Gökçe Asena ALTINBAY-ERDEM | Ege University (original) (raw)

Papers by Gökçe Asena ALTINBAY-ERDEM

Research paper thumbnail of Secretary of Organizing Committee ICTMD Study Group on Ethnochoreology  G. A. ALTINBAY-ERDEM

This summary highlights our contributions to 33rd Symposium of the ICTMD Study Group on Ethnochor... more This summary highlights our contributions to 33rd Symposium of the ICTMD Study Group on Ethnochoreology, IZMIR, Turkey, 21-28 July 2024.
Attached please find identification and the programming of the document "PROGRAMME and ABSTRACTS".

Bu özet, 21-28 Temmuz 2024 tarihlerinde İZMİR, Türkiye'de düzenlenen ICTMD Etnokoroloji Çalışma Grubu'nun 33. Sempozyumu'na katkılarımızı vurgulamaktadır.
Ekte "PROGRAM ve ÖZETLER" belgesinin kimliği ve programlaması bulunmaktadır.

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Research paper thumbnail of The effects of physical exercise, dance and movement therapy on the immune system during COVID-19 pandemic

Επιστημονικά Χρονικά (Epistimoniká Chroniká Iatrikó periodikó), 2022

Objective: The COVID-19 pandemic has been challenging for everyone since it is confronted with va... more Objective: The COVID-19 pandemic has been challenging for everyone since it is confronted with various precautions such as lockdowns. For those who stay healthy and protect themselves from COVID-19, physical exercise and activity might be an effective solution since it has specific impacts on the immune system. Methods: MEDLINE and SportDiscus data from the US National Library of Medicine were used to search for scientific literature related to this review. The terms "coronavirus", "physical exercise", and "immune system" were used. The relevant literature has also taken its source from the research of relevant articles from reference lists derived from data studies. An additional search for the term "dance and movement therapy" was made in Google Scholar generally because it is considered a proposal to promote well-being and high immunity in a community traumatized by the pandemic. Well-being and immune response were assessed in a separate search with the terms "well-being" and "immune", several additional sources were used to link a multisystem perspective. Results: The effects of physical exercise and activity have been proven useful in defending the body against COVID-19 by supporting the immune system. Therefore, people should perform daily physical exercises and activities as advised during quarantine. They also should consider various factors such as intensity, duration, and amount of training, with appropriate rest time. Also, exercises such as movement and dance therapy including the type of movement that can engage physiological processes as a way to increase emotional regulation, and activities that potentially become more accessible in quarantine through conscious participation have been considered as a form of physical exercise. Conclusions: Studies show that physical exercise and activities significantly affect the immune system since they form an immune response to various infections, viruses, etc. In addition, some factors, such as the intensity and duration of exercise, are essential. Dance and movement therapy as a home-based physical training helps counterbalance the destructive physical and mental side effects of COVID-19. Dance and movement therapy exercises that bring people together are beneficial in terms of psychosocial primary care, mood, and physical and mental health.

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Research paper thumbnail of The effects of the population exchange between the Balkan Peninsula and Turkey on the traditional dances of İzmir by M. Öcal ÖZBİLGİN translated by G. A. ALTINBAY

Proceeding Book of 6th Symposium of ICTM's Study Group, Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe: Migrations, Carnival, Sustainable Development, 2020

This study is a comparative analysis of the traditional dance culture of the communities who migr... more This study is a comparative analysis of the traditional dance culture of the communities who migrated from İzmir to Greece, and from the Balkan Peninsula to İzmir, as the result of the Balkan War in 1912 and the population exchange between Greece and Turkey following the Treaty of Lausanne in 1923. It also examines the socio-cultural perception of the traditional dances of İzmir by the individual and the society depending on different environments. The conclusions consist of limited generalized information obtained from people from İzmir living in Greece and indigenous people and Balkan immigrants living in İzmir.

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Research paper thumbnail of The concept of “feeling” in terms of sustainability in traditional folk dances

Proceeding Book of 6th Symposium of ICTM's Study Group, Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe: Migrations, Carnival, Sustainable Development, 2020

Feeling (or sometimes emotion), is the concept of the awakenings inside humans. Impulses are need... more Feeling (or sometimes emotion), is the concept of the awakenings inside humans. Impulses are needed, in order to transform awakenings into actions. In this paper, the concept of feeling is explored as acquired by dancers. It asks how this acquisition changes by comparing a dancer's feeling when dancing on stage to whilst dancing in a traditional context. It also questions whether formal dance education lacks the ability to transmit the essence of feelings from the traditional context. The study will examine the social situation that motivates and initiates movements by transforming the impulses of dancing people through their perceptions and will seek an answer to the question: "What is the place of the concept of feeling in the sustainability of traditional folk dances and how does this relate to dances that are listed as intangible cultural heritage?"

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3. ULUSLARARASI MÜZİK VE DANS ARAŞTIRMALARI SEMPOZYUMU Bildirileri 3rd International Music and Dance Studies Symposium Proceedings, 2018

It is the full text of paper metnioned; which was presented under the Panel no. 1: Traditional D... more It is the full text of paper metnioned; which was presented under the Panel no. 1: Traditional Dance Types of Kars Region In The Context of Migration and Cultural Borders (ENG) paneli kapsamında sunulan bildirinin tam metnidir.

