外観調査 - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)



However, three problems can be seen with this particular study: 1) since this study is conducted every five years, it is difficult to take into account business establishments that exited soon after they entered; 2) since this is a study conducted by researchers, it is difficult to take into account business establishments that display no obvious sign of their presence, such as those that do not have business signs on their property, and; 3) since this study is conducted on a district basis, when business establishments move outside the district being studied, they will be treated as having exited or entered. - 経済産業省


By making the traveling device 2 travel, photographing the contour of the aerial cable 1 by the video camera 6, and examining and measuring the color tone and the outside diameter of the cable, the diagnosis on the level of the corrosion of an external layer wire and an internal layer wire of the aerial cable 1 is conducted. - 特許庁


例えば、市 場調査に基づきブラジル人にとって手ごろなロースペック車(ビッグ4 のあるメーカーは、外観は新し いが、安全に配慮しつつもエンジンはロースペックという車)を投入し、庶民の足というステイタスを 確立している。例文帳に追加

For example, low spec cars, which are affordable for Brazilian people, have been brought to the market based on market research (one manufacturer of the Big Four produced a car with a safety-conscious and a low spec engine as well as with a new look) to establish their status as transportation for lower-income people. - 経済産業省
