt an die verantwortlichen Herausgeberinnen/Herausgeber der entsprechenden Publika onsorgane oder an die Online-Redak on des Deutschen Archäologischen Ins tuts
Kontaktmodi. Ergebnisse der gemeinsamen Treffen der Arbeitsgruppen "Mobilität und Migration" und "Zonen der Interaktion", (2013-2018). Menschen, Kulturen, Traditionen, 2020
Die Wallanalge von Ransyrt 1 vom Tal des Podkumok aus gesehen, durch das heute eine der wichtigst... more Die Wallanalge von Ransyrt 1 vom Tal des Podkumok aus gesehen, durch das heute eine der wichtigsten Routen zu den Pässen des westlichen Kaukasus führt * Gefördert durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft RE 2688/2.
Interfacing the Past Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Caa95 Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 28 Ii 1996 Isbn 90 73368 10 3 Pags 195 202, 1996
Scientific Reports
pyrotechnology for the prehistoric pottery has been an important subject for the study of ancient... more pyrotechnology for the prehistoric pottery has been an important subject for the study of ancient production technology and technological styles. However, heterogeneous characteristics in chemical and mineralogical compositions and massive amounts of ceramic sherds at most archaeological sites make it difficult to identify production technologies. In this study, SEM-EDS/WDS, XRD and transmittance and reflectance FT-IR techniques were employed step by step, in order to overcome these limitations. the serial combination of each method covers a macro-, meso-and micro-scale and it enabled us to identify the relationship between firing temperature, reducing or oxidizing atmosphere and thermally induced mobility of Ca and Fe. Numerous ceramic pottery sherds from two archaeological sites in the North Caucasus, Ransyrt 1 (Middle-Late Bronze Age) and Kabardinka 2 (Late Bronze/Early Iron Age) were investigated and compared to the ceramics found at Levinsadovka and Saf'janovo around the Sea of Azov, Russia (Late/Final Bronze Age) for this purpose. Morphological changes by sintering and transformation of indicator minerals such as calcite, hematite, spinel, gehlenite, quartz and cis/trans-vacant 1M illite provide temperature thresholds at 675, 700, 750, 950, 1050, 1100, 1300 °C. With the laboratory based FT-IR, vibrational changes in shape, wavenumber and intensity corresponding to Si-O stretching bands yield an order and classification of the ceramics with regard to firing conditions between the samples as well as the unraveling of temperature profiles within a single sample in a 100 µm scale. With this approach, the number of archaeological ceramics could be classified according to the pyrometamorphic transformation of heterogeneous ceramic composite materials. Combined with the archaeological contexts of each site, these results will contribute to the reconstruction of local technological styles.
Uniparentally-inherited markers on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and the non-recombining regions of t... more Uniparentally-inherited markers on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and the non-recombining regions of the Y chromosome (NRY), have been used for the past 30 years to investigate the history of humans from a maternal and paternal perspective.Researchers have preferred mtDNA due to its abundance in the cells, and comparatively high substitution rate. Conversely, the NRY is less susceptible to back mutations and saturation, and is potentially more informative than mtDNA owing to its longer sequence length. However, due to comparatively poor NRY coverage via shotgun sequencing, and the relatively low and biased representation of Y-chromosome variants on capture arrays such as the 1240K, ancient DNA studies often fail to utilize the unique perspective that the NRY can yield.Here we introduce a new DNA enrichment assay, coined YMCA (Y-mappable capture assay), that targets the “mappable” regions of the NRY. We show that compared to low-coverage shotgun sequencing and 1240K capture, YMCA signific...
Archäologie in Eurasien 41, 2023
for a full version please contact the author
In: S. Maziar/B. Helwing (Hrsg.), Appropriating height. Movement and mobility in highland landsca... more In: S. Maziar/B. Helwing (Hrsg.), Appropriating height. Movement and mobility in highland landscapes of (Leiden 2024) 19–42.
In: J. Schneeweiß/M. Nawroth/H. Piezonka/H. Schwarzberg (Hrsg.), Man sieht nur, was man weiß. Man... more In: J. Schneeweiß/M. Nawroth/H. Piezonka/H. Schwarzberg (Hrsg.), Man sieht nur, was man weiß. Man weiß nur, was man sieht. Globalhistorische Perspektiven auf interkulturelle Phänomene der Mobilität : Festschrift für Hermann Parzinger zum 65. Geburtstag. Prähistorische Archäologie in Südosteuropa 33 (Rahden/Westf. 2024) 449–472.
In: J. Schneeweiß/M. Nawroth/H. Piezonka/H. Schwarzberg (Hrsg.), Man sieht nur, was man weiß. Man... more In: J. Schneeweiß/M. Nawroth/H. Piezonka/H. Schwarzberg (Hrsg.), Man sieht nur, was man weiß. Man weiß nur, was man sieht. Globalhistorische Perspektiven auf interkulturelle Phänomene der Mobilität : Festschrift für Hermann Parzinger zum 65. Geburtstag. Prähistorische Archäologie in Südosteuropa 33 (Rahden/Westf. 2024) 449–472.