Panel Programı ve Bildiri Kitapçığında Bulundukları Sayfalar:

Özbilgin, Mehmet Öcal
Evaluation of Northeasten Anatolian Traditional Dance Types in the Context of
Migration (Kuzey Doğu Anadolu Geleneksel Dans Türlerinin Göç Bağlamında İncelenmesi) s. 338

Altınbay Çakır, Gökçe Asena
Folkloric Evaluation of Traditional Dance Music Culture in Kars (Kars Dans Müzik Kültürünün Folklorik Değerlendirmesi) s. 350

Okdan, Bora
Evaluation of Kars Region Traditonal dances in terms of Bar dance Type: Ocaklı
(Ani) Village Example (Kars Yöresi Oyunlarının Bar Oyun Türü Açısından Değerlendirilmesi: Ani Ocaklı (Ani) Köyü Örneği) s. 360

Küçük, İdris Ersan
Reviewing of Kars Folk Dances in Terms of Caucasian Dances (Kars Halk Oyunları’nın Kafkas Dansları Açısından İncelenmesi) s.371

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Research paper thumbnail of Tevrat ve İncil’de “Exodus”  ve Jeffrey S. Sposato'nun (Mendelssohn'un ve Marx'ın Musa Sembolizmi) Makalesi Üzerine Notlar ve Düşünceler

Bu yazı, Stephen A. Crist ve Roberta Montemorra Marvin tarafından hazırlanan Historical Musicolog... more Bu yazı, Stephen A. Crist ve Roberta Montemorra Marvin tarafından hazırlanan Historical Musicology: Sources, Methods, Interpretations kitabında yer alan “For You Have Been Rebellious aganist the Lord”: The Jewish Image in Mendelssohn’s Moses and Marx’s Mose başlıklı makale üzerine notlar ve düşüncelerden oluşmaktadır.

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Conference Presentations by Gökçe Asena ALTINBAY-ERDEM

Research paper thumbnail of Gökçe Asena Altınbay, Turkey: Gender Inequality in the Organization of Turkish Folk Dances in Session Titled: Staging Gender in Folk Dance (Chair: Daniela Ivanova-Nyberg instead of Arzu Öztürkmen)

Eighth Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe 10-13 May, 2022 Istanbul, Turkey Gender, Virtual Communications, Legacies of Empires PROGRAMME and ABSTRACTS BOOKLET, 2022

Eighth Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe 10-13 May 202... more Eighth Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on
Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe

10-13 May 2022
Istanbul, Turkey

Gender, Virtual Communications,

Legacies of Empires


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Reflections about the ICTM Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe symposium; held in April 2018 -... more Reflections about the ICTM Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe symposium; held in April 2018 - Sinj, Croatia by Gökçe Asena Altınbay-Çakır and Martina Karin Vukobrat.

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Research paper thumbnail of 6 th Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe

by Belma Ogul, Liz Mellish, Daniela Ivanova-Nyberg, Ivo Strahilov, Mahir Mak, Muzaffer SÜMBÜL, Gökçe Asena ALTINBAY-ERDEM, Cicika 89, Lampros Efthymiou, Dilyana Kurdova, and Oliver Gerlach

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Book Reviews by Gökçe Asena ALTINBAY-ERDEM

Research paper thumbnail of GİRESUN HALK OYUNLARI -Etnokoreolojik Bir Değerlendirme Akademik Kitap Tanıtımı

Ege Üniversitesi Konservatuvarı Dergisi (EKOD), 2018

Ege Üniversitesi Konservatuvarı Dergisi (EKOD / 2018 (12): 105-106) yayınlanmış kitap tanıtımını ... more Ege Üniversitesi Konservatuvarı Dergisi (EKOD / 2018 (12): 105-106) yayınlanmış kitap tanıtımını içermektedir.

Tanıtılan Kitap Bilgileri: GİRESUN HALK OYUNLARI -Etnokoreolojik Bir Değerlendirmeİdris Ersan KÜÇÜK
İzmir: Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi, 2015, Türkçe, 114 Sf.
ISBN: 978-605-847-430-7

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Research paper thumbnail of EÜ DEVLET TÜRK MUSİKİSİ KONSERVATUVARI DERGİSİ (EKOD) Sayı 12 İçeriği

GİRESUN HALK OYUNLARI -Etnokoreolojik Bir Değerlendirme- adlı kitabın tanıtım yazısı (book review... more GİRESUN HALK OYUNLARI -Etnokoreolojik Bir Değerlendirme- adlı kitabın tanıtım yazısı (book review) Haziran 2018 sayısında tarafımdan hazırlanmıştır. Dergi Ege Üniversitesi DTMK Kitap Satış Birimi ile Ege Üniversitesi Kütüphanesi'nden temin edilebilir.

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Thesis Chapters by Gökçe Asena ALTINBAY-ERDEM

Research paper thumbnail of Geleneksel Dans Uygulamalarında 'His' Kavramı - The Concept of 'Feeling' in Traditional Dance Practices


(For English Abstract, Please Scroll Down) Bu tezin öncelikli amacı duyguların ve hislerin ne ol... more (For English Abstract, Please Scroll Down)

