年間支出額 - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)



The total expenditure spent as yakuryo in the Kanbun era was said to be 180,000 hyo.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

なお、この事業に関する徳島県の支出 年間453 万円(平成21 年度)である。例文帳に追加

Meanwhile, the annual cost to Tokushima Prefecture from this project amounts to \\4.53 million (FY 2009).発音を聞く - 経済産業省

この中で2011年度(2010年10月~)が1兆6,450億ドルと過去最悪の財政赤字となると推定されており、今後歳入構造の変更や義務的支出の削減、裁量的支出 の5年間凍結などにより、2012年度から2021年度の累積赤字を7.2兆ドルに押さえることを目指すとしている。例文帳に追加

In this Message, the worst-ever budget deficit of US$1,645 billion was estimated for fiscal 2011(started from October, 2010). Obama government aims to control the accumulated budget deficit from fiscal 2012 to 2021 within US$7,200 billion by measures such as, changes in the revenue structure, reduction of obligatory expenditure and freezing discretionary spending for 5 years. - 経済産業省

また、「情報処理実態調査」に基づき、年間事業収入に占める情報処理に関する支出 の割合を見ると、ハードウェア関連への支出は、製造業・非製造業のいずれも、大企業と中小企業との間には大きな差が見られないが、ソフトウェア関連への支出は、特に非製造業において、中小企業の支出割合が比較的少なくなっている。例文帳に追加

Using the Survey of Conditions in Information Processing to examine the percentage of annual business revenue accounted for by expenditures on information processing reveals that for hardware-related expenditures there is no significant difference in both manufacturing and nonmanufacturing industries between large enterprises and SMEs. However, for software-related expenditures, especially in non-manufacturing industries, the expenditure ratio of SMEs is relatively lower - 経済産業省


This position was reflected in the increase of £700 million in the science and technology budget in the 1999-2000 government spending plan (Fig.4.1.9). - 経済産業省

ⅰ直接的な輸出補助金を対象として、6年間にわたって輸出補助金支出 を36%及び輸出補助金付き輸出数量を21%削減する。例文帳に追加

(a) With regard to export subsidies listed in Article 9.1, budgetary outlays for export subsidies and quantities of subsidized exports must be reduced by 36 percent and 21 percent, respectively, over a six-year period. - 経済産業省



In addition, the current account balance played a large role: in June 2001, the U.S. established an enormous 11-year, US$1.35 trillion income tax cut. Furthermore, household consumption, which accounts for 70% of the GDP, continued its steady performance in part due to mortgage refinancing against the background of a low interest rate. - 経済産業省
