Ciler Cilingiroglu | Ege University (original) (raw)

Top Papers by Ciler Cilingiroglu

Research paper thumbnail of 2024. Çilingiroglu, Ç., Helwing, B. The Neolithic and Chalcolithic of West Asia. In: Nikita, E., Rehren, T. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Archaeology, 2nd Edition, vol. 4, pp. 566–582, London: Academic Press.

2024. Çilingiroglu, Ç., Helwing, B. The Neolithic and Chalcolithic of West Asia. In: Nikita, E., Rehren, T. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Archaeology, 2nd Edition, vol. 4, pp. 566–582, London: Academic Press.

Western Asia forms a broad belt around the formative zones of social and technological transforma... more Western Asia forms a broad belt around the formative zones of social and technological transformation that mark the millennia defined conventionally as the Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods. From the emergence of sedentary and food-producing communities to the formation of complex societies and urban settlements, the individual hotspots developed in lockstep while pursuing distinct and diverse pathways. The status of research differs widely across the regions, with the most detailed sets of data currently available for Central and Western Anatolia and some important recent work in South Caucasia, whereas the Iranian highlands and Pakistan remain underexplored.

Research paper thumbnail of 2023. Kababurun: investigations of an eastern Aegean village in the Late Chalcolithic to Early Bronze Age transition. Anatolian Studies 2023: 1-24. (OPEN ACCESS: PLS USE THE LINK)

The Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age (EBA) 1 are dynamic prehistoric eras, encapsulating cr... more The Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age (EBA) 1 are dynamic prehistoric eras, encapsulating crucial political, social and economic developments in western Anatolia and the adjacent regions. Although recent fieldwork and synthesis on this transition in western Turkey provide a general framework for this important transitional period, we still lack a holistic understanding of settlement types, subsistence patterns and socio-economic interaction zones. Discovery of the coastal site of Kababurun during surveys on the Karaburun Peninsula enhances understanding of the Late Chalcolithic–EBA 1 transition by providing data on settlement characteristics, material technologies and subsistence strategies. Kababurun is currently the only absolutely dated prehistoric site in the Karaburun Peninsula, offering a reliable chronological basis for comparisons in the region and beyond. In this article, we first introduce and then contextualise the Kababurun data within the eastern Aegean and western Anatolian research problems, then discuss how that data might contribute to a more refined understanding of Late Chalcolithic to EBA 1 communities. In particular, we argue that the site of Kababurun represents a form of community that is vitally important but poorly understood for this period: a small-scale rural settlement, connected to local networks but without a specialised function.

Research paper thumbnail of 2022. To Burn the Blanket for a Flea: A Philosophical Response to Object-Oriented Archaeologies. Archaeologies 2022.

A growing literature in archaeological theory has embraced the “material turn,” especially what i... more A growing literature in archaeological theory has embraced the “material turn,” especially what is branded as “Object-Oriented Ontology” (OOO). Some archaeologists view this as an opportunity for the discipline which is, by definition, a practice of knowing objects. Others argue that the material turn may open up hitherto-unexplored ways of looking at historical processes. While this all sounds very exciting for a new generation of archaeologists, we see a genuine need to be cautious about the implications of subscribing to OOO-inspired archaeologies. These new theoretical developments have a direct impact on how archaeologists narrate, conceptualize, and interpret the past, present and future. In this article, we scrutinize the philosophical pathway behind this perspective and discuss its relation to archaeological theory. We advocate a modest, responsive version of new materialist archaeologies that can engage more thoughtfully with the past and Anthropocene social crises of systemic injustice and inequality.

Research paper thumbnail of 2005. The concept of ‘Neolithic Package’: Considering its meaning and applicability.

In this paper, one of the most frequently used terms in Neolithic studies, e.g. the so-called "Ne... more In this paper, one of the most frequently used terms in Neolithic studies, e.g. the so-called "Neolithic package", will be discussed. Apart from providing a brief historical background of the term and how it was used since the 80's, the text will concentrate on a plausible definition and the possible contents of the package which can be observed as a common set of objects in Southwest Asia, Anatolia and Southeast Europe. It will be argued that the use of this concept has both advantages and disadvantages. Although the term provides a macro level look to the large geography mentioned above, that was obviously closely interconnected in the course of 7 th and 6 th millenia BC, the term should be implemented cautiously at regions where the elements of the package do not seem to be fully integrated into the life of the groups.

Research paper thumbnail of 2017. Negotiating Peace, Enduring Conflict: A Diachronic View on Prehistoric Warfare in the Eastern Aegean. in E. Kozal et al. (eds.), Questions, Approaches, and Dialogues in Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology: Studies in Honor of Marie-Henriette and Charles Gates. Münster: Ugarit Verlag. 97-124.

Research paper thumbnail of 2016. New Palaeolithic and Mesolithic sites in the eastern Aegean: the Karaburun Archaeological Survey Project, Antiquity 90, Issue 353. DOI:

Research aim and significance Despite ongoing fieldwork focusing on the Palaeolithic and Mesolith... more Research aim and significance Despite ongoing fieldwork focusing on the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic periods of the Aegean, the eastern part of this region, especially western Turkey, remains almost entirely unexplored in terms of early prehistory. There is virtually no evidence from this area that can contribute to broader research themes such as the dispersal of early hominins, the distribution of Early Holocene foragers and early forager-farmer interactions. The primary aim of the Karaburun Archaeological Survey Project is to address this situation by collecting data from the eastern side of the Aegean Sea, thereby contributing to the currently debated issues of Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean prehistory.

Research paper thumbnail of 2016. Hofmanova and Kreutzer et al. Early farmers from across Europe directly descended from Neolithic Aegeans, PNAS 113.25: 6886-6891 (open access with PDF+SI)

Farming and sedentism first appeared in southwestern Asia during the early Holocene and later spr... more Farming and sedentism first appeared in southwestern Asia during the early Holocene and later spread to neighboring regions, including Europe, along multiple dispersal routes. Conspicuous uncertainties remain about the relative roles of migration, cultural diffusion, and admixture with local foragers in the early Neolithization of Europe.
Here we present paleogenomic data for five Neolithic individuals from northern Greece and northwestern Turkey spanning the time and region of the earliest spread of farming into Europe. We use a novel approach to recalibrate raw reads and call genotypes from ancient DNA and observe striking genetic similarity both among Aegean early farmers and with those from across Europe. Our study demonstrates a direct genetic link between Mediterranean and Central European early farmers and those of Greece and Anatolia, extending the European Neolithic migratory chain all the way back to southwestern Asia

Research paper thumbnail of 2019 F. Ocakoğlu, Ç. Çilingiroğlu, İ. Potoğlu Erkara, S. Ünan, B. Dinçer, M.S. Akkiraz. Human-climate interactions since the Neolithic period in Central Anatolia: Novel multi-proxy data from the Kureyşler area, Kütahya, Turkey. Quaternary Science Reviews 213: 1-17.

Sedimentological and paleoclimatological data from a fluvial infill retrieved from a series of co... more Sedimentological and paleoclimatological data from a fluvial infill retrieved from a series of cores taken across Kureyşler Valley, Kütahya, western Turkey, are compared alongside evidence for an almost unbroken record of human occupation in the area since Neolithic times. Recent salvage excavations in the valley exposed settlement remains from the Early Bronze Age and Late Byzantine periods with interfingering of archaeological and geological materials in the valley-fill, adding a wealth of information to the archaeological record in this region. Our geological data, constrained by seven radiocarbon dates from the sediment infill demonstrate that the earliest sediments were deposited during the Late Glacial (∼13.8 ka) under a cold and relatively dry climatic conditions with evidence of amelioration and increase in arboreal taxa from the Neolithic onwards. The occurrence of Cerealia-T and Apiaceae pollen is significant as an important indicator for anthropisation already present during the Epipaleolithic period (before 9 ka cal. BP). Also, the effects of 8.2 ka climatic event are clearly visible in our multi-proxy results. The onset of the Early Bronze Age settlements in the vicinity ∼ ca. 5.2 ka BP occurred alongside a climatic switch to warmer conditions recorded by a lithological change and a positive shift in isotopic data. The 4.2 ka event, present in records related to several Early Bronze Age (EBA) sites of Anatolia is also recorded in the Kureyşler Valley both in the pollen and δ18O records. In general, these results show that climate shifts occurred at the beginning and end of the EBA, as well as during the Neolithic and Chalcolithic and are to be compared with new archaeological data.

Research paper thumbnail of 2017. The Aegean Before and After 7000 BC Dispersal: Defining Patterning and Variability. Neo-Lithics 1/16: 32-41.

Recent studies provide a coherent picture of a coastal Neolithic dispersal from southwest Asia to... more Recent studies provide a coherent picture of a coastal Neolithic dispersal from southwest Asia to the Aegean in the first half of the 7th millennium cal BC using maritime navigation (Perlès 2001; Özdoğan 2011;Çilingiroğlu and Çakırlar 2013; Arbuckle et al. 2014;Horejs et al. 2015). Key sites along the route show that while new permanent sites were founded on inland or coastal plains, at others, where Mesolithic occupations were present forager-farmer interactions resulted in exchange of goods and technologies in the first instance and then replacement or displacement of local foragers (Munro and Stiner 2015). In this contribution, I will focus on a major dispersal event enacted by multiple small groups moving with domestic plants and herd animals transmitting southwest Asian cultural affinities to few selected localities in the Aegean, around 7000-6600 cal BC, thereby drastically altering the somewhat isolated living of well-established and highly mobile Aegean foragers. This short-term but significant dispersal process can be identified at several sites from western Anatolia, Crete and Argolis only, marking the archaeologically most visible earliest neolithization
process of the eastern and western Aegean.

Research paper thumbnail of 2020. Between Anatolia and the Aegean: Epipalaeolithic and Mesolithic Foragers of the Karaburun Peninsula. Journal of Field Archaeology 45.7: 479-497.

The Epipalaeolithic and Mesolithic periods of Turkey are poorly understood. The discovery of two ... more The Epipalaeolithic and Mesolithic periods of Turkey are poorly understood. The discovery of two sites (Kocaman and Kayadibi) in the Karaburun Peninsula in coastal western Turkey opens a whole new window into our understanding of these periods in Turkey and beyond by providing the first solid evidence for pre-Neolithic foragers. This article presents typological and technological properties of the lithics from these two open-air sites in terms of raw material selection, tool types, and technological preferences and discusses the results in relation to contemporary Anatolian, Aegean, southwest Asian, and southeast European industries. Typological and technological analyses suggest that Kocaman lithics were part of the eastern Mediterranean and northern Aegean Epipalaeolithic traditions; the Kayadibi lithics, on the other hand, correspond well with the Aegean Mesolithic assemblages. The lack of any affinity between the Kayadibi and Initial Neolithic lithic assemblages from western Turkey has important implications about the Neolithization process of western Turkey and the Aegean.
KEYWORDS: Neolithization, prehistoric Anatolia, lithics, Izmir, Turkey

Research paper thumbnail of Archaeological assessment reveals Earth's early transformation through land use

by Dorian Q Fuller, Lisa Janz, Maria Marta Sampietro, Philip I. Buckland, Agustín A Diez Castillo, Ciler Cilingiroglu, Gary Feinman, Peter Hiscock, Peter Hommel, Maureece Levin, Henrik B Lindskoug, Scott Macrae, John M. Marston, Alicia R Ventresca-Miller, Ayushi Nayak, Tanya M Peres, Lucas Proctor, Steve Renette, Gwen Robbins Schug, Peter Schmidt, Oula Seitsonen, Arkadiusz Sołtysiak, Robert Spengler, Sean Ulm, David Wright, and Muhammad Zahir

Science, 2019

Environmentally transformative human use of land accelerated with the emergence of 5 agriculture,... more Environmentally transformative human use of land accelerated with the emergence of 5 agriculture, but the extent, trajectory, and implications of these early changes are not well understood. An empirical global assessment of land use from 10,000 BP to 1850 CE reveals a planet largely transformed by hunter-gatherers, farmers and pastoralists by 3,000 years ago, significantly earlier than land-use reconstructions commonly used by Earth scientists. Synthesis of knowledge contributed by over 250 archaeologists highlighted gaps in archaeological 10 expertise and data quality, which peaked at 2000 BP and in traditionally studied and wealthier regions. Archaeological reconstruction of global land-use history illuminates the deep roots of Earth's transformation through millennia of increasingly intensive land use, challenging the emerging Anthropocene paradigm that anthropogenic global environmental change is mostly recent. 15 One Sentence Summary: A map of synthesized archaeological knowledge on land use reveals a planet transformed by hunter-gatherers, farmers and pastoralists by 3,000 years ago.

Authors not found on Academia:
Torben Rick, Tim Denham, Jonathan Driver, Heather Thakar, Amber L. Johnson, R. Alan Covey, Jason Herrmann, Carrie Hritz, Catherine Kearns, Dan Lawrence, Michael Morrison, Robert J. Speakman, Martina L. Steffen, Keir M. Strickland, M. Cemre Ustunkaya, Jeremy Powell, Alexa Thornton.