Bu tezin öncelikli amacı duyguların ve hislerin ne olduklarını geleneksel dans evreninde örneklendirerek açıklamaktır. Birinci Bölüm’de duygu ve hislerin tanımlanmaları yoluyla bedensel (biyolojik), bilişsel ve psikolojik süreçlere odaklanılmıştır. Ayrıca özellikle akademik bir disiplin olarak düşünüldüğünde bilginin, gerçekliğin ve varlığın temel doğasını inceleyen felsefe alanından hislere dayalı tartışmalara yer verilmiştir.
İkinci Bölüm, duyguların bedensel, bilişsel, psikolojik ve felsefi bağlantılarını dans kültürüyle ilişkilendirmek için bağlayıcı bir bölüm olarak düşünülmüştür. Bu bölümde bireyin eşsizliği vurgulanarak, kültür bilimleri ve fenomenolojik felsefi çalışmalar dans örnekleriyle desteklenmektedir. Bölüm, hermenötik fenomenolojinin örnek dans metinlerine nasıl uygulanabileceğine dair ipuçlarıyla tamamlanmıştır.
Örneklerde dans yüksek lisans öğrencilerinin otobiyografik metinleri kullanılmıştır. Bu uygulama ile fenomenolojinin dans alanında kullanılabilmesinin desteklenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu şekilde metinler, insanların dansı deneyimleyenler olarak his kavramını nasıl deneyimlediklerini düşünmeye yönlendirmiştir. Bu nedenle, İkinci
Bölüm öncelikle beşerî bilim araştırmalarında dansı konu edinmek için fenomenolojinin kullanılmasına yönelik bir dizi metodolojik öneri olarak okunabilecektir. Bu kapsamda bölüm; bilgi, söz ve eylemlerin nasıl yorumlanacağına dair kaynakların dans kültürüne nasıl uygulanacağına yönelik hazırlanan Üçüncü Bölüm’e rehberlik etmektedir. Macaristan, Romanya ve Sırbistan'da 2019 Eylül - 2020 Ocak ayları arasındaki
beş aylık süre için elde edilen bilgi ve belgelerin değerlendirilmesi bu tezin üçüncü bölümünde yer almaktadır. Birinci Bölüm’deki teorik çerçeve ve İkinci Bölüm’deki yöntemler Üçüncü Bölüm’de kullanılmıştır. Choreomundus Programı çalışmalarında kullanılan kaynaklar, notlar ve raporlar, tezde geleneksel dansta his kavramını çeşitli bağlamlarıyla ortaya koymak için uluslararası dans bilgisi edinme fırsatı vermiştir.
Geleneksel dansta his kavramının pek çok disiplinin sağladığı yöntem ve
teknikler düzeyinde incelenebilir olduğunu ortaya koymayı hedefleyen çalışma, müteakip çalışmaları bağlamsal açıdan aydınlatmak düşüncesiyle tasarlanmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: His, Geleneksel, Dans, Duygu

The primary purpose of this thesis is to explain what emotions and feelings are by exemplifying them in the traditional dance universe. Chapter One focuses on bodily (biological), cognitive and psychological processes through the description of emotions
and feelings. In addition, discussions of emotions and feelings from the field of philosophy, which examines the basic nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline, are included. Chapter Two is intended as a binding chapter to relate the bodily, cognitive, psychological, and philosophical connections of emotions to dance culture. In this section, the uniqueness of the individual is emphasized, cultural sciences and phenomenological philosophical studies are supported by dance examples. The chapter
is concluded with tips on how hermeneutic phenomenology can be applied to sample dance texts. Autobiographical texts of dance graduate students were used in the examples. This application is aimed to support the use of phenomenology in the field of dance. In this way, the texts have led people to consider how they experience the concept of feeling as those who experience dance. Therefore, Chapter Two can be read primarily as a set of methodological recommendations for the use of
phenomenology to address dance in humanities research. In this context, the section guides Chapter Three and is prepared on how to apply the resources on interpretive information, words, and actions to dance culture. Evaluation of the information and documents obtained in Hungary, Romania, and Serbia for five months between 2019 September - 2020 January is placed mainly in the Third Chapter of this thesis. Theoretical framework in the first and the methods in the second chapters are used in Chapter Three. The resources, notes, and reports used in the work of the Choreomundus Program give the opportunity to obtain international dance knowledge to reveal the feeling concept in traditional dance in various contexts for the thesis. Methods and techniques provided by many disciplines are combined in the thesis
with the thought of illuminating the following studies from a contextual perspective.

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Books by Gökçe Asena ALTINBAY-ERDEM

Research paper thumbnail of 33rd Symposium of the ICTMD Study Group on Ethnochoreology ,Gökçe Asena ALTINBAY-ERDEM, Secretary of the Organizing Committee

33rd Symposium of the ICTMD Study Group on Ethnochoreology PROGRAMME and ABSTRACTS, 2024

ICTMD Etnokoreoloji Çalışma Grubu'nun 33. Sempozyumu'nda; Sempozyum Sekreteri olarak, düzenleme k... more ICTMD Etnokoreoloji Çalışma Grubu'nun 33. Sempozyumu'nda; Sempozyum Sekreteri olarak, düzenleme komitesi, katılımcılar ve diğer görevliler arasında iletişimi yönetme ve koordinasyon görevini üstlendim. Bu görevleri, akademik bütünlüğü koruyarak ve tüm katılımcılar için genel deneyimi iyileştirmeye odaklanarak yerine getirdim. As the Symposium Secretary for the 33rd ICTMD Symposium of Studygroup for Ethnochoreology, I was responsible for managing and coordinating communication between the organizing committee, participants, and key stakeholders. These tasks were carried out with a focus on maintaining academic integrity and enhancing the overall experience for all participants.

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Research paper thumbnail of Refereed Journal Ege Üniversitesi Türk Musikisi Devlet Konservatuvarı Hakemli Dergisi EJMD SAYI 22 Dil Editörü Gökçe Asena ALTINBAY Language Editor


RESEARCH ARTICLES 1) An Annotated Bibliography of Articles Prepared for Classical Guitar Teachin... more RESEARCH ARTICLES

  1. An Annotated Bibliography of Articles Prepared for Classical Guitar Teaching (2012-2022)
    Emre ŞENGÜN, Sami Emrah GEREKTEN

  2. The Tradition of Lament In Turkish Culture and The Mourner Avşar Women of Kayseri
    Yasemin KARATAŞ

  3. An Examination of Szymanowski's Op.42 Songs of an Infatuated Muezzin In The Context of Lyrics And Music
    Bülent YÜKSEL

