文化的枠組み - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)



This was an attempt to pursue the subject matter of renga in the social conditions, and to try to find humor in the combination of a traditional poetic form and something familiar.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

よって、教団の枠組みを超え、朱子学・陽明学といった儒教哲学や、漢詩などの文学、水墨画による山水画や庭園造立などの美術などの、様々な文化 な事象に広範な影響を与えた。例文帳に追加

Therefore, it had a wide influence to various cultures such as Confucianism Philosophy including Neo-Confucianism and Yomei-gaku (neo-Confucianism based on teaching of Wang Yangming), literature including Chinese poetry, Sansui-ga (Chinese-style landscape painting) of ink-wash painting and arts including garden making beyond the framework of a religious community.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

さらに近年では、東アジアにおける文化交流の活発化、世界経済の多極分散化の必要性、地域安全保障の要請等を受けて、単に経済分野の統合にとどまらず、政治・安全保障の地域 枠組み、「東アジア・アイデンティティ」の醸成等を目指す東アジア共同体の議論が盛り上がりを見せている。例文帳に追加

Also, the necessity for multipolarization of the world economy, demands for regional security, discussions about an East Asian Community which would not stop at mere integration of economic fields but would aim for a regional political and security framework, and the formation of an East Asian Identity, have been gathering momentum in recent years as a response to increasingly active cultural exchange in East Asia. - 経済産業省

両首脳は、長年にわたる実りある協力を通じて両国が発展させてきた緊密な経済文化 、かつ戦略結びつきを強調した。両首脳は、そのような緊密な結びつきが両国及び両国の国民に様々な経済及び戦略な利益と機会をもたらしてきたことを高く評価し、日タイ経済連携協定のかたちで二国間の永続枠組みを創設することを通じて両国の経済連携を更に強化することが可能であり、また望ましいことを強調した。例文帳に追加

The two Prime Ministers emphasized the close economic, cultural and strategic ties between the two countries that have been forged through fruitful co-operation over many years, and recognized with great appreciation that such close ties have offered a variety of mutual economic and strategic benefits and opportunities for the two countries and their peoples. They, therefore, underscored the feasibility and desirability of further strengthening their economic partnership by creation an enduring framework between the two countries in a form of the JTEPA. - 経済産業省



Regarding the issues that were discussed in the summary report of the previous Review Meeting, actions were taken, or are now being taken on the issues regarding the legislative framework of nuclear safety in Japan, independence of the regulatory body, safety management and safety culture, staffing and competence, Probabilistic Safety Assessment, Periodic Safety Review, Aging Management and Lifetime Extension, Emergency Management and new Nuclear Power Plants. The details are discussed in the related sections. - 経済産業省