Ghalichi, Ayshin, Sabine Reinhold et al. 2024. The Rise and Transformation of Bronze Age Pastoralists in the Caucasus. , 2024
Reinhold, Sabine. 2024. Chapter 6. Mobile or Settled? Vectors of Economic and Social Amplification Among Pastoral Communities of the Late Bronze Age in the North Caucasus. , 2024
In Mobile Pastoralist Households: Archaeological and Ethnoarchaeological Perspectives, edited by ... more In Mobile Pastoralist Households: Archaeological and Ethnoarchaeological Perspectives, edited by Jean-Luc Houle. 1st ed., 159–90. New York, NY: Berghahn Books Incorporated.
Quaternary International
Bioarchaeological studies provide a valuable contribution to the understanding of the economy and... more Bioarchaeological studies provide a valuable contribution to the understanding of the economy and activities of prehistoric populations in mountain regions. The Late Bronze Age in the Caucasus is an epoch of fundamental transformations that is accompanied by the development of a semi-stationary pastoral economy and ultimately by the emergence of combined mountain agriculture. So far, only a few archaeozoological assemblages from this period have been published. The site of Ransyrt-1 in the North Caucasus offers a substantial collection of bone material from the remains of a mountain sanctuary. Analysis of the animal remains as well as preliminary isotopic analyses of strontium, oxygen, and carbon shed light on animal exploitation at this site. Comparisons with slightly later settlements in the North and South Caucasus illustrate the development of intensive livestock management strategies in the Late Bronze Age in this region at the interface between Southwest Asia and the Eurasian steppe.
Reinhold, Sabine, Andrej B. Belinskij, and Dmitrij S. Korobov. 2023. Mountain Archaeology of the Bronze Age Caucasus – from Vertical Pastoralism to Combined Mountain Economy and Mountain Farming. , 2023
In IEMA Volume 10 - Archaeology of Mountain Landscapes: Interdisciplinary Research Strategies of ... more In IEMA Volume 10 - Archaeology of Mountain Landscapes: Interdisciplinary Research Strategies of Agro-Pastoralism in Upland Regions, edited by Arnau Garcia-Molsosa, 153–77. Buffalo: Sunny Press.
Reinhold, Sabine. 2021. Chronologies for the Koban Culture: Towards the Construction of Supraregional Chronological Horizons in the North Caucasian Early Iron Age. , 2021
Der Kaukasus zwischen Osteuropa und Vorderem Orient in der Bronze- und Eisenzeit. Dialog der Kulturen, Kultur des Dialoges, 2020
Analysen stabiler Kohlenstoff-und Stickstoffisotope an Skelettmaterial ermöglichen die Rekonstruk... more Analysen stabiler Kohlenstoff-und Stickstoffisotope an Skelettmaterial ermöglichen die Rekonstruktion der Ernährung von Mensch und Tier in der Vergangenheit. Nahe der Stadt Ipatovo, Region Stavropol, Russland, wurde 1998/99 ein Grossgrabhügel (Kurgan) der "Grabhügelgruppe 3" ausgegraben. In Kurgan 2 wurden 195 Gräber erfasst, von denen 34 in die Bronzezeit, d.h. den Zeitraum vom späten 4. bis zum Ende des 2. Jt. v.Chr., datieren. In einer Bachelorarbeit an der Universität Basel wurde die Ernährungsweise der 36 bronzezeitlichen Individuen des Kurgans mit Hilfe von Isotopenanalysen untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen für die Früh-und Spätbronzezeit die Tendenz zu einem Mischkonsum von C3und C4-Pflanzen. Entweder wurden C4-Pflanzen direkt konsumiert oder Produkte von Tieren verzehrt, die sich zumindest teilweise von C4-Pflanzen ernährten. Dieser Einfluss ist für die Mittelbronzezeit nicht erkennbar. Die Stickstoffisotopenverhältnisse legen nahe, dass die Produkte terrestrischer Tiere einen Hauptbestandteil der Ernährung ausmachten, wobei ein zusätzlicher Konsum von Süsswasserfisch denkbar ist. Insgesamt gibt es weder zwischen den Geschlechtern noch zwischen Gräbern mit oder ohne aussergewöhnliche Ausstattung auffällige Unterschiede in der Ernährung.
Umweltarchive und Archäologie im Kaukasus: Neue Methoden in der archäologischen Klimaforschung
e-Forschungsberichte des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, 2021-2, § 1-16
Mit dem Herunterladen erkennen Sie die Nutzungsbedingungen (h ps://publica more Mit dem Herunterladen erkennen Sie die Nutzungsbedingungen (h ps://publica von iDAI.publica ons an. Sofern in dem Dokument nichts anderes ausdrücklich vermerkt ist, gelten folgende Nutzungsbedingungen: Die Nutzung der Inhalte ist ausschließlich privaten Nutzerinnen / Nutzern für den eigenen wissenscha lichen und sons gen privaten Gebrauch gesta et. Sämtliche Texte, Bilder und sons ge Inhalte in diesem Dokument unterliegen dem Schutz des Urheberrechts gemäß dem Urheberrechtsgesetz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Die Inhalte können von Ihnen nur dann genutzt und vervielfäl gt werden, wenn Ihnen dies im Einzelfall durch den Rechteinhaber oder die Schrankenregelungen des Urheberrechts gesta et ist. Jede Art der Nutzung zu gewerblichen Zwecken ist untersagt. Zu den Möglichkeiten einer Lizensierung von Nutzungsrechten wenden Sie sich bi e direkt an die verantwortlichen Herausgeberinnen/Herausgeber der entsprechenden Publika onsorgane oder an die Online-Redak on des Deutschen Archäologischen Ins tuts
Kontaktmodi. Ergebnisse der gemeinsamen Treffen der Arbeitsgruppen "Mobilität und Migration" und "Zonen der Interaktion", (2013-2018). Menschen, Kulturen, Traditionen, 2020
Die Wallanalge von Ransyrt 1 vom Tal des Podkumok aus gesehen, durch das heute eine der wichtigst... more Die Wallanalge von Ransyrt 1 vom Tal des Podkumok aus gesehen, durch das heute eine der wichtigsten Routen zu den Pässen des westlichen Kaukasus führt * Gefördert durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft RE 2688/2.