  4. Review on “Prelude to a Faune’s Afternoon” by Claude Debussy
    Ayşegül DİNÇ, İgbal ORUJOV

  5. The Process of Planning the Use of Bows for the Work in String Instruments

  6. Educator and Performer Views on Right and Left-Hand Techniques Used in Kabak Kemane

  7. The Phenomenon of “Silence” in Music and the Courage to Create Through the Example of Cage
    Deniz GÜLFIRAT

  8. A Comparison of Ludwig Berger and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Alla Turca Compositions
    Mehöet Özgün TINAR, Özge GÜLBEY USTA

  9. Kemal İlerici (1910-1986) And His Lifelong Struggle in The Light of His Letters

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Research paper thumbnail of Refereed Journal Ege Üniversitesi Türk Musikisi Devlet Konservatuvarı Hakemli Dergisi EJMD SAYI 21 Dil Editörü Gökçe Asena ALTINBAY Language Editor


  1. The Effect of Music And Education on Turkish Cypriot Community’s Approach to Turkish Nationali... more 1) The Effect of Music And Education on Turkish Cypriot Community’s Approach to Turkish Nationalism by Başak GORGORETTI and Emine KIVANÇ ÖZTUĞ
  2. The Place And Importance of Ney as a Music Teacher’s Instrument by Mehmet DAL and Gökhan YALÇIN
  3. Music Education Student’s Achievement Levels Concerning Fine Arts High School’s Individual Voice Training Learning Outcomes by Ceren TEPE and Tuba YOKUŞ
  4. Investigation Of The Students’ Attitudes Towards Performing Taksim Who Receive The Turkish Classical Music Instrument Training by Nurten ÇALHAN and Hamit YOKUŞ
  5. Analysis of Nursal Ünsal's Three Viola Taksims by Nurdan GÜRTUNCA
  6. An Examination of Composer Erol Başara's Works in Various Forms in Terms of Different Variables and Prosody by Funda KEKLİK KAL, Tolga KARACA and Ahmet Hakan BAŞ
  7. Carnivalesque Dimension of Electronic Dance Music in Festivals by Kübra Kıymet ARSLAN and Levent ERGUN
  8. A Comparison of The Effects of Logic Software’s Internal Equalizer Plug-In and External Equalizer Plug-Ins on Audio Signals by Tuncay ARAS and Semih TEMUÇİN
  9. The Relation Of Voice And Dermatomyosıtıs Disease With The Sample Of Opera Singer Maria Callas by Fatma Berna BİLGİN BAŞARAN and Seta KÜRKÇÜOĞLU

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Research paper thumbnail of Proceedings: Seventh Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe Editors: Liz MELLISH, Nick GREEN, Belma OĞUL Editorial Assistance Gökçe Asena ALTINBAY, Emrah ERGENE

Seventh Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe, 2022

For English, please scroll down ICTM Güneydoğu Avrupa Müzik ve Dans Çalışma Grubu'nun yedinci se... more For English, please scroll down
ICTM Güneydoğu Avrupa Müzik ve Dans Çalışma Grubu'nun yedinci sempozyumu, Covid-19 salgını nedeniyle bir yıl aradan sonra ICTM Türkiye milli komitesi tarafından 23 Nisan – 25 Nisan 2021 tarihleri arasında çevrimiçi olarak düzenlendi.
Program üç temaya odaklandı:
1. Karadeniz'in kültürel havzasında müzik ve dans
2. Direnç, bütünleşme ve ayrılık olarak dans ve müzik
3. Performans mekanları ve alanları – bunların nasıl inşa edildiği
(Eserin 5. sayfasındaki "Giriş" başlığından alıntılanmıştır)

The seventh symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe was organised online between 23 April – 25 April 2021 by the ICTM Turkey national committee after a delay of one year due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The programme focused on three themes:
1. Music and dance in the cultural basin of the Black Sea
2. Dance and music as resistance, integration and separation
3. Performance places and spaces – how these are constructed
(Cited from title "Introduction" on page 5 within the book)

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Research paper thumbnail of Refereed Journal Ege Üniversitesi Türk Musikisi Devlet Konservatuvarı Hakemli Dergisi EJMD SAYI 20 Dil Editörü Gökçe Asena ALTINBAY Language Editor


Dergimiz müzik ve dans evreninden Türkçe ve İngilizce dilindeki araştırma ve derleme makalelerine... more Dergimiz müzik ve dans evreninden Türkçe ve İngilizce dilindeki araştırma ve derleme makalelerine açıktır. Tam metinlere
https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/ejmd/issue/69123 adresinden ulaşılabilir
Our journal is open for papers in Turkish and English within the universe of music and dance. Full texts could be reached on

Paper Titles in Current Issue :
1)An Analysis On The Relationship Between The Covid-19 Pandemic And Music Listening Habits At Afyon Kocatepe University (Bilgütay Kaan ÖZTÜRK)
2)Analysis Of Vaporwave's Style Elements In The Context Of Consumer Capitalism (Bahadırhan KOÇER)
3)From The Perspective Of Western Travelers, Lute-Type Instruments In The Ottoman Empire (Özgüç Acun ARSLAN)
4)The Appearance Of The Exercise Model Prepared For The Play Of Teke Region Folk Songs In Violin Teaching (Hüseyin PARPUCU, Sadık ÖZÇELİK)
5)On The Axis Of “Thought-Lyrics-Music” Samples Of Anatolian Bardship Lyrics’ Equivalents Within The Western Philosophy (Banu MUSTAN DÖNMEZ, Mehmet Sadık DOĞAN)
6)The Concept of Conductor in Traditional Turkish Music (Kamil Tahsin SÖKMEN)
7)An Analysis Of The Opus 12 Violoncello-Piano Sonata Of Ahmed Adnan Saygun (Mehmet Semih KARLIDAĞ)
8)Analysis Of Gabriel Faure’s Op. 24 Elegy In Terms Of Form And Violoncello Technique (Elif SAYIN)
9)A Theoretical Research On Choir Music/Education And Self-Confidence (Derya KAÇMAZ, Başak ÇAĞLAR)

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Research paper thumbnail of Secretary of Organizing Committee ICTMD Study Group on Ethnochoreology  G. A. ALTINBAY-ERDEM

This summary highlights our contributions to 33rd Symposium of the ICTMD Study Group on Ethnochor... more This summary highlights our contributions to 33rd Symposium of the ICTMD Study Group on Ethnochoreology, IZMIR, Turkey, 21-28 July 2024.
Attached please find identification and the programming of the document "PROGRAMME and ABSTRACTS".

