所定内給与 - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)



(While the change in the scheduled wages of full-time workers is small, the change differsaccording to sex, age class and industry) - 厚生労働省

こうした中、2012年の賃金の動きをみると、現金給与総額は2 年連続で減少し、**所定内給与は7 年連続で減少した。例文帳に追加

Looking at the wage trends in 2012 under these circumstances, the total sum of cash earnings declined for a consecutive 2 years and the scheduled wages declined for a consecutive 7 years . - 厚生労働省


During 2004, non-scheduled cash earnings increased by 4.8% over the previous year, the secondconsecutive annual increase and a faster rise than the year before, due to an increase in non-scheduledwork hours. Scheduled cash earnings, however, were down 0.7% and special cash earnings dropped 1.8%,showing a continued downward trend. Total cash earnings declined 0.7%, the fourth consecutive annualdecrease. - 厚生労働省


(Wage Trends)During 2004, non-scheduled cash earnings increased by 4.8% over the previous year, the secondconsecutive annual increase and a faster rise than the year before, due to an increase in non-scheduledwork hours. - 厚生労働省


However, the wage gap between such workers and full-time workers has narrowed little over the past 10 years in terms of hourly regular wages. - 経済産業省


Looking at the transition of full-time workers' scheduled wages in the 2000s by industry according to the "BasicSurvey on Wage Structure" (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare), the scheduled wages tend to increase in theindustries including finance, insurance and information and communications whose fixed wages are higher thanthose of all industries, but tend to decrease in many other industries including wholesale and retail, restaurants,services, transportation, and postal services . - 厚生労働省

賃金については、2012年の現金給与総額は弱い動きが続き、前年比0.7%減と2 年連続の減少、**所定内給与は7 年連続の減少となった。例文帳に追加

As for the wages in 2012, the total sum of cash earnings continued to be on a weak note, decreasing for aconsecutive two years and by 0.7% compared to the last year, and the scheduled wages decreased for aconsecutive seven years. In a medium and long term perspective, one of the factors which is contributing to thedecrease of total sum of cash earnings is the increasing percentage of part-time workers whose total sum of cashearnings is relatively low. - 厚生労働省



The shrinkage of scheduled cash earnings was affected by the increased share of part-time employees contributing to the decrease in working hours and average hourly wage, and the decrease in scheduled cash earnings for full time employees at 0.3%, for the first time since the comparable year 1994, reflecting the lower rate of wage increases - 厚生労働省