Interfacing the Past Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Caa95 Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 28 Ii 1996 Isbn 90 73368 10 3 Pags 195 202, 1996
Scientific Reports
pyrotechnology for the prehistoric pottery has been an important subject for the study of ancient... more pyrotechnology for the prehistoric pottery has been an important subject for the study of ancient production technology and technological styles. However, heterogeneous characteristics in chemical and mineralogical compositions and massive amounts of ceramic sherds at most archaeological sites make it difficult to identify production technologies. In this study, SEM-EDS/WDS, XRD and transmittance and reflectance FT-IR techniques were employed step by step, in order to overcome these limitations. the serial combination of each method covers a macro-, meso-and micro-scale and it enabled us to identify the relationship between firing temperature, reducing or oxidizing atmosphere and thermally induced mobility of Ca and Fe. Numerous ceramic pottery sherds from two archaeological sites in the North Caucasus, Ransyrt 1 (Middle-Late Bronze Age) and Kabardinka 2 (Late Bronze/Early Iron Age) were investigated and compared to the ceramics found at Levinsadovka and Saf'janovo around the Sea of Azov, Russia (Late/Final Bronze Age) for this purpose. Morphological changes by sintering and transformation of indicator minerals such as calcite, hematite, spinel, gehlenite, quartz and cis/trans-vacant 1M illite provide temperature thresholds at 675, 700, 750, 950, 1050, 1100, 1300 °C. With the laboratory based FT-IR, vibrational changes in shape, wavenumber and intensity corresponding to Si-O stretching bands yield an order and classification of the ceramics with regard to firing conditions between the samples as well as the unraveling of temperature profiles within a single sample in a 100 µm scale. With this approach, the number of archaeological ceramics could be classified according to the pyrometamorphic transformation of heterogeneous ceramic composite materials. Combined with the archaeological contexts of each site, these results will contribute to the reconstruction of local technological styles.
Uniparentally-inherited markers on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and the non-recombining regions of t... more Uniparentally-inherited markers on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and the non-recombining regions of the Y chromosome (NRY), have been used for the past 30 years to investigate the history of humans from a maternal and paternal perspective.Researchers have preferred mtDNA due to its abundance in the cells, and comparatively high substitution rate. Conversely, the NRY is less susceptible to back mutations and saturation, and is potentially more informative than mtDNA owing to its longer sequence length. However, due to comparatively poor NRY coverage via shotgun sequencing, and the relatively low and biased representation of Y-chromosome variants on capture arrays such as the 1240K, ancient DNA studies often fail to utilize the unique perspective that the NRY can yield.Here we introduce a new DNA enrichment assay, coined YMCA (Y-mappable capture assay), that targets the “mappable” regions of the NRY. We show that compared to low-coverage shotgun sequencing and 1240K capture, YMCA signific...
Domestication of horses fundamentally transformed long-range mobility and warfare1. However, mode... more Domestication of horses fundamentally transformed long-range mobility and warfare1. However, modern domesticated breeds do not descend from the earliest domestic horse lineage associated with archaeological evidence of bridling, milking and corralling2–4 at Botai, Central Asia around 3500 bc3. Other longstanding candidate regions for horse domestication, such as Iberia5 and Anatolia6, have also recently been challenged. Thus, the genetic, geographic and temporal origins of modern domestic horses have remained unknown. Here we pinpoint the Western Eurasian steppes, especially the lower Volga-Don region, as the homeland of modern domestic horses. Furthermore, we map the population changes accompanying domestication from 273 ancient horse genomes. This reveals that modern domestic horses ultimately replaced almost all other local populations as they expanded rapidly across Eurasia from about 2000 bc, synchronously with equestrian material culture, including Sintashta spoke-wheeled char...
The Oxford Handbook of the European Iron Age
This chapter surveys the Iron Age in the region extending from the western Black Sea to the North... more This chapter surveys the Iron Age in the region extending from the western Black Sea to the North Caucasus. As in many parts of Europe, this was the first period in which written sources named peoples, places, and historical events. The Black Sea saw Greek colonization from the seventh century BC and its northern shore later became the homeland of the important Bosporan kingdom. For a long time, researchers sought to identify tribes named by authors such as Herodotus by archaeological means, but this ethno-deterministic perspective has come under critique. Publication of important new data from across the region now permits us to draw a more coherent picture of successive cultures and of interactions between different parts of this vast area, shedding new light both on local histories and on the role ‘The East’ played in the history of Iron Age Europe.