Bu özet, 21-28 Temmuz 2024 tarihlerinde İZMİR, Türkiye'de düzenlenen ICTMD Etnokoroloji Çalışma Grubu'nun 33. Sempozyumu'na katkılarımızı vurgulamaktadır.
Ekte "PROGRAM ve ÖZETLER" belgesinin kimliği ve programlaması bulunmaktadır.

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Research paper thumbnail of The effects of physical exercise, dance and movement therapy on the immune system during COVID-19 pandemic

Επιστημονικά Χρονικά (Epistimoniká Chroniká Iatrikó periodikó), 2022

Objective: The COVID-19 pandemic has been challenging for everyone since it is confronted with va... more Objective: The COVID-19 pandemic has been challenging for everyone since it is confronted with various precautions such as lockdowns. For those who stay healthy and protect themselves from COVID-19, physical exercise and activity might be an effective solution since it has specific impacts on the immune system. Methods: MEDLINE and SportDiscus data from the US National Library of Medicine were used to search for scientific literature related to this review. The terms "coronavirus", "physical exercise", and "immune system" were used. The relevant literature has also taken its source from the research of relevant articles from reference lists derived from data studies. An additional search for the term "dance and movement therapy" was made in Google Scholar generally because it is considered a proposal to promote well-being and high immunity in a community traumatized by the pandemic. Well-being and immune response were assessed in a separate search with the terms "well-being" and "immune", several additional sources were used to link a multisystem perspective. Results: The effects of physical exercise and activity have been proven useful in defending the body against COVID-19 by supporting the immune system. Therefore, people should perform daily physical exercises and activities as advised during quarantine. They also should consider various factors such as intensity, duration, and amount of training, with appropriate rest time. Also, exercises such as movement and dance therapy including the type of movement that can engage physiological processes as a way to increase emotional regulation, and activities that potentially become more accessible in quarantine through conscious participation have been considered as a form of physical exercise. Conclusions: Studies show that physical exercise and activities significantly affect the immune system since they form an immune response to various infections, viruses, etc. In addition, some factors, such as the intensity and duration of exercise, are essential. Dance and movement therapy as a home-based physical training helps counterbalance the destructive physical and mental side effects of COVID-19. Dance and movement therapy exercises that bring people together are beneficial in terms of psychosocial primary care, mood, and physical and mental health.

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Research paper thumbnail of The effects of the population exchange between the Balkan Peninsula and Turkey on the traditional dances of İzmir by M. Öcal ÖZBİLGİN translated by G. A. ALTINBAY

Proceeding Book of 6th Symposium of ICTM's Study Group, Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe: Migrations, Carnival, Sustainable Development, 2020

This study is a comparative analysis of the traditional dance culture of the communities who migr... more This study is a comparative analysis of the traditional dance culture of the communities who migrated from İzmir to Greece, and from the Balkan Peninsula to İzmir, as the result of the Balkan War in 1912 and the population exchange between Greece and Turkey following the Treaty of Lausanne in 1923. It also examines the socio-cultural perception of the traditional dances of İzmir by the individual and the society depending on different environments. The conclusions consist of limited generalized information obtained from people from İzmir living in Greece and indigenous people and Balkan immigrants living in İzmir.

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Research paper thumbnail of The concept of “feeling” in terms of sustainability in traditional folk dances

Proceeding Book of 6th Symposium of ICTM's Study Group, Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe: Migrations, Carnival, Sustainable Development, 2020

Feeling (or sometimes emotion), is the concept of the awakenings inside humans. Impulses are need... more Feeling (or sometimes emotion), is the concept of the awakenings inside humans. Impulses are needed, in order to transform awakenings into actions. In this paper, the concept of feeling is explored as acquired by dancers. It asks how this acquisition changes by comparing a dancer's feeling when dancing on stage to whilst dancing in a traditional context. It also questions whether formal dance education lacks the ability to transmit the essence of feelings from the traditional context. The study will examine the social situation that motivates and initiates movements by transforming the impulses of dancing people through their perceptions and will seek an answer to the question: "What is the place of the concept of feeling in the sustainability of traditional folk dances and how does this relate to dances that are listed as intangible cultural heritage?"

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3. ULUSLARARASI MÜZİK VE DANS ARAŞTIRMALARI SEMPOZYUMU Bildirileri 3rd International Music and Dance Studies Symposium Proceedings, 2018

It is the full text of paper metnioned; which was presented under the Panel no. 1: Traditional D... more It is the full text of paper metnioned; which was presented under the Panel no. 1: Traditional Dance Types of Kars Region In The Context of Migration and Cultural Borders (ENG) paneli kapsamında sunulan bildirinin tam metnidir.