Papers by Ciler Cilingiroglu

Research paper thumbnail of 2024. Assessing the Impact of the Türkiye February 2023 Earthquakes on Cultural Heritage Sites: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach Utilizing ARIA Maps and Social Media Collaboration. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XLVIII-1: 117-122.

The earthquakes that occurred in our country on February 6, 2023, significantly damaged and destr... more The earthquakes that occurred in our country on February 6, 2023, significantly damaged and destroyed cultural and historical assets. This study provides a comprehensive account of the post-earthquake efforts carried out by volunteers from various disciplines, including archaeology, cartography, space sciences, and architecture, using social media platforms. The volunteers created an extensive database for cultural and archaeological sites in all 11 provinces that were declared disaster zones. This database made it easier to conduct a thorough evaluation of the damage. The database was augmented with surface displacement data, enabling an analysis of damage levels with the exactitude facilitated by the gathered information. The utilization of the Advanced Rapid Imaging and Analysis (ARIA) maps was pivotal in this study. The maps, created through partnerships between NASA and different space agencies, offer intricate satellite imagery and analysis of surface displacement. This is essential for evaluating the effects of earthquakes on cultural heritage sites. The utilization of ARIA maps in this study facilitated an accurate assessment of the seismic impact on cultural and historical resources. Additionally, Sentinel 1 images are used to generate displacement maps with the use of the LICSAR tool and the SBAS method. The study examined the state of about 1500 cultural heritage sites in 11 provinces in the aftermath of the earthquake. The report incorporated data from media coverage and input from relevant parties present at the scene, providing a thorough assessment of the situation following the disaster. For instance, the research revealed substantial shifts at prominent locations, like the UNESCO World Heritage site of Arslantepe in Malatya. This site experienced a displacement of over one meter towards the south and 75 cm towards the west, along with a subsidence of approximately 10 cm in the surrounding area. Furthermore, the study presented a visual representation that depicted the quantity of impaired cultural heritage sites in every province, providing a comprehensive evaluation of the impacted cultural and archaeological resources. This comprehensive strategy not only emphasized the magnitude of harm to cultural heritage but also emphasized the significance of interdisciplinary cooperation in disaster response and heritage preservation.

Research paper thumbnail of 2023. Güneydoğu Anadolu Çanak Çömleksiz Neolitik Döneminde Sosyal Farklılaşma: Alternatif Bir Yorum. TAG-Türkiye 3: Arkeolojide Kimlikler. M. Uzdurum, S. Yelözer, E. Sezgin (der.). Istanbul: Ege Yayınları. 81-97.

Anadolu Neolitik araştırmalarında tartışılan konulardan biri Güneydoğu Anadolu toplumlarının sahi... more Anadolu Neolitik araştırmalarında tartışılan konulardan biri Güneydoğu Anadolu toplumlarının sahip olduğu sosyo-politik örgütlenme modelidir. Sıklıkla dillendirilen görüşlerin başında Güneydoğu Anadolu Çanak Çömleksiz Neolitik Döneminin dikey hiyerarşiye sahip, sınıflı toplumlar tarafından şekillendiği gelmektedir. Hatta Göbeklitepe vb. anıtsal mimari taşıyan alanlarda “ruhban sınıfı” olarak nitelendirilen ayrıcalıklı bir “elit sınıfın” emek ve üretim üzerinde ideolojik tahakküm kurarak etkin oldukları belirtilmektedir. Çizgisel ve ilerlemeci nosyona sahip modernist düşünceye dayalı bu tipte öneriler antropolojik saha çalışmalarının sağladığı görüden beslenmediği gibi, henüz nesnel bir arkeolojik analize de tabi tutulmamıştır.
Bu makalede, avcı-toplayıcı ideolojisi ve sosyal örgütlenme biçimleriyle somut arkeolojik ve biyolojik antropolojik bulgular dikkate alınarak, Güneydoğu Anadolu Çanak Çömleksiz Neolitik toplumlarındaki sosyal yapı yeniden tartışmaya açılacaktır. Başarı-temelli ve erkek-merkezli bir sosyal yapıya sahip olduğunu savunduğum bu toplumlar kolektif emeği örgütlerken kozmik ve sosyal düzeni pekiştiren şölen etkinliklerini etkin bir biçimde kullanıyordu.

Research paper thumbnail of 2023. KAYA 2021. 38. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı Cilt 1: 327-338.

Research paper thumbnail of 2022. KAYA 2019-2020. Kazı Çalışmaları 2019-2020. 290-303.

Research paper thumbnail of 2022. Çatalhöyük 2019. 2019-2020 Kazı Çalışmaları: 514-529.

Research paper thumbnail of 2022. Aegean Turkey from the mid seventh to early sixth millennium cal B.C.: A tale of change within continuity. P. Biehl - E. Rosenstock (eds.), 6000 BC Transformation and Change in the Near East and Europe, Cambridge University Press. 213-230.

This paper focuses on the changes in several key aspects of daily life in prehistoric societies f... more This paper focuses on the changes in several key aspects of daily life in prehistoric societies from the mid seventh to early sixth millennium cal B.C. in Aegean Turkey. Archaeological investigations in the region, primarily at Ulucak in Izmir, attest that abrupt cultural changes, fundamentally altering the way of life, did not occur during the time period in question. On the contrary, cultural components evolved gradually and novel elements continuously appeared in different spheres of life. By focusing on subsistence patterns, storage practices, shifts in settlement layout, clues of social differentiation, ritual practices and involvement in exchange networks, this paper aims to demonstrate that epoch-making, sudden changes induced by natural or external social agents are not identifiable in the archaeological record.

Research paper thumbnail of 2022. Traction in Neolithic Çatalhöyük? Palaeopathological analysis of cattle and aurochs remains from the East and West Mounds. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 66(6): 101412.

Cattle traction was a technological innovation that made a significant impact on production, indi... more Cattle traction was a technological innovation that made a significant impact on production, individual and household wealth, and social organisation. Despite ongoing debates regarding the origins and extent of the harnessing of cattle power among early agropastoral societies, only a few studies have attempted at addressing this matter systematically. In Neolithic Çatalhöyük, several studies have explored the symbolism and domestication of aurochs and cattle, while the systematic investigation of Bos skeletal remains regarding the presence of cattle traction has been missing. This study focuses on Neolithic Çatalhöyük in Central Anatolia, renowned for its cattle symbolism, to explore the possibility of cattle traction in the 7th and 6th millennium BCE. We studied the palaeopathological traces on the lower limbs of Bos from Çatalhöyük East (Early, Middle, and Late) and West Mounds. Our results suggest that arthropathies are present on the Bos lower limbs (particularly anterior elements) in all phases of Neolithic Çatalhöyük. Pathological and sub-pathological changes are on average more severe among the small cattle of Çatalhöyük West than in the preceding periods at Çatalhöyük East, a result affected by a few rather deformed specimens in Çatalhöyük West. We did not observe any clear correlation between cattle survivorship, size, and pathology severity. Although an unequivocal association between pathologies and traction in prehistoric cattle remains challenging, we discuss plausible explanations for the changing nature and intensity of cattle pathologies at Çatalhöyük throughout time. Furthermore, we discuss the implications of possible draught use of cattle for the socioeconomic shifts Çatalhöyük experienced in the 6th millennium BC.

Research paper thumbnail of 2022. Lake level changes and paleo-precipitation estimations based on colluvial stratigraphy of Holocene sediments in West Anatolia (Simav Graben).Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology Volume 597.

Time-controlled quantitative climate data are crucial for reconstructing past environmental conte... more Time-controlled quantitative climate data are crucial for reconstructing past environmental contexts of human history. In west Anatolia, the Simav Graben used to be occupied by a lake. However, today it is drained and associated with Holocene sediments that record lake level changes. An initial drill-core at the lake's centre reveals an arid phase before ca. 14 ka (i.e. prior to the Late Glacial warming) followed by a wet phase (marshes and lake) throughout the Holocene. Along the lake's margin, two additional sediment sequences contain a detailed Holocene record of changes in humidity throughout the Simav Graben's watershed. Classification of the shoreline facies from these sequences records drought events marked by colluvium prograding towards the lake. Using 13 radiocarbon dates, sedimentary facies suggest rapid lake contraction phases grossly around 8.0, 3.9, 2.9, 2.4 and 2.0 ka. After the drier periods, recorded by phases of terrestrial progradation, lake level increase is marked by retrogradational lake muds and peats onlapping the colluvium, consistent with increases in total lake volume. Based on modern lake morphology, climate and runoff data, and the elevations recorded by the shoreline facies identified within the marginal Holocene sedimentary sequence, we constructed a paleohydrologic balance model and a precipitation curve. According to the model, annual precipitation may have been fallen below 460 mm during the 8.2 ka event, and 468–478 mm during the 4.2 ka and 3.2 ka events – demonstrating an extreme decrease in precipitation compared to the earlier wet phases. In turn, Holocene Archaeology in West Anatolia outlines (i) a widespread abandonment and/or notable fire events at the end of the Early Bronze Age III (ca. 4.2 ka), and (ii) a high level of social instability at the beginning of the Early Iron Age (ca. 3.2 ka). The correlation between the timing of lake level falls at Simav (water volume depletion caused by drying trends) at 8.0 ka, 3.9 ka and 2.8 ka and cultural fluctuations suggest that drought events may have played a major role in these socio-political changes in western Anatolia. Furthermore, the high lake-level stages (associated with precipitation >500 mm) coincide with the Late Chalcolithic to Early Bronze Age I transition as well as the Hellenistic and Roman periods, both times of economic stability and growth in the region.
•Five Holocene colluvial wedges between lake muds are identified in former Lake Simav.

•The wedges match to the regional dry events of millennial to centennial duration.

•Balance model shows P < 460 mm at 8.0 ka, P < 468–478 mm at 3.8 and 2.8 ka dry events.

•The dry events have parallels with the regional archaeological outlines of Anatolia.

•Hellenistic period onward, human impact became more discernable.

Research paper thumbnail of 2021. Arkeolojik Verilerin Toplumsal Cinsiyet Arkeolojisi Yaklaşımıyla Değerlendirilmesi. A. Baysal (ed.), Materyal Kültür ve İnsan: 21-59.

Cinsiyet üzerinden oluşturulmuş normlar toplumsal yaşamın en belirleyici dinamiklerinden biridir.... more Cinsiyet üzerinden oluşturulmuş normlar toplumsal yaşamın en belirleyici dinamiklerinden biridir. Bu haliyle, toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri, biyolojik cinsiyetten farklı olarak, kadınlık, erkeklik veya çocukluk gibi kavramları kültürel olarak tesis eden ve bu şekilde toplumsal hayatı düzenleyen bir mekanizma olarak tarif edilebilir. Günümüz toplumları için kabul gören bu görüş, geçmiş toplumları araştıran arkeologlar için de gözden kaçırılmaması gereken bir noktadır.
Dolayısıyla, toplumsal cinsiyet arkeolojisi, geçmiş toplumların sosyal, kültürel, ekonomik ve ideolojik yapılarını ve bunların zaman içinde uğradıkları değişim ve dönüşümleri araştırmak için en etkili kuramsal yaklaşımlardan biri olarak görülmelidir. Bu yazıda, toplumsal cinsiyet arkeolojisinin tarihsel gelişimini, amaç ve hedeflerini tanıtmanın yanı sıra, söz konusu kuramsal çerçevenin arkeologlara sunduğu katkıları somut örnekler aracılığıyla tartışıyor, hangi teknik ve analizlerin toplumsal cinsiyet rollerini anlamak için etkin ve gerekli olduğunu anlatıyoruz. Çeşitli arkeolojik verilerin ve materyal kültür öğelerinin toplum yapısı ve toplumdaki cinsiyet rolleri konusunda ne tür bilgiler verebileceğini ortaya koyarak, insan ve materyal kültür ilişkisini inceliyoruz.

Anahtar Sözcükler: Toplumsal cinsiyet, kadın, erkek, feminizm, arkeoloji.

Research paper thumbnail of 2024. Çilingiroglu, Ç., Helwing, B. The Neolithic and Chalcolithic of West Asia. In: Nikita, E., Rehren, T. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Archaeology, 2nd Edition, vol. 4, pp. 566–582, London: Academic Press.

2024. Çilingiroglu, Ç., Helwing, B. The Neolithic and Chalcolithic of West Asia. In: Nikita, E., Rehren, T. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Archaeology, 2nd Edition, vol. 4, pp. 566–582, London: Academic Press.

Western Asia forms a broad belt around the formative zones of social and technological transforma... more Western Asia forms a broad belt around the formative zones of social and technological transformation that mark the millennia defined conventionally as the Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods. From the emergence of sedentary and food-producing communities to the formation of complex societies and urban settlements, the individual hotspots developed in lockstep while pursuing distinct and diverse pathways. The status of research differs widely across the regions, with the most detailed sets of data currently available for Central and Western Anatolia and some important recent work in South Caucasia, whereas the Iranian highlands and Pakistan remain underexplored.

