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High Mass
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high mass
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High Mass
- A Roman Catholic or Anglo-Catholic Mass celebrated in full ceremonial form, in which the celebrant is generally assisted by a deacon and, in the Tridentine form, a subdeacon, and accompanied by acolytes, a thurifer, and a choir.
- (loosely) Any sung Mass, including a Missa Cantata.
- The term High Mass has become less common since the Second Vatican Council (1962–65), but remains in use both informally in reference to solemn Masses according to the Mass of Paul VI, and in its formal and traditional usage in reference to Tridentine Masses.
- In the Tridentine form, a High Mass is more solemn or elaborate than a Missa Cantata and a Low Mass. A distinction is sometimes also made between a simple High Mass, without a deacon, and a Solemn High Mass, where a deacon and subdeacon are present.
「High Mass」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 2394件
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