Panel Programı ve Bildiri Kitapçığında Bulundukları Sayfalar:

Özbilgin, Mehmet Öcal
Evaluation of Northeasten Anatolian Traditional Dance Types in the Context of
Migration (Kuzey Doğu Anadolu Geleneksel Dans Türlerinin Göç Bağlamında İncelenmesi) s. 338

Altınbay Çakır, Gökçe Asena
Folkloric Evaluation of Traditional Dance Music Culture in Kars (Kars Dans Müzik Kültürünün Folklorik Değerlendirmesi) s. 350

Okdan, Bora
Evaluation of Kars Region Traditonal dances in terms of Bar dance Type: Ocaklı
(Ani) Village Example (Kars Yöresi Oyunlarının Bar Oyun Türü Açısından Değerlendirilmesi: Ani Ocaklı (Ani) Köyü Örneği) s. 360

Küçük, İdris Ersan
Reviewing of Kars Folk Dances in Terms of Caucasian Dances (Kars Halk Oyunları’nın Kafkas Dansları Açısından İncelenmesi) s.371

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Research paper thumbnail of Tevrat ve İncil’de “Exodus”  ve Jeffrey S. Sposato'nun (Mendelssohn'un ve Marx'ın Musa Sembolizmi) Makalesi Üzerine Notlar ve Düşünceler

Bu yazı, Stephen A. Crist ve Roberta Montemorra Marvin tarafından hazırlanan Historical Musicolog... more Bu yazı, Stephen A. Crist ve Roberta Montemorra Marvin tarafından hazırlanan Historical Musicology: Sources, Methods, Interpretations kitabında yer alan “For You Have Been Rebellious aganist the Lord”: The Jewish Image in Mendelssohn’s Moses and Marx’s Mose başlıklı makale üzerine notlar ve düşüncelerden oluşmaktadır.

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Research paper thumbnail of Gökçe Asena Altınbay, Turkey: Gender Inequality in the Organization of Turkish Folk Dances in Session Titled: Staging Gender in Folk Dance (Chair: Daniela Ivanova-Nyberg instead of Arzu Öztürkmen)

Eighth Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe 10-13 May, 2022 Istanbul, Turkey Gender, Virtual Communications, Legacies of Empires PROGRAMME and ABSTRACTS BOOKLET, 2022

Eighth Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe 10-13 May 202... more Eighth Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on
Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe

10-13 May 2022
Istanbul, Turkey

Gender, Virtual Communications,

Legacies of Empires


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Reflections about the ICTM Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe symposium; held in April 2018 -... more Reflections about the ICTM Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe symposium; held in April 2018 - Sinj, Croatia by Gökçe Asena Altınbay-Çakır and Martina Karin Vukobrat.

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Research paper thumbnail of 6 th Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe

by Belma Ogul, Liz Mellish, Daniela Ivanova-Nyberg, Ivo Strahilov, Mahir Mak, Muzaffer SÜMBÜL, Gökçe Asena ALTINBAY-ERDEM, Cicika 89, Lampros Efthymiou, Dilyana Kurdova, and Oliver Gerlach

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Research paper thumbnail of GİRESUN HALK OYUNLARI -Etnokoreolojik Bir Değerlendirme Akademik Kitap Tanıtımı

Ege Üniversitesi Konservatuvarı Dergisi (EKOD), 2018

Ege Üniversitesi Konservatuvarı Dergisi (EKOD / 2018 (12): 105-106) yayınlanmış kitap tanıtımını ... more Ege Üniversitesi Konservatuvarı Dergisi (EKOD / 2018 (12): 105-106) yayınlanmış kitap tanıtımını içermektedir.

Tanıtılan Kitap Bilgileri: GİRESUN HALK OYUNLARI -Etnokoreolojik Bir Değerlendirmeİdris Ersan KÜÇÜK
İzmir: Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi, 2015, Türkçe, 114 Sf.
ISBN: 978-605-847-430-7

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Research paper thumbnail of EÜ DEVLET TÜRK MUSİKİSİ KONSERVATUVARI DERGİSİ (EKOD) Sayı 12 İçeriği

GİRESUN HALK OYUNLARI -Etnokoreolojik Bir Değerlendirme- adlı kitabın tanıtım yazısı (book review... more GİRESUN HALK OYUNLARI -Etnokoreolojik Bir Değerlendirme- adlı kitabın tanıtım yazısı (book review) Haziran 2018 sayısında tarafımdan hazırlanmıştır. Dergi Ege Üniversitesi DTMK Kitap Satış Birimi ile Ege Üniversitesi Kütüphanesi'nden temin edilebilir.

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Research paper thumbnail of Geleneksel Dans Uygulamalarında 'His' Kavramı - The Concept of 'Feeling' in Traditional Dance Practices


(For English Abstract, Please Scroll Down) Bu tezin öncelikli amacı duyguların ve hislerin ne ol... more (For English Abstract, Please Scroll Down)