Research paper thumbnail of 2023. Kababurun: investigations of an eastern Aegean village in the Late Chalcolithic to Early Bronze Age transition. Anatolian Studies 2023: 1-24. (OPEN ACCESS: PLS USE THE LINK)

The Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age (EBA) 1 are dynamic prehistoric eras, encapsulating cr... more The Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age (EBA) 1 are dynamic prehistoric eras, encapsulating crucial political, social and economic developments in western Anatolia and the adjacent regions. Although recent fieldwork and synthesis on this transition in western Turkey provide a general framework for this important transitional period, we still lack a holistic understanding of settlement types, subsistence patterns and socio-economic interaction zones. Discovery of the coastal site of Kababurun during surveys on the Karaburun Peninsula enhances understanding of the Late Chalcolithic–EBA 1 transition by providing data on settlement characteristics, material technologies and subsistence strategies. Kababurun is currently the only absolutely dated prehistoric site in the Karaburun Peninsula, offering a reliable chronological basis for comparisons in the region and beyond. In this article, we first introduce and then contextualise the Kababurun data within the eastern Aegean and western Anatolian research problems, then discuss how that data might contribute to a more refined understanding of Late Chalcolithic to EBA 1 communities. In particular, we argue that the site of Kababurun represents a form of community that is vitally important but poorly understood for this period: a small-scale rural settlement, connected to local networks but without a specialised function.

Research paper thumbnail of 2022. To Burn the Blanket for a Flea: A Philosophical Response to Object-Oriented Archaeologies. Archaeologies 2022.

A growing literature in archaeological theory has embraced the “material turn,” especially what i... more A growing literature in archaeological theory has embraced the “material turn,” especially what is branded as “Object-Oriented Ontology” (OOO). Some archaeologists view this as an opportunity for the discipline which is, by definition, a practice of knowing objects. Others argue that the material turn may open up hitherto-unexplored ways of looking at historical processes. While this all sounds very exciting for a new generation of archaeologists, we see a genuine need to be cautious about the implications of subscribing to OOO-inspired archaeologies. These new theoretical developments have a direct impact on how archaeologists narrate, conceptualize, and interpret the past, present and future. In this article, we scrutinize the philosophical pathway behind this perspective and discuss its relation to archaeological theory. We advocate a modest, responsive version of new materialist archaeologies that can engage more thoughtfully with the past and Anthropocene social crises of systemic injustice and inequality.

Research paper thumbnail of 2005. The concept of ‘Neolithic Package’: Considering its meaning and applicability.

In this paper, one of the most frequently used terms in Neolithic studies, e.g. the so-called "Ne... more In this paper, one of the most frequently used terms in Neolithic studies, e.g. the so-called "Neolithic package", will be discussed. Apart from providing a brief historical background of the term and how it was used since the 80's, the text will concentrate on a plausible definition and the possible contents of the package which can be observed as a common set of objects in Southwest Asia, Anatolia and Southeast Europe. It will be argued that the use of this concept has both advantages and disadvantages. Although the term provides a macro level look to the large geography mentioned above, that was obviously closely interconnected in the course of 7 th and 6 th millenia BC, the term should be implemented cautiously at regions where the elements of the package do not seem to be fully integrated into the life of the groups.

Research paper thumbnail of 2017. Negotiating Peace, Enduring Conflict: A Diachronic View on Prehistoric Warfare in the Eastern Aegean. in E. Kozal et al. (eds.), Questions, Approaches, and Dialogues in Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology: Studies in Honor of Marie-Henriette and Charles Gates. Münster: Ugarit Verlag. 97-124.

Research paper thumbnail of 2016. New Palaeolithic and Mesolithic sites in the eastern Aegean: the Karaburun Archaeological Survey Project, Antiquity 90, Issue 353. DOI:

Research aim and significance Despite ongoing fieldwork focusing on the Palaeolithic and Mesolith... more Research aim and significance Despite ongoing fieldwork focusing on the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic periods of the Aegean, the eastern part of this region, especially western Turkey, remains almost entirely unexplored in terms of early prehistory. There is virtually no evidence from this area that can contribute to broader research themes such as the dispersal of early hominins, the distribution of Early Holocene foragers and early forager-farmer interactions. The primary aim of the Karaburun Archaeological Survey Project is to address this situation by collecting data from the eastern side of the Aegean Sea, thereby contributing to the currently debated issues of Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean prehistory.

Research paper thumbnail of 2016. Hofmanova and Kreutzer et al. Early farmers from across Europe directly descended from Neolithic Aegeans, PNAS 113.25: 6886-6891 (open access with PDF+SI)

Farming and sedentism first appeared in southwestern Asia during the early Holocene and later spr... more Farming and sedentism first appeared in southwestern Asia during the early Holocene and later spread to neighboring regions, including Europe, along multiple dispersal routes. Conspicuous uncertainties remain about the relative roles of migration, cultural diffusion, and admixture with local foragers in the early Neolithization of Europe.
Here we present paleogenomic data for five Neolithic individuals from northern Greece and northwestern Turkey spanning the time and region of the earliest spread of farming into Europe. We use a novel approach to recalibrate raw reads and call genotypes from ancient DNA and observe striking genetic similarity both among Aegean early farmers and with those from across Europe. Our study demonstrates a direct genetic link between Mediterranean and Central European early farmers and those of Greece and Anatolia, extending the European Neolithic migratory chain all the way back to southwestern Asia

Research paper thumbnail of 2019 F. Ocakoğlu, Ç. Çilingiroğlu, İ. Potoğlu Erkara, S. Ünan, B. Dinçer, M.S. Akkiraz. Human-climate interactions since the Neolithic period in Central Anatolia: Novel multi-proxy data from the Kureyşler area, Kütahya, Turkey. Quaternary Science Reviews 213: 1-17.

Sedimentological and paleoclimatological data from a fluvial infill retrieved from a series of co... more Sedimentological and paleoclimatological data from a fluvial infill retrieved from a series of cores taken across Kureyşler Valley, Kütahya, western Turkey, are compared alongside evidence for an almost unbroken record of human occupation in the area since Neolithic times. Recent salvage excavations in the valley exposed settlement remains from the Early Bronze Age and Late Byzantine periods with interfingering of archaeological and geological materials in the valley-fill, adding a wealth of information to the archaeological record in this region. Our geological data, constrained by seven radiocarbon dates from the sediment infill demonstrate that the earliest sediments were deposited during the Late Glacial (∼13.8 ka) under a cold and relatively dry climatic conditions with evidence of amelioration and increase in arboreal taxa from the Neolithic onwards. The occurrence of Cerealia-T and Apiaceae pollen is significant as an important indicator for anthropisation already present during the Epipaleolithic period (before 9 ka cal. BP). Also, the effects of 8.2 ka climatic event are clearly visible in our multi-proxy results. The onset of the Early Bronze Age settlements in the vicinity ∼ ca. 5.2 ka BP occurred alongside a climatic switch to warmer conditions recorded by a lithological change and a positive shift in isotopic data. The 4.2 ka event, present in records related to several Early Bronze Age (EBA) sites of Anatolia is also recorded in the Kureyşler Valley both in the pollen and δ18O records. In general, these results show that climate shifts occurred at the beginning and end of the EBA, as well as during the Neolithic and Chalcolithic and are to be compared with new archaeological data.

Research paper thumbnail of 2017. The Aegean Before and After 7000 BC Dispersal: Defining Patterning and Variability. Neo-Lithics 1/16: 32-41.

Recent studies provide a coherent picture of a coastal Neolithic dispersal from southwest Asia to... more Recent studies provide a coherent picture of a coastal Neolithic dispersal from southwest Asia to the Aegean in the first half of the 7th millennium cal BC using maritime navigation (Perlès 2001; Özdoğan 2011;Çilingiroğlu and Çakırlar 2013; Arbuckle et al. 2014;Horejs et al. 2015). Key sites along the route show that while new permanent sites were founded on inland or coastal plains, at others, where Mesolithic occupations were present forager-farmer interactions resulted in exchange of goods and technologies in the first instance and then replacement or displacement of local foragers (Munro and Stiner 2015). In this contribution, I will focus on a major dispersal event enacted by multiple small groups moving with domestic plants and herd animals transmitting southwest Asian cultural affinities to few selected localities in the Aegean, around 7000-6600 cal BC, thereby drastically altering the somewhat isolated living of well-established and highly mobile Aegean foragers. This short-term but significant dispersal process can be identified at several sites from western Anatolia, Crete and Argolis only, marking the archaeologically most visible earliest neolithization
process of the eastern and western Aegean.

Research paper thumbnail of 2020. Between Anatolia and the Aegean: Epipalaeolithic and Mesolithic Foragers of the Karaburun Peninsula. Journal of Field Archaeology 45.7: 479-497.

The Epipalaeolithic and Mesolithic periods of Turkey are poorly understood. The discovery of two ... more The Epipalaeolithic and Mesolithic periods of Turkey are poorly understood. The discovery of two sites (Kocaman and Kayadibi) in the Karaburun Peninsula in coastal western Turkey opens a whole new window into our understanding of these periods in Turkey and beyond by providing the first solid evidence for pre-Neolithic foragers. This article presents typological and technological properties of the lithics from these two open-air sites in terms of raw material selection, tool types, and technological preferences and discusses the results in relation to contemporary Anatolian, Aegean, southwest Asian, and southeast European industries. Typological and technological analyses suggest that Kocaman lithics were part of the eastern Mediterranean and northern Aegean Epipalaeolithic traditions; the Kayadibi lithics, on the other hand, correspond well with the Aegean Mesolithic assemblages. The lack of any affinity between the Kayadibi and Initial Neolithic lithic assemblages from western Turkey has important implications about the Neolithization process of western Turkey and the Aegean.
KEYWORDS: Neolithization, prehistoric Anatolia, lithics, Izmir, Turkey

Research paper thumbnail of Archaeological assessment reveals Earth's early transformation through land use

by Dorian Q Fuller, Lisa Janz, Maria Marta Sampietro, Philip I. Buckland, Agustín A Diez Castillo, Ciler Cilingiroglu, Gary Feinman, Peter Hiscock, Peter Hommel, Maureece Levin, Henrik B Lindskoug, Scott Macrae, John M. Marston, Alicia R Ventresca-Miller, Ayushi Nayak, Tanya M Peres, Lucas Proctor, Steve Renette, Gwen Robbins Schug, Peter Schmidt, Oula Seitsonen, Arkadiusz Sołtysiak, Robert Spengler, Sean Ulm, David Wright, and Muhammad Zahir

Science, 2019

Environmentally transformative human use of land accelerated with the emergence of 5 agriculture,... more Environmentally transformative human use of land accelerated with the emergence of 5 agriculture, but the extent, trajectory, and implications of these early changes are not well understood. An empirical global assessment of land use from 10,000 BP to 1850 CE reveals a planet largely transformed by hunter-gatherers, farmers and pastoralists by 3,000 years ago, significantly earlier than land-use reconstructions commonly used by Earth scientists. Synthesis of knowledge contributed by over 250 archaeologists highlighted gaps in archaeological 10 expertise and data quality, which peaked at 2000 BP and in traditionally studied and wealthier regions. Archaeological reconstruction of global land-use history illuminates the deep roots of Earth's transformation through millennia of increasingly intensive land use, challenging the emerging Anthropocene paradigm that anthropogenic global environmental change is mostly recent. 15 One Sentence Summary: A map of synthesized archaeological knowledge on land use reveals a planet transformed by hunter-gatherers, farmers and pastoralists by 3,000 years ago.

Authors not found on Academia:
Torben Rick, Tim Denham, Jonathan Driver, Heather Thakar, Amber L. Johnson, R. Alan Covey, Jason Herrmann, Carrie Hritz, Catherine Kearns, Dan Lawrence, Michael Morrison, Robert J. Speakman, Martina L. Steffen, Keir M. Strickland, M. Cemre Ustunkaya, Jeremy Powell, Alexa Thornton.

Research paper thumbnail of 2024. Assessing the Impact of the Türkiye February 2023 Earthquakes on Cultural Heritage Sites: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach Utilizing ARIA Maps and Social Media Collaboration. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XLVIII-1: 117-122.

The earthquakes that occurred in our country on February 6, 2023, significantly damaged and destr... more The earthquakes that occurred in our country on February 6, 2023, significantly damaged and destroyed cultural and historical assets. This study provides a comprehensive account of the post-earthquake efforts carried out by volunteers from various disciplines, including archaeology, cartography, space sciences, and architecture, using social media platforms. The volunteers created an extensive database for cultural and archaeological sites in all 11 provinces that were declared disaster zones. This database made it easier to conduct a thorough evaluation of the damage. The database was augmented with surface displacement data, enabling an analysis of damage levels with the exactitude facilitated by the gathered information. The utilization of the Advanced Rapid Imaging and Analysis (ARIA) maps was pivotal in this study. The maps, created through partnerships between NASA and different space agencies, offer intricate satellite imagery and analysis of surface displacement. This is essential for evaluating the effects of earthquakes on cultural heritage sites. The utilization of ARIA maps in this study facilitated an accurate assessment of the seismic impact on cultural and historical resources. Additionally, Sentinel 1 images are used to generate displacement maps with the use of the LICSAR tool and the SBAS method. The study examined the state of about 1500 cultural heritage sites in 11 provinces in the aftermath of the earthquake. The report incorporated data from media coverage and input from relevant parties present at the scene, providing a thorough assessment of the situation following the disaster. For instance, the research revealed substantial shifts at prominent locations, like the UNESCO World Heritage site of Arslantepe in Malatya. This site experienced a displacement of over one meter towards the south and 75 cm towards the west, along with a subsidence of approximately 10 cm in the surrounding area. Furthermore, the study presented a visual representation that depicted the quantity of impaired cultural heritage sites in every province, providing a comprehensive evaluation of the impacted cultural and archaeological resources. This comprehensive strategy not only emphasized the magnitude of harm to cultural heritage but also emphasized the significance of interdisciplinary cooperation in disaster response and heritage preservation.

