管理領域名 - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)
Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > JMdict > 管理領域名の英語・英訳
| 意味 | 例文 (57件) | | | -- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
英訳・英語 management domain name
| JMdictでの「管理領域名」の英訳 | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
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文法情報 | (名詞) |
対訳 | management domain name |
該当件数 : 57件
他の行は管理 領域とホスト名のエントリです。例文帳に追加
The other lines contain realm/host entries.発音を聞く - FreeBSD
ここでは管理 領域がGRONDAR.ZA で、サーバ名がgrunt.grondar.zaであるとします。例文帳に追加
In this case the realm will be EXAMPLE. COM and the server is grunt.example.com.発音を聞く - FreeBSD
1行目はこのシステムが動いている管理 領域の名前です。例文帳に追加
The first line names the realm in which this system works.発音を聞く - FreeBSD
行の1つめの単語が管理 領域で、2つめがその管理 領域の中で 鍵配布センター(KeyDistribution Center) として働くホスト名です。例文帳に追加
The first item on a line is a realm, and the second is a host in that realm that is acting as a key distribution center.発音を聞く - FreeBSD
1行目は名前をつけた管理 領域に 特定のシステムを含めるための ものです。例文帳に追加
The first line puts the specific system into the named realm.発音を聞く - FreeBSD
When a music player is activated, a song title list of music data in a storage region for a platform to be managed by a telephone platform is stored in a storage region for an application. - 特許庁
In a file search process, a file management method in a partition is identified based on partition area information in the hard disk, and all file names and use areas validated based on the file management method are stored. - 特許庁
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| コンピューター用語辞典での「管理領域名」の英訳 | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
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読み方 カンリリョウイキメイ
該当件数 : 57件
It memorizes a music name list of a music data in a storage area for a platform managed on a telephone platform at start time of a music player to a storage area for the application managed by a program execution environment. - 特許庁
To provide a ship's name read system that can conduct maritime maintenance management and ship safety management for a prescribed area by reading the names of ships that navigate and anchor in the prescribed area, so as to acquire the ship's information from the read names of the ships. - 特許庁
This server device of the album site has a data storage area DB, and manages predetermined data and the name of a management unit which is a unit for collectively managing the data by relating them to each other. - 特許庁
Each participant related to the same project is given in the server his/her own area that is managed by the administrator appointed by him/herself and other than the administrator of whole server. - 特許庁
残りの行は名前をつけた管理 領域にサブドメインのデフォルトのシステムを含めるためのものです。例文帳に追加
The rest of the lines show how to default systems of a particular subdomain to a named realm.発音を聞く - FreeBSD
A master server 10 divides a three-dimensional virtual space to a plurality of cells, logical regions, and the respective cells are provided with names (cell addresses) and managed. - 特許庁
コンピュータ図面管理システムにおいて,図面の表示画面中に存在する領域 名を検索および閲覧しやすくすることを目的とする。例文帳に追加
To make it easier to retrieve and read area names existing in a displayed image of a drawing in a computerized drawing management system. - 特許庁
To provide a file management device which can reconstruct a specific region even if a dummy file is deleted or name-changed and the specific region is thus substantially lost. - 特許庁
「管理領域名」の英訳に関連した単語・英語表現 |
| 意味 | 例文 (57件) | | | -- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
| 和英辞書の「管理領域名」の用語索引 | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
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| | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | This page uses the JMdict dictionary files. These files are the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and are used in conformance with the Group's licence. | | | Copyright (C) 1994- Nichigai Associates, Inc., All rights reserved. |