メータイン回路 - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)


ポンプと流体圧アクチュエータとの間に、2つのメータインバルブA1IMV ,A2IMV および2つのメータアウトバルブA3IMV ,A4IMV からなるブリッジ回路を設ける。例文帳に追加

A bridge circuit comprising two meter-in valves A1IMV, A2IMV and two meter-out valves A3IMV, A4IMV is provided between a pump and a fluid pressure actuator. - 特許庁

ポンプ1と流体圧アクチュエータ2との間に、メータインバルブA1IMV ,A2IMV およびメータアウトバルブA3IMV ,A4IMV からなるブリッジ回路3を設ける。例文帳に追加

A bridge circuit 3 comprising meter-in valves A1IMV, A2IMV and meter-out valves A3IMV, A4IMV is provided between a pump 1 and a fluid pressure actuator 2. - 特許庁


To accomplish the most suitable operator operation amount vs pressure modulation characteristic and speed modulation characteristic for a fluid pressure actuator in a meter-in/meter-out separation type control circuit. - 特許庁


To accomplish a suitable operation amount vs pressure or speed modulation characteristic for a fluid pressure actuator in a meter-in/meter-out separation type control circuit. - 特許庁


A bridge circuit 17 is formed of meter-in valves 21, 22 to control supply of working fluid to a fluid pressure actuator 11 and meter-out valves 23, 24 to control discharge of working fluid from the fluid pressure actuator 11. - 特許庁


To dispense with a load hold check valve or drift reducing valve in a meter-in/meter-out separation type control circuit to control the working fluid of a hydraulic actuator. - 特許庁



Hydraulic fluid supplied into one of a rod side room 34 and a head side room 36 of a single rod type of hydraulic cylinder 11 from a pump 13 and discharged from the other to a tank 15 is controlled by a bridge circuit 18 formed with two meter-in paths 21 and 22 and two meter-out 23 and 24. - 特許庁