Research paper thumbnail of 2023. Güneydoğu Anadolu Çanak Çömleksiz Neolitik Döneminde Sosyal Farklılaşma: Alternatif Bir Yorum. TAG-Türkiye 3: Arkeolojide Kimlikler. M. Uzdurum, S. Yelözer, E. Sezgin (der.). Istanbul: Ege Yayınları. 81-97.

Anadolu Neolitik araştırmalarında tartışılan konulardan biri Güneydoğu Anadolu toplumlarının sahi... more Anadolu Neolitik araştırmalarında tartışılan konulardan biri Güneydoğu Anadolu toplumlarının sahip olduğu sosyo-politik örgütlenme modelidir. Sıklıkla dillendirilen görüşlerin başında Güneydoğu Anadolu Çanak Çömleksiz Neolitik Döneminin dikey hiyerarşiye sahip, sınıflı toplumlar tarafından şekillendiği gelmektedir. Hatta Göbeklitepe vb. anıtsal mimari taşıyan alanlarda “ruhban sınıfı” olarak nitelendirilen ayrıcalıklı bir “elit sınıfın” emek ve üretim üzerinde ideolojik tahakküm kurarak etkin oldukları belirtilmektedir. Çizgisel ve ilerlemeci nosyona sahip modernist düşünceye dayalı bu tipte öneriler antropolojik saha çalışmalarının sağladığı görüden beslenmediği gibi, henüz nesnel bir arkeolojik analize de tabi tutulmamıştır.
Bu makalede, avcı-toplayıcı ideolojisi ve sosyal örgütlenme biçimleriyle somut arkeolojik ve biyolojik antropolojik bulgular dikkate alınarak, Güneydoğu Anadolu Çanak Çömleksiz Neolitik toplumlarındaki sosyal yapı yeniden tartışmaya açılacaktır. Başarı-temelli ve erkek-merkezli bir sosyal yapıya sahip olduğunu savunduğum bu toplumlar kolektif emeği örgütlerken kozmik ve sosyal düzeni pekiştiren şölen etkinliklerini etkin bir biçimde kullanıyordu.

Research paper thumbnail of 2023. KAYA 2021. 38. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı Cilt 1: 327-338.

Research paper thumbnail of 2022. KAYA 2019-2020. Kazı Çalışmaları 2019-2020. 290-303.

Research paper thumbnail of 2022. Çatalhöyük 2019. 2019-2020 Kazı Çalışmaları: 514-529.

Research paper thumbnail of 2022. Aegean Turkey from the mid seventh to early sixth millennium cal B.C.: A tale of change within continuity. P. Biehl - E. Rosenstock (eds.), 6000 BC Transformation and Change in the Near East and Europe, Cambridge University Press. 213-230.

This paper focuses on the changes in several key aspects of daily life in prehistoric societies f... more This paper focuses on the changes in several key aspects of daily life in prehistoric societies from the mid seventh to early sixth millennium cal B.C. in Aegean Turkey. Archaeological investigations in the region, primarily at Ulucak in Izmir, attest that abrupt cultural changes, fundamentally altering the way of life, did not occur during the time period in question. On the contrary, cultural components evolved gradually and novel elements continuously appeared in different spheres of life. By focusing on subsistence patterns, storage practices, shifts in settlement layout, clues of social differentiation, ritual practices and involvement in exchange networks, this paper aims to demonstrate that epoch-making, sudden changes induced by natural or external social agents are not identifiable in the archaeological record.

Research paper thumbnail of 2022. Traction in Neolithic Çatalhöyük? Palaeopathological analysis of cattle and aurochs remains from the East and West Mounds. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 66(6): 101412.

Cattle traction was a technological innovation that made a significant impact on production, indi... more Cattle traction was a technological innovation that made a significant impact on production, individual and household wealth, and social organisation. Despite ongoing debates regarding the origins and extent of the harnessing of cattle power among early agropastoral societies, only a few studies have attempted at addressing this matter systematically. In Neolithic Çatalhöyük, several studies have explored the symbolism and domestication of aurochs and cattle, while the systematic investigation of Bos skeletal remains regarding the presence of cattle traction has been missing. This study focuses on Neolithic Çatalhöyük in Central Anatolia, renowned for its cattle symbolism, to explore the possibility of cattle traction in the 7th and 6th millennium BCE. We studied the palaeopathological traces on the lower limbs of Bos from Çatalhöyük East (Early, Middle, and Late) and West Mounds. Our results suggest that arthropathies are present on the Bos lower limbs (particularly anterior elements) in all phases of Neolithic Çatalhöyük. Pathological and sub-pathological changes are on average more severe among the small cattle of Çatalhöyük West than in the preceding periods at Çatalhöyük East, a result affected by a few rather deformed specimens in Çatalhöyük West. We did not observe any clear correlation between cattle survivorship, size, and pathology severity. Although an unequivocal association between pathologies and traction in prehistoric cattle remains challenging, we discuss plausible explanations for the changing nature and intensity of cattle pathologies at Çatalhöyük throughout time. Furthermore, we discuss the implications of possible draught use of cattle for the socioeconomic shifts Çatalhöyük experienced in the 6th millennium BC.

Research paper thumbnail of 2022. Lake level changes and paleo-precipitation estimations based on colluvial stratigraphy of Holocene sediments in West Anatolia (Simav Graben).Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology Volume 597.

Time-controlled quantitative climate data are crucial for reconstructing past environmental conte... more Time-controlled quantitative climate data are crucial for reconstructing past environmental contexts of human history. In west Anatolia, the Simav Graben used to be occupied by a lake. However, today it is drained and associated with Holocene sediments that record lake level changes. An initial drill-core at the lake's centre reveals an arid phase before ca. 14 ka (i.e. prior to the Late Glacial warming) followed by a wet phase (marshes and lake) throughout the Holocene. Along the lake's margin, two additional sediment sequences contain a detailed Holocene record of changes in humidity throughout the Simav Graben's watershed. Classification of the shoreline facies from these sequences records drought events marked by colluvium prograding towards the lake. Using 13 radiocarbon dates, sedimentary facies suggest rapid lake contraction phases grossly around 8.0, 3.9, 2.9, 2.4 and 2.0 ka. After the drier periods, recorded by phases of terrestrial progradation, lake level increase is marked by retrogradational lake muds and peats onlapping the colluvium, consistent with increases in total lake volume. Based on modern lake morphology, climate and runoff data, and the elevations recorded by the shoreline facies identified within the marginal Holocene sedimentary sequence, we constructed a paleohydrologic balance model and a precipitation curve. According to the model, annual precipitation may have been fallen below 460 mm during the 8.2 ka event, and 468–478 mm during the 4.2 ka and 3.2 ka events – demonstrating an extreme decrease in precipitation compared to the earlier wet phases. In turn, Holocene Archaeology in West Anatolia outlines (i) a widespread abandonment and/or notable fire events at the end of the Early Bronze Age III (ca. 4.2 ka), and (ii) a high level of social instability at the beginning of the Early Iron Age (ca. 3.2 ka). The correlation between the timing of lake level falls at Simav (water volume depletion caused by drying trends) at 8.0 ka, 3.9 ka and 2.8 ka and cultural fluctuations suggest that drought events may have played a major role in these socio-political changes in western Anatolia. Furthermore, the high lake-level stages (associated with precipitation >500 mm) coincide with the Late Chalcolithic to Early Bronze Age I transition as well as the Hellenistic and Roman periods, both times of economic stability and growth in the region.
•Five Holocene colluvial wedges between lake muds are identified in former Lake Simav.

•The wedges match to the regional dry events of millennial to centennial duration.

•Balance model shows P < 460 mm at 8.0 ka, P < 468–478 mm at 3.8 and 2.8 ka dry events.

•The dry events have parallels with the regional archaeological outlines of Anatolia.

•Hellenistic period onward, human impact became more discernable.

Research paper thumbnail of 2021. Arkeolojik Verilerin Toplumsal Cinsiyet Arkeolojisi Yaklaşımıyla Değerlendirilmesi. A. Baysal (ed.), Materyal Kültür ve İnsan: 21-59.

Cinsiyet üzerinden oluşturulmuş normlar toplumsal yaşamın en belirleyici dinamiklerinden biridir.... more Cinsiyet üzerinden oluşturulmuş normlar toplumsal yaşamın en belirleyici dinamiklerinden biridir. Bu haliyle, toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri, biyolojik cinsiyetten farklı olarak, kadınlık, erkeklik veya çocukluk gibi kavramları kültürel olarak tesis eden ve bu şekilde toplumsal hayatı düzenleyen bir mekanizma olarak tarif edilebilir. Günümüz toplumları için kabul gören bu görüş, geçmiş toplumları araştıran arkeologlar için de gözden kaçırılmaması gereken bir noktadır.
Dolayısıyla, toplumsal cinsiyet arkeolojisi, geçmiş toplumların sosyal, kültürel, ekonomik ve ideolojik yapılarını ve bunların zaman içinde uğradıkları değişim ve dönüşümleri araştırmak için en etkili kuramsal yaklaşımlardan biri olarak görülmelidir. Bu yazıda, toplumsal cinsiyet arkeolojisinin tarihsel gelişimini, amaç ve hedeflerini tanıtmanın yanı sıra, söz konusu kuramsal çerçevenin arkeologlara sunduğu katkıları somut örnekler aracılığıyla tartışıyor, hangi teknik ve analizlerin toplumsal cinsiyet rollerini anlamak için etkin ve gerekli olduğunu anlatıyoruz. Çeşitli arkeolojik verilerin ve materyal kültür öğelerinin toplum yapısı ve toplumdaki cinsiyet rolleri konusunda ne tür bilgiler verebileceğini ortaya koyarak, insan ve materyal kültür ilişkisini inceliyoruz.

Anahtar Sözcükler: Toplumsal cinsiyet, kadın, erkek, feminizm, arkeoloji.

Research paper thumbnail of 2021. Yavaş Denizcilik: Akdeniz'de Denizciliğin Tarih Öncesi. İzmir Araştırmaları Dergisi 15: 1-26.

Prehistorik denizcilik arkeolojinin gelişmekte olan araştırma alanlarından biridir. Son yıllarda ... more Prehistorik denizcilik arkeolojinin gelişmekte olan araştırma alanlarından
biridir. Son yıllarda yapılan çalışmalar denizciliğin Alt Paleolitik Döneme kadar geri gidebileceği yönünde kanıtlar üretti. Her ne kadar erken insansıların bu kapasiteye sahip olup olmadığı halen tartışmalı olsa da bu türde keşiflere açık kafalılıkla yaklaşmakta fayda var. Erken homininlerin ve Homo sapiens’in Avrasya ve Avustralya’ya başarılı bir şekilde yayılımında denizel ulaşımın rolü olduğu kesinlik kazanmıştır. Akdeniz’de ise Üst Paleolitik Dönemden itibaren denizel ve kıyısal ortamla ilişkilerde bir artış gözlenir. Adaların ziyareti ve kolonizasyonu konusunda, Kıbrıs, Girit, Sicilya ve Melos ilginç kanıtlar sunar. Özellikle Epipaleolitik Dönemden itibaren Kıbrıs’a gerçekleşen organize yolculuklar arkeologlar arasında Levant ve Anadolu toplumlarının adaya ne zaman, nasıl ve neden hareket edildiği konusunda ufuk açıcı tartışmalara neden olmaktadır.
Holosen’in başlangıcıyla birlikte denizcilik faaliyetlerinde bir artış görülür.
Erken Holosen’de insan, hayvan, bitki, hammadde veya bitmiş ürünlerin denizel hareketliliği gündelik yaşama denizciliğin ne kadar entegre olduğunu gösterir. Akdeniz’de kıyıyı takip eden prehistorik denizciliğe, F. Braudel’in ürettiği bir kavramdan yola çıkarak, “yavaş denizcilik” adını vermeyi uygun görüyorum. Deniz araçlarının doğrudan kanıtları elimizde olmasa da arkeolojik veriler su taşımacılığının Neolitikleşme gibi tarihsel süreçte oynadığı öncü rolü görünür kılmaktadır.