Mylnikov, Vladimir P., Chairkina, Natalia M., and Sabine Reinhold. 2023. Wooden Paddles from the Nizhny Tagil Museum-Reserve of Mining and Metallurgy in the Urals, 2023
. Ural'skij istoričeskij vestnik 77, 4, 2022, 19–28, 2022
Russian Press Catalogue index-72574 Academic publication of papers by the Russian and foreign his... more Russian Press Catalogue index-72574 Academic publication of papers by the Russian and foreign historians, archaeologists and ethnologists. The publication covers research on the topical issues of the Russian history in the civilizational and geopolitical dynamics, theories and methods of historical and anthropological studies Founder Federal state budgetary institution of science Institute of History and Archaeology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Vestnik NSU. Series: History and Philology
В последнее десятилетие в Барабинской лесостепи выявлены памятники неолита с комплексами плоскодо... more В последнее десятилетие в Барабинской лесостепи выявлены памятники неолита с комплексами плоскодонной посуды. Первооткрыватели отнесли материалы памятника Автодрома-2/2 к боборыкинской культуре. На многослойном памятнике Тартас-1 изучен неолитический комплекс, состоящий из двух конструкций (жилищ?) и системы ям для хранения рыбы (и мяса птицы) с аналогичной керамикой. Подобные изделия зафиксированы и на памятнике Венгерово-2. Серия радиоуглеродных дат получена из объектов памятника Тартас-1 и одна дата-из Венгерово-2. Все датировки образцов укладываются в пределы VII тыс. до н. э., включая рубежи VI и VIII тыс. до н. э. На основе их анализа можно говорить о существовании в Барабе и в лесостепном правобережном Прииртышье не известного ранее периода неолита-раннего неолита. Его колорит проявляется в наличии оригинальной плоскодонной керамической посуды, орнаментации и технологии. Отнесение тартасских комплексов с плоскодонной керамикой к периоду раннего неолита не позволяет связывать их с боборыкинской культурой. Постулируется автохтонное происхождение тартасских комплексов. Ключевые слова: Барабинская лесостепь, ранний неолит, плоскодонная посуда, радиоуглеродное датирование.
Ural Historical Journal
Горбуновский торфяник расположен в Свердловской области на территории МО «г. Нижний Тагил». VI Ра... more Горбуновский торфяник расположен в Свердловской области на территории МО «г. Нижний Тагил». VI Разрез находится почти в центре торфяника, в 600 м к западу от восточного берега палеоозера (рис. 1, А). Он был обнаружен в начале XX в. во время добычи тор-Чаиркина Наталия Михайловна-д.и.н., заместитель директора, Институт истории и археологии УрО РАН (г. Екатеринбург)
Problems of Archaeology, Ethnography, Anthropology of Siberia and Neighboring Territories
Стратиграфия погребальных комплексов ранней-развитой бронзы на памятнике Усть-Тартас-2 В статье п... more Стратиграфия погребальных комплексов ранней-развитой бронзы на памятнике Усть-Тартас-2 В статье публикуются новые материалы эпохи бронзы, полученные при раскопках в полевой сезон 2018 г. в Барабинской лесостепи. При исследовании памятника Усть-Тартас-2 был выявлен уникальный случай, когда захоронение усть-тартасской культуры эпохи ранней бронзы было перерезано погребением ранней-развитой бронзы одиновской культуры. Особенностью погребения усть-тартасской культуры является наличие двух крупных бронзовых предметов, что совершенно не характерно для погребальной практики ее носителей. В захоронении одиновской культуры обнаружен керамический сосуд, имеющий аналоги в материалах крохалевской культуры эпохи бронзы. В исследовании представлено описание стратиграфических и планиграфических позиций захоронений, дана характеристика погребального обряда и инвентаря. Сделан вывод об относительной хронологии усть-тартасской и одиновской культур эпохи ранней-развитой бронзы.
Problems of Archaeology, Ethnography, Anthropology of Siberia and Neighboring Territories
Институт археологии и этнографии СО РАН 2 Германский археологический институт 3 Новосибирский гос... more Институт археологии и этнографии СО РАН 2 Германский археологический институт 3 Новосибирский государственный университет 4 Новосибирский государственный педагогический университет
Problems of Archaeology, Ethnography, Anthropology of Siberia and Neighboring Territories
Problems of Archaeology, Ethnography, Anthropology of Siberia and Neighboring Territories
Since 2004, the Eurasia-Department has been cooperating with the Institute of Archaeology and Eth... more Since 2004, the Eurasia-Department has been cooperating with the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology RAS in Novosibirsk on excavating sites of the Bronze Age in Western Siberia. The research focuses on the site of Tartas 1, where until today more than 730 burials from the Bronze Age (4rd to 1st millennium BC) have been examined. Surprisingly, Neolithic settlement remains, until today two houses and at least 12 deep pits, were uncovered in 2015. They offer the first radiocarbon dated Neolithic sequence in Siberia in the 7th millennium BC. Since 2017, a new site nearby with similar complexes has been excavated.
editorial to World Archaeology, 55:3 Archaeology in times of climate emergency
Reinhold, Sabine. 2023. Remarks on Analogy in Archaeology – and Why They Still Matter. FS Reinhard Bernbeck's , 2023
.), Kontaktmodi. Ergebnisse der gemeinsamen Treffen der Arbeitsgruppen "Mobilität und Migration" und "Zonen der Interaktion", (2013-2018). Menschen, Kulturen, Traditionen, 2020
Kontaktmodi. Ergebnisse der gemeinsamen Treffen der Arbeitsgruppen "Mobilität und Migration" und "Zonen der Interaktion", (2013-2018). Menschen, Kulturen, Traditionen, 2020
Call for Papers for a session entitled "Spiritual and Ritual Dimensions of Mountain Landscapes" a... more Call for Papers for a session entitled "Spiritual and Ritual Dimensions of Mountain Landscapes" at next year's UISPP congress in Paris (June 2018).
