put paid to - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)


(3) Reasons for the application shall be stated, with an indication of the facts and justifications put forward in support thereof. It shall only be considered to have been filed when the fee for restoration of rights has been paid.例文帳に追加

(3) 申請の理由は,事実及びそれ裏付ける正当事由を示して,陳述するものとする。当該申請は,権利の回復手数料が納付された場合にのみ,提出されたとみなされる。 - 特許庁

To obtain a simple and easy article containing device for an automatic vending machine by which an article is surely paid out without making an energization means of an article put-out mechanism large-sized.例文帳に追加

商品払出機構の付勢手段を大型化することなく商品を確実に払出すことができる簡単かつ容易な自動販売機の商品収納装置を得る。 - 特許庁

Further, when money more than the allocated amount is paid, the temporary time limit 2g having been shortened and set is put back to the normal time limit 2f which should be set in advance.例文帳に追加

更に、該プリペイドカード1に対して前記充当金額以上の金額が入金された場合、短縮設定されていた仮期限2gを、予め設定すべき通常期限2fに復元させる。 - 特許庁

But the organization was integrated into the Office of Administration as the repair section in order to put much effort into maintenance and repair of the deteriorating temple buildings since much attention had been paid to the priests' private quarters due to the power transition to individual monks during the mid Heian period.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

しかし、平安時代中頃から僧一人一人の力が強くなると私僧房ばかりに目が行くようになって力がなくなると、組織を政所内部に組込んで修理所とし、荒廃が進んでいた堂宇の営繕に努めるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To improve benefits of both a game parlor and a player and to balance the benefits of the both in a game system wherein game media are put out or rented using a storage medium and coin moneys are paid back in accordance with remainder negotiable value information stored on the storage medium.例文帳に追加

記憶媒体を用いて遊技媒体の払い出しあるいは貸し出しを行うとともに、記憶媒体に記憶された残余の有価価値情報に応じて貨幣を払い戻す遊技システムにおいて、遊技店および遊技者双方の利益を向上させるとともに両者の利益の公平を図る。 - 特許庁

This was the introduction of India to medieval manorialism rather than the tenancy system and traditionally one-sixth of harvests in ancient times and one-third of them after the Dehli Sultanate period were levied, but the taxes on land were paid with fixed and expensive amounts of cash money and the lords and landowners undertook tax collection work and thus the farmers were put in a situation which was similar to that of serfs.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

これは小作制度というよりも中世荘園制度のインドへの導入に近く、従来は古代には収穫物の6分の1、デリー・スルタン朝時代以後でも収穫物の3分の1の徴収であったものが定額かつ高額な地税を現金による納付となり、なおかつ徴収実務は領主・地主に任されていたために、農民は農奴に近い状況に置かれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Particularly, most ventures have only limited abilities to raise funds through indirect financing mainly because they have few particular assets, meaning few properties to be put up as collateral, because few of them make enough revenues from which loans and interests can be paid, and because, even with good sales, they need as much of their revenues as possible to be reserved for growth. It would be no exaggeration to say that how much a start-up can raise through equity and other direct financing decides whether it successfully grows at the earliest stage.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

特に、ベンチャー企業の多くは、特段の資産を有しておらず担保能力に限界があること、元本返済や利子の支払いに充てる原資となる売上げが十分にないこと、売上げがあると仮定しても成長するための資金をできるだけ留保しておく必要があること等から、間接金融による資金調達には限界があり、投資等の直接金融によるリスクマネーの調達がどれだけ可能であるかが、ベンチャー企業の初期の成長の命運を握っていると言っても過言ではない。 - 経済産業省


(2) The formal examiners check also whether the amounts of the filing, examination and priority fees according to the payment document correspond to the ones provided for by the Tariff of Fees collected by the Patent Office under Art. 6 of the Law on Industrial Designs. Based on that document, the formal examiners draw up a fees payment slip to be put into the application file. The slip must contain the incoming number of the application, the Tariff items for which payment was effected, the amounts paid, the number and date of the payment document.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

(2) 方式審査官は,支払書類に基づく出願手数料,審査手数料及び優先権手数料の金額が意匠法第6条に基づき特許庁が徴収した料金表に規定される金額と合致するか否かについても検査する。方式審査官は,この書類に基づいて,料金支払伝票を作成し,出願ファイルに入れる。伝票には,受付番号,支払が行われた料金項目,支払料金,支払書類の番号及び日付を記載する。 - 特許庁