Research paper thumbnail of Çatalhöyük Sembolizminde Kabartma Bezekli Çanak Çömlekler/Relief Decorated Pottery in Çatalhöyük Symbolism

Seramik Araştırmaları Dergisi/The Journal of Ceramic Research/SRMKA, 3, 2021

Anadolu'da MÖ 7. binyılın sonlarıyla MÖ 6. binyılın başlarına denk gelen ve konvansiyonel kronolo... more Anadolu'da MÖ 7. binyılın sonlarıyla MÖ 6. binyılın başlarına denk gelen ve konvansiyonel kronolojiye göre Geç Neolitikten Erken Kalkolitik Döneme geçişi yansıtan yüzyıllarda yaşamın birçok alanında değişim ve dönüşümler görülür. Orta ve Batı Anadolu Geç Neolitik Dönem yerleşmelerinde bu değişimler mimari, mekân organizasyonu, gömüt uygulamaları, geçim ekonomisi ve yontma taş endüstrisinde olduğu gibi, çanak çömlek teknolojisi ve kullanımında da karşımıza çıkar. Çatalhöyük, teknolojik, ekonomik, sosyal ve ideolojik dönüşümün doyurucu arkeolojik kanıtlarla takip edilebildiği ender yerleşimlerden biridir. Çanak çömlek üretiminde gözlenen teknolojik, stilistik ve morfolojik yenilikler bu kritik tarihsel sürece dair ipuçları vermesi bakımından önem kazanır. Bu makale, Çatalhöyük'ün geç tabakalarında bulunan kırmızı yüzey renkli ve kabartma bezekli çanak çömlekleri yeni bulgular aracılığıyla incelemektedir. Kabartma bezekli çanak çömlekler temelde yalın bir karaktere sahip çanak çömlek repertuarı içinde az sayıda ancak özenle üretilmiş parçalar olarak tanımlanabilir. Stilistik olarak Kapadokya ve Göller Yöresi çağdaş gelenekleriyle benzerlik sergileyen bu buluntular, bir yandan sembolik ögelerin taşınabilir materyal kültüre aktarımını gösterirken, diğer yandan, boğa kafası veya el gibi sembolik unsurlar sayesinde değişim yaşayan Çatalhöyük toplumundaki ideolojik sürekliliğe işaret eder.
Late seventh and early sixth millennia BCE, the Late Neolithic-Early Chalcolithic transition according to the conventional chronology, shows profound changes in multiple aspects of daily life in Anatolia. These transformations are observed in architectural techniques, spatial organization, burial customs, subsistence economy and chipped stone industries as well as in pottery technology and function at Late Neolithic Central and Western Anatolian sites. Çatalhöyük is one of the few sites which provide ample archaeological evidence for this transformation. The novelties and changes in the technological, stylistic and morphological features of pottery is thus significant as it provides solid evidence for change during this critical period. This article introduces red coloured and relief decorated pottery found recently at the site. This group constitutes a small portion of the typically undecorated and monochrome ceramic repertoire. Produced with labour-intensive techniques, these are stylistically very similar to the relief-decorated pottery from the contemporary Cappadocian and Lake District sites. Relief decorated pottery represents a transformation of symbolic features to mobile material culture on the one hand, but also demonstrate that ideologically Çatalhöyük community adhered to the old, familiar symbols in this period of intense change.

Research paper thumbnail of 2021. Organization of Ceramic Production at Neolithic Ulucak. R. Özbal, M. Erdalkıran, Y. Tonoike (eds), Production, Distribution and Use, Third International Workshop on Ceramics from the Late Neolithic Near East. Koç University Press: 55-68

This paper aims to re-construct the production chain of ceramic vessels from the Neolithic site ... more This paper aims to re-construct the production chain of ceramic vessels from the Neolithic site of Ulucak (İzmir) by combining data obtained through technological analysis with the chaîne opératoire approach,
ceramic theory and ethnographic studies. Stages of pottery production are outlined using data collected employing a technological approach. I discuss the organization of production in relation to social and economic conditions of the Neolithic community at the site. Ulucak Neolithic pottery displays significant changes as well as strong continuities along the long sequence of pottery use at the site from ca. 6500 / 6400–5900 / 5800 BCE. The technological features observed on pottery fabrics and morphology speaks for an internal and gradual
process of change without major breaks or abrupt novelties until ca. 6000 BCE. The possibility of incipient specialization in pottery production is underlined after 6000 BCE when pottery typology and technology show important new elements.

Research paper thumbnail of Contextualizing Karaburun A New Area for Neolithic Research in Anatolia

Documenta Praehistorica, Dec 29, 2018

Recent surveys led by Ege University in the Karaburun Peninsula discovered multiple prehistoric s... more Recent surveys led by Ege University in the Karaburun Peninsula discovered multiple prehistoric sites. This article introduces one of the Neolithic sites, Kömür Burnu, in this marginal zone of coastal western Anatolia. The site offered various advantages to early farmer-herders, including freshwater and basalt sources as well as proximity to agricultural lands, forested areas and marine resources. The material culture suggests that a local west Anatolian community lived here around 6200-6000 cal BC. P-XRF characterisation of obsidian pieces from Kömür Burnu revealed that they were acquired from two geographically distant sources (Melos-Adamas and Göllüdag). These constitute the first evidence of the participation of Karaburun early farmer-herders in exchange networks of Neolithic Anatolia and the Aegean. Notably, the different technological features of these pieces fit well with the dual obsidian mobility model suggested by Marina Mili≤ for the western Anatolian Neolithic. IZVLE∞EK-Univerza Ege je nedavno izvedla povr∏inske preglede na polotoku Karaburun, ki se nahaja na obalnem predelu v zahodni Anatoliji, in odkrila ∏tevilna nova prazgodovinska najdi∏≠a. V ≠lanku predstavljamo eno od neolitskih najdi∏≠, in sicer najdi∏≠e Komur Burni. Najdi∏≠e se nahaja na obmo≠ju, ki je bilo ugodno za poselitev prvih poljedelcev in ∫ivinorejcev, saj ima dostop do sve∫e pitne vode, do naravnih surovin (bazalt) in do kmetijskih povr∏in, gozda in morja. Materialna kultura ka∫e, da je bilo to obmo≠je poseljeno ok. 6200-6000 pr. n. ∏t. Analiza P-XRF je pokazala, da so obsidian iz najdi∏≠a Komur Burnu pridobivali iz dveh geografskih obmo≠ij (Melos-Adamas in Golludag). To je prvi dokaz o tem, da so bili prvi poljedelci in ∫ivinorejci na polotoku Karaburun v ≠asu neolitika ∫e vklju≠eni v sistem menjav med Anatolijo in otoki v Egejskem morju. Predvsem je opazno, da lahko te najdbe na podlagi njihovih razli≠nih tehnolo∏kih zna≠ilnosti dobro umestimo v model dvojne mobilnosti obsidiana kot ga je predlagala Marina Mili≤ za zahodno Anatolijo v ≠asu neolitika.

Research paper thumbnail of Ege University Anthropocene Research Group

Ege University Anthropocene Research Group ("antrog") is established in September 2021 to develop... more Ege University Anthropocene Research Group ("antrog") is established in September 2021 to develop scientific actions to the urgent social and economic problems of the Anthropocene Era. The Research Group consists of researchers from different institutions and branches of science who aim to address ecological problems with a philosophical and moral framework based on the principle of social justice and equality while recognizing the need for a non-human centered ontology. The working group has only one main goal: to analyze the Anthropocene Era with its social, political, cultural and historical dimensions. To this end, we produce papers and organize activities in direct partnership with earth, natural and engineering sciences such as geology, biology, environmental sciences, climatology.

Research paper thumbnail of Ege Üniversitesi Antroposen Araştırma Grubu / Anthropocene Research Group

Research paper thumbnail of 2020. Karaburun Yüzey Araştırması 2019-2020. Batı Anadolu Yüzey Araştırması Webinar Kitabı Bildiri Özeti, Şahin et al. (der.), 63.

Research paper thumbnail of 2020. Karaburun Arkeolojik Yüzey Araştırması 2019-2020. Türkiye Yüzey Araştırmaları Webinarları I-II-III Bildiri Özeti. Bursa.

Research paper thumbnail of TAG 2021 Program - The Theoretical Archaeology Group Annual Meeting, April 30 - May 2, 2021.

by Marcio Teixeira-Bastos, Ian Hodder, Hannah Moots, Sophia Colello, Koji Lau-Ozawa, Lúcio Menezes Ferreira, Michael V Wilcox, Allison Mickel, Ciler Cilingiroglu, Anna Källén, Wendy Teeter, Tiffany C . Fryer, Piraye Hacıgüzeller, Supriya Varma, Swadhin Sen, Veerasamy Selvakumar, Rebecca Graff, Natalia Pulyavina, Anne Sherfield, Tânia Manuel Casimiro, Francisco Curate, Marianne Sallum, Alessandra Cianciosi, Lucy Gill, Alice Kehoe, Matthew Greer, and Kristina G Douglass

In light of the ongoing acts of anti-Black and anti-Indigenous violence that testify to the immed... more In light of the ongoing acts of anti-Black and anti-Indigenous violence that testify to the immediate need for systemic social change, the new TAG 2021 theme will focus on issues of social and racial justice in the theory, method, and practice of archaeology.

Research paper thumbnail of 2021. Two Possible Upper Paleolithic Sites on the Karaburun Peninsula, Turkey. Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology 4.12

Turkey, as a major geographical interface between Asia and Europe, is critical to understanding t... more Turkey, as a major geographical interface between Asia and Europe, is critical to understanding the lifeways and dispersal of early Homo sapiens populations in Eurasia. However, the Upper Paleolithic period in Turkey continues to remain an archaeological enigma. In contrast to the Lower and Middle Paleolithic, which are relatively well represented across the country, the Upper Paleolithic is still largely missing from the archaeological record in most areas, impeding even a superficial understanding of the distribution and technologies of early Homo sapiens populations. To help close the gap in the archaeological
evidence for the Upper Paleolithic in Turkey in general, this contribution
presents the discovery of and finds from two open-air sites on the Karaburun Peninsula, near Izmir, in coastal western Turkey, which we identify as Upper Paleolithic in age. The lithic assemblages display a flake-blade industry characterized by prismatic and discoid cores, side-scrapers, atypical end-scrapers, and blanks with parallel removals. Lacking the typical Aurignacian or Gravettian characteristics, these assemblages support the notion that Anatolia was very diverse in terms of Upper Paleolithic lithic technologies. We introduce the lithic material from these sites toopen a discussion on the variability of Anatolian
Upper Paleolithic industries.

Research paper thumbnail of 2020. Introducing the New Çatalhöyük Project. Neo-Lithics 20: 1-3.

Research paper thumbnail of 2024. Tarihöncesinde Ege'de Açık Deniz Balıkçılığı Gerçekten Var Mıydı? ArkeoDuvar 21: 61-73.

Research paper thumbnail of 2024. Silah, Statü ve Servet: Doğu Akdeniz'de Tunç Çağından Bugüne Egemenlerin Savaşlarına Bir Bakış. ArkeoDuvar 20: 78-89.

Research paper thumbnail of 2024. Orta Urallar'dan Bir Mezolitik Anıt: Shigir Heykeli. ArkeoDuvar 19: 104-107.

Research paper thumbnail of 2024. Kim Korkar Feminist Arkeolojiden? ArkeoDuvar 18: 22-27.

Research paper thumbnail of 2023. Afet Sonrası Uzaydan Arkeoloji: Deprem Sonrası Kültürel Miras. ArkeoDuvar 15: 63-67.

Arkeologlar olarak, depremin yarattığı ağır hasar ortaya çıktıkça, insanlığın en önemli tarihsel ... more Arkeologlar olarak, depremin yarattığı ağır hasar ortaya çıktıkça, insanlığın en önemli tarihsel süreçlerinin yaşandığı coğrafyalardan birinde, tarihi ve kültürel varlıkların da yara aldığını anladık. Biz de kendi mecramızda, okyanusta bir damla olabilmenin çabası içinde buluverdik kendimizi.

Research paper thumbnail of 2023. Özgün Anarşist Toplumlarda Yatay Hiyerarşi Nasıl İşliyordu? ArkeoDuvar 13: 35-39.

Research paper thumbnail of 2023. Antroposen Çağ'da Arkeoloji: Gezegenin Bize Niye İhtiyacı Var? ArkeoDuvar 12: 72-78.

Milyonlarca yılda insan çok sayıda iklim değişikliğine tanıklık etti, bunlara farklı tepkiler ver... more Milyonlarca yılda insan çok sayıda iklim değişikliğine tanıklık etti, bunlara farklı tepkiler verdi ve bunun sonucunda hayatta kaldı, göç etti, yeni teknolojiler icat etti veya soyu tükendi. Diğer yandan, her canlı gibi, insan da ekolojik ortamıyla bir arada oluşunu gerçekleştirmekte. İnsanın ekosistemin bir üyesi olarak geliştirdiği ilişkinin niteliği çağlar boyunca durmadan değişmiş ve dönüşmüştür. Tıpkı Herakleitos’un ünlü sözü gibi, insan hiçbir zaman ve hiçbir yerde aynı nehirde yıkanmamıştır. Bu yüzden aynı ekolojik ortamı paylaşsalar bile, farklı toplumlar biricik kültürel karakterleri dolayımıyla doğal ortamlarıyla bağlarını düzenlemiştir. Yani tarih bize insan-kültür-ekoloji ilişkisinin yüzbinlerce biricik olasılığını sunmakta. Bu kültürel çeşitlilik ise insanın kapasitelerini ve potansiyelini, aynı zamanda farklı “ol”ma biçimlerini göstererek bugüne ve geleceğe kılavuzluk etmektedir. İşte arkeoloji bu altın anahtarı elinde tutan tek bilim dalıdır.

