利益共同体 - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)


明代、国家教学となった朱子学は、科挙合格という世俗的な利益のためにおこなわれ、また制側でも郷村での共同 倫理確立に朱子学を用い、道徳的実践を重んじた聖人の学としての本質を損なうようになった。例文帳に追加

During the Ming Dynasty, Shushigaku (Neo-Confucianism) became the national education and learning was practiced for worldly profit to pass the Kakyo, and was used by the establishment to create community morals in autonomous villages, causing the learning of the saints, which valued moral practice, to deteriorate.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In claiming damages for infringement of a collective trade mark, the collective association that owns the collective trade mark (or the member or members taking action on behalf of that collective association) may take into account any damage or loss of profits sustained or incurred by any members as a result of the infringement. - 特許庁


More specifically, joint considerations among government, academia and industry representatives were launched at the end of 1999 toward concluding an EPA with Singapore, while to strengthen economic ties with Mexico, where Japanese companies are being disadvantaged because of the lack of a bilateral FTA, joint research is being advanced among government,academia and industry representatives in response to agreement at the June 2001 bilateral Summit. - 経済産業省


After the death of Retired Emperor Goenyu, almost all of the few political powers left in the Imperial Court were requisitioned to bakufu by Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA, many nobilities also subordinated to Bakufu by forming lord and vassal relationships with Muromachi-dono (the head position of Muromachi Bakufu inherited by Ashikaga family), Insei lost the objective to rule, the Imperial Court lost its functions as a government, and the position fell into a profitable community by nobilities (Kuge) with the Emperor in center.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


An assignment may be of the entire right, title or interest in and to the registration and application for utility models and industrial designs covered thereby, or of an undivided share of the entire registration and utility models and industrial designs in which event the parties become joint owners thereof. - 特許庁


An assignment may be of the entire right, title or interest in and to the patent and the invention covered thereby, or of an undivided share of the entire patent and invention in which event the parties become joint owners thereof. An assignment may be limited to a specified territory. (Sec. 104, IP CODE) - 特許庁

フランスが締約国である国際条約の規定に従うことを条件として,欧州共同 加盟国又は欧州経済地域協定締約国の領域に営業所も居所も有していない外国人は,その者の本国がフランスの意匠又はひな形に対して相互主義の保護を与える限り,本巻の規定の利益を享受する。例文帳に追加

Subject to the provisions of the international treaties to which France is a party, a foreigner who has neither his place of business nor residence on the territory of a Member State of the European Community or of a State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area shall benefit from the provisions of this Book, provided his country of origin affords reciprocal protection to French designs or models.発音を聞く - 特許庁


第104条 発明の譲渡 譲渡は,特許及び特許に係る発明における若しくはそれらに対する権利,所有権若しくは利益の全について,又は特許及び発明の部分についてすることができ,後者の場合においては,関係者は共同の特許権者となる。譲渡は,特定の地域に限定してすることができる。例文帳に追加

Sec.104 Assignment of Inventions An assignment may be of the entire right, title or interest in and to the patent and the invention covered thereby, or of an undivided share of the entire patent and invention, in which event the parties become joint owners thereof. An assignment may be limited to a specified territory. - 特許庁