The deadline for submissions to this session is 30th November 2017.
Call for Papers: Spiritual and Ritual Dimensions of Mountain Landscapes UISPP World Congress. (HO... more Call for Papers: Spiritual and Ritual Dimensions of Mountain Landscapes
UISPP World Congress. (HOME Commission). Paris. June 2018.
This session aims to explore the nature of ritual sites and sacral landscapes in mountain and upland landscapes worldwide. We welcome contributions from all fields of archaeology, history, anthropology and other relevant fields Contributions can include sites and finds from mountain and upland sites that are relevant to this theme, but might also include evidence from other landscape settings that cast light on human/mountain relations in some way.
Oral presentations in this session will be in English or French. Participation is open for all attendees at the Paris congress, June 2018
The HOME Commission (Human Occupations in Mountain Environments) works to promote archaeological, anthropological and environmental research related to past human activities without any chronological or geographical restrictions. The group compares and shares approaches, methodologies and scientific results among its members and with any other individuals or research groups dealing with topics of interest to the Commission. The commission holds regular meetings and workshops for members and has organised a series of sessions and publications at recent UISPP congresses.
European Journal of Archaeology, 2009
This book discusses the cultural, social and archaeological aspects of space and the impact of sp... more This book discusses the cultural, social and archaeological aspects of space and the impact of spatial concepts in practical archaeological case studies. It summarizes recent developments and looks to the future, exploring some of the cutting-edge ideas in spatial method and theory. The past decade has seen significant advances in the tools available for spatial analysis in archaeology, and theory and method regarding the spatial character of archaeology must keep pace with these advances. Geomorphological and geochemical techniques, geographic information systems, remotely sensed data, virtual reality and electronic survey technology provide new opportunities, but also require new ideas. This book gives us insight into the ways that people have used space to subsist, to recreate their culture in their ‘homelands’ or in new areas, or impose their culture on others. Contributors address the way archaeological notions of space and deep time can add to society’s understanding of landscape, social relationships, past environment and cultural heritage. The contributions from Europe and North America demonstrate intercontinental connections and explore ways of using dynamic models of spatial patterning to assess human activity within natural and cultural landscapes.
European Journal of Archaeology, 2010
Forum Kritische Archäologie 3 (2014), 2014
SUNY Press eBooks, Oct 1, 2023
ИнстИтут ИсторИИ матерИальной культуры ран россИйскИй государственный педагогИческИй унИверсИтет ... more ИнстИтут ИсторИИ матерИальной культуры ран россИйскИй государственный педагогИческИй унИверсИтет Им. а.И. герцена самарскИй государственный соцИально-педагогИческИй унИверсИтет ИнстИтут археологИИ ран ИнстИтут географИИ ран РадиоуглеРод в аРхеологии и палеоэкологии: пРошлое, настоящее, будущее Материалы Международной конференции, посвященной 80-летию старшего научного сотрудника ииМк ран, кандидата хиМических наук ганны ивановны Зайцевой санкт-петербург 2020 УДК 902/904.621.039.86
Ural Historical Journal
The purpose of the research was a comprehensive palaeoecological study of peat deposits from a co... more The purpose of the research was a comprehensive palaeoecological study of peat deposits from a core in the floodplain of the Mulymya river, reconstruction of changes in climatic parameters and vegetation in the Holocene according to spore-pollen analysis (SPA) and radiocarbon dates. In the course of the study, new data were received from the SPA of the Mulymya core, provided with a series of AMS dates, which made it possible to record changes in climatic parameters and the transformation of forest formations of the Konda left-bank middle taiga province for the period 10180–2720 BP / 8463–977 BC. In the late glacial period (up to 10,000 BP / 8250 BC), the territory represented open spaces with widespread permafrost. In the Early Holocene, 9750–8200 BP / 7750–650 BC, the expansion of woody vegetation began: there was an expansion of forest areas from sparse forests to closed forests. From the beginning, woody vegetation grew in islands of open spruce forests with an admixture of larch...
Ural Historical Journal
The article is devoted to woodworking — a complex, multi-level system of stages and operations of... more The article is devoted to woodworking — a complex, multi-level system of stages and operations of the technical and technological process of the Early Metal Age of the Trans-Urals. The natural resources of the forest zone of the region provided the necessary material — wood — for the manufacture of wooden structures, hunting and fishing tools, household and religious products. The technological sequence of woodworking of this time is illustrated in detail by the example of the manufacture of one of the most complex categories of wood products — a sledge runner, discovered in 1928 at the VI Section of the Gorbunovsky peat bog. A set of tools has been defined with which the skid is made: an axe for chopping an entire tree trunk and pre-processing for making a workpiece; an adze for facing the product; chisels with a flat and semicircular blade for cutting holes, additional secondary processing and a lower sliding surface. The skid from the VI Section of the Gorbunovsky peat bog, accor...
