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When Mizoguchi was excited about the performance of actors, his hands tended to tremble, so much so that their vibrations were transmitted to the video camera next to him.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A pipe 4 is placed on a cutout 6 of an invented element 1, and an expandable rubber 2, etc., is wrapped around the pipe 4 to fasten it with the rubber 2. - 特許庁


To properly set the size of the action effect of vibration damping control, by taking into consideration a balance between an improvement in motion performance by control and the deterioration in ride comfort by trembling-rugged vibration, in vibration damping control for restraining pitch-bounce vibration of a vehicle by wheel torque control. - 特許庁



To provide an impact type vibration control device for a rod member capable of providing effective vibration control effect for vibration in a wide frequency region by comparatively small mass, obtaining target vibration control effect stably while ensuring the effect of the device sufficiently, and suppressing transient trembling vibration effectively and having a novel structure. - 特許庁
