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requiring medical treatment


「requiring medical treatment」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 19


(26) The term "Sanatorium Medical Facility for the Elderly Requiring Long-Term Care as used in this Act means a facility such as a hospital or clinic that maintains a sanatorium ward or other beds ("Sanatorium Ward, etc.") that are specified by a Cabinet Order to provide appropriate nursing services according to the mental and physical characteristics of a Person Requiring Long-Term Care among Sanatorium Ward, etc., as prescribed in Article 7, paragraph (2) item (iv) of the Medical Care Act (Act No. 205, 1948), or beds which are specified by a Cabinet Order to provide appropriate nursing services according to the mental and physical characteristics of a Person Requiring Long-Term Care with Dementia among beds other than those for Long-Term Care Beds in the hospital; the same shall apply hereinafter), and with the purpose of providing medical care management, nursing, long-term care and other care under medical management, functional training, and other necessary medical care to a Person Requiring Long-Term Care who is in said bed for long-term care, etc., (limited to a person with the degree of need for medical treatment that conforms with standards as determined by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare; the same shall apply hereinafter in this paragraph), based on a Facility Service Plan. The term "Sanatorium Long-Term Care Service" as used in this Act means medical care management, nursing, long-term care under medical management, and other care, functional training, and other necessary medical care provided to a Person Requiring Long-Term Care who is in a Sanatorium Ward, etc., for long-term care of a Sanatorium Medical Facility for the Elderly Requiring Long-Term Care based on a Facility Service Plan.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

26 この法律において「介護療養型医療施設」とは、療養病床等(医療法(昭和二十三年法律第二百五号)第七条第二項第四号に規定する療養病床のうち要介護者の心身の特性に応じた適切な看護が行われるものとして政令で定めるもの又は療養病床以外の病院の病床のうち認知症である要介護者の心身の特性に応じた適切な看護が行われるものとして政令で定めるものをいう。以下同じ。)を有する病院又は診療所であって、当該療養病床等に入院する要介護者(その治療の必要の程度につき厚生労働省令で定めるものに限る。以下この項において同じ。)に対し、施設サービス計画に基づいて、療養上の管理、看護、医学的管理の下における介護その他の世話及び機能訓練その他必要な医療を行うことを目的とする施設をいい、「介護療養施設サービス」とは、介護療養型医療施設の療養病床等に入院する要介護者に対し、施設サービス計画に基づいて行われる療養上の管理、看護、医学的管理の下における介護その他の世話及び機能訓練その他必要な医療をいう。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(10) The term "Short-Term Admission for Recuperation for Preventive Long-Term Care" as used in this Act means to provide nursing, long-term care, functional training and other necessary care for medical treatment under control of medical management, and support for daily activities to a Person Requiring In-Home Support (limited to a person with the degree of need for medical treatment that conforms with an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare) by having the person stay for a short-term in a Long-Term Care Health Facility, a Sanatorium Medical Facility for the Elderly Requiring Long-Term Care or other facility as determined by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare for the purpose of prevention of long-term care for the period as determined by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare at said facility.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

10 この法律において「介護予防短期入所療養介護」とは、居宅要支援者(その治療の必要の程度につき厚生労働省令で定めるものに限る。)について、介護老人保健施設、介護療養型医療施設その他の厚生労働省令で定める施設に短期間入所させ、その介護予防を目的として、厚生労働省令で定める期間にわたり、当該施設において看護、医学的管理の下における介護及び機能訓練その他必要な医療並びに日常生活上の支援を行うことをいう。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



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「requiring medical treatment」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 19

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requiring medical treatment