European Journal of Archaeology, 2022
prehistoric archaeology, time, experience of time, time practices, concepts of time "Zeiterfahrun... more prehistoric archaeology, time, experience of time, time practices, concepts of time "Zeiterfahrung gehört zu den Grundgegebenheiten des Menschseins. Der Mensch erfährt Zeit im Wandel und in den Tiefen seiner Selbst, als Fluch der Natur und als Leistung seines Geistes. Er kann die Zeit nicht so lassen, wie sie ihm geschieht… Indem er sich kulturell deutend mit ihr auseinandersetzt, erhebt er sich über die Zeit, versucht sie zu bannen und zu beherrschen, aber immer bleibt er ihrem Wandel unterworfen." Rüsen 2003: Klappentext
Проблемы археологии, этнографии, антропологии Сибири и сопредельных территорий, 2021
Представлены первые результаты исследований поселения Тартас-5 в Венгеровском районе Новосибирско... more Представлены первые результаты исследований поселения Тартас-5 в Венгеровском районе Новосибирской области. Памятник располагается на разрушающейся части пойменной террасы левого берега р. Тартас, в урочище Таи, которое и в древности, и в настоящее время полностью затопляемо (в отдельные годы максимального обводнения-вообще круглогодично). Данное обстоятельство делает выявление поселенческих культурных слоев делом крайне сложным. Таких слоев на памятнике зафиксировано два. Верхний слой содержал находки, предварительно относимые к эпохе раннего железного века. Нижний культурный слой и прилегающие к нему прослои содержали культурные остатки эпохи развитой бронзы. Между выраженными культурными слоями выявлена мощная пачка отложений, не содержащих культурных остатков и являющихся, с точки зрения археологии, стерильными. Предварительный анализ показывает крайне незначительное содержание находок в верхнем слое. Это мелко фрагментированные обломки керамики, не украшенные орнаментом, и несколько слабопрофилированных венчиков, декорированных рядом жемчужин или неорнаментированных. При изучении нижнего культурного слоя эпохи бронзы выявлены остатки нескольких столбовых ям, врезанных в материк. Кроме того обнаружены следы двух кострищ небольших размеров, содержащих фрагменты керамики и раздавленные сосуды. В культурном слое и, особенно, в зольнике обнаружено большое количество керамики и костей животных со следами рубки. Согласно предварительно проведенным определениям, кости принадлежат домашним животным-корове, овце и, в меньшей степени, лошади. Форма и орнаментация керамики характерна для классической андроновской (федоровской) посуды. При этом рассматриваемый комплекс ничем не отличается от погребальной посуды Барабы, хорошо известной по раскопкам здесь многочисленных андроновских (федоровских) могильников.
Nature, 2024
Horses revolutionized human history with fast mobility. However, the timeline between their domes... more Horses revolutionized human history with fast mobility. However, the timeline between their domestication and widespread integration as a means of transportation remains contentious. Here we assemble a large collection of 475 ancient horse genomes to assess the period when these animals were first reshaped by human agency in Eurasia. We find that reproductive control of the modern domestic lineage emerged ~2,200 BCE (Before Common Era), through close kin mating and shortened generation times. Reproductive control emerged following a severe domestication bottleneck starting no earlier than ~2,700 BCE, and coincided with a sudden expansion across Eurasia that ultimately resulted in the replacement of nearly every local horse lineage. This expansion marked the rise of widespread horse-based mobility in human history, which refutes the commonly-held narrative of large horse herds accompanying the massive migration of steppe peoples across Europe ~3,000 BCE and earlier. Finally, we detect significantly shortened generation times at Botai ~3,500 BCE, a settlement from Central Asia associated with corrals and a subsistence economy centered on horses. This supports local horse husbandry before the rise of modern domestic bloodlines.
Appropriating Innovations
Quaternary International
Bioarchaeological studies provide a valuable contribution to the understanding of the economy and... more Bioarchaeological studies provide a valuable contribution to the understanding of the economy and activities of prehistoric populations in mountain regions. The Late Bronze Age in the Caucasus is an epoch of fundamental transformations that is accompanied by the development of a semi-stationary pastoral economy and ultimately by the emergence of combined mountain agriculture. So far, only a few archaeozoological assemblages from this period have been published. The site of Ransyrt-1 in the North Caucasus offers a substantial collection of bone material from the remains of a mountain sanctuary. Analysis of the animal remains as well as preliminary isotopic analyses of strontium, oxygen, and carbon shed light on animal exploitation at this site. Comparisons with slightly later settlements in the North and South Caucasus illustrate the development of intensive livestock management strategies in the Late Bronze Age in this region at the interface between Southwest Asia and the Eurasian steppe.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Significance The bacterium Yersinia pestis has caused numerous historically documented outbreaks ... more Significance The bacterium Yersinia pestis has caused numerous historically documented outbreaks of plague and research using ancient DNA could demonstrate that it already affected human populations during the Neolithic. However, the pathogen’s genetic diversity, geographic spread, and transmission dynamics during this early period of Y. pestis evolution are largely unexplored. Here, we describe a set of ancient plague genomes up to 5,000 y old from across Eurasia. Our data demonstrate that two genetically distinct forms of Y. pestis evolved in parallel and were both distributed across vast geographic distances, potentially occupying different ecological niches. Interpreted within the archeological context, our results suggest that the spread of plague during this period was linked to increased human mobility and intensification of animal husbandry.