Research paper thumbnail of 2022. Doğu Anadolu'da Sönmemiş Bir Volkan: Altan Çilingiroğlu Üzerine Bir Değini. ArkeoDuvar 11: 81-85.

Research paper thumbnail of 2022. Tarım Devrimi: Bir Zorunluluk Muydu Yoksa Seçim Mi? ArkeoDuvar 10: 84-96.

Neolitik araştırmalarının kuramsal patikalarında dolanırken, bir yandan da tarihin olumsallık ilk... more Neolitik araştırmalarının kuramsal patikalarında dolanırken, bir yandan da tarihin olumsallık ilkesinden hareketle bir cevap aradım bu soruya.

Research paper thumbnail of 2021. Tarihin İnsan Olmayan Failleri. ArkeoDuvar Sayı 2. Mayıs 2021.

Birçoğumuzda bir virüsün koca bir gezegeni etkisi altına alarak evlerine kapaması distopik bir bi... more Birçoğumuzda bir virüsün koca bir gezegeni etkisi altına alarak
evlerine kapaması distopik bir bilimkurgu filminin içine hapsolduğumuz
hissini doğurdu. Milyarlarca insanın evlerinde kalması
gezegen açısından çeşitli etkiler yarattı. Bir yandan sera gazlarının
atmosferdeki yoğunluğu uzun zamandır hiç olmadığı kadar
azalınca soluduğumuz hava daha temiz bir hale geldi. Diğer
yandan, sosyal hayatın durma noktasına varması hem iktisadi
hem de psikolojik olarak bizi bir yıkımın eşiğine getirdi. Dünya;
aşı tedariki, aşı milliyetçiliği, aşı stokçuluğu ve aşı adaleti gibi konuları
tartışadursun, gelin biz insanlığın tarihini insan olmayan
aktörlerin nasıl çoktandır yazıyor olduğuna bir göz atalım.

Research paper thumbnail of 2021. Savaşsız Toplumlar Hiç Oldu Mu? Arkeo-Duvar Sayı 1: 6-12.

Bir kabile reisinin hırsı, zenginlik ve güç istenci, insanları domine etme arzusu, daha fazla güç... more Bir kabile reisinin hırsı, zenginlik ve güç istenci, insanları domine etme arzusu, daha fazla güç, prestij elde ederek tatmin olma isteği savaşın nedeni olduğunda nasıl bir tutum alacağız? Bu yıkıcı isteklere sahip bir fail, ona boyun eğen bir halkla buluştuğunda, savaş, artık tarihin bir olmazsa olmazı ve neredeyse “doğal” ve zorunlu görünen bir etkinliği haline gelir. Mesela Tunç Çağı beylerinin altın, gümüş, bakır, kalay, güzel dokumalar, yarı değerli taşlar veya seçkin sınıfa hitap eden besinler peşinde ölesiye bir rekabet içinde birbirleriyle savaşmaları buna güzel bir örnektir. Çanakkale’de Troia’yı ziyaret ettiğinizde sur duvarlarına bir de bu gözle bakın ve Benjamin’in şu ünlü sözünü hatırlayın: “Aynı zamanda bir barbarlık belgesi olmayan hiçbir kültür belgesi yoktur.”

Research paper thumbnail of 2021. Sarı öküzden kefaretçi tanrıya: Deprem mitleri üzerine. ArkeoDuvar 3: 74-78.

Ege halkları 30 Ekim 2020’de dünyada yılın en ölümcül deprem felaketini yaşadı. Kandilli Rasathan... more Ege halkları 30 Ekim 2020’de dünyada yılın en ölümcül deprem felaketini
yaşadı. Kandilli Rasathanesi’ne göre, 6.9 şiddetindeki sarsıntı, bizim için
bitmek bilmeyen bir 16 saniye boyunca sürdü. İzmir ve Samos’ta 100’den
fazla insan ne yazık ki yaşamını kaybetti. Felaket, 3 bin 550 artçısıyla kendini hatırlatmaya haftalarca devam etti.
Yaşamın alışılagelmiş ritmini ve sürekliliğini bir anda kesintiye uğratan bir doğa olayı olarak deprem, insanın kendini pek küçük, güçsüz ve
savunmasız hissettiği anları yaratma kudretine sahip. Yeryüzünün diplerinden çatırtıyla, uğultuyla, kimi zaman bir volkan patlamasına eşlik ederek gelen bu hareketin kaynağı elbette eski toplumları da meşgul etmiş. Dünyanın dört bir yanında mitler, söylenceler veya kutsal metinler depreme ilişkin açıklamalar getirerek onu hayatın içinde rasyonalize etmeye çalışmış. Tarih öncesi toplumlarda depreme ilişkin inanışları ne yazık ki bilemiyoruz. Ancak eski yazılı toplumlardan ve yeryüzünün “ilkel” olarak nitelenen geleneksel topluluklarından edindiğimiz antropolojik bilgiler bize tarih öncesi insanın depreme ilişkin fikirlerinin ne olabileceği yönünde bir görü sağlıyor.

Research paper thumbnail of 2021. Arzunun Dip Tarihi: Eski Toplumlarda Cinsellik. Arkeo-Duvar 4: 45-50.

“Aşk, sende olmayan bir şeyi onu talep etmeyen birine vermektir” demiş Lacan, eksikliğini bitimsi... more “Aşk, sende olmayan bir şeyi onu talep etmeyen birine vermektir” demiş Lacan, eksikliğini bitimsizce yamamaya çalışan insanın derin boşluğuna atfen. Freud için ise aşk, Eros’la simgeleştirilen temel bir dürtü. Aşk dürtüsü; yapıcı, ilgi duyan, arzulayan, eyleyen, dünyaya açılan istencimizdir. Arzu nesnesini buldu mu kelimenin tam anlamıyla kendinden geçendir. Aşk, hepimize başka bir şeyler çağrıştırır ama çoğu zaman şuna eminizdir: Aşk, insana dair coşkulu bir varoluş şeklidir; aynı zamanda ebedi ve ezelidir. Aşk, neredeyse tarihin üstünde, zamansız bir olgudur. Yaşam dediğimiz şey bir gezegen olsaydı, aşk ve cinsellik onun sönmemiş çekirdeği olurdu; her fırsatta yüzeye çıkmak için müthiş bir enerjiyle çabalayan."

Research paper thumbnail of 2021. Büyüyle Büyüyen İnsanlık. Arkeo-Duvar 5: 26-31.

Erich Fromm demiş ki, “insan, kendi varoluşunu bir sorun olarak gören ve onu çözmesi gereken tek ... more Erich Fromm demiş ki, “insan, kendi varoluşunu bir sorun olarak gören ve onu çözmesi gereken tek hayvandır.” Malum, insan, bu dünyada üstesinden gelemediği, bir türlü içinden çıkamadığı, açıklayamadığı veya anlayamadığı güç durumlarla karşılaşır. Bu gibi zorlu anlarda ancak bu olaylara bir anlam ve değer yükleyerek, diğer bir deyişle, onları ideleştirerek yaşamını sürdürür.

Research paper thumbnail of 2022. Oyunun Ciddiyeti, Oyunbozanın Gerekliliği Üzerine. ArkeoDuvar 6: 20-24.

Research paper thumbnail of 2022. Asla Yalnız Yürümeyeceksin: Arkeolojide Taciz Mağdurları. ArkeoDuvar 7: 17-23.

Geçtiğimiz aylarda arkeolojideki yerleşik taciz kültürü üzerine Stanford Üniversitesi öğretim üye... more Geçtiğimiz aylarda arkeolojideki yerleşik taciz kültürü üzerine Stanford Üniversitesi öğretim üyesi Barbara Voss tarafından üç makale yayınlandı. Taciz ne arkeolojiye ne Türkiye’ye özgü. Küresel bir sorun ve akademide çok yaygın. Bu sorun karşısında iki farklı tutum alabiliriz. Birincisi “ne yapalım, böyle gelmiş böyle gidecek” diyerek kayıtsız kalmak veya bu durumu değiştirmek için bir şeyler yapmak. Eyleme geçmek.

Research paper thumbnail of 2022. Yeraltının Cüce Devleri: Eski Madenciliğe Emeğin Bakış Açısıyla Yaklaşmak. ArkeoDuvar 8: 33-41.

Emeğin bakış açısından bir madencilik arkeolojisi yapmaya ihtiyacımız var. Bu şekilde yaşama ve e... more Emeğin bakış açısından bir madencilik arkeolojisi yapmaya ihtiyacımız var. Bu şekilde yaşama ve eyleme hizmet eden bir arkeoloji pratiğini inşa edebiliriz. Madenciliğin derin tarihine dair bilgilerimiz bugüne ışık tutacak nitelikte. Arkeolojide emek bakış açısına sahip çalışmaların çeşitlenmesi ve artması bize sadece eski toplumların madencilik faaliyetlerini nasıl organize ettiğiyle ilgili bilgi sağlamakla kalmaz; ayrıca üretim araçları, ilişkileri ve koşulları hakkında bilgi verir. Anadolu’da toplumsal evrimi ve politik örgütlenmeyi anlamak için bu konuların malûmatçı olmayan, sorun odaklı yöntemlerle çalışılması iyi olabilir.

Research paper thumbnail of 2022. Kaosun Çağrısı: Islah Edilmiş Doğa Olarak Bahçeler. Arkeo-Duvar 9: 36-40.

Doğa; yabanıl, kaotik, olumsal olandır; gizemli güçleri bünyesinde besler, önden bilinemez ve kes... more Doğa; yabanıl, kaotik, olumsal olandır; gizemli güçleri bünyesinde besler, önden bilinemez ve kesinlikten uzaktır. İpe sapa gelmez olsa da, doğanın yasaları ve o yasalara uygun bir estetiği vardır. Çiçeklerin geometrisi, taşların dokusu, yaprakların damarları, mantarın benekleri, köklerin sarmallığı, meyvenin kokusu büyüler bizi.

İşte bu düzenli estetiği düzensiz yabanılın içinden kopardı insan. Bu koparış aynı zamanda bir kopuşu da getirdi beraberinde. Kim bilir Descola’nın “büyük bölünme” dediği şey belki de böylece nüve verdi insan zihninde. İşte bu ıslah edilmiş, estetik doğaya 'bahçe' diyoruz.

Research paper thumbnail of 2023. Antroposen ve Yeni İnsan. İstanbul: Yeni İnsan Yayınları.

Bu kitabı Antroposen konusunu toplumsallaştırma yolunda mütevazı bir adım olarak okuyabilirsiniz.... more Bu kitabı Antroposen konusunu toplumsallaştırma yolunda mütevazı bir adım olarak okuyabilirsiniz. Elbette politik bir duruşu var buradaki yazıların. Salt bir betimleme veya kavram tanıtımı değil. Amaç buradaki yazılar aracılığıyla ani ekosistem değişimi ve onun yarattığı insanlık krizi hakkında okuru bilgilendirmek. Şikayeti, hüznü ve kıyametçiliği terk edip mücadelenin içinde olmanın önümüzdeki tek doğru patika olduğunu savunmak.

Bu nedenle Cerattepe'den Kaz Dağları'na, Akbelen'den Kuzey Ormanları'na ekoloji ve yaşam mücadeleleri Antroposen'in başkaldırı tarzı olmuştur artık. İrrasyonel bir biçimde büyümeye odaklı vahşi ve talancı kapitalist düzenin karşısına dikilen rasyonalite budur.

Bu çağın isyanı adaleti önceler, holistik düşünür, ontolojik alanda bir sıçrayış yaşamıştır; insan olan ve olmayanları birbiriyle ilişkileri içinden ve hiyerarşik olmayan bir zeminden kavrar. Toplumsal alanda unutulmuş örgütlülüğü yeniden keşfeder. Türlerarası dayanışmanın ve birbirinden güç almanın çağını inşa etmektir hedef. Yanımıza sadece sınıfsal olarak ezilenleri değil, şirket-devlet gericiliği karşısında ezilmeleri bakımından kardeş olan tüm canlıları ve grupları katmaktır mesele.

Günbegün maruz bırakıldığımız orantısız Golyat kötülüğünün karşısında durabilecek güçte bir Davut sadece özgeci ve tüm varlıkları kucaklayan bir ortak iradeden türeyebilir.

Research paper thumbnail of 2022. Yol Ayrımları: Antoposenden Çıkış Üzerine Bir Deneme. Livera Yayınları.