Bu tezin öncelikli amacı duyguların ve hislerin ne olduklarını geleneksel dans evreninde örneklendirerek açıklamaktır. Birinci Bölüm’de duygu ve hislerin tanımlanmaları yoluyla bedensel (biyolojik), bilişsel ve psikolojik süreçlere odaklanılmıştır. Ayrıca özellikle akademik bir disiplin olarak düşünüldüğünde bilginin, gerçekliğin ve varlığın temel doğasını inceleyen felsefe alanından hislere dayalı tartışmalara yer verilmiştir.
İkinci Bölüm, duyguların bedensel, bilişsel, psikolojik ve felsefi bağlantılarını dans kültürüyle ilişkilendirmek için bağlayıcı bir bölüm olarak düşünülmüştür. Bu bölümde bireyin eşsizliği vurgulanarak, kültür bilimleri ve fenomenolojik felsefi çalışmalar dans örnekleriyle desteklenmektedir. Bölüm, hermenötik fenomenolojinin örnek dans metinlerine nasıl uygulanabileceğine dair ipuçlarıyla tamamlanmıştır.
Örneklerde dans yüksek lisans öğrencilerinin otobiyografik metinleri kullanılmıştır. Bu uygulama ile fenomenolojinin dans alanında kullanılabilmesinin desteklenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu şekilde metinler, insanların dansı deneyimleyenler olarak his kavramını nasıl deneyimlediklerini düşünmeye yönlendirmiştir. Bu nedenle, İkinci
Bölüm öncelikle beşerî bilim araştırmalarında dansı konu edinmek için fenomenolojinin kullanılmasına yönelik bir dizi metodolojik öneri olarak okunabilecektir. Bu kapsamda bölüm; bilgi, söz ve eylemlerin nasıl yorumlanacağına dair kaynakların dans kültürüne nasıl uygulanacağına yönelik hazırlanan Üçüncü Bölüm’e rehberlik etmektedir. Macaristan, Romanya ve Sırbistan'da 2019 Eylül - 2020 Ocak ayları arasındaki
beş aylık süre için elde edilen bilgi ve belgelerin değerlendirilmesi bu tezin üçüncü bölümünde yer almaktadır. Birinci Bölüm’deki teorik çerçeve ve İkinci Bölüm’deki yöntemler Üçüncü Bölüm’de kullanılmıştır. Choreomundus Programı çalışmalarında kullanılan kaynaklar, notlar ve raporlar, tezde geleneksel dansta his kavramını çeşitli bağlamlarıyla ortaya koymak için uluslararası dans bilgisi edinme fırsatı vermiştir.
Geleneksel dansta his kavramının pek çok disiplinin sağladığı yöntem ve
teknikler düzeyinde incelenebilir olduğunu ortaya koymayı hedefleyen çalışma, müteakip çalışmaları bağlamsal açıdan aydınlatmak düşüncesiyle tasarlanmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: His, Geleneksel, Dans, Duygu

The primary purpose of this thesis is to explain what emotions and feelings are by exemplifying them in the traditional dance universe. Chapter One focuses on bodily (biological), cognitive and psychological processes through the description of emotions
and feelings. In addition, discussions of emotions and feelings from the field of philosophy, which examines the basic nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline, are included. Chapter Two is intended as a binding chapter to relate the bodily, cognitive, psychological, and philosophical connections of emotions to dance culture. In this section, the uniqueness of the individual is emphasized, cultural sciences and phenomenological philosophical studies are supported by dance examples. The chapter
is concluded with tips on how hermeneutic phenomenology can be applied to sample dance texts. Autobiographical texts of dance graduate students were used in the examples. This application is aimed to support the use of phenomenology in the field of dance. In this way, the texts have led people to consider how they experience the concept of feeling as those who experience dance. Therefore, Chapter Two can be read primarily as a set of methodological recommendations for the use of
phenomenology to address dance in humanities research. In this context, the section guides Chapter Three and is prepared on how to apply the resources on interpretive information, words, and actions to dance culture. Evaluation of the information and documents obtained in Hungary, Romania, and Serbia for five months between 2019 September - 2020 January is placed mainly in the Third Chapter of this thesis. Theoretical framework in the first and the methods in the second chapters are used in Chapter Three. The resources, notes, and reports used in the work of the Choreomundus Program give the opportunity to obtain international dance knowledge to reveal the feeling concept in traditional dance in various contexts for the thesis. Methods and techniques provided by many disciplines are combined in the thesis
with the thought of illuminating the following studies from a contextual perspective.

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Research paper thumbnail of 33rd Symposium of the ICTMD Study Group on Ethnochoreology ,Gökçe Asena ALTINBAY-ERDEM, Secretary of the Organizing Committee

33rd Symposium of the ICTMD Study Group on Ethnochoreology PROGRAMME and ABSTRACTS, 2024

ICTMD Etnokoreoloji Çalışma Grubu'nun 33. Sempozyumu'nda; Sempozyum Sekreteri olarak, düzenleme k... more ICTMD Etnokoreoloji Çalışma Grubu'nun 33. Sempozyumu'nda; Sempozyum Sekreteri olarak, düzenleme komitesi, katılımcılar ve diğer görevliler arasında iletişimi yönetme ve koordinasyon görevini üstlendim. Bu görevleri, akademik bütünlüğü koruyarak ve tüm katılımcılar için genel deneyimi iyileştirmeye odaklanarak yerine getirdim. As the Symposium Secretary for the 33rd ICTMD Symposium of Studygroup for Ethnochoreology, I was responsible for managing and coordinating communication between the organizing committee, participants, and key stakeholders. These tasks were carried out with a focus on maintaining academic integrity and enhancing the overall experience for all participants.

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Research paper thumbnail of Refereed Journal Ege Üniversitesi Türk Musikisi Devlet Konservatuvarı Hakemli Dergisi EJMD SAYI 22 Dil Editörü Gökçe Asena ALTINBAY Language Editor


RESEARCH ARTICLES 1) An Annotated Bibliography of Articles Prepared for Classical Guitar Teachin... more RESEARCH ARTICLES

  1. An Annotated Bibliography of Articles Prepared for Classical Guitar Teaching (2012-2022)
    Emre ŞENGÜN, Sami Emrah GEREKTEN

  2. The Tradition of Lament In Turkish Culture and The Mourner Avşar Women of Kayseri
    Yasemin KARATAŞ

  3. An Examination of Szymanowski's Op.42 Songs of an Infatuated Muezzin In The Context of Lyrics And Music
    Bülent YÜKSEL

  4. Review on “Prelude to a Faune’s Afternoon” by Claude Debussy
    Ayşegül DİNÇ, İgbal ORUJOV

  5. The Process of Planning the Use of Bows for the Work in String Instruments

  6. Educator and Performer Views on Right and Left-Hand Techniques Used in Kabak Kemane

  7. The Phenomenon of “Silence” in Music and the Courage to Create Through the Example of Cage
    Deniz GÜLFIRAT

  8. A Comparison of Ludwig Berger and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Alla Turca Compositions
    Mehöet Özgün TINAR, Özge GÜLBEY USTA