Problems of Archaeology, Ethnography, Anthropology of Siberia and Neighboring Territories, 2021
This article describes first results of studies at the Tartas-5 settlement (Vengerovsky District,... more This article describes first results of studies at the Tartas-5 settlement (Vengerovsky District, Novosibirsk Region), located on the collapsing part of the floodplain terrace of the left bank of the Tartas River, in the Tai locality, which, both in ancient times and nowadays, is completely flooded. This circumstance makes it extremely difficult to identify cultural layers. The upper out of two cultural layers at the site contained the finds tentatively attributed to the Early Iron Age. The lower cultural layer and adjacent layers contained cultural remains of the Advanced Bronze Age. Thick, archaeologically sterile deposits were between the two cultural layers. Preliminary analysis has revealed extremely insignificant finds in the upper layer, represented by finely fragmented pottery fragments undecorated with ornamental patterns. Several weakly protruding rims were decorated with the row of pearls or were left undecorated. When studying the lower cultural layer of the Bronze Age, ...
21st European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Moscow, August 15-19, 2016
Problems of Archaeology, Ethnography, Anthropology of Siberia and Neighboring Territories, 2018
Новый могильник кротовской культуры в Барабе В статье представлены результаты исследования могиль... more Новый могильник кротовской культуры в Барабе В статье представлены результаты исследования могильника Усть-Тартас-2, расположенного на памятнике под общим названием «Усть-Тартасские курганы». Рассмотрены материалы пяти детских захоронений. Особенность могил-сопровождение их ямами с обломками технической керамики, костями животных и чешуей рыб. Керамические сосуды помещены в погребения или находятся на погребенной почве вне могил. Керамика характеризуемого памятника имеет полные аналогии с кротовской погребальной посудой. Кроме посуды в могилах найдены костяная проколка, игольник, бронзовое шило, украшения в виде замкнутых и разомкнутых колец, выполненных из свинца или оловянистой бронзы.
Genes, Jan 20, 2017
Sheep were one of the first livestock species domesticated by humans. After initial domestication... more Sheep were one of the first livestock species domesticated by humans. After initial domestication in the Middle East they were spread across Eurasia. The modern distribution of endogenous Jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus insertions in domestic sheep breeds suggests that over the course of millennia, successive introductions of improved lineages and selection for wool quality occurred in the Mediterranean region and most of Asia. Here we present a novel ancient DNA approach using data of endogenous retroviral insertions in Bronze and Iron Age domestic sheep from the Caucasus and Pamir mountain areas. Our findings support a secondary introduction of wool sheep from the Middle East between the Late Bronze Age and Iron Age into most areas of Eurasia.
Molecular signatures of Yersinia pestis were recently identified in prehistoric Eurasian individu... more Molecular signatures of Yersinia pestis were recently identified in prehistoric Eurasian individuals, thus suggesting Y. pestis caused some form of disease in humans prior to the first historically documented pandemic. Here, we present six new Y. pestis genomes spanning from the European Late Neolithic to the Bronze Age (LNBA) dating from 4,800 to 3,700 BP. We show that all currently investigated LNBA strains form a single genetic clade in the Y. pestis phylogeny that appears to be extinct. Interpreting our data within the context of recent ancient human genomic evidence, which suggests an increase in human mobility during the LNBA, we propose a possible scenario for the spread of Y. pestis during the LNBA: Y. pestis may have entered Europe from Central Eurasia during an expansion of steppe people, persisted within Europe until the mid Bronze Age, and moved back towards Central Eurasia in parallel with subsequent human population movements.
Eurasia Antiqua Zeitschrift Fur Archaologie Eurasiens, 2007
Nature Ecology & Evolution
Archaeological and archaeogenetic evidence points to the Pontic–Caspian steppe zone between the C... more Archaeological and archaeogenetic evidence points to the Pontic–Caspian steppe zone between the Caucasus and the Black Sea as the crucible from which the earliest steppe pastoralist societies arose and spread, ultimately influencing populations from Europe to Inner Asia. However, little is known about their economic foundations and the factors that may have contributed to their extensive mobility. Here, we investigate dietary proteins within the dental calculus proteomes of 45 individuals spanning the Neolithic to Greco-Roman periods in the Pontic–Caspian Steppe and neighbouring South Caucasus, Oka–Volga–Don and East Urals regions. We find that sheep dairying accompanies the earliest forms of Eneolithic pastoralism in the North Caucasus. During the fourth millennium bc, Maykop and early Yamnaya populations also focused dairying exclusively on sheep while reserving cattle for traction and other purposes. We observe a breakdown in livestock specialization and an economic diversificati...
