ししょうがいそくちゅうし... - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)



Distance to an obstacle is measured by an ultrasonic sensor 12, while moving a vehicle before parking the vehicle, a transmission period control section 21 at an ultrasonic sensor control section 2 controls the transmission time interval of ultrasonic pulses according to measurement distance, and a transmission period is reduced as distance to the obstacle is shorter. - 特許庁


Support was provided for new business activities undertaken by SMEs by providing support through mechanisms such as low-interest loan programs and special tax exemptions for guarantees for the implementation of approved management innovation plans prepared by SMEs planning to engage in new business activities to improve their business performance under the New Business Activity Promotion Act.発音を聞く - 経済産業省


To prevent the mechanical quality of products after finish rolling from being not secured since the finish rolling is carried out at lower temperature than scheduled temperature even when a material to be rolled is extracted in the state of insufficient heating, where the material is not heated sufficiently in a heating furnace and it takes long time for rough rolling due to occurrence of some hindrance in conveyance in rough rolling. - 特許庁


Since an electron beam discharged from an axially symmetric electron gun provided with a small hole in the center is narrowed for focusing and is irradiated by scanning in one axial direction, on a sample 15 in low vacuum or in the air through rectangular slit 13 with a large aspect ratio, electron irradiation with uniform intensity is possible on a sample having a relatively large diameter. - 特許庁

援助効果については、AfDBが実施したプロジェクト・プログラムが、セクター、国といったレベルでもたらしたインパクトを、測定可能な指標により定量的に把握することが肝要であるとともに、これら指標には反映されないプロジェクト・プログラムの情報をLessons Learnedとして抽出し、将来の事業改善へと生かすフィードバック・メカニズムを確立することが重要です。例文帳に追加

As to the effectiveness of assistance, it is essential to monitor the impact of ADB-implementing projects and programs at sectoral and country levels with measurable indicators. It is equally essential to extract "lessons learned" from the non-measurable information and to establish a practical feedback mechanism so that future operations can build upon those lessons.発音を聞く - 財務省


If attention is focused slightly ahead of current trends, and the shape of the labor market in the future is observed, it can be seen that the working-age population is predicted to decrease substantially due to Japan’s rapidly decreasing population and continually aging society. As such, securing labor is thought to be a more important challenge to SMEs in the medium to long term. - 経済産業省



To provide a transaction approval system automating the extraction of an authority holding approver and the selection of approval authority such that an officer having the approval authority can certainly and rapidly execute approval, and notifying an approval requirement, when the approval requirement of transaction contents is generated in various transactions of a financial instituiton such as a bank. - 特許庁
