Buddha triad - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)


According to "Tofuku-ji shi," the Shaka triad statues of Manju-ji Temple were moved to Tofuku-ji Temple and installed as principal images after the butsuden (Buddha statue hall) of Tofuku-ji Temple was destroyed by fire in 1881.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

『東福寺誌』によると、明治14年(1881年)に東福寺の仏殿が焼失した際、万寿寺にあった釈迦三尊像を東福寺に移して新しい本尊とした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Placed are the principal Buddhist image, Yakushi Sanzon-zo (Triad Image of Yakushi Buddha) (an important cultural property), Junishinsho-zo (statue of Twelve Heavenly Generals), standing statue of Jizo Bodhisattva (an important cultural property), standing statue of Taishakuten (an important cultural property), and standing statue of Gigeiten (an important cultural property).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

内部には本尊薬師三尊像(重要文化財)を中心に、十二神将像、地蔵菩薩立像(重文)、帝釈天立像(重文)、伎芸天立像(重文)などを安置する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, as stated below, the principal object of worship, a Shaka-sanzon, or Shakyamuni Buddha Triad, was not finished for a further nine years, meaning the temple did not have its principal images for nine years after it had been completed.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

しかし後述のように法興寺本尊の釈迦三尊像が完成したのはそれから少なくとも9年後のことであり寺は完成したが、9年間は本尊が存在しなかったということになってしまう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the "Nihonshoki", the principal image of the middle kondo of Hoko-ji Temple, the statues of the Shakyamuni Buddha Triad are said to have been begun by Kuratsukurinotori in 605 and finished in 606.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

法興寺中金堂本尊の釈迦三尊像について『書紀』は推古天皇13年(605年)に造り始められ翌14年(606年)完成、作者は鞍作鳥(くらつくりのとり)であるという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Saikon-do was build by Empress Komyo in 734 for the memorial service of her late mother TACHIBANA no Michiyo, and is known that the Shaka triad as the principal image, as well as statues of Bonten and Taishakuten, Hachibushu statues, the statue of Judai deshi (the Ten Chief Disciples of the historical Buddha, Shakyamuni) were placed.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

西金堂は光明皇后が亡母橘三千代の追善のため天平6年(734年)建立したもので、本尊釈迦三尊像を中心に、梵天・帝釈天像、八部衆像、十大弟子像などが安置されていたことが知られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Nyorai statue (which used to be the Amida Sanzon (Amida Triad) statues until the side samurai were lost, and the main statue and base badly damaged, in an Edo landslide, the head later being remodeled based on that of the Birushana-butsu (Birushana Buddha) seated statue) at Shindaibutsu-ji Temple in Mie and the Amida Sanzon statues of Jodo-ji Temple in Ono City, Hyogo, are also statues from the Todai-ji Temple branch established by Chogen.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

三重・新大仏寺の如来像(もと阿弥陀三尊像だが、江戸時代の土砂崩れで脇侍が失われ、本尊も体部が大破したため、頭部をもとに盧舎那仏坐像に改造)、兵庫・浄土寺(小野市)の阿弥陀三尊像なども、重源が設置した東大寺別所の造像である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Most of the aforementioned sculptures designated national treasures are concentrated in the Kinki (Kansai) region, but there are some sculptures located outside the Kinki region, including the bronze seated statue of Amitabha Tathagata in Kotokuin Temple in Kanagawa (the Big Buddha of Kamakura), the wooden statue of Samantabhadra (Fugen Bosatsu in Japanese) riding an elephant in the Okura Shukokan Museum of Fine Arts in Tokyo (it is not known at which temple this statue originally resided), the statues and the canopy in the Golden Hall of Chuson-ji Temple in Iwate, the three wooden statues that comprise the Yakushi Triad housed in Shojo-ji Temple in Fukushima, and the Usuki Magaibutsu (the stone-cliff Buddha) owned by the city of Usuki in Oita.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

既指定物件は近畿地方に集中しており、近畿以外の地区に所在するものは神奈川・高徳院の銅造阿弥陀如来坐像(鎌倉大仏)、東京・大倉集古館の木造普賢菩薩騎象像(本来どこの寺院にあったものか不明)、岩手・中尊寺の金色堂堂内諸像及天蓋、福島・勝常寺の木造薬師三尊像、大分・臼杵市所有の臼杵磨崖仏がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