Nature Communications, 2019
Archaeogenetic studies have described the formation of Eurasian ‘steppe ancestry’ as a mixture of... more Archaeogenetic studies have described the formation of Eurasian ‘steppe ancestry’ as a mixture of Eastern and Caucasus hunter-gatherers. However, it remains unclear when and where this ancestry arose and whether it was related to a horizon of cultural innovations in the 4th millennium BCE that subsequently facilitated the advance of pastoral societies in Eurasia. Here we generated genome-wide SNP data from 45 prehistoric individuals along a 3000-year temporal transect in the North Caucasus. We observe a genetic separation between the groups of the Caucasus and those of the adjacent steppe. The northern Caucasus groups are genetically similar to contemporaneous populations south of it, suggesting human movement across the mountain range during the Bronze Age. The steppe groups from Yamnaya and subsequent pastoralist cultures show evidence for previously undetected farmer-related ancestry from different contact zones, while Steppe Maykop individuals harbour additional Upper Palaeolith...
18th Annual Conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeolog... more 18th Annual Conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology Kent, 9th-11th September 2016
International conference of “Anthropology and Ethnology of Caucasus”, Javakhishvili Tbilisi State... more International conference of “Anthropology and Ethnology of Caucasus”, Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Institute of History and Ethnology, October 24-27, 2016, Tbilisi.
21st European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Moscow, August 15-19, 2016
Poster presented at the SGA Annual Meeting, 16 November 2019 in Basel, Switzerland, 2019
Der in der Nähe der russischen Stadt Ipatovo, Region Stawropol gelegene Kurgan 2 aus dem Grabhüge... more Der in der Nähe der russischen Stadt Ipatovo, Region Stawropol gelegene Kurgan 2 aus dem Grabhügel-Gräberfeld 3 wurde in den Jahren 1989-1999 ausgegraben. Die insgesamt 195 Bestattungen datieren in eine Zeitspanne zwischen dem 4. Jahrtausend v. Chr. und dem späten 2. Jahrtausend n. Chr. Im Rahmen einer Bachelorarbeit an der Universität Basel wurde die Ernährung von 36 bronzezeitlichen Individuen aus Kurgan 2 mit Hilfe der Analyse stabiler Kohlenstoff- und Stickstoffisotopen untersucht. Die untersuchte Stichprobe umfasst Erwachsene beider Geschlechter und Kinder aus der Früh- Mittel- und Spätbronzezeit sowie vier tierische Referenzproben. Unter den Bestattungen finden sich Gräber der frühbronzezeitlichen Majkop und Jamnaja-Kultur, der mittelbronzezeitlichen Katakombengrab-Kultur sowie drei Wagengräber.
Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Individuen sich von terrestrischen Tierprodukten und C3-Pflanzen ernährten, wobei einige von ihnen einen Einfluss von C4-Pflanzen in der Ernährung aufweisen. Dieser war bis in die Mittelbronzezeit wahrscheinlich indirekt, d.h. durch den Konsum von Tieren entstanden. Leicht erhöhte Stickstoffwerte könnten bei den meisten Individuen auf klimatischen Einflüssen oder auf den Konsum von aquatischen Produkten beruhen. Während der Spätbronzezeit zeigt sich dagegen wahrscheinlich ein direkter Konsum von C4-Pflanzen, welcher im Zusammenhang mit einer Änderungen der Wirtschaftsweise stehen könnte.
Die Ernährungs der bronzezeitlichen Individuen aus Ipatovo weist keine grossen Unterschiede im Hinblick auf das Geschlecht oder Alter der bestatteten Menschen auf. Insgesamt scheint sie komplex und von verschiedenen Faktoren abhängig gewesen zu sein.
Changement climatique et interaction homme-environnement dans le Caucase : perspectives géo-bio-a... more Changement climatique et interaction homme-environnement dans le Caucase : perspectives géo-bio-archéologiques et littéraires
Le Caucase, avec ses vieux volcans (dont le plus haut sommet d’Europe, l’Elbrouz, 5 642 m) et son bassin versant eurasien, est non seulement l’une des terres les plus riches en ressources naturelles (métaux, minéraux, bois) mais aussi un immense observatoire naturel de la santé de nos écosystèmes. Les glaciers du Caucase (au-dessus de 2 300 m) sont particulièrement sensibles au réchauffement actuel : ils perdent jusqu’à 0,7 à 1 % de leur masse totale chaque année. Leur fonte et celle du pergélisol sont responsables de toute la dégradation de l’environnement, provoquant des catastrophes immédiates et lointaines.
Ainsi, au cours des dernières décennies, des coulées de boue et des avalanches de glace ont détruit des agglomérations et des infrastructures essentielles, et modifié le débit des rivières, contribuant à la montée des niveaux de la mer Noire et de la mer Caspienne. Leur fonte totale (estimée vers 2050) aura des conséquences sans précédent, puisque le haut Caucase avec ses glaciers a toujours été le château d’eaux des plaines et vallées adjacentes pendant l’Holocène. La désertification des régions montagneuses et steppiques va s’accentuer, les lacs glaciaires pourraient disparaître, les bassins hydrographiques changeront de forme et d’étendue, ce qui affectera lourdement la biodiversité. La diminution des ressources écosystémiques aura des conséquences catastrophiques sur l’économie humaine et sur la qualité de vie. Avec ces changements naturels, toutes les sociétés humaines seront affectées et certains habitats traditionnels seront abandonnés.