Arkeoloji ve felsefenin kesiştiği sıra dışı bir noktada duran bu kitap insanın küresel bir faile ... more Arkeoloji ve felsefenin kesiştiği sıra dışı bir noktada duran bu kitap insanın küresel bir faile dönüşmesinin etik-politik hikayesinin izini oldukça yanlı -özgürlüğün yanında duran- kavramsal bir teçhizatın yardımıyla sürüyor. İnsanın dünya ile kurduğu ilişkinin tarihsel analizinin, insanın kendisiyle ve başkalarıyla kurduğu ilişkiden ayrı düşünülemeyeceğini sade, açık ve nüktedan bir üslupla ileri sürüyor. Doğayı ve kendimizi yok ediş sürecimizin sona erdirilebilmesi için, yeni spiritüalizmin ve kişisel gelişim aygıtlarının apolitik mottosu haline gelmiş “doğaya dönüş” mitinden çok daha fazlasının gerektiğini ortaya koyan yazarlar; insanın sömürülmesi, doğanın insanın elinde can çekişmesi ve cinsiyet eşitsizliği gibi son derece güncel ve çeşitli problemleri bağlantılandırarak insanın köleliğini bir bütün halinde düşünmenin zorunluluğunu bir kez daha hatırlatıyor ve okuru bu kölelikten çıkışın yollarını aramaya davet ediyorlar. Jeoloji, antropoloji, arkeoloji ve felsefenin alışılageldik sınırlarını ihlal eden Yol Ayrımları transdisipliner yapısıyla bugün tam da ihtiyacımız olan yeni bir düşünme tarzının politik ufkuna oldukça mütevazi bir tarzda işaret etmek gibi pratik bir işlevi yerine getirmekte.
Standing at an unusual point at the intersection of archaeology and philosophy, "Crossroads" traces the ethico-political story of human transformation into a geological agent. It argues in a simple, clear and lucid style that the historical analysis of the human relationship with the world cannot be separated from the human relationship with oneself and others. The authors demonstrate that much more than the myth of the "return to nature", which has become the apolitical motto of the new spiritualism and self-help apparatuses, what will be required is to end the process by which we are destroying nature and ourselves. By linking the exploitation of human beings, the suffering of nature at the hands of human beings, and gender inequality, the authors remind us once again of the necessity of thinking about human slavery as a whole and invite the reader to look for ways out of this slavery. By violating the conventional boundaries of geology, anthropology, archaeology and philosophy with its transdisciplinary structure, "Crossroads" fulfills the practical function of pointing, in a very modest way, precisely to the political horizon of a new way of thinking that we need today.

Research paper thumbnail of 2012. The Neolithic Pottery of Ulucak in Aegean Turkey: Organization of production, interregional comparisons and relative chronology. British Archaeological Reports 2426.

Research paper thumbnail of 2018. TINA Denizcilik Arkeolojisi Dergisi Maritime Archaeology Periodical. Issue 10. Special Issue on Prehistoric Seafaring.

Our previous (the 9th) issue mainly included articles on the Aegean and Cypriot Neolithic communi... more Our previous (the 9th) issue mainly included articles on the Aegean and Cypriot Neolithic communities and their relations with the marine and maritime. The articles in this issue continue to focus on the Neolithic communities, including three comprehensive articles by prominent scholars tackling the maritime activity of Neolithic communities who lived on the shores of the Levant, Cyprus and the Marmara Sea.

Research paper thumbnail of 2018. TINA Maritime Archaeology Periodical, 9th Issue. Special Issue on Prehistoric Seafaring. co-editors: M. Bezdan & Ç. Çilingiroğlu.

K u r u L u Ş u: 1999 yılında bir grup denizsever iş adamı tarafından kurulmuştur.

Research paper thumbnail of 2015. Değişen Arkeoloji / Changing Archaeology: 1. TAG-Türkiye Toplantısı Bildirileri / Proceedings of the 1st TAG-Turkey Meeting

Kuramsal arkeoloji, son 50 yıl içinde arkeoloji pratiğinin önemli ve vazgeçilmez bir parçası hali... more Kuramsal arkeoloji, son 50 yıl içinde arkeoloji pratiğinin önemli ve vazgeçilmez bir parçası haline geldi. Genç nesil arkeologlar, Türkiye’deki arkeolojinin tekdüzelikten ve içe kapalılıktan kurtulup dünyayla bütünleşen, çağdaş bir arkeoloji haline gelebilmesi için daha fazla kuramsal arkeolojiyle ilgilenmenin önemine inanıyorlar. Bu nedenle, bu kitap içindeki her yazı daha nitelikli bir arkeolojiye doğru ilerlememizi ümit eden yenilikçi ve eleştirel bir anlayışa sahip. Her yeniliğe doğru atılan adım biraz cesaret, biraz korku ve kendimizle hesaplaşma talep eder. Bu kitabın içtenlikle ve açık yüreklilikle başarmak istedi­ğini böyle tanımlayabiliriz belki de. TAG-Türkiye toplantıları­nın ve kitaplarının uzun vadede Türkiye arkeolojisinin tüm pay­daşlarına fayda sağlaması dileğiyle…

Research paper thumbnail of ARKEOLOJİDE Temel Yöntemler

Elinizdeki bu kitap derleyenlerin henüz öğrencilik yıllarından itibaren gerçekleştirmeyi umut ett... more Elinizdeki bu kitap derleyenlerin henüz öğrencilik yıllarından itibaren gerçekleştirmeyi umut ettikleri bir düşüncenin ürünüdür; Türkçe yazılmış bir 'Arkeolojiye Giriş' kitabı. Diğer bir deyişle bir bilim dalı olarak arkeolojinin temel kavram ve yöntemlerinin tanıtıldığı giriş niteliğinde bir kitap. Biz bir başlangıç olarak gördüğümüz bu kitapta Türkiye arkeoloji yazınındaki önemli bir eksikliği gidermek amacıyla arkeolojinin temel yöntemlerini ele aldık. Bu kitap öncelikli olarak arkeoloji öğrencisine yönelik yazılmıştır. Kitaba katkıda bulunan tüm yazarlar arkeolojinin yöntemleriyle ve bazı temel kavramlarıyla ilk defa karşılaşan öğrencileri düşünerek açıklayıcı bir dil kullanmaya özen göstermişlerdir. Bunun yanı sıra bazı yazarlar kaynakçalarına ek olarak öğrenciler için okuma önerileri sunmayı gerekli gördüler. Kitabın aynı zamanda Türkiye'de sayıları giderek artan, arkeoloji bölümlerinde söz konusu yöntemleri ve kavramları öğrencilerine anlatma derdine düşmüş, fakat öğrencilerine bu konuda okutabileceği Türkçe kaynak bulmakta zorlanan meslektaşlarımıza da yardımcı olacağını umut ediyoruz.

Research paper thumbnail of Questions, Approaches, and Dialogues in Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology Studies in Honor of Marie-Henriette and Charles Gates, E. Kozal, M. Akar, Y. Heffron, Ç. Çilingiroğlu, T.E. Şerifoğlu, C. Çakırlar, S. Ünlüsoy, E. Jean eds. Ugarit-Verlag. 2017.

Questions, Approaches, and Dialogues in Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology Studies in Honor of Marie-Henriette and Charles Gates, E. Kozal, M. Akar, Y. Heffron, Ç. Çilingiroğlu, T.E. Şerifoğlu, C. Çakırlar, S. Ünlüsoy, E. Jean eds. Ugarit-Verlag. 2017.

Eds.): Questions, Approaches, and Dialogues in Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology. Studies in Hono... more Eds.): Questions, Approaches, and Dialogues in Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology. Studies in Honor of Marie-Henriette and Charles Gates Alter Orient und Altes Testament 445 © 2017 Ugarit-Verlag -Buch-und Medienhandel Münster w w w . u g a r i t -v e r l a g . c o m A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . N o p a r t o f this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, e l e c t r o n i c , m e c h a n i c a l , photo-copying, recording, or otherwise, w i t h o u t t h e p r i o r p e r m ission of the publisher. P r i n t e d i n G e r m a n y I S B N 9 7 8 -3 -8 6 8 3 5 -251-1

Research paper thumbnail of 2022. Review: A Daring Quest for the Kairos: Reflections on Graeber and Wengrow's The Dawn of Everything. Current Anthropology 63.5: 612-614.

D. Graeber and D. Wengrow coauthored an astonishing 704-page “thought experiment,” as they call t... more D. Graeber and D. Wengrow coauthored an astonishing 704-page “thought experiment,” as they call their book, “to tell another, more hopeful and more interesting story” (17) of the past with a sober intention to cast light on our current (less hopeful) condition. Capaciously informed by history, ethnography, anthropology, and archaeology, this is a vivid and absorbing read that sweeps through many places and times, from Mesopotamia to the Andes, from the Ice Age to the age of colonialism. Contrary to many past and modern thinkers such as Turgot, Smith, Fukuyama, Diamond, Pinker, and Harari, the book is a daring delegitimization of a grand narrative of history produced and reproduced by what is designated as “Western thought".

Research paper thumbnail of 2020. Book Review: Ch. Schwall. 2018. Çukuriçi Höyük 2: Das 5. und das 4. Jahrtausend v. Chr. in Westanatolien und der Ostägäis. OREA: Oriental and European Archaeology, Band 7. Germania 97: 224-226.

Çukuriçi Höyük 2. Das 5. und 4. Jahrtausend v. Chr. in West anatolien und der Ostägäis Christoph ... more Çukuriçi Höyük 2. Das 5. und 4. Jahrtausend v. Chr. in West anatolien und der Ostägäis Christoph Schwall MIT 54 TEXTABBILDUNGEN, 5 TABELLEN Die wissenschaftlichen Beiträge in der Germania unterliegen dem Peer-Review-Verfahren durch auswärtige Gutachterinnen und Gutachter. Contributions to Germania are subject to peer review by external referees. Tous les textes présentés à la revue « Germania » sont soumis à des rapporteurs externes à la RGK. Der Abonnementpreis beträgt 35,00 € pro Jahrgang. Bestellungen sind direkt an den Verlag zu richten. Mitglieder des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts und Studierende der Altertumswissenschaften können die Germania zum Vorzugspreis von 17,50 € abonnieren. Studierende werden gebeten, ihre Bestellungen mit einer Studienbescheinigung an die Schriftleitung zu richten. Wir bitten weiterhin, die Beendigung des Studiums und Adressänderungen unverzüglich sowohl dem Verlag ( als auch der Redaktion ( mitzuteilen, damit die fristgerechte Lieferung gewährleistet werden kann.

Research paper thumbnail of 2019. Book Review: I. Hodder (ed.) Religion, History, and Place in the Origin of Settled Life. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 2019 First View: 1-2.

‘It all began with ritual’ sounds like an utterly provocative statement to make about world histo... more ‘It all began with ritual’ sounds like an utterly provocative statement to make about world history. Many theoretical views would challenge such a notion, arguing it was the ecology, population pressure, means of production, technological progress or social behaviour that must have
triggered the unprecedented historical developments that took place in southwest Asia following the Ice Age. Nevertheless, in one way or the other, all 11 chapters included in this volume accentuate the centrality of religion, ritual and cult for the study and interpretation of the Neolithic in southwest Asia and Anatolia.

Research paper thumbnail of Ulf Dietrich Schoop: Das anatolische Chalcolithikum. Eine chronologische Untersuchung zur vorbronzezeitlichen Kultursequenz im nördlichen Zentralanatolien und den angrenzenden Gebieten. Archaeologia Bulgarica XIV, 93-96. 2009.

Remshalden 2005. 443 pages, 187 plates, 2 fold-out charts. Summaries in English and Turkish. 88€.... more Remshalden 2005. 443 pages, 187 plates, 2 fold-out charts. Summaries in English and Turkish. 88€. ISBN 3-935383-38-X.

Research paper thumbnail of Review: Book and Exhibition Review Essay. An Unforgettable Experience: Visiting Neolithic Turkey in Karlsruhe, Germany. Vor 12.000 Jahren in Anatolien. Die  …

European Journal of Archaeology, Jan 1, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON HUMAN AND ECOLOGY RELATIONS THROUGH THE AGES. Ege University Archaeology Department. 4-6 December 2024.

You are warmly invited to join us in Izmir next week!


We cordially invite you to submit papers for the symposium organized by Ege University Archaeolog... more We cordially invite you to submit papers for the symposium organized by Ege University Archaeology Department entitled "Human and Ecology Relations Through the Ages" on 4-6 December 2024.

Research paper thumbnail of Call for Discussion: TAG 2021 Session Abstract: How can archaeology breathe? Critiquing object oriented archaeologies and stepping towards an archaeology that cares.

Register to join@ In many ways the past... more Register to join@
In many ways the past decade has been characterized by (the lack of) breath. Countless lives consumed by the fumes of war in the so-called "Middle East" and elsewhere, migrants and refugees drowning beneath Mediterranean waters, the choking knee of white supremacy, millions gasping from Covid-19, singing fires, choking anxiety, and innumerable atrocities and tragedies that cannot be expressed in 250 words. And what has archaeology done as these events unfolded? Appropriated when convenient and choosing to give breath to objects. The growing popularity of so-called 'relational' or 'symmetrical' archaeologies, which purports to breathe life into archaeological materials. This so-called 'material turn' in archaeology builds upon the emergence of Object-Oriented-Ontology (OOO) in western philosophy which premises a revolutionary reordering of subject-object separation and emphasize non-hierarchical relations between human, living and non-living constituents in the world. This premise holds potentially radical connotations for reimagining the contexts through which environmental crises have emerged. While acknowledging this potential, the performance of OOO with regards to contemporary social and environmental crises and atrocities has been at best ambivalent, and at worst, harmful, often de-centering the human and blurring lines of accountability.

