Sanda Line - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)


A drastic change for the Fukuchiyama Line came in 1986, when the section between Takarazuka and Shin-Sanda was double-tracked and all the sections up to Fukuchiyama were electrified (the electrification was extended to Kinosakionsen Station on the Sanin Main Line).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

福知山線にとって劇的な変化が起こるのは、1986年に宝塚~新三田間の複線化、福知山までの全線電化(電化は山陰本線城崎温泉駅まで)が完成してからである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The direct train by way of the Osaka Higashi Line was scheduled to run through the Nara and Kansai Main Line (Yamatoji Line), Katamachi Line, JR Tozai Line, Tokaido Main Line, Sanyo Main Line (JR Kobe Line) and Nishi-Akashi Station or Shin-Sanda Station on the Fukuchiyama Line, but after a derailment accident on the JR Fukuchiyama Line, the diagram, not free from pressure, was criticized and revised, on the basis whether to connect the line with those lines or not.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

おおさか東線経由の直通列車は奈良-関西本線(大和路線)・当線・JR東西線-東海道本線・山陽本線(JR神戸線)-西明石駅または福知山線新三田駅との間で運転が検討されていたが、JR福知山線脱線事故発生後、ゆとりのないダイヤグラムに批判が相次いだことから、乗り入れするかどうかを含めて再検討がなされていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Currently, the daytime pattern is applied to nighttime operation and a train runs every 15 minutes on the route between Kyoto and Nishi-Akashi (during the daytime some trains go only as far as Suma Station) as well as the route between Takatsuki and Shin-Sanda, which connects directly with the JR Takarazuka Line.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

現在は昼間のパターンが夜間まで拡大され、京都~西明石間(昼間の一部は須磨駅まで)とJR宝塚線直通の高槻~新三田間の各系統が15分おきに運転されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the early morning, during the morning rush hour and late at night, some local trains that connect Osaka and Fukuchiyama and are operated directly to and from the JR Tozai Line (Shin-Sanda - Kitashinchi - Shijonawate/Matsuiyamate/Kyotanabe/Kizu) are available.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

早朝・朝ラッシュ時、深夜などには大阪~福知山間の列車やJR東西線直通列車(新三田~北新地~四条畷・松井山手・京田辺・木津間)がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because the local train was available only once every hour and only diesel-powered passenger cars were available above Takarazuka at that time, passengers who wanted to go from Sanda to Osaka often needed to change trains at Takarazuka Station and move to the Hankyu Takarazuka Line.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

当時の普通電車は毎時1本しかなく、さらに宝塚以北は気動車か客車での運転だったので、三田から大阪へ向かう客も宝塚で阪急宝塚本線に乗り換えされるなどしていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There used to be many stations used by small numbers of passengers, but the numbers of passengers increased enormously, not only because the development along the line below Sasayamaguchi Station moved ahead at a fast pace as the line above Takarazuka was electrified and the line between Takarazuka and Shin-Sanda was double-tracked on November 1, 1986, but also because many passengers switched from the Hankyu Takarazuka Line of the Hankyu Railway and the Hankyu Itami Line (which lie in parallel with the Fukuchiyama Line) to the Fukuchiyama Line.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

乗車人員が少ない駅が多かったが、1986年11月1日の宝塚以北電化、宝塚~新三田間複線化を機に、篠山口駅以南では沿線の開発が急ピッチで進められ、その上並行する阪急電鉄阪急宝塚本線・阪急伊丹線から大幅に乗客がシフトしたこともあって乗客数は急増。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Up to 1986, the Fukuchiyama Line was a tranquil local line where passenger local trains ran and the scenery of a Muko-gawa River stream was enjoyed near Namaze and Dojo; however, these scenes disappeared as the line between Takarazuka Station and Shin-Sanda Station was double-tracked and electrified in 1986, and it was transformed into a commuter line on which new types of trains run, housing development is promoted along the line and the JR Tozai Line has been established.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

1986年まで客車普通列車が走っていたり、生瀬~道場付近では武庫川の渓流の眺めを楽しめたりするなど、のどかなローカル路線の体であったが、同年の宝塚~新三田間の複線電化を機にそれらは姿を消し、沿線住宅開発の進展とJR東西線の開業などにより新型電車が行き交う通勤路線となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Additionally, the rapid trains (including those of Tambaji Rapid Service) stop every station on the 72.8-km section above Sanda Station, which accounts for approximately 68% of the total operation kilometers of the Fukuchiyama Line, thereby resulting in poor convenience and promptness as well as the high fare of taking a limited express train.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

その上、快速列車(丹波路快速を含む)は三田駅以北の72.8km(福知山線全営業キロの約68%)が各駅停車で利便性・速達性に乏しく、特別急行列車を利用するにしても特急料金が発生して交通費が高額になってしまう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