  9. Kemal İlerici (1910-1986) And His Lifelong Struggle in The Light of His Letters

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Research paper thumbnail of Refereed Journal Ege Üniversitesi Türk Musikisi Devlet Konservatuvarı Hakemli Dergisi EJMD SAYI 21 Dil Editörü Gökçe Asena ALTINBAY Language Editor


  1. The Effect of Music And Education on Turkish Cypriot Community’s Approach to Turkish Nationali... more 1) The Effect of Music And Education on Turkish Cypriot Community’s Approach to Turkish Nationalism by Başak GORGORETTI and Emine KIVANÇ ÖZTUĞ
  2. The Place And Importance of Ney as a Music Teacher’s Instrument by Mehmet DAL and Gökhan YALÇIN
  3. Music Education Student’s Achievement Levels Concerning Fine Arts High School’s Individual Voice Training Learning Outcomes by Ceren TEPE and Tuba YOKUŞ
  4. Investigation Of The Students’ Attitudes Towards Performing Taksim Who Receive The Turkish Classical Music Instrument Training by Nurten ÇALHAN and Hamit YOKUŞ
  5. Analysis of Nursal Ünsal's Three Viola Taksims by Nurdan GÜRTUNCA
  6. An Examination of Composer Erol Başara's Works in Various Forms in Terms of Different Variables and Prosody by Funda KEKLİK KAL, Tolga KARACA and Ahmet Hakan BAŞ
  7. Carnivalesque Dimension of Electronic Dance Music in Festivals by Kübra Kıymet ARSLAN and Levent ERGUN
  8. A Comparison of The Effects of Logic Software’s Internal Equalizer Plug-In and External Equalizer Plug-Ins on Audio Signals by Tuncay ARAS and Semih TEMUÇİN
  9. The Relation Of Voice And Dermatomyosıtıs Disease With The Sample Of Opera Singer Maria Callas by Fatma Berna BİLGİN BAŞARAN and Seta KÜRKÇÜOĞLU

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Research paper thumbnail of Proceedings: Seventh Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe Editors: Liz MELLISH, Nick GREEN, Belma OĞUL Editorial Assistance Gökçe Asena ALTINBAY, Emrah ERGENE

Seventh Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe, 2022

For English, please scroll down ICTM Güneydoğu Avrupa Müzik ve Dans Çalışma Grubu'nun yedinci se... more For English, please scroll down
ICTM Güneydoğu Avrupa Müzik ve Dans Çalışma Grubu'nun yedinci sempozyumu, Covid-19 salgını nedeniyle bir yıl aradan sonra ICTM Türkiye milli komitesi tarafından 23 Nisan – 25 Nisan 2021 tarihleri arasında çevrimiçi olarak düzenlendi.
Program üç temaya odaklandı:
1. Karadeniz'in kültürel havzasında müzik ve dans
2. Direnç, bütünleşme ve ayrılık olarak dans ve müzik
3. Performans mekanları ve alanları – bunların nasıl inşa edildiği
(Eserin 5. sayfasındaki "Giriş" başlığından alıntılanmıştır)

The seventh symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe was organised online between 23 April – 25 April 2021 by the ICTM Turkey national committee after a delay of one year due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The programme focused on three themes:
1. Music and dance in the cultural basin of the Black Sea
2. Dance and music as resistance, integration and separation
3. Performance places and spaces – how these are constructed
(Cited from title "Introduction" on page 5 within the book)

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Research paper thumbnail of Refereed Journal Ege Üniversitesi Türk Musikisi Devlet Konservatuvarı Hakemli Dergisi EJMD SAYI 20 Dil Editörü Gökçe Asena ALTINBAY Language Editor


Dergimiz müzik ve dans evreninden Türkçe ve İngilizce dilindeki araştırma ve derleme makalelerine... more Dergimiz müzik ve dans evreninden Türkçe ve İngilizce dilindeki araştırma ve derleme makalelerine açıktır. Tam metinlere
https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/ejmd/issue/69123 adresinden ulaşılabilir
Our journal is open for papers in Turkish and English within the universe of music and dance. Full texts could be reached on

Paper Titles in Current Issue :
1)An Analysis On The Relationship Between The Covid-19 Pandemic And Music Listening Habits At Afyon Kocatepe University (Bilgütay Kaan ÖZTÜRK)
2)Analysis Of Vaporwave's Style Elements In The Context Of Consumer Capitalism (Bahadırhan KOÇER)
3)From The Perspective Of Western Travelers, Lute-Type Instruments In The Ottoman Empire (Özgüç Acun ARSLAN)
4)The Appearance Of The Exercise Model Prepared For The Play Of Teke Region Folk Songs In Violin Teaching (Hüseyin PARPUCU, Sadık ÖZÇELİK)
5)On The Axis Of “Thought-Lyrics-Music” Samples Of Anatolian Bardship Lyrics’ Equivalents Within The Western Philosophy (Banu MUSTAN DÖNMEZ, Mehmet Sadık DOĞAN)
6)The Concept of Conductor in Traditional Turkish Music (Kamil Tahsin SÖKMEN)
7)An Analysis Of The Opus 12 Violoncello-Piano Sonata Of Ahmed Adnan Saygun (Mehmet Semih KARLIDAĞ)
8)Analysis Of Gabriel Faure’s Op. 24 Elegy In Terms Of Form And Violoncello Technique (Elif SAYIN)
9)A Theoretical Research On Choir Music/Education And Self-Confidence (Derya KAÇMAZ, Başak ÇAĞLAR)

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