Research paper thumbnail of Call for papers Session: #221: Connecting Prehistoric Anatolia and Europe through Foodways

In this session we want to discuss different aspects of food and diets and encourage contributors... more In this session we want to discuss different aspects of food and diets and encourage contributors to address scientific questions dealing with foodways in prehistoric Anatolia and southeastern Europe, as well as their transmissions westwards. We choose these regions because of their geographic, cultural and economic roles as active zones of transmission between the Southwestern Asia and central Europe. We choose food as an indicator of interconnections or barriers as it constitutes one of the most important drivers in the emergence of cultural, social and economic identities and is at the same time formed, and transformed by them. Therefore, we intend to analyze both aspects of environmental agency of these regions on the formation of culinary traditions, as also local characteristics of prehistoric diets and their further complete or partial transmission or non-transmission throughout Europe. The session will use "foodways" and "foodscapes" as analytical concepts for discussion, including all activities, norms, and symbols enclosing the production, processing, cooking, serving, and consumption of food. The topics should be focused on the emergence of farmer-herder foodways and the process of Neolithisation; the formation of foodscapes, local cuisines and the emergence of traditions both in Anatolia and in Europe; on the identification of adoption or non-adoption, of possible routes of westward transmission, circulation of food and movement of ideas. We encourage contributors to present new research results and discuss novel ways for the identification of foodways with the methods of archaeological science. Theoretical approaches on the agency of food is also welcome.


SEED SCIENCE AND ARCHAEOBOTANICAL RESEARCH IN ANATOLIA, 23 – 26 September 2019, Ege University, S... more SEED SCIENCE AND ARCHAEOBOTANICAL RESEARCH IN ANATOLIA, 23 – 26 September 2019, Ege University, Seed Science and Technology Centre, Izmir, Turkey

Research paper thumbnail of CALL FOR PAPERS: Seed Science and Archaeobotanical Research in Anatolia 23 – 27 September 2019 Ege University, Izmir, Turkey. Please visit:

Development in scientific and technological areas blurred the margin between different scientific... more Development in scientific and technological areas blurred the margin between different scientific disciplines, which in turn has compelled the establishment of new platforms based on cooperation of multidisciplinary studies. The aim of this symposium is, thus, to bring scholars from various disciplines together to discuss key topics related to the Anatolian history of agricultural production and current themes of seed science in Turkey. In this vein, SARA aims to respond to this need by enabling researchers to share scientific ideas and information around the six main disciplines mentioned below:

  1. Seed science
  2. Archaeobotany
  3. DNA
  4. Plant genetic resources
  5. Ethnobotany
  6. Archaeology

Research paper thumbnail of EAA 2014 - Call For Papers: Who is on Board? Maritime Perspectives on the Prehistoric Aegean

Who is on Board? Maritime Perspectives on the Prehistoric Aegean Interweaving open seas, archi... more Who is on Board? Maritime Perspectives on the Prehistoric Aegean

Interweaving open seas, archipelagos, precipitous coasts and welcoming bays, the Aegean has stimulated maritime routes for many forms of connectivity. In prehistory, seascapes and islands were visited for multiple reasons - acquisition of resources directly or through exchange, transportation, exploring and settling new lands, and raiding or piracy. The sea provided the means for ideas, peoples, technologies and beliefs to be shared through brief or protracted encounters by distinct groups.
In this session, we would like to explore the intensity, range and scale of maritime travel across the Aegean through time. It is our aim to visualize the technology, routes, and conditions of sea travel. Through this we seek to address the motives and mechanisms behind mobility and exchange facilitated by maritime interaction. Defining various material correlates for such connectivity, and how we can recognize them through novel theoretical and analytical techniques, will be a core theme. We thus invite speakers to present new research on this much debated topic that will reinvigorate our understanding of the powerful role of sea travel in Aegean societies from the Lower Paleolithic to end of the Bronze Age.

We particularly welcome approaches that cross disciplinary and national boundaries.

Session Organizers

Çiler Çilingiroğlu (Ege University)
Marina Milić (University College London)
Barry Molloy (University College Dublin)

Contact Person: Çiler Çilingiroğlu

Please note that all presenters must be registered and have fully paid for the meeting by 30June at the very latest. The deadline for the submission of a paper is January 27, 2014. For details of registration, fees and submission please check the official conference web site:


Program: Ian Hodder (Stanford), Keynote Lecture: 25 years of research at Çatalhöyük. 10.30 Coffee... more Program:
Ian Hodder (Stanford),
Keynote Lecture: 25 years of research at Çatalhöyük.
10.30 Coffee break
11.00 Arkadiusz Marciniak (Poznań),
The Late Neolithic at Çatalhöyük. An integrated
11.20 Çiler Çilingiroğlu (İzmir),
Mehmet Karaucak (Berlin),
Anything left to do here? An outline of a new research
programme at Çatalhöyük.
11.40 Douglas Baird (Liverpool),
The Konya Plain 14000-7000 cal BC; Pınarbaşı, Boncuklu
and the antecedents of Çatalhöyük.
12.00 Coffee break
12.15 Canan Çakırlar (Groningen),
Humans and animals in Çatalhöyük and elsewhere in
Neolithic-Chalcolithic Anatolia.
12.35 Lara González Carretero (London),
Dorian Q. Fuller (London),
Continuity and change: agricultural sustainability and
transformation through the millennia at Neolithic
Çatalhöyük (Turkey).
12.55 David C. Orton (York),
Continuity or change? Faunal evidence from Çatalhöyük
13.15 Lunch break
14.30 Lee Clare (Berlin)
Göbekli Tepe and its part in the Upper Mesopotamian
„Late PPNA-hunter crisis“.
14.50 Michele Massa (Ankara),
The dynamic landscapes of the Konya Plain: change
and continuity across the Early and Middle Holocene.
15.10 Christoph Bachhuber (Oxford/Reading),
Beyond the Çarşamba Delta: A Regional Perspective on
Neolithization in the Konya Plain.
15.30 Eva Rosenstock (Berlin),
Jessica Hendy (Jena/York),
The culinary practices of Çatalhöyük: Insights from
proteins on pottery.
15.50 Coffee break
16.10 Ulf-Dietrich Schoop (Edinburgh),
Sinan Ünlüsoy (İzmir),
Çatalhöyük and the Anatolian Chalcolithic:
an outside view.
16.30 Mehmet Somel (Ankara),
A preliminary genomic analysis of the
Central Anatolian Neolithic
16.50 Aroa García Suárez (Oxford),
Resolving stratigraphy: 25 years of integrated
micromorphological research at Çatalhöyük
17.10 Final Remarks
Tuesday 7 May 2019
Closed meeting for Çatalhöyük team leaders
and members.
With contributions from :
Arkadiusz Marciniak, Çiler Çilingiroğlu
(Project Co-Directors)
Canan Çakırlar, David C. Orton, Ece Sezgin
Mehmet Somel
(Ancient DNA)
Lara González Carretero, Marco Madella,
Carlos Santiago Marrero, Burhan Ulaş, Ece Dinçerler
Aroa García-Suárez
Sara Perry
(Public Archaeology)
Ashley Lingle
Sean Doyle, Didem Turan, Bejna Demir
Marco Milella, Belinde Tibbetts
(Human Remains)
Ulf Dietrich Schoop, Sinan Ünlüsoy
(West Mound)
Beatrijs de Groot, Canan Karataş, Nuriye Gökçe

Research paper thumbnail of ÇATALHÖYÜK IN CONTEXT

Research paper thumbnail of ÇATALHÖYÜK IN CONTEXT_Program

Research paper thumbnail of 2022.Kuramsal Arkeoloji ve Türkiye'de Durum. Türk Arkeoloji ve Kültürel Miras Enstitüsü Salı Konuşmaları. YouTube.

'Kuramsal Arkeoloji ve Türkiye'de Durum', Salı Konuşmaları'nda masaya yatırılıyor. 25 Ocak 2022, ... more 'Kuramsal Arkeoloji ve Türkiye'de Durum', Salı Konuşmaları'nda masaya yatırılıyor. 25 Ocak 2022, Salı 20.00'de Youtube kanalımızda yayınlanan söyleşide Prof. Dr. Nevzat Çevik'in konukları, Prof. Dr. Gül Işın, Prof. Dr. Burçin Erdoğdu ve Doç. Dr. Çiler Çilingiroğlu.

Research paper thumbnail of 2021. Latrina Sohbetleri: Kültür Politikaları Kıskacında Arkeoloji. YouTube.

Herkese merhaba, Arkeomedya, ''LATRİNA SOHBETLERİ'' programının ilk canlı yayınını gerçekleştirdi... more Herkese merhaba,
Arkeomedya, ''LATRİNA SOHBETLERİ'' programının ilk canlı yayınını gerçekleştirdik.

Yaklaşık 3 buçuk saat boyunca süren yayınımızda değindiğimiz konuları sizler için bölümlere ayırdık.

Içeriklere daha hızlı erişmek için zaman çubuğundaki partları kendinize referans alabilirsiniz.

İyi seyirler dileriz.

00:00 - Kültür Bilinci ve Koruma
27:58 - Aizanoi Çalışmalarından Örnekler
41:34 - Türkiye, Yunanistan ve Mısır Örnekleri
1🔞00 - Öneriler ve Çözümleri
1:30:45 - Misafir Konuk (Okan Barutçu)
1:42:56 - Misafir Konuk (Çiler Çilingiroğlu)

Research paper thumbnail of 2021. Bir Diyalog: Tarih Öncesi Toplumlarda Sosyal Statü. Arkeoloji Sohbetleri 15. YouTube.

Arkeoloji Sohbetleri'nin 15. canlı yayınına hoş geldiniz. "Tarih Öncesi Toplumlarda Sosyal Statü"... more Arkeoloji Sohbetleri'nin 15. canlı yayınına hoş geldiniz. "Tarih Öncesi Toplumlarda Sosyal Statü" üzerine Prof. Dr. Yılmaz Selim Erdal ile Doç. Dr. Çiler Çilingiroğlu'nun konuşmasını sunduk. İyi seyirler dileriz.

Research paper thumbnail of 2020. Buzul Çağı Biterken Ege ve Batı Anadolu. ArkeolojiHaber 18. YouTube.

Arkeolojihaber'in hesabından gerçekleştirilen Ege Üniversitesi Protohistorya ve Önasya Arkeolojis... more Arkeolojihaber'in hesabından gerçekleştirilen Ege Üniversitesi Protohistorya ve Önasya Arkeolojisi Anabilim Dalı Öğretim Üyesi Doç. Dr. Çiler Çilingiroğlu ile canlı yayın.
Konu: Buzul Çağı Biterken Ege ve Batı Anadolu

Research paper thumbnail of 2021. Arkeolojide Kuram Ne İşe Yarar? Arkeoloji Sohbetleri 9. YouTube.

Kuramsal Arkeolojiye Giriş niteliğinde bir konuşma. Arkeoloji sohbetlerinin 9.canlı yayınına hoş ... more Kuramsal Arkeolojiye Giriş niteliğinde bir konuşma. Arkeoloji sohbetlerinin 9.canlı yayınına hoş geldiniz. Doç. Dr. Çiler ÇİLİNGİROĞLU ''Arkeolojide Kuram Ne İşe Yarar?'' üzerine konuşmasını yaptı. İyi seyirler dileriz.

Research paper thumbnail of 2021. Hiyerarşinin Hangi Tonu? Güneydoğu Anadolu Neolitiğinde Sosyal Farklılaşma. 3. TAG-Turkey: Available on YouTube

Göbeklitepe'nin keşfinden bu yana, Anadolu Neolitik araştırmalarında tartışılan konulardan biri b... more Göbeklitepe'nin keşfinden bu yana, Anadolu Neolitik araştırmalarında tartışılan konulardan biri bu toplumların sahip olduğu örgütlenme modelinin ne olduğudur. Sıklıkla dillendirilen görüşlerin başında Güneydoğu Anadolu Çanak Çömleksiz Neolitik Döneminin dikey hiyerarşiye sahip toplumlar tarafından şekillendiği gelmektedir. Hatta Göbeklitepe, Karahantepe vb. anıtsal mimari taşıyan alanların inşa edilmesi ve kullanım görmesi sürecinde "ruhban sınıfı" olarak nitelendirilen kişilerin emek ve üretim üzerinde ideolojik tahakküm kurarak etkin oldukları belirtilmektedir. Ne var ki, sezgisel düşünceye dayalı bu tipte öneriler antropolojik kuramların ve etnografik çalışmaların sağladığı görüden yeterince beslenmediği gibi, henüz nesnel bir arkeolojik analize de tabi tutulmamıştır.
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