地域格差問題 - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)



Consequently, in the 1960s, “balanced development among regions11 was specified as the basic principle for Japan’s development plan. In order to disperse industry to local areas for the purpose of reducing disparities among regions and resolving the problem of over concentration, priority was given to the development of infrastructure in regions other than the four major industrial areas. - 経済産業省


In response, during the 1960s, the country’s development plan determineddevelopment that would maintain inter-regional balance31” as its basic principle. Infrastructure development in regions other than the four major industrial zones began to be more focused for the purpose of industrial decentralization, aiming to eliminate inter-regional disparities and solve the problem of overpopulation of urban areas. - 経済産業省


Because income disparities within the East Asian region are pronounced at this point in time, there is a danger that excessive liberalization of international labor force movements would lead to chaotic inflows and outflows of workers and the resulting major social problems. - 経済産業省


The existence of problems specific to certain regions also needs to be noted. In China, for example, there exists a strong sense of rivalry according to where one is from, while in Malaysia and Indonesia, there are complex ethnic mixes and differences in living standards between ethnic Chinese and local people.発音を聞く - 経済産業省


I will just say that the unemployment rate is of 3% where the employment situation is good, and is of 8% in regions, which have serious problems. - 厚生労働省

したがって、我が国をはじめ東アジア各国・地域は、今後の中国政府の経済政策運営及び中国の景気サイクルやその振幅に影響を与え得る中国が抱える様々な成長リスク要因(国有企業改革、不良債権処理問題、所得格差 問題、失業問題等)について今後とも注視していく必要がある。例文帳に追加

Therefore, Japan and other countries and regions of East Asia shall pay close attention to the various growth risk factors that could impact on China’s economic growth (e.g. reform of state-owned enterprises, bad loan workout issues, income disparity issues and unemployment issues) which could potentially impact the future economic policy and management of the Chinese government as well as the economic cycles of China and its scale. - 経済産業省


Japan concentrated its efforts on the development of infrastructure for the existing coastal industrial zones from the period of restoration after World War II until the first half of the high-growth period. As a result, population flows from rural regions to urban areas increased, income disparities among difference regions continued to grow, and the problem of overpopulation in industrialized areas began to draw attention. - 経済産業省



As pointed out in the report of the Eminent Persons Group, there are many challenges in Asia, such as the widening disparities that accompany economic growth, energy and environmental problems centering on climate change, the increasing need for progress in regional economic integration, and technological development and innovation. In such a situation, the role that the "new ADB" should play has been growing steadily.発音を聞く - 財務省
